#ifndef ROOT_TFunctionParametersDialog
#define ROOT_TFunctionParametersDialog
#ifndef ROOT_TGFrame
#include "TGFrame.h"
class TF1;
class TGNumberEntry;
class TGTextEntry;
class TGCheckButton;
class TGTextButton;
class TGTripleHSlider;
class TGNumberEntryField;
class TVirtualPad;
class TFunctionParametersDialog : public TGTransientFrame {
TF1 *fFunc;
TVirtualPad *fFpad;
Int_t fNP;
Double_t *fPmin;
Double_t *fPmax;
Double_t *fPval;
Double_t *fPerr;
Double_t fRangexmin;
Double_t fRangexmax;
Double_t fRXmin;
Double_t fRXmax;
TGCompositeFrame *fContNam;
TGCompositeFrame *fContVal;
TGCompositeFrame *fContFix;
TGCompositeFrame *fContSld;
TGCompositeFrame *fContMin;
TGCompositeFrame *fContMax;
TGTextEntry **fParNam;
TGCheckButton **fParFix;
TGNumberEntry **fParVal;
TGNumberEntryField **fParMin;
TGNumberEntryField **fParMax;
TGTripleHSlider **fParSld;
TGCheckButton *fUpdate;
TGTextButton *fApply;
TGTextButton *fReset;
TGTextButton *fOK;
TGTextButton *fCancel;
Bool_t fHasChanges;
Bool_t fImmediateDraw;
TFunctionParametersDialog(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *main,
TF1 *func, TVirtualPad *pad,
Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax);
virtual ~TFunctionParametersDialog();
virtual void CloseWindow();
virtual void DoApply();
virtual void DoCancel();
virtual void DoFix(Bool_t on);
virtual void DoOK();
virtual void DoParMaxLimit();
virtual void DoParMinLimit();
virtual void DoParValue();
virtual void DoReset();
virtual void DoSlider();
virtual void HandleButtons(Bool_t update);
virtual void RedrawFunction();
ClassDef(TFunctionParametersDialog, 0)
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:39:23 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:39
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