// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveWindowManager.cxx 26927 2008-12-15 17:50:22Z brun $
// Author: Matevz Tadel 2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TEveWindowManager.h"
#include "TEveWindow.h"

// Manager for EVE windows.
// Provides the concept of the current window and takes care for proper
// destruction of the windows.
// It is also the EVE-parent of windows that are not attaced into the
// hierarchy of EVE-windows.
// Window-manager is created by the EVE-manager and can be retrieved via:
//   gEve->GetWindowManager.


TEveWindowManager::TEveWindowManager(const Text_t* n, const Text_t* t) :
   TEveElementList(n, t),
   TQObject       (),
   fCurrentWindow    (0),
   fDefaultContainer (0)
   // Constructor.

   // Destructor.


void TEveWindowManager::SelectWindow(TEveWindow* window)
   // Entry-point for communicating the fact that a window was acted
   // upon in such a way that it should become the current window.
   // If the passed window is already the current one, it is deselcted.
   // For example, this is called from title-bar, when creating a new
   // window slot, etc.
   // If the change is accepted (the manager can refuse to make a
   // window current), the state of window is changed accordingly and
   // WindowSelected() signal is emitted.

   if (window == fCurrentWindow)
      window = 0;

   if (fCurrentWindow)

   fCurrentWindow = window;

   if (fCurrentWindow)


void TEveWindowManager::DeleteWindow(TEveWindow* window)
   // Called by a window before it gets deleted.

   if (window == fCurrentWindow)
      fCurrentWindow = 0;

void TEveWindowManager::WindowSelected(TEveWindow* window)
   // Emit the "WindowSelected(TEveWindow*)" signal.

   Emit("WindowSelected(TEveWindow*)", (Long_t)window);

void TEveWindowManager::WindowDeleted(TEveWindow* window)
   // Emit the "WindowSelected(TEveWindow*)" signal.

   Emit("WindowDeleted(TEveWindow*)", (Long_t)window);


TEveWindowSlot* TEveWindowManager::GetCurrentWindowAsSlot() const
   // Return current window dynamic-casted to TEveWindowSlot.

   return dynamic_cast<TEveWindowSlot*>(fCurrentWindow);

void TEveWindowManager::SetDefaultContainer(TEveWindow* w)
   // Set default container window.
   // It has to be able to create new slots.
   // When main-frames are closed they will place the windows here.

   static const TEveException kEH("TEveWindowManager::SetDefaultContainer ");

   if ( ! w->CanMakeNewSlots())
      throw kEH + "Given window can not make new slots.";

   fDefaultContainer = w;

void TEveWindowManager::DestroyWindowRecursively(TEveWindow* window)
   // Destroy window's children and then the window itself.
   // Protected method used during shutdown.

   while (window->HasChildren())
      TEveWindow* w = dynamic_cast<TEveWindow*>(window->FirstChild());
      if (w)

void TEveWindowManager::DestroyWindows()
   // Wait for all windows to shut-down.

   while (HasChildren())
      TEveWindow* w = dynamic_cast<TEveWindow*>(FirstChild());
      if (w)



void TEveWindowManager::HideAllEveDecorations()
   // Hide all eve decorations (title-bar and mini-bar) on all frames.

   TEveCompositeFrame *ecf = 0;
   TIter wins(TEveCompositeFrame::fgFrameList);
   while ((ecf = (TEveCompositeFrame*) wins()))

void TEveWindowManager::ShowNormalEveDecorations()
   // Show eve decorations (title-bar or mini-bar) as specified for
   // the contained window on all frames.

   TEveCompositeFrame *ecf = 0;
   TIter wins(TEveCompositeFrame::fgFrameList);
   while ((ecf = (TEveCompositeFrame*) wins()))

void TEveWindowManager::SetShowTitleBars(Bool_t state)
   // Set show title-bar state on all frames.
   // This does not modify the per-window settings - call
   // ShowNormalEveDecorations() to restore them.

   TEveCompositeFrame *ecf = 0;
   TIter wins(TEveCompositeFrame::fgFrameList);
   while ((ecf = (TEveCompositeFrame*) wins()))

Last change: Tue Dec 16 09:14:58 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-16 09:14

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