// @(#)root/tmva $Id: DecisionTree.cxx 26050 2008-11-01 09:18:41Z brun $
// Author: Andreas Hoecker, Joerg Stelzer, Helge Voss, Kai Voss

 * Project: TMVA - a Root-integrated toolkit for multivariate data analysis       *
 * Package: TMVA                                                                  *
 * Class  : TMVA::DecisionTree                                                    *
 * Web    : http://tmva.sourceforge.net                                           *
 *                                                                                *
 * Description:                                                                   *
 *      Implementation of a Decision Tree                                         *
 *                                                                                *
 * Authors (alphabetical):                                                        *
 *      Andreas Hoecker <Andreas.Hocker@cern.ch> - CERN, Switzerland              *
 *      Xavier Prudent  <prudent@lapp.in2p3.fr>  - LAPP, France                   *
 *      Helge Voss      <Helge.Voss@cern.ch>     - MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany      *
 *      Kai Voss        <Kai.Voss@cern.ch>       - U. of Victoria, Canada         *
 *                                                                                *
 * Copyright (c) 2005:                                                            *
 *      CERN, Switzerland                                                         *
 *      U. of Victoria, Canada                                                    *
 *      MPI-K Heidelberg, Germany                                                 *
 *      LAPP, Annecy, France                                                      *
 *                                                                                *
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without             *
 * modification, are permitted according to the terms listed in LICENSE           *
 * (http://mva.sourceforge.net/license.txt)                                       *
 *                                                                                *

// Implementation of a Decision Tree
// In a decision tree successive decision nodes are used to categorize the
// events out of the sample as either signal or background. Each node
// uses only a single discriminating variable to decide if the event is
// signal-like ("goes right") or background-like ("goes left"). This
// forms a tree like structure with "baskets" at the end (leave nodes),
// and an event is classified as either signal or background according to
// whether the basket where it ends up has been classified signal or
// background during the training. Training of a decision tree is the
// process to define the "cut criteria" for each node. The training
// starts with the root node. Here one takes the full training event
// sample and selects the variable and corresponding cut value that gives
// the best separation between signal and background at this stage. Using
// this cut criterion, the sample is then divided into two subsamples, a
// signal-like (right) and a background-like (left) sample. Two new nodes
// are then created for each of the two sub-samples and they are
// constructed using the same mechanism as described for the root
// node. The devision is stopped once a certain node has reached either a
// minimum number of events, or a minimum or maximum signal purity. These
// leave nodes are then called "signal" or "background" if they contain
// more signal respective background events from the training sample.

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>

#include "TMath.h"

#include "TMVA/DecisionTree.h"
#include "TMVA/DecisionTreeNode.h"
#include "TMVA/BinarySearchTree.h"

#include "TMVA/Tools.h"

#include "TMVA/GiniIndex.h"
#include "TMVA/CrossEntropy.h"
#include "TMVA/MisClassificationError.h"
#include "TMVA/SdivSqrtSplusB.h"
#include "TMVA/Event.h"
#include "TMVA/BDTEventWrapper.h"
#include "TMVA/CCPruner.h"

using std::vector;


TMVA::DecisionTree::DecisionTree( void )
   : BinaryTree(),
     fNvars      (0),
     fNCuts      (-1),
     fSepType    (NULL),
     fMinSize    (0),
     fRandomisedTree (kFALSE),
     fUseNvars   (0),
     fMyTrandom  (NULL),
   // default constructor using the GiniIndex as separation criterion, 
   // no restrictions on minium number of events in a leave note or the
   // separation gain in the node splitting

   fLogger.SetSource( "DecisionTree" );
   fMyTrandom   = new TRandom2(0);

TMVA::DecisionTree::DecisionTree( DecisionTreeNode* n )
   : BinaryTree(),
     fNvars      (0),
     fNCuts      (-1),
     fSepType    (NULL),
     fMinSize    (0),
     fRandomisedTree (kFALSE),
     fUseNvars   (0),
     fMyTrandom  (NULL),
   // default constructor using the GiniIndex as separation criterion, 
   // no restrictions on minium number of events in a leave note or the
   // separation gain in the node splitting

   fLogger.SetSource( "DecisionTree" );

   this->SetRoot( n );
   fLogger.SetSource( "DecisionTree" );

TMVA::DecisionTree::DecisionTree( TMVA::SeparationBase *sepType,Int_t minSize,
                                  Int_t nCuts, TMVA::SeparationBase *qtype,
                                  Bool_t randomisedTree, Int_t useNvars, Int_t iSeed):
   fNvars      (0),
   fNCuts      (nCuts),
   fSepType    (sepType),
   fMinSize    (minSize),
   fRandomisedTree (randomisedTree),
   fUseNvars   (useNvars),
   fMyTrandom  (NULL),
   // constructor specifying the separation type, the min number of
   // events in a no that is still subjected to further splitting, the
   // number of bins in the grid used in applying the cut for the node
   // splitting.

   fLogger.SetSource( "DecisionTree" );
   fMyTrandom   = new TRandom2(iSeed);

TMVA::DecisionTree::DecisionTree( const DecisionTree &d):
   fNvars      (d.fNvars),
   fNCuts      (d.fNCuts),
   fSepType    (d.fSepType),
   fMinSize    (d.fMinSize),
   fRandomisedTree (d.fRandomisedTree),
   fUseNvars    (d.fUseNvars),
   fMyTrandom  (NULL),   
   // copy constructor that creates a true copy, i.e. a completely independent tree 
   // the node copy will recursively copy all the nodes 
   this->SetRoot( new DecisionTreeNode ( *((DecisionTreeNode*)(d.GetRoot())) ) );
   fNNodes = d.fNNodes;
   fLogger.SetSource( "DecisionTree" );

TMVA::DecisionTree::~DecisionTree( void )
   // destructor

   // desctruction of the tree nodes done in the "base class" BinaryTree

   if (fMyTrandom) delete fMyTrandom;

void TMVA::DecisionTree::SetParentTreeInNodes( DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // descend a tree to find all its leaf nodes, fill max depth reached in the
   // tree at the same time. 

   if (n == NULL){ //default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively
      n = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
      if (n == NULL) {
         fLogger << kFATAL << "SetParentTreeNodes: started with undefined ROOT node" <<Endl;
         return ;

   if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) == NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) ) {
      fLogger << kFATAL << " Node with only one daughter?? Something went wrong" << Endl;
   }  else if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) == NULL) ) {
      fLogger << kFATAL << " Node with only one daughter?? Something went wrong" << Endl;
   else { 
      if (this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL){
         this->SetParentTreeInNodes( this->GetLeftDaughter(n) );
      if (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) {
         this->SetParentTreeInNodes( this->GetRightDaughter(n) );
   if (n->GetDepth() > this->GetTotalTreeDepth()) this->SetTotalTreeDepth(n->GetDepth());

Int_t TMVA::DecisionTree::BuildTree( vector<TMVA::Event*> & eventSample,
                                     TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // building the decision tree by recursively calling the splitting of 
   // one (root-) node into two daughter nodes (returns the number of nodes)

   if (node==NULL) {
      //start with the root node
      node = new TMVA::DecisionTreeNode();
      fNNodes = 1;   
      // have to use "s" for start as "r" for "root" would be the same as "r" for "right"

   UInt_t nevents = eventSample.size();
   if (nevents > 0 ) {
      fNvars = eventSample[0]->GetNVars();
   else fLogger << kFATAL << ":<BuildTree> eventsample Size == 0 " << Endl;

   Double_t s=0, b=0;
   Double_t suw=0, buw=0;
   for (UInt_t i=0; i<eventSample.size(); i++){
      if (eventSample[i]->IsSignal()){
         s += eventSample[i]->GetWeight();
         suw += 1;
      else {
         b += eventSample[i]->GetWeight();
         buw += 1;

   if (s+b < 0){
      fLogger << kWARNING << " One of the Decision Tree nodes has negative total number of signal or background events. " 
	      << "(Nsig="<<s<<" Nbkg="<<b<<" Probaby you use a Monte Carlo with negative weights. That should in principle " 
	      << "be fine as long as on average you end up with something positive. For this you have to make sure that the "
	      << "minimul number of (unweighted) events demanded for a tree node (currently you use: nEventsMin="<<fMinSize
	      << ", you can set this via the BDT option string when booking the classifier) is large enough to allow for "
	      << "reasonable averaging!!!" << Endl
              << " If this does not help.. maybe you want to try the option: NoNegWeightsInTraining which ignores events "
	      << "with negative weight in the training." << Endl;
      double nBkg=0.;
      for (UInt_t i=0; i<eventSample.size(); i++){
         if (! eventSample[i]->IsSignal()){
            nBkg += eventSample[i]->GetWeight();
            cout << "Event "<< i<< " has (original) weight: " <<  eventSample[i]->GetWeight()/eventSample[i]->GetBoostWeight() 
                 << " boostWeight: " << eventSample[i]->GetBoostWeight() << endl;
      cout << " that gives in total: " << nBkg<<endl;

   if (node == this->GetRoot()) {

   // I now demand the minimum number of events for both daughter nodes. Hence if the number
   // of events in the parent node is not at least two times as big, I don't even need to try
   // splitting
   if ( eventSample.size() >= 2*fMinSize){

      Double_t separationGain;
      if(fNCuts > 0) separationGain = this->TrainNodeFast(eventSample, node);
      else separationGain = this->TrainNodeFull(eventSample, node);
      if (separationGain < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) { // we could not gain anything, e.g. all events are in one bin, 
         // hence no cut can actually do anything. Happens for Integer Variables
         // Hence natuarlly the current node is a leaf node
         if (node->GetPurity() > fNodePurityLimit) node->SetNodeType(1);
         else node->SetNodeType(-1);
         if (node->GetDepth() > this->GetTotalTreeDepth()) this->SetTotalTreeDepth(node->GetDepth());
      else {
         vector<TMVA::Event*> leftSample; leftSample.reserve(nevents);
         vector<TMVA::Event*> rightSample; rightSample.reserve(nevents);
         Double_t nRight=0, nLeft=0;
         for (UInt_t ie=0; ie< nevents ; ie++){
            if (node->GoesRight(*eventSample[ie])){
               nRight += eventSample[ie]->GetWeight();
            else {
               nLeft += eventSample[ie]->GetWeight();
         // sanity check
         if (leftSample.size() == 0 || rightSample.size() == 0) {
            fLogger << kFATAL << "<TrainNode> all events went to the same branch" << Endl
                    << "---                       Hence new node == old node ... check" << Endl
                    << "---                         left:" << leftSample.size()
                    << " right:" << rightSample.size() << Endl
                    << "--- this should never happen, please write a bug report to Helge.Voss@cern.ch"
                    << Endl;
         // continue building daughter nodes for the left and the right eventsample
         TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *rightNode = new TMVA::DecisionTreeNode(node,'r');
         //         rightNode->SetPos('r');
         //         rightNode->SetDepth( node->GetDepth() + 1 );

         TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *leftNode = new TMVA::DecisionTreeNode(node,'l');
         //         leftNode->SetPos('l');
         //         leftNode->SetDepth( node->GetDepth() + 1 );
         this->BuildTree(rightSample, rightNode);
         this->BuildTree(leftSample,  leftNode );
   else{ // it is a leaf node
      if (node->GetPurity() > fNodePurityLimit) node->SetNodeType(1);
      else node->SetNodeType(-1);
      if (node->GetDepth() > this->GetTotalTreeDepth()) this->SetTotalTreeDepth(node->GetDepth());
   return fNNodes;

void TMVA::DecisionTree::FillTree( vector<TMVA::Event*> & eventSample)

   // fill the existing the decision tree structure by filling event
   // in from the top node and see where they happen to end up
   for (UInt_t i=0; i<eventSample.size(); i++){

void TMVA::DecisionTree::FillEvent( TMVA::Event & event,  
                                     TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *node  )
   // fill the existing the decision tree structure by filling event
   // in from the top node and see where they happen to end up
   if (node == NULL) { // that's the start, take the Root node
      node = (TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*)this->GetRoot();

   node->IncrementNEvents( event.GetWeight() );
   node->IncrementNEvents_unweighted( );
   if (event.IsSignal()){
      node->IncrementNSigEvents( event.GetWeight() );
      node->IncrementNSigEvents_unweighted( );
   else {
      node->IncrementNBkgEvents( event.GetWeight() );
      node->IncrementNSigEvents_unweighted( );
   if (node->GetNodeType() == 0){ //intermediate node --> go down
      if (node->GoesRight(event))
         this->FillEvent(event,(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*)(node->GetRight())) ;
         this->FillEvent(event,(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*)(node->GetLeft())) ;


void TMVA::DecisionTree::ClearTree()
   // clear the tree nodes (their S/N, Nevents etc), just keep the structure of the tree

   if (this->GetRoot()!=NULL) 


void TMVA::DecisionTree::CleanTree(DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // remove those last splits that result in two leaf nodes that
   // are both of the type background

   if (node==NULL){
      node = (DecisionTreeNode *)this->GetRoot();

   DecisionTreeNode *l = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetLeft();
   DecisionTreeNode *r = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetRight();
   if (node->GetNodeType() == 0){
      if (l->GetNodeType() * r->GetNodeType() > 0 ){

void TMVA::DecisionTree::PruneTree()
   // prune (get rid of internal nodes) the Decision tree to avoid overtraining
   // serveral different pruning methods can be applied as selected by the 
   // variable "fPruneMethod". Currently however only the Expected Error Pruning
   // is implemented

   if      (fPruneMethod == kExpectedErrorPruning)  this->PruneTreeEEP((DecisionTreeNode *)this->GetRoot());
   else if (fPruneMethod == kCostComplexityPruning) this->PruneTreeCC();
   else {
      fLogger << kFATAL << "Selected pruning method not yet implemented "
              << Endl;
   //update the number of nodes after the pruning
void TMVA::DecisionTree::PruneTreeEEP(DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // recursive prunig of nodes using the Expected Error Pruning (EEP)
   // if internal node, then prune
   DecisionTreeNode *l = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetLeft();
   DecisionTreeNode *r = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetRight();
   if (node->GetNodeType() == 0){
      if (this->GetSubTreeError(node)*fPruneStrength >= this->GetNodeError(node)) { 

void TMVA::DecisionTree::PruneTreeCC()
   CCPruner* pruneTool = new CCPruner(this, NULL, fSepType);
   std::vector<DecisionTreeNode*> nodes = pruneTool->GetOptimalPruneSequence();
   for(UInt_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) 
   delete pruneTool;

UInt_t TMVA::DecisionTree::CountLeafNodes(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // return the number of terminal nodes in the sub-tree below Node n

   if (n == NULL){ // default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively
      n = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
      if (n == NULL) {
         fLogger << kFATAL << "CountLeafNodes: started with undefined ROOT node" <<Endl;
         return 0;

   UInt_t countLeafs=0;

   if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) == NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) == NULL) ) {
      countLeafs += 1;
   else { 
      if (this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL){
         countLeafs += this->CountLeafNodes( this->GetLeftDaughter(n) );
      if (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) {
         countLeafs += this->CountLeafNodes( this->GetRightDaughter(n) );
   return countLeafs;
void TMVA::DecisionTree::DescendTree( DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // descend a tree to find all its leaf nodes

   if (n == NULL){ // default, start at the tree top, then descend recursively
      n = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
      if (n == NULL) {
         fLogger << kFATAL << "DescendTree: started with undefined ROOT node" <<Endl;
         return ;

   if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) == NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) == NULL) ) {
      // do nothing
   else if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) == NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) ) {
      fLogger << kFATAL << " Node with only one daughter?? Something went wrong" << Endl;
   else if ((this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL) && (this->GetRightDaughter(n) == NULL) ) {
      fLogger << kFATAL << " Node with only one daughter?? Something went wrong" << Endl;
   else { 
      if (this->GetLeftDaughter(n) != NULL){
         this->DescendTree( this->GetLeftDaughter(n) );
      if (this->GetRightDaughter(n) != NULL) {
         this->DescendTree( this->GetRightDaughter(n) );

void TMVA::DecisionTree::PruneNode(DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // prune away the subtree below the node 
   DecisionTreeNode *l = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetLeft();
   DecisionTreeNode *r = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetRight();
   if (node->GetPurity() > fNodePurityLimit) node->SetNodeType(1);
   else node->SetNodeType(-1);
   //update the stored number of Nodes in the Tree


Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::GetNodeError(DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // calculate an UPPER limit on the error made by the classification done
   // by this node. If the S/S+B of the node is f, then according to the
   // training sample, the error rate (fraction of misclassified events by
   // this node) is (1-f)
   // now f has a statistical error according to the binomial distribution
   // hence the error on f can be estimated (same error as the binomial error
   // for efficency calculations ( sigma = sqrt(eff(1-eff)/nEvts ) ) 
   Double_t errorRate = 0;

   Double_t nEvts = node->GetNEvents();
   //fraction of correctly classified events by this node:
   Double_t f=0;
   if (node->GetPurity() > fNodePurityLimit) f = node->GetPurity();
   else  f = (1-node->GetPurity());

   Double_t df = TMath::Sqrt(f*(1-f)/nEvts );
   errorRate = std::min(1.,(1 - (f-df) ));
   //   errorRate = std::min(1.,(1 - (f-fPruneStrength*df) ));
   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   // standard algorithm:
   // step 1: Estimate error on node using Laplace estimate 
   //         NodeError = (N - n + k -1 ) / (N + k)
   //   N: number of events
   //   k: number of event classes (2 for Signal, Background)
   //   n: n event out of N belong to the class which has the majority in the node
   // step 2: Approximate "backed-up" error assuming we did not prune
   //   (I'm never quite sure if they consider whole subtrees, or only 'next-to-leaf'
   //    nodes)...
   //   Subtree error = Sum_children ( P_i * NodeError_i)
   //    P_i = probability of the node to make the decision, i.e. fraction of events in
   //          leaf node ( N_leaf / N_parent)
   // step 3: 
   // Minimum Error Pruning (MEP) accordig to Niblett/Bratko
   //# of correctly classified events by this node:
   //Double_t n=f*nEvts ;
   //Double_t p_apriori = 0.5, m=100;
   //errorRate = (nEvts  - n + (1-p_apriori) * m ) / (nEvts  + m);
   // Pessimistic error Pruing (proposed by Quinlan (error estimat with continuity approximation)
   //# of correctly classified events by this node:
   //Double_t n=f*nEvts ;
   //errorRate = (nEvts  - n + 0.5) / nEvts ;
   //const Double Z=.65;
   //# of correctly classified events by this node:
   //Double_t n=f*nEvts ;
   //errorRate = (f + Z*Z/(2*nEvts ) + Z*sqrt(f/nEvts  - f*f/nEvts  + Z*Z/4/nEvts /nEvts ) ) / (1 + Z*Z/nEvts ); 
   //errorRate = (n + Z*Z/2 + Z*sqrt(n - n*n/nEvts  + Z*Z/4) )/ (nEvts  + Z*Z);
   //errorRate = 1 - errorRate;
   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
   return errorRate;
Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::GetSubTreeError(DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // calculate the expected statistical error on the subtree below "node"
   // which is used in the expected error pruning
   DecisionTreeNode *l = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetLeft();
   DecisionTreeNode *r = (DecisionTreeNode*)node->GetRight();
   if (node->GetNodeType() == 0) {
      Double_t subTreeError = 
         (l->GetNEvents() * this->GetSubTreeError(l) +
          r->GetNEvents() * this->GetSubTreeError(r)) /
      return subTreeError;
   else {
      return this->GetNodeError(node);

TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* TMVA::DecisionTree::GetLeftDaughter( DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // get left daughter node current node "n"
   return (DecisionTreeNode*) n->GetLeft();

TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* TMVA::DecisionTree::GetRightDaughter( DecisionTreeNode *n)
   // get right daughter node current node "n"
   return (DecisionTreeNode*) n->GetRight();
TMVA::DecisionTreeNode* TMVA::DecisionTree::GetNode(ULong_t sequence, UInt_t depth)
   // retrieve node from the tree. Its position (up to a maximal tree depth of 64)
   // is coded as a sequence of left-right moves starting from the root, coded as
   // 0-1 bit patterns stored in the "long-integer"  (i.e. 0:left ; 1:right

   DecisionTreeNode* current = (DecisionTreeNode*) this->GetRoot();
   for (UInt_t i =0;  i < depth; i++){
      ULong_t tmp = 1 << i;
      if ( tmp & sequence) current = this->GetRightDaughter(current);
      else current = this->GetLeftDaughter(current);

   return current;

void TMVA::DecisionTree::FindMinAndMax(vector<TMVA::Event*> & eventSample,
                                       vector<Double_t> & xmin,
                                       vector<Double_t> & xmax)
   // helper function which calculates gets the Min and Max value
   // of the event variables in the current event sample

   UInt_t num_events = eventSample.size();
   for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
   for (UInt_t i=1;i<num_events;i++){
      for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
         if (xmin[ivar]>eventSample[i]->GetVal(ivar))
         if (xmax[ivar]<eventSample[i]->GetVal(ivar))

void  TMVA::DecisionTree::SetCutPoints(vector<Double_t> & cut_points,
                                       Double_t xmin,
                                       Double_t xmax,
                                       Int_t num_gridpoints)
   // helper function which calculates the grid points used for
   // the cut scan
   Double_t step = (xmax - xmin)/num_gridpoints;
   Double_t x = xmin + step/2; 
   for (Int_t j=0; j < num_gridpoints; j++){
      cut_points[j] = x;
      x += step;

Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::TrainNodeFast(vector<TMVA::Event*> & eventSample,
                                       TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // decide how to split a node. At each node, ONE of the variables is
   // choosen, which gives the best separation between signal and bkg on
   // the sample which enters the Node.  
   // In order to do this, for each variable a scan of the different cut
   // values in a grid (grid = fNCuts) is performed and the resulting separation
   // gains are compared.. This cut scan uses either a binary search tree
   // or a simple loop over the events depending on the number of events
   // in the sample 

   vector<Double_t> *xmin  = new vector<Double_t>( fNvars );
   vector<Double_t> *xmax  = new vector<Double_t>( fNvars );

   Double_t separationGain = -1, sepTmp;
   Double_t cutValue=-999;
   Int_t mxVar=-1, cutIndex=0;
   Bool_t cutType=kTRUE;
   Double_t  nTotS, nTotB;
   Int_t     nTotS_unWeighted, nTotB_unWeighted; 
   UInt_t nevents = eventSample.size();

   //find min and max value of the variables in the sample
   for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
   for (UInt_t iev=1;iev<nevents;iev++){
      for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
         Double_t eventData = eventSample[iev]->GetVal(ivar); 
         if ((*xmin)[ivar]>eventData)(*xmin)[ivar]=eventData;
         if ((*xmax)[ivar]<eventData)(*xmax)[ivar]=eventData;

   vector< vector<Double_t> > nSelS (fNvars);
   vector< vector<Double_t> > nSelB (fNvars);
   vector< vector<Int_t> >    nSelS_unWeighted (fNvars);
   vector< vector<Int_t> >    nSelB_unWeighted (fNvars);
   vector< vector<Double_t> > significance (fNvars);
   vector< vector<Double_t> > cutValues(fNvars);
   vector< vector<Bool_t> > cutTypes(fNvars);

   vector<Bool_t> useVariable(fNvars);
   for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++) useVariable[ivar]=kFALSE;
   if (fRandomisedTree) { // choose for each node splitting a random subset of variables to choose from
      if (fUseNvars==0) { // no number specified... choose s.th. which hopefully works well..
         if (fNvars < 12) fUseNvars = TMath::Max(2,Int_t( Float_t(fNvars) / 2.5 ));
         else if (fNvars < 40) fUseNvars = Int_t( Float_t(fNvars) / 5 );
         else fUseNvars = Int_t( Float_t(fNvars) / 10 );
      Int_t nSelectedVars = 0;
      while ( nSelectedVars < fUseNvars ){
         Double_t bla = fMyTrandom->Rndm()*fNvars;
         useVariable[Int_t (bla)] = kTRUE;
         for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++) {
            if (useVariable[ivar] == kTRUE) nSelectedVars++;
   } else {
      for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++) useVariable[ivar] = kTRUE;

   for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
      if ( useVariable[ivar] ) {

         //set the grid for the cut scan on the variables
         Double_t istepSize =( (*xmax)[ivar] - (*xmin)[ivar] ) / Double_t(fNCuts);
         for (Int_t icut=0; icut<fNCuts; icut++){

   nTotS=0; nTotB=0;
   nTotS_unWeighted=0; nTotB_unWeighted=0;   
   for (UInt_t iev=0; iev<nevents; iev++){
      Int_t eventType = eventSample[iev]->Type();
      Double_t eventWeight =  eventSample[iev]->GetWeight(); 
      if (eventType==1){
      else {

      for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++){
         // now scan trough the cuts for each varable and find which one gives
         // the best separationGain at the current stage.
         // just scan the possible cut values for this variable
         if ( useVariable[ivar] ) {
            Double_t eventData = eventSample[iev]->GetVal(ivar); 
            for (Int_t icut=0; icut<fNCuts; icut++){
               if (eventData > cutValues[ivar][icut]){
                  if (eventType==1) {
                  else {

   // now select the optimal cuts for each varable and find which one gives
   // the best separationGain at the current stage.
   for (int ivar=0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++) {
      if ( useVariable[ivar] ){
         for (Int_t icut=0; icut<fNCuts; icut++){
            // now the separationGain is defined as the various indices (Gini, CorssEntropy, e.t.c)
            // calculated by the "SamplePurities" fom the branches that would go to the
            // left or the right from this node if "these" cuts were used in the Node:
            // hereby: nSelS and nSelB would go to the right branch
            //        (nTotS - nSelS) + (nTotB - nSelB)  would go to the left branch;
            // only allow splits where both daughter nodes match the specified miniumum number
            // for this use the "unweighted" events, as you are interested in "statistically 
            // significant splits, which is determined rather by the actuall number of entries
            // for a node, rather than the sum of event weights.
            if ( (nSelS_unWeighted[ivar][icut] +  nSelB_unWeighted[ivar][icut]) >= fMinSize &&
                 (( nTotS_unWeighted+nTotB_unWeighted)- 
                  (nSelS_unWeighted[ivar][icut] +  nSelB_unWeighted[ivar][icut])) >= fMinSize) {
               sepTmp = fSepType->GetSeparationGain(nSelS[ivar][icut], nSelB[ivar][icut], nTotS, nTotB);
               if (separationGain < sepTmp) {
                  separationGain = sepTmp;
                  mxVar = ivar;
                  cutIndex = icut;

   if (mxVar >= 0) { // I actually found a valable split
      if (nSelS[mxVar][cutIndex]/nTotS > nSelB[mxVar][cutIndex]/nTotB) cutType=kTRUE;
      else cutType=kFALSE;
      cutValue = cutValues[mxVar][cutIndex];
      fVariableImportance[mxVar] += separationGain*separationGain * (nTotS+nTotB) * (nTotS+nTotB) ;
   else {
      separationGain = 0;
   delete xmin;
   delete xmax;

   return separationGain;

Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::TrainNodeFull(vector<TMVA::Event*> & eventSample,
					   TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *node)
   // decide how to split a node. At each node, ONE of the variables is
   // choosen, which gives the best separation between signal and bkg on
   // the sample which enters the Node.  
   // In this node splitting routine the event are sorted for each
   // variable allowing to find the true optimal cut in each variable, by
   // looping through all events, placing the cuts always in the middle between
   // two of the sorted event and finding the true maximal separation gain
   // possible by cutting on this variable

   Double_t nTotS = 0.0, nTotB = 0.0;
   Int_t nTotS_unWeighted = 0, nTotB_unWeighted = 0;  
   vector<TMVA::BDTEventWrapper> bdtEventSample;
   // List of optimal cuts, separation gains, and cut types (removed background or signal) - one for each variable
   vector<Double_t> lCutValue( fNvars, 0.0 );
   vector<Double_t> lSepGain( fNvars, -1.0 );
   vector<Bool_t>   lCutType( fNvars, kFALSE ); 
   // Initialize (un)weighted counters for signal & background
   // Construct a list of event wrappers that point to the original data
   for( vector<TMVA::Event*>::const_iterator it = eventSample.begin(); it != eventSample.end(); ++it ) {
      if( (*it)->Type() == 1 ) { // signal or background event
         nTotS += (*it)->GetWeight();
      else {
         nTotB += (*it)->GetWeight();
   for( Int_t ivar = 0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++ ) { // loop over all discriminating variables
      TMVA::BDTEventWrapper::SetVarIndex(ivar); // select the variable to sort by
      std::sort( bdtEventSample.begin(),bdtEventSample.end() ); // sort the event data 
      Double_t bkgWeightCtr = 0.0, sigWeightCtr = 0.0;
      vector<TMVA::BDTEventWrapper>::iterator it = bdtEventSample.begin(), it_end = bdtEventSample.end();
      for( ; it != it_end; ++it ) {
         if( (**it)->Type() == 1 ) // specify signal or background event
            sigWeightCtr += (**it)->GetWeight();
            bkgWeightCtr += (**it)->GetWeight(); 
         // Store the accumulated signal (background) weights
      const Double_t fPMin = 1.0e-6;
      Bool_t cutType = kFALSE;
      Long64_t index = 0;
      Double_t separationGain = -1.0, sepTmp = 0.0, cutValue = 0.0, dVal = 0.0, norm = 0.0;
      // Locate the optimal cut for this (ivar-th) variable
      for( it = bdtEventSample.begin(); it != it_end; ++it ) {
         if( index == 0 ) { ++index; continue; }
         if( *(*it) == NULL ) {
            fLogger << kFATAL << "In TrainNodeFull(): have a null event! Where index=" 
                    << index << ", and parent node=" << node->GetParent() << Endl;
         dVal = bdtEventSample[index].GetVal() - bdtEventSample[index-1].GetVal();
         norm = TMath::Abs(bdtEventSample[index].GetVal() + bdtEventSample[index-1].GetVal());
         // Only allow splits where both daughter nodes have the specified miniumum number of events
         // Splits are only sensible when the data are ordered (eg. don't split inside a sequence of 0's)
         if( index >= fMinSize && 
             (nTotS_unWeighted + nTotB_unWeighted) - index >= fMinSize && 
             TMath::Abs(dVal/(0.5*norm + 1)) > fPMin ) {
            sepTmp = fSepType->GetSeparationGain( it->GetCumulativeWeight(true), it->GetCumulativeWeight(false), sigWeightCtr, bkgWeightCtr );
            if( sepTmp > separationGain ) {
               separationGain = sepTmp;
               cutValue = it->GetVal() - 0.5*dVal; 
               Double_t nSelS = it->GetCumulativeWeight(true);
               Double_t nSelB = it->GetCumulativeWeight(false);
               // Indicate whether this cut is improving the node purity by removing background (enhancing signal)
               // or by removing signal (enhancing background)
               if( nSelS/sigWeightCtr > nSelB/bkgWeightCtr ) cutType = kTRUE; 
               else cutType = kFALSE; 
      lCutType[ivar] = cutType;
      lCutValue[ivar] = cutValue;
      lSepGain[ivar] = separationGain;
   Double_t separationGain = -1.0;
   Int_t iVarIndex = -1;
   for( Int_t ivar = 0; ivar < fNvars; ivar++ ) {
      if( lSepGain[ivar] > separationGain ) {
         iVarIndex = ivar;
         separationGain = lSepGain[ivar];
   if(iVarIndex >= 0) {
      fVariableImportance[iVarIndex] += separationGain*separationGain * (nTotS+nTotB) * (nTotS+nTotB);
   else {
      separationGain = 0.0;
   return separationGain;

Double_t TMVA::DecisionTree::CheckEvent(const TMVA::Event & e, Bool_t UseYesNoLeaf)
   // the event e is put into the decision tree (starting at the root node)
   // and the output is NodeType (signal) or (background) of the final node (basket)
   // in which the given events ends up. I.e. the result of the classification if
   // the event for this decision tree.

   TMVA::DecisionTreeNode *current = (TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*)this->GetRoot();

   while(current->GetNodeType() == 0){ //intermediate node
      if (current->GoesRight(e))
      else current=(TMVA::DecisionTreeNode*)current->GetLeft();

   if (UseYesNoLeaf) return Double_t ( current->GetNodeType() );
   else return current->GetPurity();

Double_t  TMVA::DecisionTree::SamplePurity(vector<TMVA::Event*> eventSample)
   //calculates the purity S/(S+B) of a given event sample
   Double_t sumsig=0, sumbkg=0, sumtot=0;
   for (UInt_t ievt=0; ievt<eventSample.size(); ievt++) {
      if (eventSample[ievt]->Type()==0) sumbkg+=eventSample[ievt]->GetWeight();
      if (eventSample[ievt]->Type()==1) sumsig+=eventSample[ievt]->GetWeight();
   //sanity check
   if (sumtot!= (sumsig+sumbkg)){
      fLogger << kFATAL << "<SamplePurity> sumtot != sumsig+sumbkg"
              << sumtot << " " << sumsig << " " << sumbkg << Endl;
   if (sumtot>0) return sumsig/(sumsig + sumbkg);
   else return -1;

vector< Double_t >  TMVA::DecisionTree::GetVariableImportance()
   //return the relative variable importance, normalized to all
   //variables together having the importance 1. The importance in
   //evaluated as the total separation-gain that this variable had in
   //the decision trees (weighted by the number of events)
   vector<Double_t> relativeImportance(fNvars);
   Double_t  sum=0;
   for (int i=0; i< fNvars; i++) {
      sum += fVariableImportance[i];
      relativeImportance[i] = fVariableImportance[i];

   for (int i=0; i< fNvars; i++) {
      if (sum > std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
         relativeImportance[i] /= sum;
         relativeImportance[i] = 0;
   return relativeImportance;

Double_t  TMVA::DecisionTree::GetVariableImportance(Int_t ivar)
   // returns the relative improtance of variable ivar
   vector<Double_t> relativeImportance = this->GetVariableImportance();
   if (ivar >= 0 && ivar < fNvars) return relativeImportance[ivar];
   else {
      fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetVariableImportance>" << Endl
              << "---                     ivar = " << ivar << " is out of range " << Endl;

   return -1;

Last change: Sat Nov 1 10:21:33 2008
Last generated: 2008-11-01 10:21

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