#ifndef ROOT_TEveTextEditor
#define ROOT_TEveTextEditor
#include "TGedFrame.h"
class TGComboBox;
class TGTextEntry;
class TGCheckButton;
class TEveGValuator;
class TEveText;
class TEveTextEditor : public TGedFrame
TEveTextEditor(const TEveTextEditor&);
TEveTextEditor& operator=(const TEveTextEditor&);
TGComboBox* MakeLabeledCombo(const char* name);
TEveText *fM;
TGTextEntry *fText;
TGComboBox *fSize;
TGComboBox *fFile;
TGComboBox *fMode;
TEveGValuator *fExtrude;
TGCheckButton *fLighting;
TGCheckButton *fAutoLighting;
TEveTextEditor(const TGWindow* p=0, Int_t width=170, Int_t height=30,
UInt_t options=kChildFrame, Pixel_t back=GetDefaultFrameBackground());
virtual ~TEveTextEditor() {}
virtual void SetModel(TObject* obj);
void DoText(const Text_t*);
void DoFontSize();
void DoFontFile();
void DoFontMode();
void DoLighting();
void DoAutoLighting();
void DoExtrude();
ClassDef(TEveTextEditor, 0);
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:38:13 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:38
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