#ifndef ROOT_TGMdiDecorFrame
#define ROOT_TGMdiDecorFrame
#ifndef ROOT_TGFrame
#include "TGFrame.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGMenu
#include "TGMenu.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGButton
#include "TGButton.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGIcon
#include "TGIcon.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGLabel
#include "TGLabel.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGFont
#include "TGFont.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGMdiMainFrame
#include "TGMdiMainFrame.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TGMdiFrame
#include "TGMdiFrame.h"
enum EMdiResizerPlacement {
kMdiResizerTop = 1,
kMdiResizerBottom = 2,
kMdiResizerLeft = 4,
kMdiResizerRight = 8
class TGMdiMainFrame;
class TGMdiDecorFrame;
class TGMdiFrame;
class TGMdiTitleBar;
class TGMdiTitleIcon;
class TGMdiButtons;
class TGMdiWinResizer : public TGFrame, public TGWidget {
friend class TGMdiMainFrame;
const TGWindow *fMdiWin;
Int_t fWinX, fWinY, fWinW, fWinH;
Int_t fOldX, fOldY, fOldW, fOldH;
Int_t fNewX, fNewY, fNewW, fNewH;
Int_t fMinW, fMinH;
Int_t fMdiOptions;
Int_t fPos;
Int_t fX0, fY0;
Bool_t fLeftButPressed, fRightButPressed, fMidButPressed;
const TGGC *fBoxGC;
Int_t fLineW;
void MoveResizeIt();
void DrawBox(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t width, UInt_t height);
TGMdiWinResizer(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *mdiwin, Int_t pos,
const TGGC *boxGC, Int_t linew,
Int_t mdioptions = kMdiDefaultResizeMode,
Int_t w = 1, Int_t h = 1, UInt_t options = kOwnBackground);
virtual Bool_t HandleButton(Event_t *event);
virtual void DrawBorder() {};
void SetResizeMode(Int_t mode) { fMdiOptions = mode; }
void SetMinSize(Int_t w = 50, Int_t h = 20) { fMinW = w; fMinH = h; }
ClassDef(TGMdiWinResizer, 0)
class TGMdiVerticalWinResizer : public TGMdiWinResizer {
TGMdiVerticalWinResizer(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *mdiwin,
Int_t pos, const TGGC *boxGC, Int_t linew,
Int_t mdioptions = kMdiDefaultResizeMode,
Int_t w = 4, Int_t h = 5);
virtual Bool_t HandleMotion(Event_t *event);
virtual void DrawBorder();
ClassDef(TGMdiVerticalWinResizer, 0)
class TGMdiHorizontalWinResizer : public TGMdiWinResizer {
TGMdiHorizontalWinResizer(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *mdiwin,
Int_t pos, const TGGC *boxGC, Int_t linew,
Int_t mdioptions = kMdiDefaultResizeMode,
Int_t w = 5, Int_t h = 4);
virtual Bool_t HandleMotion(Event_t *event);
virtual void DrawBorder();
ClassDef(TGMdiHorizontalWinResizer, 0)
class TGMdiCornerWinResizer : public TGMdiWinResizer {
TGMdiCornerWinResizer(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *mdiwin,
Int_t pos, const TGGC *boxGC, Int_t linew,
Int_t mdioptions = kMdiDefaultResizeMode,
Int_t w = 20, Int_t h = 20);
virtual Bool_t HandleMotion(Event_t *event);
virtual void DrawBorder();
ClassDef(TGMdiCornerWinResizer, 0)
class TGMdiButtons : public TGCompositeFrame {
friend class TGMdiTitleBar;
TGPictureButton *fButton[5];
TGLayoutHints *fDefaultHint, *fCloseHint;
const TGWindow *fMsgWindow;
TGMdiButtons(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *titlebar);
virtual ~TGMdiButtons();
TGPictureButton *GetButton(Int_t no) const { return fButton[no]; }
ClassDef(TGMdiButtons, 0)
class TGMdiTitleIcon : public TGIcon {
friend class TGMdiFrame;
friend class TGMdiTitleBar;
const TGWindow *fMsgWindow;
TGPopupMenu *fPopup;
virtual void DoRedraw();
TGMdiTitleIcon(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *titlebar,
const TGPicture *pic, Int_t w, Int_t h);
virtual ~TGMdiTitleIcon();
virtual Bool_t HandleDoubleClick(Event_t *event);
virtual Bool_t HandleButton(Event_t *event);
TGPopupMenu *GetPopup() const { return fPopup; }
ClassDef(TGMdiTitleIcon, 0)
class TGMdiTitleBar : public TGCompositeFrame {
friend class TGMdiDecorFrame;
friend class TGMdiMainFrame;
const TGWindow *fMdiWin;
TGMdiButtons *fButtons;
TGMdiTitleIcon *fWinIcon;
TGLabel *fWinName;
TGCompositeFrame *fLFrame, *fMFrame,*fRFrame;
TGLayoutHints *fLHint, *fLeftHint, *fMiddleHint, *fRightHint;
Int_t fX0, fY0;
Bool_t fLeftButPressed, fRightButPressed, fMidButPressed;
TGMdiTitleBar(const TGWindow *p, const TGWindow *mdiwin,
const char *name = "Untitled");
void LayoutButtons(UInt_t buttonmask, Bool_t isMinimized,
Bool_t isMaximized);
void AddFrames(TGMdiTitleIcon *icon, TGMdiButtons *buttons);
void RemoveFrames(TGMdiTitleIcon *icon, TGMdiButtons *buttons);
virtual ~TGMdiTitleBar();
virtual Bool_t HandleButton(Event_t *event);
virtual Bool_t HandleDoubleClick(Event_t *event);
virtual Bool_t HandleMotion(Event_t *event);
virtual Bool_t ProcessMessage(Long_t msg, Long_t parm1, Long_t parm2);
void SetTitleBarColors(UInt_t fore, UInt_t back, TGFont *f);
TGMdiButtons *GetButtons() const { return fButtons; }
TGMdiTitleIcon *GetWinIcon() const { return fWinIcon; }
TGLabel *GetWinName() const { return fWinName; }
Int_t GetX0() { return fX0; }
Int_t GetY0() { return fY0; }
Bool_t IsLeftButPressed() { return fLeftButPressed; }
Bool_t IsRightButPressed() { return fRightButPressed; }
Bool_t IsMidButPressed() { return fMidButPressed; }
void SetX0(Int_t x0) { fX0 = x0; }
void SetY0(Int_t y0) { fY0 = y0; }
void SetLeftButPressed(Bool_t press = kTRUE) { fLeftButPressed = press; }
void SetRightButPressed(Bool_t press = kTRUE) { fRightButPressed= press; }
void SetMidButPressed(Bool_t press = kTRUE) { fMidButPressed = press; }
ClassDef(TGMdiTitleBar, 0)
class TGMdiDecorFrame : public TGCompositeFrame {
friend class TGMdiMainFrame;
Int_t fPreResizeX, fPreResizeY;
Int_t fPreResizeWidth, fPreResizeHeight;
Int_t fMinimizedX, fMinimizedY;
Bool_t fIsMinimized, fIsMaximized;
Bool_t fMinimizedUserPlacement;
Bool_t fIsCurrent;
TGMdiFrame *fFrame;
TGMdiMainFrame *fMdiMainFrame;
TGMdiVerticalWinResizer *fUpperHR, *fLowerHR;
TGMdiCornerWinResizer *fUpperLeftCR, *fLowerLeftCR;
TGMdiCornerWinResizer *fUpperRightCR, *fLowerRightCR;
TGMdiHorizontalWinResizer *fLeftVR, *fRightVR;
TGLayoutHints *fLHint, *fExpandHint;
ULong_t fButtonMask;
TGMdiTitleBar *fTitlebar;
enum {
kMdiBorderWidth = 5
TGMdiDecorFrame(TGMdiMainFrame *main, TGMdiFrame *frame, Int_t w, Int_t h,
const TGGC *boxGC, UInt_t options = 0,
Pixel_t back = GetDefaultFrameBackground());
virtual ~TGMdiDecorFrame();
virtual Bool_t HandleButton(Event_t *event);
virtual Bool_t HandleConfigureNotify(Event_t *event);
virtual Int_t CloseWindow() { return fFrame->CloseWindow(); }
virtual void Layout();
virtual void Move(Int_t x, Int_t y);
virtual void MoveResize(Int_t x, Int_t y, UInt_t w, UInt_t h);
void SetMdiButtons(ULong_t buttons);
ULong_t GetMdiButtons() const { return fButtonMask; }
void SetResizeMode(Int_t mode = kMdiDefaultResizeMode);
void SetWindowName(const char *name);
void SetWindowIcon(const TGPicture *pic);
const char *GetWindowName() {
return (const char *)fTitlebar->GetWinName()->GetText()->GetString();
const TGPicture *GetWindowIcon() { return fTitlebar->GetWinIcon()->GetPicture(); }
Bool_t IsCurrent() const { return fIsCurrent; }
Bool_t IsMinimized() const { return fIsMinimized; }
Bool_t IsMaximized() const { return fIsMaximized; }
Int_t GetPreResizeX() const { return fPreResizeX; }
Int_t GetPreResizeY() const { return fPreResizeY; }
Int_t GetPreResizeWidth() const { return fPreResizeWidth; }
Int_t GetPreResizeHeight() const { return fPreResizeHeight; }
Int_t GetMinimizedX() const { return fMinimizedX; }
Int_t GetMinimizedY() const { return fMinimizedY; }
Bool_t GetMinUserPlacement() const { return fMinimizedUserPlacement; }
void SetCurrent(Bool_t cur = kTRUE) {fIsCurrent = cur; }
void SetDecorBorderWidth(Int_t bw);
void SetPreResizeX(Int_t x) { fPreResizeX = x; }
void SetPreResizeY(Int_t y) { fPreResizeY = y; }
void SetPreResizeWidth(Int_t w) { fPreResizeWidth = w; }
void SetPreResizeHeight(Int_t h) { fPreResizeHeight = h; }
void SetMinimizedX(Int_t x) { fMinimizedX = x; }
void SetMinimizedY(Int_t y) { fMinimizedY = y; }
void Minimize(Bool_t min = kTRUE) { fIsMinimized = min; }
void Maximize(Bool_t max = kTRUE) { fIsMaximized = max; }
void SetMinUserPlacement(Bool_t place = kTRUE) { fMinimizedUserPlacement = place; }
TGMdiFrame *GetMdiFrame() const { return fFrame; }
TGMdiTitleBar *GetTitleBar() const { return fTitlebar; }
TGMdiVerticalWinResizer *GetUpperHR() const { return fUpperHR; }
TGMdiVerticalWinResizer *GetLowerHR() const { return fLowerHR; }
TGMdiCornerWinResizer *GetUpperLeftCR() const { return fUpperLeftCR; }
TGMdiCornerWinResizer *GetLowerLeftCR() const { return fLowerLeftCR; }
TGMdiCornerWinResizer *GetUpperRightCR() const { return fUpperRightCR; }
TGMdiCornerWinResizer *GetLowerRightCR() const { return fLowerRightCR; }
TGMdiHorizontalWinResizer *GetLeftVR() const { return fLeftVR; }
TGMdiHorizontalWinResizer *GetRightVR() const { return fRightVR; }
ClassDef(TGMdiDecorFrame, 0)
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:41:55 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:41
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