#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include "TQObject.h"
#include "TSpline.h"
#include "TMatrix.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TMVA/MethodBase.h"
#include "TMVA/MsgLogger.h"
#include "TMVA/Config.h"
#include "TMVA/Timer.h"
#include "TMVA/RootFinder.h"
#include "TMVA/PDF.h"
#include "TMVA/VariableIdentityTransform.h"
#include "TMVA/VariableDecorrTransform.h"
#include "TMVA/VariablePCATransform.h"
#include "TMVA/VariableGaussDecorr.h"
#include "TMVA/Version.h"
#include "TMVA/TSpline1.h"
#include "TMVA/Ranking.h"
using std::endl;
const Int_t MethodBase_MaxIterations_ = 200;
const Bool_t Use_Splines_for_Eff_ = kTRUE;
const Int_t NBIN_HIST_PLOT = 100;
const Int_t NBIN_HIST_HIGH = 10000;
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning ( disable : 4355 )
TMVA::MethodBase::MethodBase( const TString& jobName,
const TString& methodTitle,
DataSet& theData,
const TString& theOption,
TDirectory* theBaseDir)
: IMethod(),
Configurable ( theOption ),
fData ( theData ),
fSignalReferenceCut ( 0.5 ),
fVariableTransformType ( Types::kSignal ),
fJobName ( jobName ),
fMethodName ( "MethodBase" ),
fMethodType ( Types::kMaxMethod ),
fMethodTitle ( methodTitle ),
fTestvar ( "" ),
fTestvarPrefix ( "MVA_" ),
fTMVATrainingVersion ( TMVA_VERSION_CODE ),
fROOTTrainingVersion ( ROOT_VERSION_CODE ),
fNvar ( theData.GetNVariables() ),
fBaseDir ( 0 ),
fMethodBaseDir ( theBaseDir ),
fWeightFile ( "" ),
fHistS_plotbin ( 0 ),
fHistB_plotbin ( 0 ),
fHistTrS_plotbin ( 0 ),
fHistTrB_plotbin ( 0 ),
fProbaS_plotbin ( 0 ),
fProbaB_plotbin ( 0 ),
fRarityS_plotbin ( 0 ),
fRarityB_plotbin ( 0 ),
fHistS_highbin ( 0 ),
fHistB_highbin ( 0 ),
fEffS ( 0 ),
fEffB ( 0 ),
fEffBvsS ( 0 ),
fRejBvsS ( 0 ),
finvBeffvsSeff ( 0 ),
fTrainEffS ( 0 ),
fTrainEffB ( 0 ),
fTrainEffBvsS ( 0 ),
fTrainRejBvsS ( 0 ),
fMVAPdfS ( 0 ),
fMVAPdfB ( 0 ),
fGraphS ( 0 ),
fGraphB ( 0 ),
fGrapheffBvsS ( 0 ),
fSplS ( 0 ),
fSplB ( 0 ),
fSpleffBvsS ( 0 ),
fGraphTrainS ( 0 ),
fGraphTrainB ( 0 ),
fGraphTrainEffBvsS ( 0 ),
fSplTrainS ( 0 ),
fSplTrainB ( 0 ),
fSplTrainEffBvsS ( 0 ),
fVarTransform ( 0 ),
fSplRefS ( 0 ),
fSplRefB ( 0 ),
fSplTrainRefS ( 0 ),
fSplTrainRefB ( 0 ),
fLogger ( this )
SetWeightFileDir( gConfig().GetIONames().fWeightFileDir );
gSystem->MakeDirectory( GetWeightFileDir() );
TMVA::MethodBase::MethodBase( DataSet& theData,
const TString& weightFile,
TDirectory* theBaseDir )
: IMethod(),
Configurable ( "" ),
fData ( theData ),
fSignalReferenceCut ( 0.5 ),
fVariableTransformType ( Types::kSignal ),
fJobName ( "" ),
fMethodName ( "MethodBase" ),
fMethodType ( Types::kMaxMethod ),
fMethodTitle ( "" ),
fTestvar ( "" ),
fTestvarPrefix ( "MVA_" ),
fTMVATrainingVersion ( 0 ),
fROOTTrainingVersion ( 0 ),
fNvar ( theData.GetNVariables() ),
fBaseDir ( theBaseDir ),
fMethodBaseDir ( 0 ),
fWeightFile ( weightFile ),
fHistS_plotbin ( 0 ),
fHistB_plotbin ( 0 ),
fHistTrS_plotbin ( 0 ),
fHistTrB_plotbin ( 0 ),
fProbaS_plotbin ( 0 ),
fProbaB_plotbin ( 0 ),
fRarityS_plotbin ( 0 ),
fRarityB_plotbin ( 0 ),
fHistS_highbin ( 0 ),
fHistB_highbin ( 0 ),
fEffS ( 0 ),
fEffB ( 0 ),
fEffBvsS ( 0 ),
fRejBvsS ( 0 ),
finvBeffvsSeff ( 0 ),
fTrainEffS ( 0 ),
fTrainEffB ( 0 ),
fTrainEffBvsS ( 0 ),
fTrainRejBvsS ( 0 ),
fMVAPdfS ( 0 ),
fMVAPdfB ( 0 ),
fGraphS ( 0 ),
fGraphB ( 0 ),
fGrapheffBvsS ( 0 ),
fSplS ( 0 ),
fSplB ( 0 ),
fSpleffBvsS ( 0 ),
fGraphTrainS ( 0 ),
fGraphTrainB ( 0 ),
fGraphTrainEffBvsS ( 0 ),
fSplTrainS ( 0 ),
fSplTrainB ( 0 ),
fSplTrainEffBvsS ( 0 ),
fVarTransform ( 0 ),
fSplRefS ( 0 ),
fSplRefB ( 0 ),
fSplTrainRefS ( 0 ),
fSplTrainRefB ( 0 ),
fLogger ( this )
TMVA::MethodBase::~MethodBase( void )
if (fInputVars != 0) { fInputVars->clear(); delete fInputVars; }
if (fRanking != 0) delete fRanking;
if (fMVAPdfS != 0) delete fMVAPdfS;
if (fMVAPdfB != 0) delete fMVAPdfB;
if (fGraphS) delete fGraphS;
if (fGraphB) delete fGraphB;
if (fGrapheffBvsS) delete fGrapheffBvsS;
if (fGraphTrainEffBvsS) delete fGraphTrainEffBvsS;
if (fGraphTrainS) delete fGraphTrainS;
if (fGraphTrainB) delete fGraphTrainB;
if (fSplS) delete fSplS;
if (fSplB) delete fSplB;
if (fSpleffBvsS) delete fSpleffBvsS;
if (fSplRefS) delete fSplRefS;
if (fSplRefB) delete fSplRefB;
if (fHistS_plotbin) delete fHistS_plotbin;
if (fHistB_plotbin) delete fHistB_plotbin;
if (fProbaS_plotbin) delete fProbaS_plotbin;
if (fProbaB_plotbin) delete fProbaB_plotbin;
if (fRarityS_plotbin) delete fRarityS_plotbin;
if (fRarityB_plotbin) delete fRarityB_plotbin;
if (fHistS_highbin) delete fHistS_highbin;
if (fHistB_highbin) delete fHistB_highbin;
if (fHistTrS_plotbin) delete fHistTrS_plotbin;
if (fHistTrB_plotbin) delete fHistTrB_plotbin;
if (fTrainEffS) delete fTrainEffS;
if (fTrainEffB) delete fTrainEffB;
if (fTrainEffBvsS) delete fTrainEffBvsS;
if (fTrainRejBvsS) delete fTrainRejBvsS;
if (fEffS) delete fEffS;
if (fEffB) delete fEffB;
if (fEffBvsS) delete fEffBvsS;
if (fRejBvsS) delete fRejBvsS;
if (finvBeffvsSeff) delete finvBeffvsSeff;
void TMVA::MethodBase::Init()
SetConfigDescription( "Configuration options for classifier architecture and tuning" );
fNbins = gConfig().fVariablePlotting.fNbinsXOfROCCurve;
fVarTransform = 0;
fTrainEffB = 0;
fTrainEffBvsS = 0;
fTrainRejBvsS = 0;
fGraphTrainS = 0;
fGraphTrainB = 0;
fGraphTrainEffBvsS = 0;
fSplTrainS = 0;
fSplTrainB = 0;
fSplTrainEffBvsS = 0;
fMeanS = -1;
fMeanB = -1;
fRmsS = -1;
fRmsB = -1;
fXmin = 1e30;
fXmax = -1e30;
fVariableTransform = Types::kNone;
fVerbose = kFALSE;
fHelp = kFALSE;
fHasMVAPdfs = kFALSE;
fTxtWeightsOnly = kTRUE;
fSplRefS = 0;
fSplRefB = 0;
fRanking = 0;
fGraphS = 0;
fGraphB = 0;
fGrapheffBvsS = 0;
fSplS = 0;
fSplB = 0;
fHistS_plotbin = 0;
fHistB_plotbin = 0;
fHistTrS_plotbin = 0;
fHistTrB_plotbin = 0;
fProbaS_plotbin = 0;
fProbaB_plotbin = 0;
fRarityS_plotbin = 0;
fRarityB_plotbin = 0;
fHistS_highbin = 0;
fHistB_highbin = 0;
fEffS = 0;
fEffB = 0;
fEffBvsS = 0;
fRejBvsS = 0;
finvBeffvsSeff = 0;
fMVAPdfS = 0;
fMVAPdfB = 0;
fInputVars = new std::vector<TString>;
for (UInt_t ivar=0; ivar<Data().GetNVariables(); ivar++)
void TMVA::MethodBase::DeclareOptions()
DeclareOptionRef( fUseDecorr=kFALSE, "D", "Use-decorrelated-variables flag (depreciated)" );
DeclareOptionRef( fNormalise=kFALSE, "Normalise", "Normalise input variables" );
DeclareOptionRef( fVarTransformString="None", "VarTransform", "Variable transformation method" );
AddPreDefVal( TString("None") );
AddPreDefVal( TString("Decorrelate") );
AddPreDefVal( TString("PCA") );
AddPreDefVal( TString("GaussDecorr") );
DeclareOptionRef( fVariableTransformTypeString="Signal", "VarTransformType",
"Use signal or background events to derive for variable transformation (the transformation is applied on both types of, course)" );
AddPreDefVal( TString("Signal") );
AddPreDefVal( TString("Background") );
DeclareOptionRef( fNbinsMVAPdf = 60, "NbinsMVAPdf", "Number of bins used for the PDFs of classifier outputs" );
DeclareOptionRef( fNsmoothMVAPdf = 2, "NsmoothMVAPdf", "Number of smoothing iterations for classifier PDFs" );
DeclareOptionRef( fVerbose, "V", "Verbose mode" );
DeclareOptionRef( fVerbosityLevelString="Default", "VerboseLevel", "Verbosity level" );
AddPreDefVal( TString("Default") );
AddPreDefVal( TString("Debug") );
AddPreDefVal( TString("Verbose") );
AddPreDefVal( TString("Info") );
AddPreDefVal( TString("Warning") );
AddPreDefVal( TString("Error") );
AddPreDefVal( TString("Fatal") );
DeclareOptionRef( fHelp, "H", "Print classifier-specific help message" );
DeclareOptionRef( fHasMVAPdfs=kFALSE, "CreateMVAPdfs", "Create PDFs for classifier outputs (signal and background)" );
DeclareOptionRef( fTxtWeightsOnly=kTRUE, "TxtWeightFilesOnly", "If True: write all training results (weights) as text files (False: some are written in ROOT format)" );
void TMVA::MethodBase::ProcessOptions()
if (fVarTransformString == "None") fVariableTransform = Types::kNone;
else if (fVarTransformString == "Decorrelate" ) fVariableTransform = Types::kDecorrelated;
else if (fVarTransformString == "PCA" ) fVariableTransform = Types::kPCA;
else if (fVarTransformString == "GaussDecorr" ) fVariableTransform = Types::kGaussDecorr;
else {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<ProcessOptions> Variable transform '"
<< fVarTransformString << "' unknown." << Endl;
if ((fVariableTransform == Types::kNone) && fUseDecorr) fVariableTransform = Types::kDecorrelated;
if (fVariableTransformTypeString == "Signal") fVariableTransformType = Types::kSignal;
else if (fVariableTransformTypeString == "Background" ) fVariableTransformType = Types::kBackground;
else {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<ProcessOptions> Variable transformation type '"
<< fVariableTransformTypeString << "' unknown." << Endl;
if (fVarTransform == 0) fVarTransform = Data().GetTransform( fVariableTransform );
if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Debug" ) fLogger.SetMinType( kDEBUG );
else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Verbose" ) fLogger.SetMinType( kVERBOSE );
else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Info" ) fLogger.SetMinType( kINFO );
else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Warning" ) fLogger.SetMinType( kWARNING );
else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Error" ) fLogger.SetMinType( kERROR );
else if (fVerbosityLevelString == "Fatal" ) fLogger.SetMinType( kFATAL );
if (Verbose()) fLogger.SetMinType( kVERBOSE );
void TMVA::MethodBase::TrainMethod()
if (Help()) PrintHelpMessage();
if (HasMVAPdfs()) CreateMVAPdfs();
void TMVA::MethodBase::AddClassifierToTestTree( TTree* testTree )
if (0 == testTree) testTree = Data().GetTestTree();
if (!CheckSanity( testTree )) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<AddClassifierToTestTree> Sanity check failed" << Endl;
Timer timer( testTree->GetEntries(), GetName(), kTRUE );
Float_t myMVA = 0;
Float_t myProba = 0;
TBranch* newBranchMVA = testTree->Branch( GetTestvarName(), &myMVA, GetTestvarName() + "/F", 128000 );
TBranch* newBranchProba = 0;
if (HasMVAPdfs()) {
newBranchProba = testTree->Branch( GetProbaName(), &myProba, GetProbaName() + "/F", 128000 );
fLogger << kINFO << "Preparing evaluation tree... " << Endl;
for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<testTree->GetEntries(); ievt++) {
newBranchMVA->SetAddress( &myMVA );
myMVA = (Float_t)GetMvaValue();
if (newBranchProba) {
newBranchProba->SetAddress( &myProba );
myProba = (Float_t)GetProba( myMVA, 0.5 );
Int_t modulo = Int_t(testTree->GetEntries()/100);
if(modulo==0) modulo=1;
if (ievt%modulo == 0) timer.DrawProgressBar( ievt );
fLogger << kINFO << "Elapsed time for evaluation of "
<< testTree->GetEntries() << " events: "
<< timer.GetElapsedTime() << " " << Endl;
newBranchMVA ->ResetAddress();
if (newBranchProba) newBranchProba->ResetAddress();
void TMVA::MethodBase::Test( TTree *theTestTree )
if (theTestTree == 0) theTestTree = Data().GetTestTree();
if (0 == theTestTree) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<TestInit> Test tree has zero pointer " << Endl;
if ( 0 == theTestTree->FindBranch( GetTestvarName() ) && !(GetMethodName().Contains("Cuts"))) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<TestInit> Test variable " << GetTestvarName()
<< " not found in tree" << Endl;
Double_t meanS, meanB, rmsS, rmsB, xmin, xmax;
gTools().ComputeStat( theTestTree, GetTestvarName(), meanS, meanB, rmsS, rmsB, xmin, xmax );
Double_t nrms = 10;
xmin = TMath::Max( TMath::Min( meanS - nrms*rmsS, meanB - nrms*rmsB ), xmin );
xmax = TMath::Min( TMath::Max( meanS + nrms*rmsS, meanB + nrms*rmsB ), xmax );
fMeanS = meanS; fMeanB = meanB;
fRmsS = rmsS; fRmsB = rmsB;
fXmin = xmin; fXmax = xmax;
fCutOrientation = (fMeanS > fMeanB) ? kPositive : kNegative;
Double_t sxmax = fXmax+0.00001;
if(fHistS_plotbin) delete fHistS_plotbin;
if(fHistB_plotbin) delete fHistB_plotbin;
fHistS_plotbin = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_S",GetTestvarName() + "_S", fNbins, fXmin, sxmax );
fHistB_plotbin = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_B",GetTestvarName() + "_B", fNbins, fXmin, sxmax );
if (HasMVAPdfs()) {
if(fProbaS_plotbin) delete fProbaS_plotbin;
if(fProbaB_plotbin) delete fProbaB_plotbin;
fProbaS_plotbin = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Proba_S",GetTestvarName() + "_Proba_S", fNbins, 0.0, 1.0 );
fProbaB_plotbin = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Proba_B",GetTestvarName() + "_Proba_B", fNbins, 0.0, 1.0 );
if(fRarityS_plotbin) delete fRarityS_plotbin;
if(fRarityB_plotbin) delete fRarityB_plotbin;
fRarityS_plotbin = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Rarity_S",GetTestvarName() + "_Rarity_S", fNbins, 0.0, 1.0 );
fRarityB_plotbin = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Rarity_B",GetTestvarName() + "_Rarity_B", fNbins, 0.0, 1.0 );
if(fHistS_highbin) delete fHistS_highbin;
if(fHistB_highbin) delete fHistB_highbin;
fHistS_highbin = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_S_high",GetTestvarName() + "_S_high", fNbinsH, fXmin, sxmax );
fHistB_highbin = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_B_high",GetTestvarName() + "_B_high", fNbinsH, fXmin, sxmax );
if (HasMVAPdfs()) {
Float_t v, p;
Float_t w;
Int_t t;
TBranch* vbranch = theTestTree->GetBranch( GetTestvarName() );
TBranch* pbranch = 0;
if (HasMVAPdfs()) pbranch = theTestTree->GetBranch( GetProbaName() );
TBranch* wbranch = theTestTree->GetBranch( "weight" );
TBranch* tbranch = theTestTree->GetBranch( "type" );
if (!vbranch || !wbranch || !tbranch)
fLogger << kFATAL << "<Test> Mismatch in test tree: "
<< vbranch << " " << pbranch << " " << wbranch << " " << tbranch << Endl;
vbranch->SetAddress( &v );
if (pbranch) pbranch->SetAddress( &p );
wbranch->SetAddress( &w );
tbranch->SetAddress( &t );
fLogger << kINFO << "Loop over test events and fill histograms with classifier response ..." << Endl;
if (pbranch) fLogger << kINFO << "Also filling probability and rarity histograms (on request) ..." << Endl;
for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<Data().GetNEvtTest(); ievt++) {
if (t == 1) {
fHistS_plotbin ->Fill( v, w );
if (pbranch) {
fProbaS_plotbin ->Fill( p, w );
fRarityS_plotbin->Fill( GetRarity( v ), w );
fHistS_highbin ->Fill( v, w );
else {
fHistB_plotbin ->Fill( v, w );
if (pbranch) {
fProbaB_plotbin->Fill( p, w );
fRarityB_plotbin->Fill( GetRarity( v ), w );
fHistB_highbin ->Fill( v, w );
gTools().NormHist( fHistS_plotbin );
gTools().NormHist( fHistB_plotbin );
if (pbranch) {
gTools().NormHist( fProbaS_plotbin );
gTools().NormHist( fProbaB_plotbin );
gTools().NormHist( fRarityS_plotbin );
gTools().NormHist( fRarityB_plotbin );
gTools().NormHist( fHistS_highbin );
gTools().NormHist( fHistB_highbin );
fHistS_plotbin ->SetDirectory(0);
fHistB_plotbin ->SetDirectory(0);
if (pbranch) {
fHistS_highbin ->SetDirectory(0);
fHistB_highbin ->SetDirectory(0);
if(fSplS) delete fSplS;
if(fSplB) delete fSplB;
fSplS = new PDF( fHistS_plotbin, PDF::kSpline2 );
fSplB = new PDF( fHistB_plotbin, PDF::kSpline2 );
void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToStream( std::ostream& tf, Bool_t isClass ) const
TString prefix = "";
UserGroup_t * userInfo = gSystem->GetUserInfo();
tf << prefix << "#GEN -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- general info -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl << prefix << endl;
tf << prefix << "Method : " << GetMethodName() << "::" << GetMethodTitle() << endl;
tf << prefix << "TMVA Release : " << std::setw(10) << GetTrainingTMVAVersionString() << " [" << GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() << "]" << endl;
tf << prefix << "ROOT Release : " << std::setw(10) << GetTrainingROOTVersionString() << " [" << GetTrainingROOTVersionCode() << "]" << endl;
tf << prefix << "Creator : " << userInfo->fUser << endl;
tf << prefix << "Date : "; TDatime *d = new TDatime; tf << d->AsString() << endl; delete d;
tf << prefix << "Host : " << gSystem->GetBuildNode() << endl;
tf << prefix << "Dir : " << gSystem->WorkingDirectory() << endl;
tf << prefix << "Training events: " << Data().GetNEvtTrain() << endl;
tf << prefix << endl;
tf << prefix << endl << prefix << "#OPT -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- options -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl << prefix << endl;
WriteOptionsToStream( tf, prefix );
tf << prefix << endl;
tf << prefix << endl << prefix << "#VAR -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* variables *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl << prefix << endl;
GetVarTransform().WriteVarsToStream( tf, prefix );
tf << prefix << endl;
if (!isClass) {
tf << endl << "#MAT -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* transformation data -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl;
GetVarTransform().WriteTransformationToStream( tf );
tf << endl;
if (HasMVAPdfs()) {
tf << endl << "#MVAPDFS -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* MVA PDFS -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl;
tf << *fMVAPdfS << endl;
tf << *fMVAPdfB << endl;
tf << endl;
tf << endl << "#WGT -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- weights -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-" << endl << endl;
WriteWeightsToStream( tf );
delete userInfo;
void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToStream( TFile& rf ) const
if (fMVAPdfS && fMVAPdfB) {
WriteWeightsToStream( rf );
void TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromStream( TFile& rf )
Bool_t addDirStatus = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus();
TH1::AddDirectory( 0 );
fMVAPdfS = (PDF*)rf.Get( "MVA_PDF_Signal" );
fMVAPdfB = (PDF*)rf.Get( "MVA_PDF_Background" );
TH1::AddDirectory( addDirStatus );
ReadWeightsFromStream( rf );
void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToFile() const
TString tfname( GetWeightFileName() );
fLogger << kINFO << "Creating weight file in text format: "
<< gTools().Color("lightblue") << tfname << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
ofstream tfile( tfname );
if (!tfile.good()) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<WriteStateToFile> "
<< "Unable to open output weight file: " << tfname << Endl;
WriteStateToStream( tfile );
if ( ! fTxtWeightsOnly ) {
TString rfname( tfname ); rfname.ReplaceAll( ".txt", ".root" );
fLogger << kINFO << "Creating weight file in root format: "
<< gTools().Color("lightblue") << rfname << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
TFile* rfile = TFile::Open( rfname, "RECREATE" );
WriteStateToStream( *rfile );
void TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromFile()
TString tfname(GetWeightFileName());
fLogger << kINFO << "Reading weight file: "
<< gTools().Color("lightblue") << tfname << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
ifstream fin( tfname );
if (!fin.good()) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<ReadStateFromFile> "
<< "Unable to open input weight file: " << tfname << Endl;
if (!fTxtWeightsOnly) {
TString rfname( tfname ); rfname.ReplaceAll( ".txt", ".root" );
fLogger << kINFO << "Reading root weight file: "
<< gTools().Color("lightblue") << rfname << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
TFile* rfile = TFile::Open( rfname, "READ" );
ReadStateFromStream( *rfile );
void TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromStream( std::istream& fin )
char buf[512];
while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("Method")) GetLine(fin,buf);
TString lstr(buf);
Int_t idx1 = lstr.First(':')+2; Int_t idx2 = lstr.Index(' ',idx1)-idx1; if (idx2<0) idx2=lstr.Length();
TString fullname = lstr(idx1,idx2);
idx1 = fullname.First(':');
Int_t idxtit = (idx1<0 ? fullname.Length() : idx1);
TString methodName = fullname(0, idxtit);
TString methodTitle;
Bool_t notit;
if (idx1<0) {
else {
fLogger << kINFO << "Read method with name <" << methodName << "> and title <" << methodTitle << ">" << Endl;
this->SetMethodName( methodName );
this->SetMethodTitle( methodTitle );
while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("#OPT")) GetLine(fin,buf);
fLogger << kINFO << "Create VariableTransformation \"" << fVarTransformString << "\"" << Endl;
if (fVarTransformString == "None" ) {
fVarTransform = new VariableIdentityTransform( Data().GetVariableInfos() );
else if (fVarTransformString == "Decorrelate" ) {
fVarTransform = new VariableDecorrTransform( Data().GetVariableInfos() );
else if (fVarTransformString == "PCA" ) {
fVarTransform = new VariablePCATransform( Data().GetVariableInfos() );
while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("#VAR")) fin.getline(buf,512);
if (GetVariableTransform() != Types::kNone) {
while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("#MAT")) fin.getline(buf,512);
if (HasMVAPdfs()) {
while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("#MVAPDFS")) fin.getline(buf,512);
if (fMVAPdfS!=0) { delete fMVAPdfS; fMVAPdfS = 0; }
if (fMVAPdfB!=0) { delete fMVAPdfB; fMVAPdfB = 0; }
fMVAPdfS = new PDF();
fMVAPdfB = new PDF();
fMVAPdfS->SetReadingVersion( GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() );
fMVAPdfB->SetReadingVersion( GetTrainingTMVAVersionCode() );
fin >> *fMVAPdfS;
fin >> *fMVAPdfB;
while (!TString(buf).BeginsWith("#WGT")) fin.getline(buf,512);
ReadWeightsFromStream( fin );
TDirectory* TMVA::MethodBase::BaseDir() const
if (fBaseDir != 0) {
return fBaseDir;
TDirectory* methodDir = MethodBaseDir();
if (methodDir==0) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "MethodBase::BaseDir() - MethodBaseDir() return a NUL pointer!" << Endl;
TDirectory* dir = 0;
TString defaultDir = GetMethodTitle();
TObject* o = methodDir->FindObject(defaultDir);
if (o!=0 && o->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) dir = (TDirectory*)o;
if (dir != 0) {
return dir;
TDirectory *sdir = methodDir->mkdir(defaultDir);
TObjString wfilePath( gSystem->WorkingDirectory() );
TObjString wfileName( GetWeightFileName() );
wfilePath.Write( "TrainingPath" );
wfileName.Write( "WeightFileName" );
return sdir;
TDirectory* TMVA::MethodBase::MethodBaseDir() const
if (fMethodBaseDir != 0) return fMethodBaseDir;
TDirectory* dir = 0;
TString defaultDir = "Method_" + GetMethodName();
TObject* o = Data().BaseRootDir()->FindObject(defaultDir);
if (o!=0 && o->InheritsFrom("TDirectory")) dir = (TDirectory*)o;
if (dir != 0) return dir;
return Data().BaseRootDir()->mkdir(defaultDir);
void TMVA::MethodBase::SetWeightFileDir( TString fileDir )
fFileDir = fileDir;
gSystem->MakeDirectory( fFileDir );
void TMVA::MethodBase::SetWeightFileName( TString theWeightFile)
fWeightFile = theWeightFile;
TString TMVA::MethodBase::GetWeightFileName() const
if (fWeightFile!="") return fWeightFile;
TString suffix = "";
return ( GetWeightFileDir() + "/" + fJobName + "_" + GetMethodTitle() +
suffix + "." + gConfig().GetIONames().fWeightFileExtension + ".txt" );
void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteEvaluationHistosToFile()
if (0 != fHistS_plotbin ) fHistS_plotbin->Write();
if (0 != fHistB_plotbin ) fHistB_plotbin->Write();
if (0 != fHistTrS_plotbin) fHistTrS_plotbin->Write();
if (0 != fHistTrB_plotbin) fHistTrB_plotbin->Write();
if (0 != fProbaS_plotbin ) fProbaS_plotbin->Write();
if (0 != fProbaB_plotbin ) fProbaB_plotbin->Write();
if (0 != fRarityS_plotbin) fRarityS_plotbin->Write();
if (0 != fRarityB_plotbin) fRarityB_plotbin->Write();
if (0 != fHistS_highbin ) fHistS_highbin->Write();
if (0 != fHistB_highbin ) fHistB_highbin->Write();
if (0 != fEffS ) fEffS->Write();
if (0 != fEffB ) fEffB->Write();
if (0 != fEffBvsS ) fEffBvsS->Write();
if (0 != fRejBvsS ) fRejBvsS->Write();
if (0 != finvBeffvsSeff ) finvBeffvsSeff->Write();
if (0 != fMVAPdfS) {
if (0 != fMVAPdfB) {
void TMVA::MethodBase::WriteMonitoringHistosToFile( void ) const
fLogger << kINFO << "No monitoring histograms written" << Endl;
Bool_t TMVA::MethodBase::CheckSanity( TTree* theTree )
TTree* tree = (0 != theTree) ? theTree : Data().GetTrainingTree();
for (Int_t i=0; i<GetNvar(); i++)
if (0 == tree->FindBranch( GetInputVar(i) )) return kFALSE;
return kTRUE;
bool TMVA::MethodBase::GetLine(std::istream& fin, char* buf )
TString line(buf);
if (line.BeginsWith("TMVA Release")) {
Ssiz_t start = line.First('[')+1;
Ssiz_t length = line.Index("]",start)-start;
TString code = line(start,length);
std::stringstream s(code.Data());
s >> fTMVATrainingVersion;
fLogger << kINFO << "Classifier was trained with TMVA Version: " << GetTrainingTMVAVersionString() << Endl;
if (line.BeginsWith("ROOT Release")) {
Ssiz_t start = line.First('[')+1;
Ssiz_t length = line.Index("]",start)-start;
TString code = line(start,length);
std::stringstream s(code.Data());
s >> fROOTTrainingVersion;
fLogger << kINFO << "Classifier was trained with ROOT Version: " << GetTrainingROOTVersionString() << Endl;
return true;
void TMVA::MethodBase::CreateMVAPdfs()
fLogger << kINFO << "<CreateMVAPdfs> Using " << fNbinsMVAPdf << " bins and smooth "
<< fNsmoothMVAPdf << " times" << Endl;
std::vector<Double_t>* sigVec = new std::vector<Double_t>;
std::vector<Double_t>* bkgVec = new std::vector<Double_t>;
Double_t minVal=9999;
Double_t maxVal=-9999;
for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<Data().GetNEvtTrain(); ievt++) {
Double_t theVal = this->GetMvaValue();
if (minVal>theVal) minVal = theVal;
if (maxVal<theVal) maxVal = theVal;
if (IsSignalEvent()) sigVec->push_back(theVal);
else bkgVec->push_back(theVal);
TH1* histMVAPdfS = new TH1F( GetMethodName() + "_tr_S", GetMethodName() + "_tr_S",
fNbinsMVAPdf, minVal, maxVal );
TH1* histMVAPdfB = new TH1F( GetMethodName() + "_tr_B", GetMethodName() + "_tr_B",
fNbinsMVAPdf, minVal, maxVal );
for (Int_t i=0; i<(Int_t)sigVec->size(); i++) histMVAPdfS->Fill( (*sigVec)[i] );
for (Int_t i=0; i<(Int_t)bkgVec->size(); i++) histMVAPdfB->Fill( (*bkgVec)[i] );
delete sigVec;
delete bkgVec;
gTools().NormHist( histMVAPdfS );
gTools().NormHist( histMVAPdfB );
fMVAPdfS = new PDF( histMVAPdfS, PDF::kSpline2, fNsmoothMVAPdf );
fMVAPdfB = new PDF( histMVAPdfB, PDF::kSpline2, fNsmoothMVAPdf );
fMVAPdfS->ValidatePDF( histMVAPdfS );
fMVAPdfB->ValidatePDF( histMVAPdfB );
fLogger << kINFO
<< Form( "<CreateMVAPdfs> Separation from histogram (PDF): %1.3f (%1.3f)",
GetSeparation( histMVAPdfS, histMVAPdfB ), GetSeparation( fMVAPdfS, fMVAPdfB ) )
<< Endl;
delete histMVAPdfS;
delete histMVAPdfB;
Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetProba( Double_t mvaVal, Double_t ap_sig )
if (!fMVAPdfS || !fMVAPdfB) {
fLogger << kWARNING << "<GetProba> MVA PDFs for Signal and Backgroud don't exist" << Endl;
return 0;
Double_t p_s = fMVAPdfS->GetVal( mvaVal );
Double_t p_b = fMVAPdfB->GetVal( mvaVal );
Double_t denom = p_s*ap_sig + p_b*(1 - ap_sig);
return (denom > 0) ? (p_s*ap_sig) / denom : -1;
Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetRarity( Double_t mvaVal, Types::ESBType reftype ) const
if ((reftype == Types::kSignal && !fMVAPdfS) || (reftype == Types::kBackground && !fMVAPdfB)) {
fLogger << kWARNING << "<GetRarity> Required MVA PDF for Signal or Backgroud does not exist: "
<< "select option \"CreateMVAPdfs\"" << Endl;
return 0.0;
PDF* thePdf = reftype == Types::kSignal ? fMVAPdfS : fMVAPdfB;
return thePdf->GetIntegral( thePdf->GetXmin(), mvaVal );
Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetEfficiency( TString theString, TTree *theTree, Double_t& effSerr )
if (theTree == 0) fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetEfficiency> Object theTree has zero pointer" << Endl;
TList* list = gTools().ParseFormatLine( theString );
if (list->GetSize() > 2) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetEfficiency> Wrong number of arguments"
<< " in string: " << theString
<< " | required format, e.g., Efficiency:0.05, or empty string" << Endl;
return -1;
Bool_t computeArea = (list->GetSize() < 2);
Float_t effBref = (computeArea?1.:atof(((TObjString*)list->At(1))->GetString()) );
delete list;
if (fHistS_highbin->GetNbinsX() != fHistB_highbin->GetNbinsX() ||
fHistS_plotbin->GetNbinsX() != fHistB_plotbin->GetNbinsX()) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetEfficiency> Binning mismatch between signal and background histos" << Endl;
return -1.0;
Double_t xmin = fHistS_highbin->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
Double_t xmax = fHistS_highbin->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
Bool_t firstPass = kFALSE;
static Double_t nevtS;
if (0 == fEffS && 0 == fEffB) firstPass = kTRUE;
if (firstPass) {
fEffS = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_effS", GetTestvarName() + " (signal)", fNbinsH, xmin, xmax );
fEffB = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_effB", GetTestvarName() + " (background)", fNbinsH, xmin, xmax );
Int_t sign = (fCutOrientation == kPositive) ? +1 : -1;
Int_t theType;
Float_t theVal;
Float_t theWeight;
TBranch* brType = theTree->GetBranch("type");
TBranch* brVal = theTree->GetBranch(GetTestvarName());
TBranch* brWeight = theTree->GetBranch("weight");
if (brVal == 0) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "Could not find variable "
<< GetTestvarName() << " in tree " << theTree->GetName() << Endl;
brType ->SetAddress(&theType );
brVal ->SetAddress(&theVal );
nevtS = 0;
for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<theTree->GetEntries(); ievt++) {
brType ->GetEntry(ievt);
brVal ->GetEntry(ievt);
TH1* theHist = (theType == 1) ? fEffS : fEffB;
if (theType == 1) nevtS+=theWeight;
Int_t maxbin = theHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin( theVal );
if (sign > 0 && maxbin > fNbinsH) continue;
if (sign < 0 && maxbin < 1 ) continue;
if (sign > 0 && maxbin < 1 ) maxbin = 1;
if (sign < 0 && maxbin > fNbinsH) maxbin = fNbinsH;
if (sign > 0) {
for (Int_t ibin=1; ibin<=maxbin; ibin++) theHist->AddBinContent( ibin, theWeight );
else if (sign < 0) {
for (Int_t ibin=maxbin+1; ibin<=fNbinsH; ibin++) theHist->AddBinContent( ibin, theWeight );
else fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetEfficiency> Mismatch in sign" << Endl;
fEffS->Scale( 1.0/(fEffS->GetMaximum() > 0 ? fEffS->GetMaximum() : 1) );
fEffB->Scale( 1.0/(fEffB->GetMaximum() > 0 ? fEffB->GetMaximum() : 1) );
fEffBvsS = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_effBvsS", GetTestvarName() + "", fNbins, 0, 1 );
fEffBvsS->SetXTitle( "signal eff" );
fEffBvsS->SetYTitle( "backgr eff" );
fRejBvsS = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_rejBvsS", GetTestvarName() + "", fNbins, 0, 1 );
fRejBvsS->SetXTitle( "signal eff" );
fRejBvsS->SetYTitle( "backgr rejection (1-eff)" );
finvBeffvsSeff = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_invBeffvsSeff",
GetTestvarName() + "", fNbins, 0, 1 );
finvBeffvsSeff->SetXTitle( "signal eff" );
finvBeffvsSeff->SetYTitle( "inverse backgr. eff (1/eff)" );
if (Use_Splines_for_Eff_) {
if(fGraphS) delete fGraphS;
if(fGraphB) delete fGraphB;
fGraphS = new TGraph( fEffS );
fGraphB = new TGraph( fEffB );
fSplRefS = new TSpline1( "spline2_signal", fGraphS );
fSplRefB = new TSpline1( "spline2_background", fGraphB );
gTools().CheckSplines( fEffS, fSplRefS );
gTools().CheckSplines( fEffB, fSplRefB );
RootFinder rootFinder( &IGetEffForRoot, fXmin, fXmax );
Double_t effB = 0;
for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=fNbins; bini++) {
Double_t effS = fEffBvsS->GetBinCenter( bini );
Double_t cut = rootFinder.Root( effS );
if (Use_Splines_for_Eff_) effB = fSplRefB->Eval( cut );
else effB = fEffB->GetBinContent( fEffB->FindBin( cut ) );
fEffBvsS->SetBinContent( bini, effB );
fRejBvsS->SetBinContent( bini, 1.0-effB );
if (effB>std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
finvBeffvsSeff->SetBinContent( bini, 1.0/effB );
if(fGrapheffBvsS) delete fGrapheffBvsS;
fGrapheffBvsS = new TGraph( fEffBvsS );
fSpleffBvsS = new TSpline1( "effBvsS", fGrapheffBvsS );
Double_t effS, rejB, effS_ = 0, rejB_ = 0;
Int_t nbins_ = 5000;
for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=nbins_; bini++) {
effS = (bini - 0.5)/Float_t(nbins_);
rejB = 1.0 - fSpleffBvsS->Eval( effS );
if ((effS - rejB)*(effS_ - rejB_) < 0) break;
effS_ = effS;
rejB_ = rejB;
Double_t cut = rootFinder.Root( 0.5*(effS + effS_) );
SetSignalReferenceCut( cut );
if (0 == fSpleffBvsS) return 0.0;
Double_t effS = 0, effB = 0, effS_ = 0, effB_ = 0;
Int_t nbins_ = 1000;
if (computeArea) {
Double_t integral = 0;
for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=nbins_; bini++) {
effS = (bini - 0.5)/Float_t(nbins_);
effB = fSpleffBvsS->Eval( effS );
integral += (1.0 - effB);
integral /= nbins_;
return integral;
else {
for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=nbins_; bini++) {
effS = (bini - 0.5)/Float_t(nbins_);
effB = fSpleffBvsS->Eval( effS );
if ((effB - effBref)*(effB_ - effBref) <= 0) break;
effS_ = effS;
effB_ = effB;
effS = 0.5*(effS + effS_);
effSerr = 0;
if (nevtS > 0) effSerr = TMath::Sqrt( effS*(1.0 - effS)/nevtS );
return effS;
return -1;
Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetTrainingEfficiency( TString theString)
TList* list = gTools().ParseFormatLine( theString );
if (list->GetSize() != 2) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetTrainingEfficiency> Wrong number of arguments"
<< " in string: " << theString
<< " | required format, e.g., Efficiency:0.05" << Endl;
return -1;
Float_t effBref = atof( ((TObjString*)list->At(1))->GetString() );
delete list;
if (fHistS_highbin->GetNbinsX() != fHistB_highbin->GetNbinsX() ||
fHistS_plotbin->GetNbinsX() != fHistB_plotbin->GetNbinsX()) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetTrainingEfficiency> Binning mismatch between signal and background histos"
<< Endl;
return -1.0;
Double_t xmin = fHistS_highbin->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
Double_t xmax = fHistS_highbin->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
Bool_t firstPass = kFALSE;
if (0 == fTrainEffS && 0 == fTrainEffB) firstPass = kTRUE;
if (firstPass) {
Double_t sxmax = fXmax+0.00001;
fHistTrS_plotbin = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Train_S",GetTestvarName() + "_Train_S",
fNbins, fXmin, sxmax );
fHistTrB_plotbin = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_Train_B",GetTestvarName() + "_Train_B",
fNbins, fXmin, sxmax );
fTrainEffS = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_trainingEffS", GetTestvarName() + " (signal)",
fNbinsH, xmin, xmax );
fTrainEffB = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_trainingEffB", GetTestvarName() + " (background)",
fNbinsH, xmin, xmax );
Int_t sign = (fCutOrientation == kPositive) ? +1 : -1;
for (Int_t ievt=0; ievt<Data().GetNEvtTrain(); ievt++) {
Double_t theVal = GetMvaValue();
Double_t theWeight = GetEventWeight();
TH1* theEffHist = IsSignalEvent() ? fTrainEffS : fTrainEffB;
TH1* theClsHist = IsSignalEvent() ? fHistTrS_plotbin : fHistTrB_plotbin;
theClsHist->Fill( theVal, theWeight );
Int_t maxbin = theEffHist->GetXaxis()->FindBin( theVal );
if (sign > 0 && maxbin > fNbinsH) continue;
if (sign < 0 && maxbin < 1 ) continue;
if (sign > 0 && maxbin < 1 ) maxbin = 1;
if (sign < 0 && maxbin > fNbinsH) maxbin = fNbinsH;
if (sign > 0) {
for (Int_t ibin=1; ibin<=maxbin; ibin++) theEffHist->AddBinContent( ibin , theWeight );
else if (sign < 0) {
for (Int_t ibin=maxbin+1; ibin<=fNbinsH; ibin++) theEffHist->AddBinContent( ibin , theWeight );
else fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetEfficiency> Mismatch in sign" << Endl;
gTools().NormHist( fHistTrS_plotbin );
gTools().NormHist( fHistTrB_plotbin );
fTrainEffS->Scale( 1.0/(fTrainEffS->GetMaximum() > 0 ? fTrainEffS->GetMaximum() : 1) );
fTrainEffB->Scale( 1.0/(fTrainEffB->GetMaximum() > 0 ? fTrainEffB->GetMaximum() : 1) );
fTrainEffBvsS = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_trainingEffBvsS", GetTestvarName() + "", fNbins, 0, 1 );
fTrainRejBvsS = new TH1F( GetTestvarName() + "_trainingRejBvsS", GetTestvarName() + "", fNbins, 0, 1 );
if (Use_Splines_for_Eff_) {
if(fGraphTrainS) delete fGraphTrainS;
if(fGraphTrainB) delete fGraphTrainB;
fGraphTrainS = new TGraph( fTrainEffS );
fGraphTrainB = new TGraph( fTrainEffB );
fSplTrainRefS = new TSpline1( "spline2_signal", fGraphTrainS );
fSplTrainRefB = new TSpline1( "spline2_background", fGraphTrainB );
gTools().CheckSplines( fTrainEffS, fSplTrainRefS );
gTools().CheckSplines( fTrainEffB, fSplTrainRefB );
RootFinder rootFinder(&IGetEffForRoot, fXmin, fXmax );
Double_t effB = 0;
for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=fNbins; bini++) {
Double_t effS = fTrainEffBvsS->GetBinCenter( bini );
Double_t cut = rootFinder.Root( effS );
if (Use_Splines_for_Eff_) effB = fSplTrainRefB->Eval( cut );
else effB = fTrainEffB->GetBinContent( fTrainEffB->FindBin( cut ) );
fTrainEffBvsS->SetBinContent( bini, effB );
fTrainRejBvsS->SetBinContent( bini, 1.0-effB );
fGraphTrainEffBvsS = new TGraph( fTrainEffBvsS );
fSplTrainEffBvsS = new TSpline1( "effBvsS", fGraphTrainEffBvsS );
if (0 == fSplTrainEffBvsS) return 0.0;
Double_t effS, effB, effS_ = 0, effB_ = 0;
Int_t nbins_ = 1000;
for (Int_t bini=1; bini<=nbins_; bini++) {
effS = (bini - 0.5)/Float_t(nbins_);
effB = fSplTrainEffBvsS->Eval( effS );
if ((effB - effBref)*(effB_ - effBref) <= 0) break;
effS_ = effS;
effB_ = effB;
return 0.5*(effS + effS_);
Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetSignificance( void ) const
Double_t rms = sqrt( fRmsS*fRmsS + fRmsB*fRmsB );
return (rms > 0) ? TMath::Abs(fMeanS - fMeanB)/rms : 0;
Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetSeparation( TH1* histoS, TH1* histoB ) const
return gTools().GetSeparation( *histoS, *histoB );
Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetSeparation( PDF* pdfS, PDF* pdfB ) const
if ((!pdfS && pdfB) || (pdfS && !pdfB))
fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetSeparation> Mismatch in pdfs" << Endl;
if (!pdfS) pdfS = fSplS;
if (!pdfB) pdfB = fSplB;
return gTools().GetSeparation( *pdfS, *pdfB );
Double_t xmin = pdfS->GetXmin();
Double_t xmax = pdfS->GetXmax();
if (xmin != pdfB->GetXmin() || xmax != pdfB->GetXmax()) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetSeparation> Mismatch in PDF limits: "
<< xmin << " " << pdfB->GetXmin() << xmax << " " << pdfB->GetXmax() << Endl;
Double_t separation = 0;
Int_t nstep = 100;
Double_t intBin = (xmax - xmin)/nstep;
for (Int_t bin=0; bin<nstep; bin++) {
Double_t x = (bin + 0.5)*intBin + xmin;
Double_t s = pdfS->GetVal( x );
Double_t b = pdfB->GetVal( x );
if (s + b > 0) separation += (s - b)*(s - b)/(s + b);
separation *= (0.5*intBin);
return separation;
Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetMaximumSignificance( Double_t SignalEvents,
Double_t BackgroundEvents,
Double_t& max_significance_value ) const
Double_t max_significance(0);
Double_t effS(0),effB(0),significance(0);
TH1F *temp_histogram = new TH1F("temp", "temp", fNbinsH, fXmin, fXmax );
if (SignalEvents <= 0 || BackgroundEvents <= 0) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<GetMaximumSignificance> "
<< "Number of signal or background events is <= 0 ==> abort"
<< Endl;
fLogger << kINFO << "Using ratio SignalEvents/BackgroundEvents = "
<< SignalEvents/BackgroundEvents << Endl;
if ((fEffS == 0) || (fEffB == 0)) {
fLogger << kWARNING << "Efficiency histograms empty !" << Endl;
fLogger << kWARNING << "no maximum cut found, return 0" << Endl;
return 0;
for (Int_t bin=1; bin<=fNbinsH; bin++) {
effS = fEffS->GetBinContent( bin );
effB = fEffB->GetBinContent( bin );
significance = sqrt(SignalEvents)*( effS )/sqrt( effS + ( BackgroundEvents / SignalEvents) * effB );
max_significance = temp_histogram->GetBinCenter( temp_histogram->GetMaximumBin() );
max_significance_value = temp_histogram->GetBinContent( temp_histogram->GetMaximumBin() );
delete temp_histogram;
fLogger << kINFO << "Optimal cut at : " << max_significance << Endl;
fLogger << kINFO << "Maximum significance: " << max_significance_value << Endl;
return max_significance;
void TMVA::MethodBase::Statistics( Types::ETreeType treeType, const TString& theVarName,
Double_t& meanS, Double_t& meanB,
Double_t& rmsS, Double_t& rmsB,
Double_t& xmin, Double_t& xmax,
Bool_t norm )
Long64_t entries = ( (treeType == Types::kTesting ) ? Data().GetNEvtTest() :
(treeType == Types::kTraining) ? Data().GetNEvtTrain() : -1 );
if (entries <=0)
fLogger << kFATAL << "<CalculateEstimator> Wrong tree type: " << treeType << Endl;
UInt_t varIndex = Data().FindVar( theVarName );
Double_t* varVecS = new Double_t[entries];
Double_t* varVecB = new Double_t[entries];
xmin = +1e20;
xmax = -1e20;
Long64_t nEventsS = -1;
Long64_t nEventsB = -1;
meanS = 0;
meanB = 0;
rmsS = 0;
rmsB = 0;
Double_t sumwS = 0, sumwB = 0;
for (Int_t i = 0; i < entries; i++) {
if (treeType == Types::kTesting ) ReadTestEvent(i);
else ReadTrainingEvent(i);
Double_t theVar = (norm) ? GetEventValNormalised(varIndex) : GetEventVal(varIndex);
Double_t weight = GetEventWeight();
if (IsSignalEvent()) {
sumwS += weight;
meanS += weight*theVar;
rmsS += weight*theVar*theVar;
else {
sumwB += weight;
meanB += weight*theVar;
rmsB += weight*theVar*theVar;
if (IsSignalEvent()) varVecS[++nEventsS] = theVar;
else varVecB[++nEventsB] = theVar;
xmin = TMath::Min( xmin, theVar );
xmax = TMath::Max( xmax, theVar );
meanS = meanS/sumwS;
meanB = meanB/sumwB;
rmsS = TMath::Sqrt( rmsS/sumwS - meanS*meanS );
rmsB = TMath::Sqrt( rmsB/sumwB - meanB*meanB );
delete [] varVecS;
delete [] varVecB;
void TMVA::MethodBase::MakeClass( const TString& theClassFileName ) const
TString classFileName = "";
if (theClassFileName == "")
classFileName = GetWeightFileDir() + "/" + fJobName + "_" + GetMethodTitle() + ".class.C";
classFileName = theClassFileName;
TString className = TString("Read") + GetMethodTitle();
TString tfname( classFileName );
fLogger << kINFO << "Creating standalone response class : "
<< gTools().Color("lightblue") << classFileName << gTools().Color("reset") << Endl;
ofstream fout( classFileName );
if (!fout.good()) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<MakeClass> Unable to open file: " << classFileName << Endl;
fout << "// Class: " << className << endl;
fout << "// Automatically generated by MethodBase::MakeClass" << endl << "//" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << "/* configuration options =====================================================" << endl << endl;
WriteStateToStream( fout, kTRUE );
fout << endl;
fout << "============================================================================ */" << endl;
fout << "" << endl;
fout << "#include <vector>" << endl;
fout << "#include <cmath>" << endl;
fout << "#include <string>" << endl;
fout << "#include <iostream>" << endl;
fout << "" << endl;
this->MakeClassSpecificHeader( fout, className );
fout << "#ifndef IClassifierReader__def" << endl;
fout << "#define IClassifierReader__def" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << "class IClassifierReader {" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " public:" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // constructor" << endl;
fout << " IClassifierReader() {}" << endl;
fout << " virtual ~IClassifierReader() {}" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // return classifier response" << endl;
fout << " virtual double GetMvaValue( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const = 0;" << endl;
fout << "};" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << "#endif" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << "class " << className << " : public IClassifierReader {" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " public:" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // constructor" << endl;
fout << " " << className << "( std::vector<std::string>& theInputVars ) " << endl;
fout << " : IClassifierReader()," << endl;
fout << " fClassName( \"" << className << "\" )," << endl;
fout << " fStatusIsClean( true )," << endl;
fout << " fNvars( " << GetNvar() << " )," << endl;
fout << " fIsNormalised( " << (IsNormalised() ? "true" : "false") << " )" << endl;
fout << " { " << endl;
fout << " // the training input variables" << endl;
fout << " const char* inputVars[] = { ";
for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
fout << "\"" << GetOriginalVarName(ivar) << "\"";
if (ivar<GetNvar()-1) fout << ", ";
fout << " };" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // sanity checks" << endl;
fout << " if (theInputVars.size() <= 0) {" << endl;
fout << " std::cout << \"Problem in class \\\"\" << fClassName << \"\\\": empty input vector\" << std::endl;" << endl;
fout << " fStatusIsClean = false;" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " if (theInputVars.size() != fNvars) {" << endl;
fout << " std::cout << \"Problem in class \\\"\" << fClassName << \"\\\": mismatch in number of input values: \"" << endl;
fout << " << theInputVars.size() << \" != \" << fNvars << std::endl;" << endl;
fout << " fStatusIsClean = false;" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // validate input variables" << endl;
fout << " for (size_t ivar = 0; ivar < theInputVars.size(); ivar++) {" << endl;
fout << " if (theInputVars[ivar] != inputVars[ivar]) {" << endl;
fout << " std::cout << \"Problem in class \\\"\" << fClassName << \"\\\": mismatch in input variable names\" << std::endl" << endl;
fout << " << \" for variable [\" << ivar << \"]: \" << theInputVars[ivar].c_str() << \" != \" << inputVars[ivar] << std::endl;" << endl;
fout << " fStatusIsClean = false;" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // initialize min and max vectors (for normalisation)" << endl;
for (Int_t ivar = 0; ivar < GetNvar(); ivar++) {
fout << " fVmin[" << ivar << "] = " << std::setprecision(15) << GetXmin( ivar ) << ";" << endl;
fout << " fVmax[" << ivar << "] = " << std::setprecision(15) << GetXmax( ivar ) << ";" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // initialize input variable types" << endl;
for (Int_t ivar=0; ivar<GetNvar(); ivar++) {
fout << " fType[" << ivar << "] = \'" << Data().GetVarType(ivar) << "\';" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // initialize constants" << endl;
fout << " Initialize();" << endl;
fout << endl;
if (fVariableTransform != Types::kNone) {
fout << " // initialize transformation" << endl;
fout << " InitTransform();" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // destructor" << endl;
fout << " virtual ~" << className << "() {" << endl;
fout << " Clear(); // method-specific" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // the classifier response" << endl;
fout << " // \"inputValues\" is a vector of input values in the same order as the " << endl;
fout << " // variables given to the constructor" << endl;
fout << " double GetMvaValue( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const;" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " private:" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // method-specific destructor" << endl;
fout << " void Clear();" << endl;
fout << endl;
if (fVariableTransform != Types::kNone) {
fout << " // input variable transformation" << endl;
GetVarTransform().MakeFunction(fout, className,1);
fout << " void InitTransform();" << endl;
fout << " void Transform( std::vector<double> & iv, int sigOrBgd ) const;" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // common member variables" << endl;
fout << " const char* fClassName;" << endl;
fout << " bool fStatusIsClean;" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " const size_t fNvars;" << endl;
fout << " size_t GetNvar() const { return fNvars; }" << endl;
fout << " char GetType( int ivar ) const { return fType[ivar]; }" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // normalisation of input variables" << endl;
fout << " const bool fIsNormalised;" << endl;
fout << " bool IsNormalised() const { return fIsNormalised; }" << endl;
fout << " double fVmin[" << GetNvar() << "];" << endl;
fout << " double fVmax[" << GetNvar() << "];" << endl;
fout << " double NormVariable( double x, double xmin, double xmax ) const {" << endl;
fout << " // normalise to output range: [-1, 1]" << endl;
fout << " return 2*(x - xmin)/(xmax - xmin) - 1.0;" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // type of input variable: 'F' or 'I'" << endl;
fout << " char fType[" << GetNvar() << "];" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // initialize internal variables" << endl;
fout << " void Initialize();" << endl;
fout << " double GetMvaValue__( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const;" << endl;
fout << "" << endl;
fout << " // private members (method specific)" << endl;
MakeClassSpecific( fout, className );
fout << "inline double " << className << "::GetMvaValue( const std::vector<double>& inputValues ) const" << endl;
fout << "{" << endl;
fout << " // classifier response value" << endl;
fout << " double retval = 0;" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " // classifier response, sanity check first" << endl;
fout << " if (!fStatusIsClean) {" << endl;
fout << " std::cout << \"Problem in class \\\"\" << fClassName << \"\\\": cannot return classifier response\"" << endl;
fout << " << \" because status is dirty\" << std::endl;" << endl;
fout << " retval = 0;" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << " else {" << endl;
fout << " if (IsNormalised()) {" << endl;
fout << " // normalise variables" << endl;
fout << " std::vector<double> iV;" << endl;
fout << " int ivar = 0;" << endl;
fout << " for (std::vector<double>::const_iterator varIt = inputValues.begin();" << endl;
fout << " varIt != inputValues.end(); varIt++, ivar++) {" << endl;
fout << " iV.push_back(NormVariable( *varIt, fVmin[ivar], fVmax[ivar] ));" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
if (fVariableTransform != Types::kNone && GetMethodType() != Types::kLikelihood )
fout << " Transform( iV, 0 );" << endl;
fout << " retval = GetMvaValue__( iV );" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << " else {" << endl;
if (fVariableTransform != Types::kNone && GetMethodType() != Types::kLikelihood ){
fout << " std::vector<double> iV;" << endl;
fout << " int ivar = 0;" << endl;
fout << " for (std::vector<double>::const_iterator varIt = inputValues.begin();" << endl;
fout << " varIt != inputValues.end(); varIt++, ivar++) {" << endl;
fout << " iV.push_back(*varIt);" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << " Transform( iV, 0 );" << endl;
fout << " retval = GetMvaValue__( iV );" << endl;
fout << " retval = GetMvaValue__( inputValues );" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << " }" << endl;
fout << endl;
fout << " return retval;" << endl;
fout << "}" << endl;
if (fVariableTransform != Types::kNone) GetVarTransform().MakeFunction(fout, className,2);
void TMVA::MethodBase::PrintHelpMessage() const
std::streambuf* cout_sbuf = std::cout.rdbuf();
std::ofstream* o = 0;
if (gConfig().WriteOptionsReference()) {
fLogger << kINFO << "Print Help message for class " << GetName() << " into file: " << GetReferenceFile() << Endl;
o = new std::ofstream( GetReferenceFile(), std::ios::app );
if (!o->good()) {
fLogger << kFATAL << "<PrintHelpMessage> Unable to append to output file: " << GetReferenceFile() << Endl;
std::cout.rdbuf( o->rdbuf() );
if (!o) {
fLogger << kINFO << Endl;
fLogger << gTools().Color("bold")
<< "================================================================"
<< gTools().Color( "reset" )
<< Endl;
fLogger << gTools().Color("bold")
<< "H e l p f o r c l a s s i f i e r [ " << GetName() << " ] :"
<< gTools().Color( "reset" )
<< Endl;
else {
fLogger << "Help for classifier [ " << GetName() << " ] :" << Endl;
if (!o) {
fLogger << Endl;
fLogger << "<Suppress this message by specifying \"!H\" in the booking option>" << Endl;
fLogger << gTools().Color("bold")
<< "================================================================"
<< gTools().Color( "reset" )
<< Endl;
fLogger << Endl;
else {
fLogger << "# End of Message___" << Endl;
std::cout.rdbuf( cout_sbuf );
if (o) o->close();
TMVA::MethodBase* TMVA::MethodBase::fgThisBase = 0;
Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::IGetEffForRoot( Double_t theCut )
return MethodBase::GetThisBase()->GetEffForRoot( theCut );
Double_t TMVA::MethodBase::GetEffForRoot( Double_t theCut )
Double_t retval=0;
if (Use_Splines_for_Eff_) {
retval = fSplRefS->Eval( theCut );
retval = fEffS->GetBinContent( fEffS->FindBin( theCut ) );
Double_t eps = 1.0e-5;
if (theCut-fXmin < eps) retval = (GetCutOrientation() == kPositive) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
else if (fXmax-theCut < eps) retval = (GetCutOrientation() == kPositive) ? 0.0 : 1.0;
return retval;
Last change: Sat Nov 1 10:21:40 2008
Last generated: 2008-11-01 10:21
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