#include "TEveArrow.h"
#include "TEveTrans.h"
#include "TBuffer3D.h"
#include "TBuffer3DTypes.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TVirtualViewer3D.h"
TEveArrow::TEveArrow(Float_t xVec, Float_t yVec, Float_t zVec,
Float_t xOrg, Float_t yOrg, Float_t zOrg):
TNamed("TEveArrow", ""),
TAtt3D(), TAttBBox(),
fTubeR(0.02), fConeR(0.04), fConeL(0.08),
fOrigin(xOrg, yOrg, zOrg), fVector(xVec, yVec, zVec)
void TEveArrow::ComputeBBox()
TEveVector a, b;
fVector.OrthoNormBase(a, b);
Float_t r = TMath::Max(fTubeR, fConeR);
a *= r; b *= r;
TEveVector end(fOrigin + fVector);
BBoxCheckPoint(fOrigin + a + b);
BBoxCheckPoint(fOrigin + a - b);
BBoxCheckPoint(fOrigin - a - b);
BBoxCheckPoint(fOrigin - a + b);
BBoxCheckPoint(end + a + b);
BBoxCheckPoint(end + a - b);
BBoxCheckPoint(end - a - b);
BBoxCheckPoint(end - a + b);
void TEveArrow::Paint(Option_t* )
static const TEveException eh("TEveArrow::Paint ");
if (fRnrSelf == kFALSE) return;
TBuffer3D buff(TBuffer3DTypes::kGeneric);
buff.fID = this;
buff.fColor = GetMainColor();
buff.fTransparency = GetMainTransparency();
if (HasMainTrans())
Int_t reqSections = gPad->GetViewer3D()->AddObject(buff);
if (reqSections != TBuffer3D::kNone)
Error(eh, "only direct GL rendering supported.");
Last change: Mon Oct 20 13:14:41 2008
Last generated: 2008-10-20 13:14
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