// @(#)root/gui:$Id: TGMenu.cxx 26650 2008-12-04 11:30:58Z bellenot $
// Author: Fons Rademakers   09/01/98

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

    This source is based on Xclass95, a Win95-looking GUI toolkit.
    Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 David Barth, Ricky Ralston, Hector Peraza.

    Xclass95 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


//                                                                      //
// TGMenuBar, TGPopupMenu, TGMenuTitle and TGMenuEntry                  //
//                                                                      //
// The TGMenu.h header contains all different menu classes.             //
//                                                                      //
// The TGMenuBar class implements a menu bar widget. It is used to      //
// specify and provide access to common and frequently used application //
// actions grouped under menu titles (TGMenuTitle class). The menu bar  //
// takes the highest-level of the menu system and it is a starting      //
// point for many interactions. It is always visible and allows using   //
// the keyboard equivalents. The geometry of the menu bar is            //
// automatically set to the parent widget, i.e. the menu bar            //
// automatically resizes itself so that it has the same width as its    //
// parent (typically TGMainFrame). A menu bar contains one or more      //
// popup menus and usually is placed along the top of the application   //
// window. Any popup menu is invisible until the user invokes it by     //
// using the mouse pointer or the keyboard.                             //
//                                                                      //
// Popup menus implemented by TGPopupMenu class are unique in that,     //
// by convention, they are not placed with the other GUI components in  //
// the user interfaces. Instead, a popup menu usually appears either in //
// a menu bar or as a context menu on the TOP of the GUI. For that      //
// reason it needs gClient->GetDefaultRoot() as a parent to get the     //
// pointer to the root (i.e. desktop) window. This way a popup menu     //
// will never be embedded.                                              //
// NOTE: Using gClient->GetRoot() as a parent of TGPopupMenu will not   //
// avoid the possibility of embedding the corresponding popup menu      //
// because the current window hierarchy can be changed by using         //
// gClient->SetRoot() method.                                           //
//                                                                      //
// As a context menus TGPopupMenu shows up after pressing the right     //
// mouse button, over a popup-enabled component. The popup menu then    //
// appears under the mouse pointer.                                     //
//                                                                      //
// Selecting a menu item will generate the event:                       //
// kC_COMMAND, kCM_MENU, menu id, user data.                            //
//                                                                      //

#include "TGMenu.h"
#include "TGResourcePool.h"
#include "TTimer.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TList.h"
#include "Riostream.h"
#include "KeySymbols.h"
#include "TGButton.h"
#include "TQConnection.h"
#include "TParameter.h"

const TGGC   *TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultGC = 0;
const TGGC   *TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultSelectedGC = 0;
const TGGC   *TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC = 0;
const TGFont *TGPopupMenu::fgDefaultFont = 0;
const TGFont *TGPopupMenu::fgHilightFont = 0;

const TGGC   *TGMenuTitle::fgDefaultGC = 0;
const TGGC   *TGMenuTitle::fgDefaultSelectedGC = 0;
const TGFont *TGMenuTitle::fgDefaultFont = 0;


class TPopupDelayTimer : public TTimer {
   TGPopupMenu   *fPopup;   // popup menu
   TPopupDelayTimer(TGPopupMenu *p, Long_t ms) : TTimer(ms, kTRUE) { fPopup = p; }
   Bool_t Notify();

Bool_t TPopupDelayTimer::Notify()
   // Notify when timer times out and reset the timer.

   return kFALSE;

//                                                                      //
// TGMenuBar member functions.                                          //
//                                                                      //

TGMenuBar::TGMenuBar(const TGWindow *p, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t options)
   : TGHorizontalFrame(p, w, h, options | kHorizontalFrame)
   // Create a menu bar object.

   fCurrent       = 0;
   fTitles        = new TList;
   fStick         = kTRUE;
   fDefaultCursor = fClient->GetResourcePool()->GetGrabCursor();
   fTrash         = new TList();

   gVirtualX->GrabButton(fId, kButton1, kAnyModifier,
                       kButtonPressMask | kButtonReleaseMask | kEnterWindowMask,
                       kNone, kNone);

   fKeyNavigate = kFALSE;

   fMenuMore = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetDefaultRoot());
   fMenuMore->AddLabel("Hidden Menus");
   fMenuBarMoreLayout = new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight);

   fWithExt = kFALSE;
   fOutLayouts = new TList();
   fNeededSpace = new TList();

   // Delete menu bar object. Removes also the hot keys from the main frame,
   // so hitting them will not cause the menus to popup.

   TGFrameElement *el;
   TGMenuTitle    *t;
   Int_t           keycode;

   if (!MustCleanup()) {
   delete fTrash;

   const TGMainFrame *main = (TGMainFrame *)GetMainFrame();

   if (!MustCleanup()) {
      TIter next(fList);
      while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next())) {
         t = (TGMenuTitle *) el->fFrame;
         if ((keycode = t->GetHotKeyCode()) != 0 && main) {
            main->RemoveBind(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask);

   // delete TGMenuTitles
   if (fTitles && !MustCleanup()) fTitles->Delete();
   delete fTitles;

   delete fOutLayouts;
   delete fNeededSpace;
   delete fMenuMore;
   delete fMenuBarMoreLayout;

void TGMenuBar::Layout()
   // Clculates whether the >> menu must be shown or not and 
   // which menu titles are hidden. 

   if (GetDefaultWidth() > GetWidth()) {
      while (!(GetDefaultWidth() < GetWidth() || 
               GetList()->GetSize() <= 1)) {
         TGFrameElement* entry = GetLastOnLeft();
         TGMenuTitle* menuTitle = (TGMenuTitle*) entry->fFrame;
         fNeededSpace->AddLast(new TParameter<Int_t>("", menuTitle->GetWidth() + 
                                                         entry->fLayout->GetPadLeft() + 
                                                         entry->fLayout->GetPadRight() ) );
         fOutLayouts->AddLast( entry->fLayout );
         fMenuMore->AddPopup( menuTitle->GetName(), menuTitle->GetMenu() );
         menuTitle->GetMenu()->Connect("PoppedUp()", "TGMenuBar", this, "PopupConnection()");
         RemovePopup( menuTitle->GetName() );

   if (fNeededSpace->GetSize() > 0) {
      Int_t neededWidth = ((TParameter<Int_t>*) fNeededSpace->Last())->GetVal();
      Bool_t fit = kFALSE;
      if (fNeededSpace->GetSize() > 1)
         fit = GetDefaultWidth() + neededWidth + 5 < GetWidth();
         fit = GetDefaultWidth() + neededWidth - 7 < GetWidth();
      while (fit) {
         TGMenuEntry* menu = (TGMenuEntry*) fMenuMore->GetListOfEntries()->Last();
         TGLayoutHints* layout = (TGLayoutHints*) fOutLayouts->Last();
         ULong_t  hints = layout->GetLayoutHints();
         TGPopupMenu* beforeMenu = 0;
         if (hints & kLHintsRight) {
            TGFrameElement* entry = GetLastOnLeft();
            TGMenuTitle* beforeMenuTitle = (TGMenuTitle*) entry->fFrame;
            beforeMenu = beforeMenuTitle->GetMenu();

         menu->GetPopup()->Disconnect("PoppedUp()", this, "PopupConnection()");
         AddPopup( menu->GetName(), menu->GetPopup(), layout, beforeMenu );
         fOutLayouts->Remove( fOutLayouts->Last() );
         fNeededSpace->Remove( fNeededSpace->Last() );

         if (fNeededSpace->GetSize() > 0) {
            neededWidth = ((TParameter<Int_t>*)fNeededSpace->Last())->GetVal();
            if (fNeededSpace->GetSize() > 1)
               fit = GetDefaultWidth() + neededWidth + 5 < GetWidth();
               fit = GetDefaultWidth() + neededWidth - 7 < GetWidth();
         } else 
            fit = kFALSE;

   if (fNeededSpace->GetSize() > 0) {
      if (!fWithExt) {
         AddPopup(">>", fMenuMore, fMenuBarMoreLayout,
         fWithExt = kTRUE;
   } else {
      fWithExt = kFALSE;


TGFrameElement* TGMenuBar::GetLastOnLeft()
   // Returns the last visible menu title on the left of the '>>' 
   // in the menu bar.

   TIter next(GetList());
   while (TGFrameElement *entry = (TGFrameElement*) next()) {
      TGMenuTitle* menuTitle = (TGMenuTitle*) entry->fFrame;
      TGLayoutHints* tmpLayout = (TGLayoutHints*) entry->fLayout;
      ULong_t  hints = tmpLayout->GetLayoutHints();

      if (hints & kLHintsRight && menuTitle->GetMenu() != fMenuMore) {
         return entry;

   return ((TGFrameElement*)GetList()->Last());

void TGMenuBar::PopupConnection()
   // Connects the corresponding cascaded menu to the proper slots,
   // according to the highlighted menu entry in '>>' menu.

   // Disconnect all previous signals
   TList* slots = fMenuMore->GetListOfSignals();
   TIter next (slots);
   while (TList* connlist = (TList*) next()) {
      const char* signal_name = connlist->GetName();
      TIter next2(connlist);
      while (TQConnection* conn = (TQConnection*) next2()) {
         const char* slot_name = conn->GetName();
         void* receiver = conn->GetReceiver();
         fMenuMore->Disconnect(signal_name, receiver, slot_name);
   fMenuMore->fMsgWindow = 0;

   // Check wheter the current entry is a menu or not (just in case)
   TGMenuEntry* currentEntry = fMenuMore->GetCurrent();
   if (currentEntry->GetType() != kMenuPopup) return;

   // Connect the corresponding active signals to the >> menu
   TGPopupMenu* currentMenu = currentEntry->GetPopup();

   slots = currentMenu->GetListOfSignals();
   TIter next3 (slots);
   while (TList* connlist = (TList*) next3()) {
      const char* signal_name = connlist->GetName();
      if (strcmp(signal_name, "Activated(int)") == 0) {
         TIter next2(connlist);
         while (TQConnection* conn = (TQConnection*) next2()) {

            const char* slot_name = conn->GetName();
            const char* class_name = conn->GetClassName();
            void* receiver = conn->GetReceiver();
            fMenuMore->Connect(signal_name, class_name, receiver, slot_name);

   fMenuMore->fMsgWindow = currentMenu->fMsgWindow;

void TGMenuBar::BindKeys(Bool_t on)
   // If on kTRUE bind arrow, popup menu hot keys, otherwise
   // remove key bindings.

   gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Left), kAnyModifier, on);
   gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Right), kAnyModifier, on);
   gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Up), kAnyModifier, on);
   gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Down), kAnyModifier, on);
   gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Enter), kAnyModifier, on);
   gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Return), kAnyModifier, on);
   gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(kKey_Escape), kAnyModifier, on);

   if (fCurrent && fCurrent->GetMenu()) {
      BindMenu(fCurrent->GetMenu(), on);

void TGMenuBar::BindMenu(TGPopupMenu* subMenu, Bool_t on) 
   // If on kTRUE bind subMenu hot keys, otherwise remove key bindings.

   TGMenuEntry *e;
   TIter next(subMenu->GetListOfEntries());
   while ((e = (TGMenuEntry*)next())) {
      Int_t hot = 0;
      if ( e->GetType() == kMenuPopup )
         BindMenu(e->GetPopup(), on);
      if (e->GetLabel()) {
         hot = e->GetLabel()->GetHotChar();
      if (!hot) continue;
      gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(hot), 0, on);
      gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(hot), kKeyShiftMask, on);
      gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(hot), kKeyLockMask, on);
      gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(hot), kKeyMod2Mask, on);
      gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(hot), kKeyShiftMask | kKeyLockMask, on);
      gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(hot), kKeyShiftMask | kKeyMod2Mask, on);
      gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(hot), kKeyLockMask  | kKeyMod2Mask, on);
      gVirtualX->GrabKey(fId, gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(hot), kKeyShiftMask | kKeyLockMask | kKeyMod2Mask, on);

void TGMenuBar::BindHotKey(Int_t keycode, Bool_t on)
   // If on kTRUE bind hot keys, otherwise remove key binding.

   const TGMainFrame *main = (TGMainFrame *) GetMainFrame();

   if (!main || !main->InheritsFrom("TGMainFrame")) return;

   if (on) {
      // case unsensitive bindings
      main->BindKey(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask);
      main->BindKey(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask);
      main->BindKey(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyLockMask);
      main->BindKey(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask | kKeyLockMask);

      main->BindKey(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyMod2Mask);
      main->BindKey(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask | kKeyMod2Mask);
      main->BindKey(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyMod2Mask | kKeyLockMask);
      main->BindKey(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask | kKeyMod2Mask | kKeyLockMask);
   } else {
      main->RemoveBind(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask);
      main->RemoveBind(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask);
      main->RemoveBind(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyLockMask);
      main->RemoveBind(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask | kKeyLockMask);

      main->RemoveBind(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyMod2Mask);
      main->RemoveBind(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask | kKeyMod2Mask);
      main->RemoveBind(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyMod2Mask | kKeyLockMask);
      main->RemoveBind(this, keycode, kKeyMod1Mask | kKeyShiftMask | kKeyMod2Mask | kKeyLockMask);

void TGMenuBar::AddPopup(TGHotString *s, TGPopupMenu *menu, TGLayoutHints *l,
                         TGPopupMenu *before)
   // Add popup menu to menu bar. The hot string will be adopted by the
   // menubar (actually the menu title) and deleted when possible.
   // If before is not 0 the menu will be added before it.

   TGMenuTitle *t;
   Int_t keycode;

   AddFrameBefore(t = new TGMenuTitle(this, s, menu), l, before);
   fTitles->Add(t);  // keep track of menu titles for later cleanup in dtor

   if ((keycode = t->GetHotKeyCode()) != 0) {
      BindHotKey(keycode, kTRUE);

void TGMenuBar::AddTitle(TGMenuTitle *title, TGLayoutHints *l, TGPopupMenu *before)
   // Add popup via created before menu title.

   Int_t keycode;

   AddFrameBefore(title, l, before);
   fTitles->Add(title);  // keep track of menu titles for later cleanup in dtor

   if ((keycode = title->GetHotKeyCode()) != 0) {
      BindHotKey(keycode, kTRUE);

void TGMenuBar::AddPopup(const char *s, TGPopupMenu *menu, TGLayoutHints *l,
                         TGPopupMenu *before)
   // Add popup menu to menu bar. If before is not 0 the menu will be
   // added before it.

   AddPopup(new TGHotString(s), menu, l, before);

TGPopupMenu *TGMenuBar::AddPopup(const TString &s, Int_t padleft, Int_t padright,
                                 Int_t padtop, Int_t padbottom)
   // Add popup menu to menu bar.
   // Comment:
   //    This method is valid  only for horizontal menu bars.
   //    The most common case is menu bar containing equidistant titles padding left side.
   //       TGMenuBar *bar;
   //       bar->AddPopup("title1", 10);
   //       bar->AddPopup("title2", 10);
   //       ...
   //    To add equidistant titles  padding right side padleft must be 0.
   //       TGMenuBar *bar;
   //       bar->AddPopup("title1", 0, 10);
   //       bar->AddPopup("title2", 0, 10);
   //       ...
   //    This method guarantee automatic cleanup when menu bar is destroyed.
   //    Do not delete returned popup-menu

   ULong_t hints = kLHintsTop;

   if (padleft)  {
      hints |= kLHintsLeft;
   } else {
      hints |= kLHintsRight;

   TGLayoutHints *l = new TGLayoutHints(hints, padleft, padright,
                                               padtop, padbottom);

   TGPopupMenu *menu = new TGPopupMenu(fClient->GetDefaultRoot());
   AddPopup(new TGHotString(s), menu, l, 0);
   return menu;

void TGMenuBar::AddFrameBefore(TGFrame *f, TGLayoutHints *l,
                               TGPopupMenu *before)
   // Private version of AddFrame for menubar, to make sure that we
   // indeed only add TGMenuTitle objects to it. If before is not 0
   // the menu will be added before it.

   if (!f->InheritsFrom("TGMenuTitle")) {
      Error("AddFrameBefore", "may only add TGMenuTitle objects to a menu bar");

   if (!before) {
      AddFrame(f, l);

   TGFrameElement *nw;

   nw = new TGFrameElement;
   nw->fFrame  = f;
   nw->fLayout = l ? l : fgDefaultHints;
   nw->fState  = 1;

   TGFrameElement *el;
   TIter next(fList);
   while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next())) {
      TGMenuTitle *t = (TGMenuTitle *) el->fFrame;
      if (t->GetMenu() == before) {
         fList->AddBefore(el, nw);

TGPopupMenu *TGMenuBar::GetPopup(const char *s)
   // Return popup menu with the specified name. Returns 0 if menu is
   // not found. Returnes menu can be used as "before" in AddPopup().
   // Don't use hot key (&) in name.

   if (!GetList()) return 0;

   TGFrameElement *el;
   TIter next(GetList());
   TString str = s;

   while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next())) {
      TGMenuTitle *t = (TGMenuTitle *) el->fFrame;
      if (str == t->GetName())
         return t->GetMenu();
   return 0;

TGPopupMenu *TGMenuBar::RemovePopup(const char *s)
   // Remove popup menu from menu bar. Returned menu has to be deleted by
   // the user, or can be re-used in another AddPopup(). Returns 0 if
   // menu is not found. Don't use hot key (&) in name.

   if (!GetList()) return 0;

   TGFrameElement *el;
   TIter next(GetList());
   TString str = s;

   while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next())) {
      TGMenuTitle *t = (TGMenuTitle *) el->fFrame;
      if (str == t->GetName()) {
         Int_t keycode;
         if ((keycode = t->GetHotKeyCode())) {
            BindHotKey(keycode, kFALSE);  // remove bind
         TGPopupMenu *m = t->GetMenu();
         delete t;
         return m;
   return 0;

Bool_t TGMenuBar::HandleMotion(Event_t *event)
   // Handle a mouse motion event in a menu bar.

   if (fKeyNavigate) return kTRUE;

   Int_t        dummy;
   Window_t     wtarget;
   TGMenuTitle *target = 0;

   if (!(event->fState & kButton1Mask))
      fStick = kFALSE; // use some threshold!

   gVirtualX->TranslateCoordinates(fId, fId, event->fX, event->fY,
                                   dummy, dummy, wtarget);
   if (wtarget) target = (TGMenuTitle*) fClient->GetWindowById(wtarget);

   if (fCurrent && target && (target != fCurrent)) {
      // deactivate all others
      TGFrameElement *el;
      TIter next(fList);
      while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next()))

      fStick   = kTRUE;
      fCurrent = target;

   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGMenuBar::HandleButton(Event_t *event)
   // Handle a mouse button event in a menubar.

   Int_t        dummy;
   Window_t     wtarget;
   TGMenuTitle *target;

   // We don't need to check the button number as GrabButton will
   // only allow button1 events

   if (event->fType == kButtonPress) {

      gVirtualX->TranslateCoordinates(fId, fId, event->fX, event->fY,
                                      dummy, dummy, wtarget);
      target = (TGMenuTitle*) fClient->GetWindowById(wtarget);

      if (target != 0) {
         fStick = kTRUE;

         if (target != fCurrent) {
            // deactivate all others
            TGFrameElement *el;
            TIter next(fList);
            while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next()))

            fStick   = kTRUE;
            fCurrent = target;

            gVirtualX->GrabPointer(fId, kButtonPressMask | kButtonReleaseMask |
                                   kPointerMotionMask, kNone, fDefaultCursor);

   if (event->fType == kButtonRelease) {
      if (fStick) {
         fStick = kFALSE;
         return kTRUE;

      TGFrameElement *el;
      TIter next(fList);
      while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next()))

      gVirtualX->GrabPointer(0, 0, 0, 0, kFALSE);  // ungrab pointer

      if (fCurrent != 0) {
         target   = fCurrent; // tricky, because WaitFor
         fCurrent = 0;
         if (!fKeyNavigate)
      fKeyNavigate = kFALSE;

   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGMenuBar::HandleKey(Event_t *event)
   // Handle keyboard events in a menu bar.

   TGMenuTitle *target = 0;
   TGFrameElement *el;
   void *dummy;
   Int_t    ax, ay;
   Window_t wdummy;
   TIter next(fList);

   if (event->fType == kGKeyPress) {
      UInt_t keysym;
      char tmp[2];

      gVirtualX->LookupString(event, tmp, sizeof(tmp), keysym);

      if (event->fState & kKeyMod1Mask) {
         while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next())) {
            target = (TGMenuTitle *) el->fFrame;
            if ((Int_t)event->fCode == target->GetHotKeyCode()) {
               fKeyNavigate = kTRUE;
         if (el == 0) target = 0;
      } else {
         fKeyNavigate = kTRUE;

         if (fCurrent) {
            TGFrameElement *cur  = 0;
            TGPopupMenu    *menu = 0;
            el = 0;
            while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next())) {
               if (el->fFrame == fCurrent) {
                  cur = el;
                  menu = ((TGMenuTitle*)el->fFrame)->GetMenu();

            if (!menu || !menu->fPoppedUp) return kFALSE;

            TGMenuEntry *ce = 0;

            TGPopupMenu* currentMenu = fCurrent->GetMenu();
            TGMenuEntry* currentEntry = currentMenu->GetCurrent();
            while ( currentEntry ) {
               if ( currentEntry->GetType() == kMenuPopup )
                  currentMenu = currentEntry->GetPopup();
               if ( currentEntry != currentMenu->GetCurrent() )
                  currentEntry = currentMenu->GetCurrent();
                  currentEntry = 0;

            TIter next2(currentMenu->GetListOfEntries());

            while ((ce = (TGMenuEntry*)next2())) {
               UInt_t hot = 0;
               if (ce->GetLabel()) hot = ce->GetLabel()->GetHotChar();
               if (!hot || (hot != keysym)) continue;

               if (ce->GetType() != kMenuPopup) {
                  gVirtualX->GrabPointer(0, 0, 0, 0, kFALSE);
                  currentMenu->fStick = kFALSE;
                  Event_t ev;
                  ev.fType = kButtonRelease;
                  ev.fWindow = currentMenu->GetId();
                  fCurrent = 0;
                  return currentMenu->HandleButton(&ev);
               else {
                                  ce->fEx+currentMenu->fMenuWidth, ce->fEy,
                                  ax, ay, wdummy);
                  ce->fPopup->PlaceMenu(ax-5, ay-1, kFALSE, kFALSE);

            ce = menu->GetCurrent();
            TGPopupMenu *submenu = 0;

            while (ce && (ce->GetType() == kMenuPopup)) {
               submenu = ce->GetPopup();
               if (!submenu->fPoppedUp) break;
               ce =  submenu->GetCurrent();
               menu = submenu;
            switch ((EKeySym)keysym) {
               case kKey_Left:
                  if ((submenu) && (submenu->fPoppedUp)) {
                  el = (TGFrameElement*)fList->Before(cur);
                  if (!el) el = (TGFrameElement*)fList->Last();
               case kKey_Right:
                  if (submenu) {
                     if (submenu->fPoppedUp) {
                        if (!submenu->GetCurrent()) {
                           ce = (TGMenuEntry*)submenu->GetListOfEntries()->First();
                        } else {
                     else {
                                       ce->fEx+menu->fMenuWidth, ce->fEy,
                                       ax, ay, wdummy);

                        submenu->PlaceMenu(ax-5, ay-1, kFALSE, kFALSE);
                  el = (TGFrameElement*)fList->After(cur);
                  if (!el) el = (TGFrameElement*)fList->First();
               case kKey_Up:
                  if (ce) ce = (TGMenuEntry*)menu->GetListOfEntries()->Before(ce);
                  while (ce && ((ce->GetType() == kMenuSeparator) ||
                         (ce->GetType() == kMenuLabel) ||
                         !(ce->GetStatus() & kMenuEnableMask))) {
                     ce = (TGMenuEntry*)menu->GetListOfEntries()->Before(ce);
                  if (!ce) ce = (TGMenuEntry*)menu->GetListOfEntries()->Last();
               case kKey_Down:
                  if (ce) ce = (TGMenuEntry*)menu->GetListOfEntries()->After(ce);
                  while (ce && ((ce->GetType() == kMenuSeparator) ||
                         (ce->GetType() == kMenuLabel) ||
                         !(ce->GetStatus() & kMenuEnableMask))) {
                     ce = (TGMenuEntry*)menu->GetListOfEntries()->After(ce);
                  if (!ce) ce = (TGMenuEntry*)menu->GetListOfEntries()->First();
               case kKey_Enter:
               case kKey_Return:
                  gVirtualX->GrabPointer(0, 0, 0, 0, kFALSE);
                  menu->fStick = kFALSE;
                  Event_t ev;
                  ev.fType = kButtonRelease;
                  ev.fWindow = menu->GetId();
                  fCurrent = 0;
                  return menu->HandleButton(&ev);
               case kKey_Escape:
                  gVirtualX->GrabPointer(0, 0, 0, 0, kFALSE);
                  fStick = kFALSE;
                  fCurrent = 0;
                  return menu->EndMenu(dummy);
            if (ce) menu->Activate(ce);

            el = el ? el : cur;
            if (el) target = (TGMenuTitle*)el->fFrame;
         } else {
            return kFALSE;

      if (target != 0) {
         fStick = kTRUE;

         if (target != fCurrent) {
            // deactivate all others
            while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next()))

            fCurrent = target;
            fStick   = kTRUE;

            gVirtualX->GrabPointer(fId, kButtonPressMask | kButtonReleaseMask |
                                   kPointerMotionMask, kNone, fDefaultCursor);

            TGMenuEntry *ptr;
            TIter nexte(target->GetMenu()->GetListOfEntries());

            while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) nexte())) {
               if ((ptr->GetStatus() & kMenuEnableMask) &&
                  !(ptr->GetStatus() & kMenuHideMask) &&
                   (ptr->GetType() != kMenuSeparator) &&
                   (ptr->GetType() != kMenuLabel)) break;
            if (ptr)

            return kTRUE;
      } else {
         return kFALSE;

   if (event->fType == kKeyRelease) {
      if (fStick) {
         fStick = kFALSE;
         return kTRUE;
      gVirtualX->GrabPointer(0, 0, 0, 0, kFALSE);  // ungrab pointer

      while ((el = (TGFrameElement *) next()))

      if (fCurrent != 0) {
         target   = fCurrent; // tricky, because WaitFor
         fCurrent = 0;

   return kTRUE;

//                                                                      //
// TGPopupMenu member functions.                                        //
//                                                                      //

TGPopupMenu::TGPopupMenu(const TGWindow *p, UInt_t w, UInt_t h, UInt_t options)
    : TGFrame(p, w, h, options | kOwnBackground)
   // Create a popup menu.

   fNormGC        = GetDefaultGC()();
   fSelGC         = GetDefaultSelectedGC()();
   fSelbackGC     = GetDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC()();
   fFontStruct    = GetDefaultFontStruct();
   fHifontStruct  = GetHilightFontStruct();
   fDefaultCursor = fClient->GetResourcePool()->GetGrabCursor();

   // We need to change the default context to actually use the
   // Menu Fonts.  [Are we actually changing the global settings?]
   GCValues_t    gcval;
   gcval.fMask = kGCFont;
   gcval.fFont = gVirtualX->GetFontHandle(fFontStruct);
   gVirtualX->ChangeGC(fNormGC, &gcval);
   gVirtualX->ChangeGC(fSelGC, &gcval);

   fDelay     = 0;
   fEntryList = new TList;

   // in case any of these magic values is changes, check also Reposition()
   fBorderWidth = 3;
   fMenuHeight  = 6;
   fMenuWidth   = 8;
   fXl          = 16;
   fMsgWindow   = p;
   fStick       = kTRUE;
   fCurrent     = 0;
   fHasGrab     = kFALSE;
   fPoppedUp    = kFALSE;
   fMenuBar     = 0;
   fSplitButton = 0;
   fEntrySep    = 3;

   SetWindowAttributes_t wattr;
   wattr.fMask             = kWAOverrideRedirect | kWASaveUnder;
   wattr.fOverrideRedirect = kTRUE;
   wattr.fSaveUnder        = kTRUE;

   gVirtualX->ChangeWindowAttributes(fId, &wattr);

   AddInput(kPointerMotionMask | kEnterWindowMask | kLeaveWindowMask);

   // Delete a popup menu.

   if (fEntryList) fEntryList->Delete();
   delete fEntryList;
   delete fDelay;

void TGPopupMenu::AddEntry(TGHotString *s, Int_t id, void *ud,
                           const TGPicture *p, TGMenuEntry *before)
   // Add a menu entry. The hotstring is adopted by the menu (actually by
   // the TGMenuEntry) and deleted when possible. A possible picture is
   // borrowed from the picture pool and therefore not adopted.
   // If before is not 0, the entry will be added before it.

   TGMenuEntry *nw = new TGMenuEntry;

   nw->fLabel    = s;
   nw->fPic      = p;
   nw->fType     = kMenuEntry;
   nw->fEntryId  = id;
   nw->fUserData = ud;
   nw->fPopup    = 0;
   nw->fStatus   = kMenuEnableMask;
   nw->fEx       = 2;
   nw->fEy       = fMenuHeight-2;

   if (before)
      fEntryList->AddBefore(before, nw);

   UInt_t tw, ph = 0, pw = 0;
   tw = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fHifontStruct, s->GetString(), s->GetLength());
   if (p) {
      ph = p->GetHeight();
      pw = p->GetWidth();
      if (pw+12 > fXl) { fMenuWidth += pw+12-fXl; fXl = pw+12; }

   Int_t max_ascent, max_descent;
   nw->fEw = tw + pw /*+8*/+18+12;
   fMenuWidth = TMath::Max(fMenuWidth, nw->fEw);
   gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(fHifontStruct, max_ascent, max_descent);
   nw->fEh = max_ascent + max_descent + fEntrySep;
   if (nw->fEh < ph+fEntrySep) nw->fEh = ph+fEntrySep; 
   fMenuHeight += nw->fEh;

   if (before)
      Resize(fMenuWidth, fMenuHeight);

void TGPopupMenu::AddEntry(const char *s, Int_t id, void *ud,
                           const TGPicture *p, TGMenuEntry *before)
   // Add a menu entry. The string s in not adopted.
   // If before is not 0, the entry will be added before it.

   AddEntry(new TGHotString(s), id, ud, p, before);

void TGPopupMenu::AddSeparator(TGMenuEntry *before)
   // Add a menu separator to the menu.
   // If before is not 0, the entry will be added before it.

   TGMenuEntry *nw = new TGMenuEntry;

   nw->fLabel    = 0;
   nw->fPic      = 0;
   nw->fType     = kMenuSeparator;
   nw->fEntryId  = -1;
   nw->fUserData = 0;
   nw->fPopup    = 0;
   nw->fStatus   = kMenuEnableMask;
   nw->fEx       = 2;
   nw->fEy       = fMenuHeight-2;

   if (before)
      fEntryList->AddBefore(before, nw);

   nw->fEw = 0;
   nw->fEh = 4;
   fMenuHeight += nw->fEh;

   if (before)
      Resize(fMenuWidth, fMenuHeight);

void TGPopupMenu::AddLabel(TGHotString *s, const TGPicture *p,
                           TGMenuEntry *before)
   // Add a menu label to the menu. The hotstring is adopted by the menu
   // (actually by the TGMenuEntry) and deleted when possible. A possible
   // picture is borrowed from the picture pool and therefore not adopted.
   // If before is not 0, the entry will be added before it.

   TGMenuEntry *nw = new TGMenuEntry;

   nw->fLabel    = s;
   nw->fPic      = p;
   nw->fType     = kMenuLabel;
   nw->fEntryId  = -1;
   nw->fUserData = 0;
   nw->fPopup    = 0;
   nw->fStatus   = kMenuEnableMask | kMenuDefaultMask;
   nw->fEx       = 2;
   nw->fEy       = fMenuHeight-2;

   if (before)
      fEntryList->AddBefore(before, nw);

   UInt_t tw, ph = 0, pw = 0;
   tw = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fHifontStruct, s->GetString(), s->GetLength());
   if (p) {
      ph = p->GetHeight();
      pw = p->GetWidth();
      if (pw+12 > fXl) { fMenuWidth += pw+12-fXl; fXl = pw+12; }

   Int_t max_ascent, max_descent;
   nw->fEw = tw + pw /*+8*/+18+12;
   fMenuWidth = TMath::Max(fMenuWidth, nw->fEw);
   gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(fHifontStruct, max_ascent, max_descent);
   nw->fEh = max_ascent + max_descent + fEntrySep;
   if (nw->fEh < ph+fEntrySep) nw->fEh = ph+fEntrySep; 
   fMenuHeight += nw->fEh;

   if (before)
      Resize(fMenuWidth, fMenuHeight);

void TGPopupMenu::AddLabel(const char *s, const TGPicture *p,
                           TGMenuEntry *before)
   // Add a menu label to the menu. The string s in not adopted.
   // If before is not 0, the entry will be added before it.

   AddLabel(new TGHotString(s), p, before);

void TGPopupMenu::AddPopup(TGHotString *s, TGPopupMenu *popup,
                           TGMenuEntry *before, const TGPicture *p)
   // Add a (cascading) popup menu to a popup menu. The hotstring is adopted
   // by the menu (actually by the TGMenuEntry) and deleted when possible.
   // If before is not 0, the entry will be added before it.

   TGMenuEntry *nw = new TGMenuEntry;

   nw->fLabel    = s;
   nw->fPic      = p;
   nw->fType     = kMenuPopup;
   nw->fEntryId  = -2;
   nw->fUserData = 0;
   nw->fPopup    = popup;
   nw->fStatus   = kMenuEnableMask;
   nw->fEx       = 2;
   nw->fEy       = fMenuHeight-2;

   if (before)
      fEntryList->AddBefore(before, nw);

   UInt_t tw = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fHifontStruct, s->GetString(),

   UInt_t ph = 0, pw = 8;
   if (p) {
      ph = p->GetHeight();
      pw = p->GetWidth();
      if (pw+12 > fXl) { fMenuWidth += pw+12-fXl; fXl = pw+12; }
   Int_t max_ascent, max_descent;
   nw->fEw = tw + pw+18+12;
   fMenuWidth = TMath::Max(fMenuWidth, nw->fEw);
   gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(fHifontStruct, max_ascent, max_descent);
   nw->fEh = max_ascent + max_descent + fEntrySep;
   if (nw->fEh < ph+fEntrySep) nw->fEh = ph+fEntrySep; 
   fMenuHeight += nw->fEh;

   if (before)
      Resize(fMenuWidth, fMenuHeight);

void TGPopupMenu::AddPopup(const char *s, TGPopupMenu *popup,
                           TGMenuEntry *before, const TGPicture *p)
   // Add a (cascading) popup menu to a popup menu. The string s is not
   // adopted. If before is not 0, the entry will be added before it.

   AddPopup(new TGHotString(s), popup, before, p);

void TGPopupMenu::Reposition()
   // Reposition entries in popup menu. Called after menu item has been
   // hidden or removed or inserted at a specified location.

   // in case any of these magic values is changes, check also the ctor.
   fMenuHeight = 6;
   fMenuWidth  = 8;
   fXl         = 16;

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next())) {

      if (ptr->fStatus & kMenuHideMask) continue;

      if (ptr->fPic) {
         UInt_t pw = ptr->fPic->GetWidth();
         if (pw+12 > fXl) { fMenuWidth += pw+12-fXl; fXl = pw+12; }
      ptr->fEx     = 2;
      ptr->fEy     = fMenuHeight-2;
      fMenuWidth   = TMath::Max(fMenuWidth, ptr->fEw);
      fMenuHeight += ptr->fEh;
   Resize(fMenuWidth, fMenuHeight);

void TGPopupMenu::PlaceMenu(Int_t x, Int_t y, Bool_t stick_mode, Bool_t grab_pointer)
   // Popup a popup menu. If stick mode is true keep the menu up. If
   // grab_pointer is true the pointer will be grabbed, which means that
   // all pointer events will go to the popup menu, independent of in
   // which window the pointer is.

   void *ud;

   Int_t  rx, ry;
   UInt_t rw, rh;

   fStick = stick_mode;
   fCurrent = 0;

   // Parent is root window for a popup menu
   gVirtualX->GetWindowSize(fParent->GetId(), rx, ry, rw, rh);

   if (x < 0) x = 0;
   if (x + fMenuWidth > rw) x = rw - fMenuWidth;
   if (y < 0) y = 0;
   if (y + fMenuHeight > rh) y = rh - fMenuHeight;

   Move(x, y);

   if (grab_pointer) {
      gVirtualX->GrabPointer(fId, kButtonPressMask | kButtonReleaseMask |
                             kPointerMotionMask, kNone, fDefaultCursor);
      fHasGrab = kTRUE;
   } else {
      fHasGrab = kFALSE;

   fPoppedUp = kTRUE;
   if (fMenuBar) fMenuBar->BindKeys(kTRUE);


Int_t TGPopupMenu::EndMenu(void *&userData)
   // Close menu and return ID of selected menu item.
   // In case of cascading menus, recursively close all menus.

   Int_t id;

   if (fDelay) fDelay->Remove();

   // destroy any cascaded childs and get any ID

   if (fCurrent != 0) {

      // deactivate the entry
      fCurrent->fStatus &= ~kMenuActiveMask;

      if ((fCurrent->fType == kMenuPopup) && fCurrent->fPopup) {
         id = fCurrent->fPopup->EndMenu(userData);
      } else {
         // return the ID if the entry is enabled, otherwise -1
         if (fCurrent->fStatus & kMenuEnableMask) {
            id       = fCurrent->fEntryId;
            userData = fCurrent->fUserData;
         } else {
            id       = -1;
            userData = 0;

   } else {
      // if no entry selected...
      id       = -1;
      userData = 0;

   // then unmap itself

   if (fMenuBar) fMenuBar->BindKeys(kFALSE);

   if (fPoppedUp) {
      fPoppedUp = kFALSE;

   return id;

Bool_t TGPopupMenu::HandleButton(Event_t *event)
   // Handle button event in the popup menu.

   int   id;
   void *ud;

   if (event->fType == kButtonRelease) {
      if (fStick) {
         fStick = kFALSE;
         return kTRUE;
      //if (fCurrent != 0)
      //   if (fCurrent->fType == kMenuPopup) return kTRUE;
      id = EndMenu(ud);
      if (fHasGrab) gVirtualX->GrabPointer(0, 0, 0, 0, kFALSE);  // ungrab
      if (fCurrent != 0) {
         fCurrent->fStatus &= ~kMenuActiveMask;
         if (fCurrent->fStatus & kMenuEnableMask) {
            SendMessage(fMsgWindow, MK_MSG(kC_COMMAND, kCM_MENU), id,
   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGPopupMenu::HandleCrossing(Event_t *event)
   // Handle pointer crossing event in popup menu.

   if (event->fType == kEnterNotify) {

      TGMenuEntry *ptr;
      TIter next(fEntryList);

      while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next())) {
         if (ptr->fStatus & kMenuHideMask) continue;

         if ((event->fX >= ptr->fEx) && (event->fX <= ptr->fEx+(Int_t)fMenuWidth-10) &&
             (event->fY >= ptr->fEy) && (event->fY <= ptr->fEy+(Int_t)ptr->fEh))
   } else {
   if (fMenuBar) fMenuBar->fKeyNavigate = kFALSE;
   if (fSplitButton) fSplitButton->fKeyNavigate = kFALSE;

   return kTRUE;

Bool_t TGPopupMenu::HandleMotion(Event_t *event)
   // Handle pointer motion event in popup menu.


   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   fStick = kFALSE;   // be careful with this, use some threshold
   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next())) {
      if (ptr->fStatus & kMenuHideMask) continue;

      if ((event->fX >= ptr->fEx) && (event->fX <= ptr->fEx+(Int_t)fMenuWidth-4) &&  //fMenuWidth-10??
          (event->fY >= ptr->fEy) && (event->fY <= ptr->fEy+(Int_t)ptr->fEh))

   return kTRUE;

void TGPopupMenu::Activate(TGMenuEntry *entry)
   // Activate a menu entry in a popup menu.

   if (entry == fCurrent) return;

   //-- Deactivate the current entry

   if (fCurrent != 0) {
      void *ud;
      if (entry == 0 && fCurrent->fType == kMenuPopup) return;
      if ((fCurrent->fType == kMenuPopup) && fCurrent->fPopup) 
      fCurrent->fStatus &= ~kMenuActiveMask;

   if (fDelay) fDelay->Remove();

   //-- Activate the new one

   if (entry) {
      entry->fStatus |= kMenuActiveMask;
      if (entry->fType == kMenuPopup) {
         if (!fDelay) fDelay = new TPopupDelayTimer(this, 350);
         // after delay expires it will popup the cascading popup menu
         // iff it is still the current entry
      } else if (entry->fType == kMenuEntry) {
         // test...
         SendMessage(fMsgWindow, MK_MSG(kC_COMMAND, kCM_MENUSELECT),
                     entry->fEntryId, (Long_t)entry->fUserData);
   fCurrent = entry;

Bool_t TGPopupMenu::HandleTimer(TTimer *)
   // If TPopupDelayTimer times out popup cascading popup menu (if it is
   // still the current entry).

   if (fCurrent != 0) {
      if ((fCurrent->fType == kMenuPopup) && fCurrent->fPopup) {
         Int_t    ax, ay;
         Window_t wdummy;

                                       fCurrent->fEx+fMenuWidth, fCurrent->fEy,
                                       ax, ay, wdummy);

         fCurrent->fPopup->PlaceMenu(ax-5, ay-1, kFALSE, kFALSE);

   return kTRUE;

void TGPopupMenu::DoRedraw()
   // Draw popup menu.


   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))

void TGPopupMenu::DrawEntry(TGMenuEntry *entry)
   // Draw popup menu entry.

   FontStruct_t  font;
   GCValues_t    gcval;

   if (entry->fStatus & kMenuHideMask)

   if (entry->fStatus & kMenuDefaultMask) {
      font = fHifontStruct;
      gcval.fMask = kGCFont;
      gcval.fFont = gVirtualX->GetFontHandle(font);
      gVirtualX->ChangeGC(fNormGC, &gcval);
      gVirtualX->ChangeGC(fSelGC, &gcval);
   } else {
      font = fFontStruct;

   int max_ascent, max_descent;
   gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(font, max_ascent, max_descent);
   int tx = entry->fEx + fXl;
   // center text
   int offset = (entry->fEh - (max_ascent + max_descent)) / 2;
   if (offset > 0) offset -= 1;
   else offset = 0;
   int ty = entry->fEy + max_ascent + offset;

   switch (entry->fType) {
      case kMenuPopup:
      case kMenuLabel:
      case kMenuEntry:
         if ((entry->fStatus & kMenuActiveMask) && entry->fType != kMenuLabel) {
            gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId, fSelbackGC, entry->fEx+1, entry->fEy-1,
                                     fMenuWidth-6, entry->fEh);
            if (entry->fType == kMenuPopup)
               DrawTrianglePattern(fSelGC, fMenuWidth-10, entry->fEy+fEntrySep, fMenuWidth-6, entry->fEy+11);
            if (entry->fStatus & kMenuCheckedMask)
               DrawCheckMark(fSelGC, 6, entry->fEy+fEntrySep, 14, entry->fEy+11);
            if (entry->fStatus & kMenuRadioMask)
               DrawRCheckMark(fSelGC, 6, entry->fEy+fEntrySep, 14, entry->fEy+11);
            if (entry->fPic != 0)
               entry->fPic->Draw(fId, fSelGC, 8, entry->fEy+1);
                           (entry->fStatus & kMenuEnableMask) ? fSelGC : GetShadowGC()(),
                           tx, ty);
         } else {
            gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId, GetBckgndGC()(), entry->fEx+1, entry->fEy-1,
                                     fMenuWidth-6, entry->fEh);
            if (entry->fType == kMenuPopup)
               DrawTrianglePattern(fNormGC, fMenuWidth-10, entry->fEy+fEntrySep, fMenuWidth-6, entry->fEy+11);
            if (entry->fStatus & kMenuCheckedMask)
               DrawCheckMark(fNormGC, 6, entry->fEy+fEntrySep, 14, entry->fEy+11);
            if (entry->fStatus & kMenuRadioMask)
               DrawRCheckMark(fNormGC, 6, entry->fEy+fEntrySep, 14, entry->fEy+11);
            if (entry->fPic != 0)
               entry->fPic->Draw(fId, fNormGC, 8, entry->fEy+1);
            if (entry->fStatus & kMenuEnableMask) {
               entry->fLabel->Draw(fId, fNormGC, tx, ty);
            } else {
               entry->fLabel->Draw(fId, GetHilightGC()(), tx+1, ty+1);
               entry->fLabel->Draw(fId, GetShadowGC()(), tx, ty);

      case kMenuSeparator:
         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetShadowGC()(),  2, entry->fEy, fMenuWidth-fEntrySep, entry->fEy);
         gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetHilightGC()(), 2, entry->fEy+1, fMenuWidth-fEntrySep, entry->fEy+1);

   // restore font
   if (entry->fStatus & kMenuDefaultMask) {
      gcval.fFont = gVirtualX->GetFontHandle(fFontStruct);
      gVirtualX->ChangeGC(fNormGC, &gcval);
      gVirtualX->ChangeGC(fSelGC, &gcval);

void TGPopupMenu::DrawBorder()
   // Draw border round popup menu.

   gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetBckgndGC()(), 0, 0, fMenuWidth-2, 0);
   gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetBckgndGC()(), 0, 0, 0, fMenuHeight-2);
   gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetHilightGC()(), 1, 1, fMenuWidth-fEntrySep, 1);
   gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetHilightGC()(), 1, 1, 1, fMenuHeight-fEntrySep);

   gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetShadowGC()(),  1, fMenuHeight-2, fMenuWidth-2, fMenuHeight-2);
   gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetShadowGC()(),  fMenuWidth-2, fMenuHeight-2, fMenuWidth-2, 1);
   gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetBlackGC()(), 0, fMenuHeight-1, fMenuWidth-1, fMenuHeight-1);
   gVirtualX->DrawLine(fId, GetBlackGC()(), fMenuWidth-1, fMenuHeight-1, fMenuWidth-1, 0);

void TGPopupMenu::DrawTrianglePattern(GContext_t gc, Int_t l, Int_t t,
                                      Int_t r, Int_t b)
   // Draw triangle pattern. Used for menu entries that are of type
   // kMenuPopup (i.e. cascading menus).

   Point_t  points[3];

   int m = (t + b) >> 1;

   points[0].fX = l;
   points[0].fY = t;
   points[1].fX = l;
   points[1].fY = b;
   points[2].fX = r;
   points[2].fY = m;

   gVirtualX->FillPolygon(fId, gc, points, 3);

void TGPopupMenu::DrawCheckMark(GContext_t gc, Int_t l, Int_t t, Int_t, Int_t b)
   // Draw check mark. Used for checked button type menu entries.

   Segment_t seg[6];

   t = (t + b - 8) >> 1; ++t;

   seg[0].fX1 = 1+l; seg[0].fY1 = 3+t; seg[0].fX2 = 3+l; seg[0].fY2 = 5+t;
   seg[1].fX1 = 1+l; seg[1].fY1 = 4+t; seg[1].fX2 = 3+l; seg[1].fY2 = 6+t;
   seg[2].fX1 = 1+l; seg[2].fY1 = 5+t; seg[2].fX2 = 3+l; seg[2].fY2 = 7+t;
   seg[3].fX1 = 3+l; seg[3].fY1 = 5+t; seg[3].fX2 = 7+l; seg[3].fY2 = 1+t;
   seg[4].fX1 = 3+l; seg[4].fY1 = 6+t; seg[4].fX2 = 7+l; seg[4].fY2 = 2+t;
   seg[5].fX1 = 3+l; seg[5].fY1 = 7+t; seg[5].fX2 = 7+l; seg[5].fY2 = 3+t;

   gVirtualX->DrawSegments(fId, gc, seg, 6);

void TGPopupMenu::DrawRCheckMark(GContext_t gc, Int_t l, Int_t t, Int_t r, Int_t b)
   // Draw radio check mark. Used for radio button type menu entries.

   Segment_t seg[5];

   t = (t + b - 5) >> 1; ++t;
   l = (l + r - 5) >> 1; ++l;

   seg[0].fX1 = 1+l; seg[0].fY1 = 0+t; seg[0].fX2 = 3+l; seg[0].fY2 = 0+t;
   seg[1].fX1 = 0+l; seg[1].fY1 = 1+t; seg[1].fX2 = 4+l; seg[1].fY2 = 1+t;
   seg[2].fX1 = 0+l; seg[2].fY1 = 2+t; seg[2].fX2 = 4+l; seg[2].fY2 = 2+t;
   seg[3].fX1 = 0+l; seg[3].fY1 = 3+t; seg[3].fX2 = 4+l; seg[3].fY2 = 3+t;
   seg[4].fX1 = 1+l; seg[4].fY1 = 4+t; seg[4].fX2 = 3+l; seg[4].fY2 = 4+t;

   gVirtualX->DrawSegments(fId, gc, seg, 5);

void TGPopupMenu::DefaultEntry(Int_t id)
   // Set default entry (default entries are drawn with bold text).

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next())) {
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id)
         ptr->fStatus |= kMenuDefaultMask;
         ptr->fStatus &= ~kMenuDefaultMask;

void TGPopupMenu::EnableEntry(Int_t id)
   // Enable entry. By default entries are enabled.

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id) {
         ptr->fStatus |= kMenuEnableMask;
         if (ptr->fStatus & kMenuHideMask) {
            ptr->fStatus &= ~kMenuHideMask;

void TGPopupMenu::DisableEntry(Int_t id)
   // Disable entry (disabled entries appear in a sunken relieve).

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id) { ptr->fStatus &= ~kMenuEnableMask; break; }

Bool_t TGPopupMenu::IsEntryEnabled(Int_t id)
   // Return true if menu entry is enabled.

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id)
         return (ptr->fStatus & kMenuEnableMask) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   return kFALSE;

void TGPopupMenu::HideEntry(Int_t id)
   // Hide entry (hidden entries are not shown in the menu).
   // To enable a hidden entry call EnableEntry().

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id) {
         ptr->fStatus |=  kMenuHideMask;
         ptr->fStatus &= ~kMenuEnableMask;

Bool_t TGPopupMenu::IsEntryHidden(Int_t id)
   // Return true if menu entry is hidden.

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id)
         return (ptr->fStatus & kMenuHideMask) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   return kFALSE;

void TGPopupMenu::CheckEntry(Int_t id)
   // Check a menu entry (i.e. add a check mark in front of it).

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id) { ptr->fStatus |= kMenuCheckedMask; break; }

void TGPopupMenu::CheckEntryByData(void *user_data)
   // Check a menu entry (i.e. add a check mark in front of it).
   // The input argument is user data associated with entry

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fUserData == user_data) { ptr->fStatus |= kMenuCheckedMask; break; }

void TGPopupMenu::UnCheckEntry(Int_t id)
   // Uncheck menu entry (i.e. remove check mark).

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id) { ptr->fStatus &= ~kMenuCheckedMask; break; }

void TGPopupMenu::UnCheckEntries()
   // Uncheck all entries.

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next())) {
      ptr->fStatus &= ~kMenuCheckedMask;

void TGPopupMenu::UnCheckEntryByData(void *user_data)
   // Uncheck a menu entry (i.e. remove check mark in front of it).
   // The input argument is user data associated with entry

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fUserData == user_data) { ptr->fStatus  &= ~kMenuCheckedMask; break; }

Bool_t TGPopupMenu::IsEntryChecked(Int_t id)
   // Return true if menu item is checked.

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id)
         return (ptr->fStatus & kMenuCheckedMask) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   return kFALSE;

void TGPopupMenu::RCheckEntry(Int_t id, Int_t IDfirst, Int_t IDlast)
   // Radio-select entry (note that they cannot be unselected,
   // the selection must be moved to another entry instead).

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id)
         ptr->fStatus |= kMenuRadioMask | kMenuRadioEntryMask;
         if (ptr->fEntryId >= IDfirst && ptr->fEntryId <= IDlast) {
            ptr->fStatus &= ~kMenuRadioMask;
            ptr->fStatus |=  kMenuRadioEntryMask;

Bool_t TGPopupMenu::IsEntryRChecked(Int_t id)
   // Return true if menu item has radio check mark.

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id)
         return (ptr->fStatus & kMenuRadioMask) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   return kFALSE;

TGMenuEntry *TGPopupMenu::GetEntry(Int_t id)
   // Find entry with specified id. Use the returned entry in DeleteEntry()
   // or as the "before" item in the AddXXXX() methods. Returns 0 if entry
   // is not found. To find entries that don't have an id like the separators,
   // use the GetListOfEntries() method to get the complete entry
   // list and iterate over it and check the type of each entry
   // to find the separators.

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id)
         return ptr;
   return 0;

TGMenuEntry *TGPopupMenu::GetEntry(const char *s)
   // Find entry with specified name. Name must match the original
   // name without hot key symbol, like "Print" and not "&Print".
   // Use the returned entry in DeleteEntry() or as the "before" item
   // in the AddXXXX() methods. Returns 0 if entry is not found.
   // To find entries that don't have a name like the separators,
   // use the GetListOfEntries() method to get the complete entry
   // list and iterate over it and check the type of each entry
   // to find the separators.

   return (TGMenuEntry*) fEntryList->FindObject(s);

void TGPopupMenu::DeleteEntry(Int_t id)
   // Delete entry with specified id from menu.

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr->fEntryId == id) {
         delete ptr;
         if (fCurrent == ptr)
            fCurrent = 0;

void TGPopupMenu::DeleteEntry(TGMenuEntry *entry)
   // Delete specified entry from menu.

   TGMenuEntry *ptr;
   TIter next(fEntryList);

   while ((ptr = (TGMenuEntry *) next()))
      if (ptr == entry) {
         delete ptr;
         if (fCurrent == ptr)
            fCurrent = 0;

const TGGC &TGPopupMenu::GetDefaultGC()
   // Return default graphics context.

   if (!fgDefaultGC)
      fgDefaultGC = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetFrameGC();
   return *fgDefaultGC;

const TGGC &TGPopupMenu::GetDefaultSelectedGC()
   // Return the selection graphics context in use.

   if (!fgDefaultSelectedGC)
      fgDefaultSelectedGC = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetSelectedGC();
   return *fgDefaultSelectedGC;

const TGGC &TGPopupMenu::GetDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC()
   // Return the selection background graphics context in use.

   if (!fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC)
      fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetSelectedBckgndGC();
   return *fgDefaultSelectedBackgroundGC;

FontStruct_t TGPopupMenu::GetDefaultFontStruct()
   // Return the default font structure in use.

   if (!fgDefaultFont)
      fgDefaultFont = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetMenuFont();
   return fgDefaultFont->GetFontStruct();

FontStruct_t TGPopupMenu::GetHilightFontStruct()
   // Return the font structure in use for highlighted menu entries.

   if (!fgHilightFont)
      fgHilightFont = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetMenuHiliteFont();
   return fgHilightFont->GetFontStruct();

//                                                                      //
// TGMenuTitle member functions.                                        //
//                                                                      //

TGMenuTitle::TGMenuTitle(const TGWindow *p, TGHotString *s, TGPopupMenu *menu,
                         GContext_t norm, FontStruct_t font, UInt_t options)
    : TGFrame(p, 1, 1, options)
   // Create a menu title. This object is created by a menu bar when adding
   // a popup menu. The menu title adopts the hotstring.

   fLabel      = s;
   fMenu       = menu;
   fFontStruct = font;
   fSelGC      = GetDefaultSelectedGC()();
   fNormGC     = norm;
   fState      = kFALSE;
   fTitleId    = -1;
   fTextColor  = GetForeground();

   Int_t hotchar;
   if (s && (hotchar = s->GetHotChar()) != 0)
      fHkeycode = gVirtualX->KeysymToKeycode(hotchar);
      fHkeycode = 0;

   UInt_t tw = 0;
   Int_t  max_ascent, max_descent;
   if (fLabel)
      tw = gVirtualX->TextWidth(fFontStruct, fLabel->GetString(), fLabel->GetLength());
   gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(fFontStruct, max_ascent, max_descent);

   Resize(tw + 8, max_ascent + max_descent + 7);

   if (p && p->InheritsFrom(TGMenuBar::Class())) {
      TGMenuBar *bar = (TGMenuBar*)p;

void TGMenuTitle::SetState(Bool_t state)
   // Set state of menu title.

   fState = state;
   if (state) {
      if (fMenu != 0) {
         Int_t    ax, ay;
         Window_t wdummy;

         gVirtualX->TranslateCoordinates(fId, (fMenu->GetParent())->GetId(),
                                         0, 0, ax, ay, wdummy);

         // place the menu just under the window:
         fMenu->PlaceMenu(ax-1, ay+fHeight, kTRUE, kFALSE); //kTRUE);
   } else {
      if (fMenu != 0) {
         fTitleId = fMenu->EndMenu(fTitleData);
   fOptions &= ~(kSunkenFrame | kRaisedFrame);

void TGMenuTitle::DoRedraw()
   // Draw a menu title.


   int x, y, max_ascent, max_descent;
   x = y = 4;

   gVirtualX->GetFontProperties(fFontStruct, max_ascent, max_descent);

   if (fState) {
      gVirtualX->SetForeground(fNormGC, GetDefaultSelectedBackground());
      gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId,fNormGC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight);
      gVirtualX->SetForeground(fNormGC, GetForeground());
      fLabel->Draw(fId, fSelGC, x, y + max_ascent);
   } else {
      // Use same background color than the menu bar
      Pixel_t back = GetDefaultFrameBackground();
      if (fMenu && fMenu->fMenuBar && fMenu->fMenuBar->GetBackground() != back)
         back = fMenu->fMenuBar->GetBackground();
      gVirtualX->SetForeground(fNormGC, back);
      gVirtualX->FillRectangle(fId,fNormGC, 0, 0, fWidth, fHeight);
      gVirtualX->SetForeground(fNormGC, fTextColor);
      fLabel->Draw(fId, fNormGC, x, y + max_ascent);
      if (fTextColor != GetForeground())
         gVirtualX->SetForeground(fNormGC, GetForeground());

void TGMenuTitle::DoSendMessage()
   // Send final selected menu item to be processed.

   if (fMenu)
      if (fTitleId != -1) {
         SendMessage(fMenu->fMsgWindow, MK_MSG(kC_COMMAND, kCM_MENU), fTitleId,

FontStruct_t TGMenuTitle::GetDefaultFontStruct()
   // Return default font structure in use.

   if (!fgDefaultFont)
      fgDefaultFont = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetMenuFont();
   return fgDefaultFont->GetFontStruct();

const TGGC &TGMenuTitle::GetDefaultGC()
   // Return default graphics context in use.

   if (!fgDefaultGC)
      fgDefaultGC = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetFrameGC();
   return *fgDefaultGC;

const TGGC &TGMenuTitle::GetDefaultSelectedGC()
   // Return default selection graphics context in use.

   if (!fgDefaultSelectedGC)
      fgDefaultSelectedGC = gClient->GetResourcePool()->GetSelectedGC();
   return *fgDefaultSelectedGC;

void TGPopupMenu::SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t *option /*= ""*/)
   // Save a popup menu widget as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out.

   char quote = '"';

   out << "   TGPopupMenu *";
   out << GetName() << " = new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetDefaultRoot()"
       << "," << GetWidth() << "," << GetHeight() << "," << GetOptionString() << ");" << endl;

   Bool_t hasradio = kFALSE;
   Int_t r_first, r_last, r_active;
   r_active = r_first = r_last = -1;

   TGMenuEntry *mentry;
   TIter next(GetListOfEntries());

   while ((mentry = (TGMenuEntry *) next())) {
      const char *text;
      Int_t i, lentext, hotpos;
      char *outext;

      switch (mentry->GetType()) {
         case kMenuEntry:
            text = mentry->GetName();
            lentext = mentry->fLabel->GetLength();
            hotpos = mentry->fLabel->GetHotPos();
            outext = new char[lentext+2];
            while (lentext) {
               if (i == hotpos-1) {
                  outext[i] = '&';
               outext[i] = *text;
               i++; text++; lentext--;

            out << "   " << GetName() << "->AddEntry(" << quote
                << gSystem->ExpandPathName(gSystem->UnixPathName(outext)) // can be a file name
                << quote << "," << mentry->GetEntryId();
            if (mentry->fUserData) {
               out << "," << mentry->fUserData;
            if (mentry->fPic) {
               out << ",gClient->GetPicture(" << quote
                   << gSystem->ExpandPathName(gSystem->UnixPathName(mentry->fPic->GetName()))
                   << quote << ")";
            out << ");" << endl;
            delete [] outext;
         case kMenuPopup:
            out << endl;
            out << "   // cascaded menu " << quote << mentry->GetName() << quote <<endl;
            mentry->fPopup->SavePrimitive(out, option);
            text = mentry->GetName();
            lentext = mentry->fLabel->GetLength();
            hotpos = mentry->fLabel->GetHotPos();
            outext = new char[lentext+2];
            while (lentext) {
               if (i == hotpos-1) {
                  outext[i] = '&';
               outext[i] = *text;
               i++; text++; lentext--;

            out << "   " << GetName() << "->AddPopup(" << quote
                << outext << quote << "," << mentry->fPopup->GetName()
                << ");" << endl;
            delete [] outext;
         case kMenuLabel:
            out << "   " << GetName() << "->AddLabel(" << quote
                << mentry->GetName() << quote;
            if (mentry->fPic) {
               out << ",gClient->GetPicture(" << quote
                   << mentry->fPic->GetName()
                   << quote << ")";
            out << ");" << endl;
         case kMenuSeparator:
            out << "   " << GetName() << "->AddSeparator();" << endl;

      if (!(mentry->GetStatus() & kMenuEnableMask)) {
         out<< "   " << GetName() << "->DisableEntry(" << mentry->GetEntryId()
            << ");" << endl;
      if (mentry->GetStatus() & kMenuHideMask) {
         out<< "   " << GetName() << "->HideEntry(" << mentry->GetEntryId()
            << ");" << endl;
      if (mentry->GetStatus() & kMenuCheckedMask) {
         out<< "   " << GetName() << "->CheckEntry(" << mentry->GetEntryId()
            << ");" << endl;
      if (mentry->GetStatus() & kMenuDefaultMask) {
         out<< "   "<< GetName() << "->DefaultEntry(" << mentry->GetEntryId()
            << ");" << endl;
      if (mentry->GetStatus() & kMenuRadioEntryMask) {
         switch (hasradio) {
            case kFALSE:
               r_first = mentry->GetEntryId();
               hasradio = kTRUE;
               if (IsEntryRChecked(mentry->GetEntryId())) r_active = mentry->GetEntryId();
            case kTRUE:
               r_last = mentry->GetEntryId();
               if (IsEntryRChecked(mentry->GetEntryId())) r_active = mentry->GetEntryId();
      } else if (hasradio) {
         out << "   " << GetName() << "->RCheckEntry(" << r_active << "," << r_first
             << "," << r_last << ");" << endl;
         hasradio = kFALSE;
         r_active = r_first = r_last = -1;

void TGMenuTitle::SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t *option /*= ""*/)
    // Save a title menu widget as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out.

   char quote = '"';

   out << endl;
   out << "   // " << quote << fLabel->GetString() << quote <<" menu" << endl;

   fMenu->SavePrimitive(out, option);

   const char *text = fLabel->GetString();
   Int_t lentext = fLabel->GetLength();
   Int_t hotpos = fLabel->GetHotPos();
   char *outext = new char[lentext+2];
   Int_t i=0;
   while (lentext) {
      if (i == hotpos-1) {
         outext[i] = '&';
      outext[i] = *text;
      i++; text++; lentext--;
   out << "   " << fParent->GetName() << "->AddPopup(" << quote << outext
       << quote << "," << fMenu->GetName();

   delete [] outext;

void TGMenuBar::SavePrimitive(ostream &out, Option_t *option /*= ""*/)
    // Save a menu bar widget as a C++ statement(s) on output stream out.

   out << endl;
   out << "   // menu bar" << endl;

   out << "   TGMenuBar *";
   out << GetName() << " = new TGMenuBar(" << fParent->GetName()
       << "," << GetWidth() << "," << GetHeight() << "," << GetOptionString() << ");" << endl;

   if (!fList) return;

   TGFrameElement *el;
   TIter next(fList);

   while ((el = (TGFrameElement *)next())) {
      el->fFrame->SavePrimitive(out, option);
      el->fLayout->SavePrimitive(out, option);
      out << ");" << endl;

Last change: Fri Dec 5 09:52:54 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-05 09:52

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