#ifndef ROOT_TEveProjectionManager
#define ROOT_TEveProjectionManager
#include "TEveElement.h"
#include "TAttBBox.h"
#include "TEveProjections.h"
#include "TEveVSDStructs.h"
class TEveProjectionManager : public TEveElementList,
public TAttBBox
TEveProjectionManager(const TEveProjectionManager&);
TEveProjectionManager& operator=(const TEveProjectionManager&);
TEveProjection* fProjections[TEveProjection::kPT_End];
TEveProjection* fProjection;
TEveVector fCenter;
Float_t fCurrentDepth;
List_t fDependentEls;
Bool_t fImportEmpty;
virtual Bool_t ShouldImport(TEveElement* el);
virtual void UpdateDependentElsAndScenes(TEveElement* root);
virtual ~TEveProjectionManager();
void AddDependent(TEveElement* el);
void RemoveDependent(TEveElement* el);
void SetProjection(TEveProjection::EPType_e type);
TEveProjection* GetProjection() { return fProjection; }
virtual void UpdateName();
void SetCenter(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z);
TEveVector& GetCenter() { return fCenter; }
void SetCurrentDepth(Float_t d) { fCurrentDepth = d; }
Float_t GetCurrentDepth() const { return fCurrentDepth; }
void SetImportEmpty(Bool_t ie) { fImportEmpty = ie; }
Bool_t GetImportEmpty() const { return fImportEmpty; }
virtual Bool_t HandleElementPaste(TEveElement* el);
virtual TEveElement* ImportElementsRecurse(TEveElement* el,
TEveElement* parent);
virtual TEveElement* ImportElements(TEveElement* el,
TEveElement* ext_list=0);
virtual void ProjectChildren();
virtual void ProjectChildrenRecurse(TEveElement* el);
virtual void ComputeBBox();
ClassDef(TEveProjectionManager, 0);
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:37:49 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:37
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