// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveTrackPropagator.cxx 26889 2008-12-13 07:11:16Z brun $
// Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TEveTrackPropagator.h"
#include "TEveTrack.h"

#include "TMath.h"

#include <cassert>

TEveTrackPropagator::Helix_t::Helix_t() :
   fCharge(0), fMinAng(45), fDelta(0.1),
   fPhi(0), fValid(kFALSE),
   fLam(-1), fR(-1), fPhiStep(-1), fSin(-1), fCos(-1),
   fPtMag(-1), fPlDir(-1), fTStep(-1)
   // Default constructor.

void TEveTrackPropagator::Helix_t::UpdateHelix(const TEveVector& p, const TEveVector& b,
                                          Bool_t fullUpdate, Float_t fraction)
   // Update helix parameters.

   fB = b;

   // base vectors
   fE1 = b;
   fPlDir = p.Dot(fE1);
   fPl    = fE1*fPlDir;

   fPt    = p - fPl;
   fPtMag = fPt.Mag();
   fE2    = fPt;

   // helix parameters
   TMath::Cross(fE1.Arr(), fE2.Arr(), fE3.Arr());
   if (fCharge < 0) fE3.NegateXYZ();

   if (fullUpdate)
      using namespace TMath;

      Float_t a = fgkB2C * b.Mag() * Abs(fCharge);
      if (a > 1e-10 && fPtMag*fPtMag > 1e-12)
         fValid = kTRUE;

         fR   = Abs(fPtMag / a);
         fLam = fPl.Mag() / fPtMag;
         if (fPlDir < 0) fLam = - fLam;
         fValid = kFALSE;

      // phi steps
      fPhiStep = fMinAng * DegToRad();
      if (fDelta < fR)
         Float_t ang  = 2*ACos(1 - fDelta/fR);
         if (ang < fPhiStep) fPhiStep = ang;
      if (fraction > 0) fPhiStep *= fraction;

      fTStep = fR*fPhiStep;
      fSin   = Sin(fPhiStep);
      fCos   = Cos(fPhiStep);

void TEveTrackPropagator::Helix_t::Step(const TEveVector4& v, const TEveVector& p,
                                        TEveVector4& vOut, TEveVector& pOut)
   // Step helix for given momentum p from vertex v.

   vOut = v;

   if (fValid)
      TEveVector d = fE2*(fR*fSin) + fE3*(fR*(1-fCos)) + fE1*(fLam*fTStep);
      vOut    += d;
      vOut.fT += fTStep;

      pOut = fPl + fE2*(fPtMag*fCos) + fE3*(fPtMag*fSin);

      fPhi += fPhiStep;
      // case: pT < 1e-6 or B < 1e-7
      // might happen if field directon changes pT ~ 0 or B becomes zero

      if (fTStep == -1)
         printf("WARNING TEveTrackPropagator::Helix_t::Step step-size not initialised.\n");
      vOut += p * (fTStep / p.Mag());
      pOut  = p;

void TEveTrackPropagator::Helix_t::UpdateRG(const TEveVector& p,  const TEveVector& b, Float_t bMax, Float_t maxStep)
  // Update helix for stepper RungeKutta.

  if (bMax > 0)
    // full update
    Float_t a  = fgkB2C * bMax * fCharge;
    fPhiStep = fMinAng * TMath::DegToRad();
    if (a)
      fR      = TMath::Abs(p.Mag() / a);
      fTStep   = TMath::Min(fR*fPhiStep, maxStep);
      fValid = kTRUE;
      fValid = kFALSE;
      fTStep = maxStep;

  fB = b;
  fPlDir = p.Dot(fB);

// TEveTrackPropagator

// Holding structure for a number of track rendering parameters.
// Calculates path taking into account the parameters.
// This is decoupled from TEveTrack/TEveTrackList to allow sharing of the
// Propagator among several instances. Back references are kept so the
// tracks can be recreated when the parameters change.
// TEveTrackList has Get/Set methods for RnrStlye. TEveTrackEditor and
// TEveTrackListEditor provide editor access.


Float_t             TEveTrackPropagator::fgDefMagField = 0.5;
const Float_t       TEveTrackPropagator::fgkB2C        = 0.299792458e-2;
TEveTrackPropagator TEveTrackPropagator::fgDefStyle;

TEveTrackPropagator::TEveTrackPropagator(const Text_t* n, const Text_t* t,
                                         TEveMagField *field) :
   TEveElementList(n, t),

   fMaxR    (350),
   fMaxZ    (450),

   fNMax     (4096),
   fMaxOrbs  (0.5),
   fMaxStepRG  (10),

   fEditPathMarks (kTRUE),
   fFitDaughters  (kTRUE),
   fFitReferences (kTRUE),
   fFitDecay      (kTRUE),
   fFitCluster2Ds (kTRUE),

   fRnrDaughters  (kFALSE),
   fRnrReferences (kFALSE),
   fRnrDecay      (kFALSE),
   fRnrFV         (kFALSE),


   // Default constructor.



   if (fMagFieldObj == 0)
      fMagFieldObj = new TEveMagFieldConst(0., 0., fgDefMagField);

   // Destructor.

   delete fMagFieldObj;

void TEveTrackPropagator::OnZeroRefCount()
   // Virtual from TEveRefBackPtr - track reference count has reached zero.

   CheckReferenceCount("TEveTrackPropagator::OnZeroRefCount ");

void TEveTrackPropagator::CheckReferenceCount(const TEveException& eh)
   // Check reference count - virtual from TEveElement.
   // Must also take into account references from TEveRefBackPtr.

   if (fRefCount <= 0)

void TEveTrackPropagator::ElementChanged(Bool_t update_scenes, Bool_t redraw)
   // Element-change notification.
   // Stamp all tracks as requiring display-list regeneration.
   // Virtual from TEveElement.

   TEveTrack* track;
   std::list<TEveElement*>::iterator i = fBackRefs.begin();
   while (i != fBackRefs.end())
      track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
   TEveElementList::ElementChanged(update_scenes, redraw);


void TEveTrackPropagator::InitTrack(TEveVector &v,  Int_t charge)
   // Initialize internal data-members for given particle parameters.

   fV.fX = v.fX;
   fV.fY = v.fY;
   fV.fZ = v.fZ;


   // init helix
   fH.fPhi    = 0;
   fH.fCharge = charge;

void TEveTrackPropagator::ResetTrack()
   // Reset cache holding particle trajectory.


   // reset helix
   fH.fPhi = 0;

Bool_t TEveTrackPropagator::GoToVertex(TEveVector& v, TEveVector& p)
   // Propagate particle with momentum p to vertex v.

   if (fStepper == kHelix)
      fH.UpdateHelix(p, fMagFieldObj->GetField(fV), kTRUE);
      fH.UpdateRG(p, fMagFieldObj->GetField(fV), fMagFieldObj->GetMaxFieldMag(), fMaxStepRG);

   if ((v-fV).Mag() < 1e-3)
      return kTRUE;

   return fH.fValid ? LoopToVertex(v, p): LineToVertex(v);

void TEveTrackPropagator::GoToBounds(TEveVector& p)
   // Propagate particle to bounds.
   // Return TRUE if hit bounds.
   if (fStepper == kHelix)
      fH.UpdateHelix(p, fMagFieldObj->GetField(fV), kTRUE);
      fH.UpdateRG(p, fMagFieldObj->GetField(fV), fMagFieldObj->GetMaxFieldMag(), fMaxStepRG);

   fH.fValid ? LoopToBounds(p): LineToBounds(p);

void TEveTrackPropagator::Step(TEveVector4 &v, TEveVector &p, TEveVector4 &vOut, TEveVector &pOut,
                               Float_t fraction = -1)
   // Wrapper to step helix.

   if (fStepper == kHelix)
      fH.UpdateHelix(p, fH.fB, !fMagFieldObj->IsConst(), fraction);
      fH.Step(v, p, vOut, pOut);
      fH.UpdateRG(p, fMagFieldObj->GetField(fV));
      Float_t step = fH.fTStep;
      if (fraction > 0)
         step *= fraction;

      Double_t vecRGI[7];
      vecRGI[0] = v.fX;
      vecRGI[1] = v.fY;
      vecRGI[2] = v.fZ;
      Float_t nm = 1/p.Mag();
      vecRGI[3] = p.fX*nm;
      vecRGI[4] = p.fY*nm;
      vecRGI[5] = p.fZ*nm;
      vecRGI[6] = p.Mag();

      Double_t vecRGO[7];
      OneStepRungeKutta(fH.fCharge, step, vecRGI, vecRGO);

      vOut.fX = vecRGO[0];
      vOut.fY = vecRGO[1];
      vOut.fZ = vecRGO[2];
      vOut.fT += step;
      Double_t pm = vecRGO[6];
      pOut.fX = vecRGO[3]*pm;
      pOut.fY = vecRGO[4]*pm;
      pOut.fZ = vecRGO[5]*pm;

void TEveTrackPropagator::LoopToBounds(TEveVector& p)
   // Propagate charged particle with momentum p to bounds.

   const Float_t maxRsq = fMaxR*fMaxR;

   TEveVector4 currV(fV);
   TEveVector4 forwV(fV);
   TEveVector  forwP (p);

   Int_t np = fPoints.size();
   Float_t maxPhi = fMaxOrbs*TMath::TwoPi();

   while (fH.fPhi < maxPhi && np<fNMax)
      Step(currV, p, forwV, forwP);

      // cross R
      if (forwV.Perp2() > maxRsq)
         Float_t t = (fMaxR - currV.R()) / (forwV.R() - currV.R());
         if (t < 0 || t > 1)
                    "In MaxR crossing expected t>=0 && t<=1: t=%f, r1=%f, r2=%f, MaxR=%f.",
                    t, currV.R(), forwV.R(), fMaxR);

         TEveVector d(forwV);
         d -= currV;
         d *= t;
         d += currV;

      // cross Z
      else if (TMath::Abs(forwV.fZ) > fMaxZ)
         Float_t t = (fMaxZ - TMath::Abs(currV.fZ)) / TMath::Abs((forwV.fZ - currV.fZ));
         if (t < 0 || t > 1)
                    "In MaxZ crossing expected t>=0 && t<=1: t=%f, z1=%f, z2=%f, MaxZ=%f.",
                    t, currV.fZ, forwV.fZ, fMaxZ);
         TEveVector d(forwV -currV);
         d *= t;
         d +=currV;

      currV = forwV;
      p =  forwP;

Bool_t TEveTrackPropagator::LoopToVertex(TEveVector& v, TEveVector& p)
   // Propagate charged particle with momentum p to vertex v.

   const Float_t maxRsq = fMaxR*fMaxR;

   TEveVector4 currV(fV);
   TEveVector4 forwV(fV);
   TEveVector  forwP(p);

   Int_t first_point = fPoints.size();
   Int_t np          = first_point;

      Step(currV, p, forwV, forwP);

      if (PointOverVertex(v, forwV))

      if (IsOutsideBounds(forwV, maxRsq, fMaxZ))
         fV = currV;
         return kFALSE;

      currV = forwV;
      p     = forwP;
   } while (np < fNMax);

   // make the remaining fractional step
   if (np > first_point)
      TEveVector d1 = v;     d1 -= currV;
      TEveVector d2 = forwV; d2 -= currV;
      TEveVector pln =  fH.fPl;

      if (pln.Dot(d2) > 1e-10)
         // set step fraction
         Float_t frac = pln.Dot(d1)/pln.Dot(d2);
         //  printf("frac %f %d p (%f %f %f)\n", frac, np-first_point, fH.fPl.fX, fH.fPl.fY, fH.fPl.fZ);

         if (fStepper == kHelix)
            fH.UpdateHelix(p, fH.fB, kTRUE, frac);
            fH.fTStep *= frac; 

         Step(currV, p, forwV, forwP);
         p = forwP;
         currV = forwV;
         fPoints.push_back(currV); np++;

         TEveVector off(v); off -= currV;
         off *= 1.0f / currV.fT;
         for (Int_t i = first_point; i < np; ++i)
            fPoints[i] += off * fPoints[i].fT;

         fV = v;
         return kTRUE;

   fV = v;
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TEveTrackPropagator::LineToVertex(TEveVector& v)
   // Propagate neutral particle to vertex v.

   TEveVector4 currV = v;

   currV.fX = v.fX;
   currV.fY = v.fY;
   currV.fZ = v.fZ;

   fV = v;
   return kTRUE;

void TEveTrackPropagator::LineToBounds(TEveVector& p)
   // Propagatate neutral particle with momentum p to bounds.

   Float_t tZ = 0, tR = 0, tB = 0;

   // time where particle intersect +/- fMaxZ
   if (p.fZ > 0) {
      tZ = (fMaxZ - fV.fZ)/p.fZ;
   else  if (p.fZ < 0 ) {
      tZ = (-1)*(fMaxZ + fV.fZ)/p.fZ;

   // time where particle intersects cylinder
   Double_t a = p.fX*p.fX + p.fY*p.fY;
   Double_t b = 2*(fV.fX*p.fX + fV.fY*p.fY);
   Double_t c = fV.fX*fV.fX + fV.fY*fV.fY - fMaxR*fMaxR;
   Double_t d = b*b - 4*a*c;
   if (d >= 0) {
      Double_t sqrtD=TMath::Sqrt(d);
      tR = ( -b - sqrtD )/(2*a);
      if (tR < 0) {
         tR = ( -b + sqrtD )/(2*a);
      tB = tR < tZ ? tR : tZ; // compare the two times
   } else {
      tB = tZ;
   TEveVector nv(fV.fX + p.fX*tB, fV.fY + p.fY*tB, fV.fZ+ p.fZ*tB);

Bool_t TEveTrackPropagator::HelixIntersectPlane(const TEveVector& p,
                                                const TEveVector& point,
                                                const TEveVector& normal,
                                                TEveVector& itsect)

   TEveVector pos(fV);
   TEveVector mom(p);
   if (fMagFieldObj->IsConst())
      fH.UpdateHelix(mom, fMagFieldObj->GetField(pos), fH.fCharge,  kTRUE);

   TEveVector n(normal);
   TEveVector delta = pos - point;
   Float_t d = delta.Dot(n);
   if (d > 0) {
      n.NegateXYZ(); // Turn normal around so that we approach from negative side of the plane
      d = -d;

   TEveVector4 forwV;
   TEveVector forwP;
   TEveVector4 pos4(pos);
   while (1)
      Step(pos4, mom, forwV , forwP);
      Float_t new_d = (forwV - point).Dot(n);
      if (new_d < d)
         // We are going further away ... fail intersect.
         Warning("TEveTrackPropagator::HelixIntersectPlane", "going away from the plane.");
         return kFALSE;
      if (new_d > 0)
         delta = forwV - pos;
         itsect = pos + delta * (d / (d - new_d));
         return kTRUE;
      pos4 = forwV;
      mom  = forwP;

Bool_t TEveTrackPropagator::LineIntersectPlane(const TEveVector& p,
                                               const TEveVector& point,
                                               const TEveVector& normal,
                                                     TEveVector& itsect)
   TEveVector pos(fV.fX, fV.fY, fV.fZ);
   TEveVector delta = pos - point;

   Float_t d = delta.Dot(normal);
   if (d == 0) {
      itsect = pos;
      return kTRUE;

   Float_t t = (p.Dot(normal)) / d;
   if (t < 0) {
      return kFALSE;
   } else {
      itsect = pos + p*t;
      return kTRUE;

Bool_t TEveTrackPropagator::IntersectPlane(const TEveVector& p,
                                           const TEveVector& point,
                                           const TEveVector& normal,
                                                 TEveVector& itsect)
   // Find intersection of currently propagated track with a plane.
   // Current track position is used as starting point.
   // Args:
   //  p        - track momentum to use for extrapolation
   //  point    - a point on a plane
   //  normal   - normal of the plane
   //  itsect   - output, point of intersection
   // Returns:
   //  kFALSE if intersection can not be found, kTRUE otherwise.

   if (fH.fCharge && fMagFieldObj && p.Perp2() > 1e-12)
      return HelixIntersectPlane(p, point, normal, itsect);
      return LineIntersectPlane(p, point, normal, itsect);

void TEveTrackPropagator::FillPointSet(TEvePointSet* ps) const
   // Reset ps and populate it with points in propagation cache.

   Int_t size = TMath::Min(fNMax, (Int_t)fPoints.size());
   for (Int_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
      const TEveVector4& v = fPoints[i];
      ps->SetNextPoint(v.fX, v.fY, v.fZ);


void TEveTrackPropagator::RebuildTracks()
   // Rebuild all tracks using this render-style.

   TEveTrack* track;
   std::list<TEveElement*>::iterator i = fBackRefs.begin();
   while (i != fBackRefs.end())
      track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetMagField(Float_t bX, Float_t bY, Float_t bZ)
   // Set constant magnetic field and rebuild tracks.

   if (fMagFieldObj) delete fMagFieldObj;

   fMagFieldObj = new TEveMagFieldConst(bX, bY, bZ);

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetMagFieldObj(TEveMagField *mff)
   // Set constant magnetic field and rebuild tracks.
  if (fMagFieldObj) delete fMagFieldObj;

   fMagFieldObj = mff;

void TEveTrackPropagator::PrintMagField(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z) const
   if (fMagFieldObj) fMagFieldObj->PrintField(x, y, z);

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetMaxR(Float_t x)
   // Set maximum radius and rebuild tracks.

   fMaxR = x;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetMaxZ(Float_t x)
   // Set maximum z and rebuild tracks.

   fMaxZ = x;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetMaxOrbs(Float_t x)
   // Set maximum number of orbits and rebuild tracks.

   fMaxOrbs = x;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetMinAng(Float_t x)
   // Set minimum step angle and rebuild tracks.

   fH.fMinAng = x;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetDelta(Float_t x)
   // Set maximum error and rebuild tracks.

   fH.fDelta = x;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetFitDaughters(Bool_t x)
   // Set daughter creation point fitting and rebuild tracks.

   fFitDaughters = x;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetFitReferences(Bool_t x)
   // Set track-reference fitting and rebuild tracks.

   fFitReferences = x;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetFitDecay(Bool_t x)
   // Set decay fitting and rebuild tracks.

   fFitDecay = x;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetFitCluster2Ds(Bool_t x)
   // Set 2D-cluster fitting and rebuild tracks.

   fFitCluster2Ds = x;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetRnrDecay(Bool_t rnr)
   // Set decay rendering and rebuild tracks.

   fRnrDecay = rnr;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetRnrCluster2Ds(Bool_t rnr)
   // Set rendering of 2D-clusters and rebuild tracks.

   fRnrCluster2Ds = rnr;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetRnrDaughters(Bool_t rnr)
   // Set daughter rendering and rebuild tracks.

   fRnrDaughters = rnr;

void TEveTrackPropagator::SetRnrReferences(Bool_t rnr)
   // Set track-reference rendering and rebuild tracks.

   fRnrReferences = rnr;

void TEveTrackPropagator::OneStepRungeKutta(Double_t charge, Double_t step,
					Double_t* vect, Double_t* vout)

  // Wrapper to step with method RungeKutta.

  ///	******************************************************************
  ///	*								 *
  ///	*  Runge-Kutta method for tracking a particle through a magnetic *
  ///	*  field. Uses Nystroem algorithm (See Handbook Nat. Bur. of	 *
  ///	*  Standards, procedure 25.5.20)				 *
  ///	*								 *
  ///	*  Input parameters						 *
  ///	*	CHARGE    Particle charge				 *
  ///	*	STEP	  Step size					 *
  ///	*	VECT	  Initial co-ords,direction cosines,momentum	 *
  ///	*  Output parameters						 *
  ///	*	VOUT	  Output co-ords,direction cosines,momentum	 *
  ///	*  User routine called  					 *
  ///	*	CALL GUFLD(X,F) 					 *
  ///	*								 *
  ///	*    ==>Called by : <USER>, GUSWIM				 *
  ///	*	Authors    R.Brun, M.Hansroul  *********		 *
  ///	*		   V.Perevoztchikov (CUT STEP implementation)	 *
  ///	*								 *
  ///	*								 *
  ///	******************************************************************

  Double_t h2, h4, f[4];
  Double_t xyzt[3], a, b, c, ph,ph2;
  Double_t secxs[4],secys[4],seczs[4],hxp[3];
  Double_t g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, ang2, dxt, dyt, dzt;
  Double_t est, at, bt, ct, cba;
  Double_t f1, f2, f3, f4, rho, tet, hnorm, hp, rho1, sint, cost;

  Double_t x;
  Double_t y;
  Double_t z;

  Double_t xt;
  Double_t yt;
  Double_t zt;

  // Double_t maxit = 1992;
  Double_t maxit = 10;
  Double_t maxcut = 11;

  const Double_t hmin   = 1e-4; // !!! MT ADD,  should be member
  const Double_t kdlt   = 1e-3; // !!! MT CHANGE from 1e-4, should be member
  const Double_t kdlt32 = kdlt/32.;
  const Double_t kthird = 1./3.;
  const Double_t khalf  = 0.5;
  const Double_t kec    = 2.9979251e-3;

  const Double_t kpisqua = 9.86960440109;
  const Int_t kix  = 0;
  const Int_t kiy  = 1;
  const Int_t kiz  = 2;
  const Int_t kipx = 3;
  const Int_t kipy = 4;
  const Int_t kipz = 5;

  // *.
  // *.    ------------------------------------------------------------------
  // *.
  // *             this constant is for units cm,gev/c and kgauss
  // *
  Int_t iter = 0;
  Int_t ncut = 0;
  for(Int_t j = 0; j < 7; j++)
    vout[j] = vect[j];

  Double_t  pinv   = kec * charge / vect[6];
  Double_t tl = 0.;
  Double_t h = step;
  Double_t rest;

  do {
    rest  = step - tl;
    if (TMath::Abs(h) > TMath::Abs(rest)) h = rest;
    //cmodif: call gufld(vout,f) changed into:
    // GetField(vout,f);
    f[0] = -fH.fB.fX;
    f[1] = -fH.fB.fY;
    f[2] = -fH.fB.fZ;

    // *
    // *             start of integration
    // *
    x      = vout[0];
    y      = vout[1];
    z      = vout[2];
    a      = vout[3];
    b      = vout[4];
    c      = vout[5];

    h2     = khalf * h;
    h4     = khalf * h2;
    ph     = pinv * h;
    ph2    = khalf * ph;
    secxs[0] = (b * f[2] - c * f[1]) * ph2;
    secys[0] = (c * f[0] - a * f[2]) * ph2;
    seczs[0] = (a * f[1] - b * f[0]) * ph2;
    ang2 = (secxs[0]*secxs[0] + secys[0]*secys[0] + seczs[0]*seczs[0]);
    if (ang2 > kpisqua) break;

    dxt    = h2 * a + h4 * secxs[0];
    dyt    = h2 * b + h4 * secys[0];
    dzt    = h2 * c + h4 * seczs[0];
    xt     = x + dxt;
    yt     = y + dyt;
    zt     = z + dzt;
    // *
    // *              second intermediate point
    // *

    est = TMath::Abs(dxt) + TMath::Abs(dyt) + TMath::Abs(dzt);
    if (est > h) {
      if (ncut++ > maxcut) break;
      h *= khalf;

    xyzt[0] = xt;
    xyzt[1] = yt;
    xyzt[2] = zt;

    //cmodif: call gufld(xyzt,f) changed into:
    f[0] = -fH.fB.fX;
    f[1] = -fH.fB.fY;
    f[2] = -fH.fB.fZ;

    at     = a + secxs[0];
    bt     = b + secys[0];
    ct     = c + seczs[0];

    secxs[1] = (bt * f[2] - ct * f[1]) * ph2;
    secys[1] = (ct * f[0] - at * f[2]) * ph2;
    seczs[1] = (at * f[1] - bt * f[0]) * ph2;
    at     = a + secxs[1];
    bt     = b + secys[1];
    ct     = c + seczs[1];
    secxs[2] = (bt * f[2] - ct * f[1]) * ph2;
    secys[2] = (ct * f[0] - at * f[2]) * ph2;
    seczs[2] = (at * f[1] - bt * f[0]) * ph2;
    dxt    = h * (a + secxs[2]);
    dyt    = h * (b + secys[2]);
    dzt    = h * (c + seczs[2]);
    xt     = x + dxt;
    yt     = y + dyt;
    zt     = z + dzt;
    at     = a + 2.*secxs[2];
    bt     = b + 2.*secys[2];
    ct     = c + 2.*seczs[2];

    est = TMath::Abs(dxt)+TMath::Abs(dyt)+TMath::Abs(dzt);
    if (est > 2.*TMath::Abs(h)) {
      if (ncut++ > maxcut) break;
      h *= khalf;

    xyzt[0] = xt;
    xyzt[1] = yt;
    xyzt[2] = zt;

    //cmodif: call gufld(xyzt,f) changed into:
    f[0] = -fH.fB.fX;
    f[1] = -fH.fB.fY;
    f[2] = -fH.fB.fZ;

    z      = z + (c + (seczs[0] + seczs[1] + seczs[2]) * kthird) * h;
    y      = y + (b + (secys[0] + secys[1] + secys[2]) * kthird) * h;
    x      = x + (a + (secxs[0] + secxs[1] + secxs[2]) * kthird) * h;

    secxs[3] = (bt*f[2] - ct*f[1])* ph2;
    secys[3] = (ct*f[0] - at*f[2])* ph2;
    seczs[3] = (at*f[1] - bt*f[0])* ph2;
    a      = a+(secxs[0]+secxs[3]+2. * (secxs[1]+secxs[2])) * kthird;
    b      = b+(secys[0]+secys[3]+2. * (secys[1]+secys[2])) * kthird;
    c      = c+(seczs[0]+seczs[3]+2. * (seczs[1]+seczs[2])) * kthird;

    est    = TMath::Abs(secxs[0]+secxs[3] - (secxs[1]+secxs[2]))
      + TMath::Abs(secys[0]+secys[3] - (secys[1]+secys[2]))
      + TMath::Abs(seczs[0]+seczs[3] - (seczs[1]+seczs[2]));

    if (est > kdlt && TMath::Abs(h) > hmin) {
      if (ncut++ > maxcut) break;
      h *= khalf;

    ncut = 0;
    // *               if too many iterations, go to helix
    if (iter++ > maxit) break;

    // printf("write value \n");
    tl += h;
    if (est < kdlt32)
      h *= 2.;
    cba    = 1./ TMath::Sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c);
    vout[0] = x;
    vout[1] = y;
    vout[2] = z;
    vout[3] = cba*a;
    vout[4] = cba*b;
    vout[5] = cba*c;
    rest = step - tl;
    if (step < 0.) rest = -rest;
    if (rest < 1.e-5*TMath::Abs(step)) return;

  } while(1);

  //  printf("MAKE HELIX \n");

  // angle too big, use helix

  f1  = f[0];
  f2  = f[1];
  f3  = f[2];
  f4  = TMath::Sqrt(f1*f1+f2*f2+f3*f3);
  rho = -f4*pinv;
  tet = rho * step;

  hnorm = 1./f4;
  f1 = f1*hnorm;
  f2 = f2*hnorm;
  f3 = f3*hnorm;

  hxp[0] = f2*vect[kipz] - f3*vect[kipy];
  hxp[1] = f3*vect[kipx] - f1*vect[kipz];
  hxp[2] = f1*vect[kipy] - f2*vect[kipx];

  hp = f1*vect[kipx] + f2*vect[kipy] + f3*vect[kipz];

  rho1 = 1./rho;
  sint = TMath::Sin(tet);
  cost = 2.*TMath::Sin(khalf*tet)*TMath::Sin(khalf*tet);

  g1 = sint*rho1;
  g2 = cost*rho1;
  g3 = (tet-sint) * hp*rho1;
  g4 = -cost;
  g5 = sint;
  g6 = cost * hp;

  vout[kix] = vect[kix] + g1*vect[kipx] + g2*hxp[0] + g3*f1;
  vout[kiy] = vect[kiy] + g1*vect[kipy] + g2*hxp[1] + g3*f2;
  vout[kiz] = vect[kiz] + g1*vect[kipz] + g2*hxp[2] + g3*f3;

  vout[kipx] = vect[kipx] + g4*vect[kipx] + g5*hxp[0] + g6*f1;
  vout[kipy] = vect[kipy] + g4*vect[kipy] + g5*hxp[1] + g6*f2;
  vout[kipz] = vect[kipz] + g4*vect[kipz] + g5*hxp[2] + g6*f3; 

  fH.fPhi += tet;

Last change: Mon Dec 15 13:03:03 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-15 13:03

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