 * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis       *
 * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
 * Class  : CCPruner                                                              *
 * Web    : http://tmva.sourceforge.net                                           *
 *                                                                                *
 * Description: Cost Complexity Pruning                                           *
 * Author: Doug Schouten (dschoute@sfu.ca)
 *                                                                                *
 * Copyright (c) 2007:                                                            *
 *      CERN, Switzerland                                                         *
 *      MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany                                                 *
 *      U. of Texas at Austin, USA                                                *
 *                                                                                *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
 * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
 * (http://tmva.sourceforge.net/LICENSE)                                          *

#include "TMVA/CCPruner.h"
#include "TMVA/SeparationBase.h"
#include "TMVA/GiniIndex.h"
#include "TMVA/MisClassificationError.h"
#include "TMVA/CCTreeWrapper.h"

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <limits>
#include <math.h>

 using namespace TMVA;

CCPruner::CCPruner( DecisionTree* t_max, const EventList* validationSample,
		    SeparationBase* qualityIndex ) : fAlpha(-1.0), 
						     fOptimalK(-1) {
   // constructor
   fTree = t_max;
   if(qualityIndex == NULL) {
      fOwnQIndex = true;
      fQualityIndex = new MisClassificationError();
   else {
      fOwnQIndex = false;
      fQualityIndex = qualityIndex;
   fDebug = kFALSE;

CCPruner::~CCPruner( ) {
   if(fOwnQIndex) delete fQualityIndex;
   // destructor

void CCPruner::Optimize( ) {
   // determine the pruning sequence

   Bool_t HaveStopCondition = fAlpha > 0; // keep pruning the tree until reach the limit fAlpha

   // build a wrapper tree to perform work on
   CCTreeWrapper* dTWrapper = new CCTreeWrapper(fTree, fQualityIndex);

   Int_t    k = 0;
   Double_t epsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
   Double_t alpha = -1.0e10;

   ofstream outfile;
   if (fDebug) outfile.open("costcomplexity.log");
   if(!HaveStopCondition && fValidationSample == NULL) {
      if (fDebug) outfile << "ERROR: no validation sample, so cannot optimize pruning!" << std::endl;
      delete dTWrapper;
      if (fDebug) outfile.close();

   CCTreeWrapper::CCTreeNode* R = dTWrapper->GetRoot();
   while(R->GetNLeafDaughters() > 1) { // prune upwards to the root node
      if(R->GetMinAlphaC() > alpha) 
         alpha = R->GetMinAlphaC(); // initialize alpha

      if(HaveStopCondition && alpha > fAlpha) break;

      CCTreeWrapper::CCTreeNode* t = R;

      while(t->GetMinAlphaC() < t->GetAlphaC()) { // descend to the weakest link

         if(fabs(t->GetMinAlphaC() - t->GetLeftDaughter()->GetMinAlphaC())/fabs(t->GetMinAlphaC()) < epsilon) 
            t = t->GetLeftDaughter();
            t = t->GetRightDaughter();
      if( t == R ) {
         if (fDebug) outfile << std::endl << "Caught trying to prune the root node!" << std::endl;

      CCTreeWrapper::CCTreeNode* n = t;

      if (fDebug){
         outfile << "===========================" << std::endl
                 << "Pruning branch listed below" << std::endl
                 << "===========================" << std::endl;
         t->PrintRec( outfile );
      if (!(t->GetLeftDaughter()) && !(t->GetRightDaughter()) ) {
      dTWrapper->PruneNode(t); // prune the branch rooted at node t

      while(t != R) { // go back up the (pruned) tree and recalculate R(T), alpha_c
         t = t->GetMother();
         t->SetNLeafDaughters(t->GetLeftDaughter()->GetNLeafDaughters() + t->GetRightDaughter()->GetNLeafDaughters());
         t->SetResubstitutionEstimate(t->GetLeftDaughter()->GetResubstitutionEstimate() + 
         t->SetAlphaC((t->GetNodeResubstitutionEstimate() - t->GetResubstitutionEstimate())/(t->GetNLeafDaughters() - 1));
         t->SetMinAlphaC(std::min(t->GetAlphaC(), std::min(t->GetLeftDaughter()->GetMinAlphaC(), 
      k += 1;
      if(!HaveStopCondition) {
         Double_t q = dTWrapper->TestTreeQuality(fValidationSample);
      else { 
   Double_t qmax = -1.0e6;
   if(!HaveStopCondition) {
      for(UInt_t i = 0; i < fQualityIndexList.size(); i++) {
         if(fQualityIndexList[i] > qmax) {
            qmax = fQualityIndexList[i];
            k = i;
      fOptimalK = k;
   else {
      fOptimalK = fPruneSequence.size() - 1;

   if (fDebug){
      outfile << std::endl << "************ Summary **************"  << std::endl
              << "Number of trees in the sequence: " << fPruneSequence.size() << std::endl;
      outfile << "Pruning strength parameters: [";
      for(UInt_t i = 0; i < fPruneStrengthList.size()-1; i++) 
         outfile << fPruneStrengthList[i] << ", ";
      outfile << fPruneStrengthList[fPruneStrengthList.size()-1] << "]" << std::endl;
      outfile << "Misclassification rates: [";
      for(UInt_t i = 0; i < fQualityIndexList.size()-1; i++) 
         outfile << fQualityIndexList[i] << ", ";
      outfile << fQualityIndexList[fQualityIndexList.size()-1] << "]"  << std::endl;
      outfile << "Optimal index: " << fOptimalK+1 << std::endl;
   delete dTWrapper;

std::vector<DecisionTreeNode*> CCPruner::GetOptimalPruneSequence( ) const {
    // return the prune strength (=alpha) corresponding to the prune sequence
   std::vector<DecisionTreeNode*> optimalSequence;
   if( fOptimalK >= 0 ) {
      for( Int_t i = 0; i < fOptimalK; i++ ) {
   return optimalSequence;

Last change: Sat Nov 1 10:21:30 2008
Last generated: 2008-11-01 10:21

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