#include "TThread.h"
#include "TPosixMutex.h"
#include "PosixThreadInc.h"
#if (PthreadDraftVersion == 4)
int rc = ERRNO(pthread_mutex_init(&fMutex, pthread_mutexattr_default));
int rc = ERRNO(pthread_mutex_init(&fMutex, 0));
if (rc != 0)
SysError("TMutex", "pthread_mutex_init error");
int rc = ERRNO(pthread_mutex_destroy(&fMutex));
if (rc != 0)
SysError("~TMutex", "pthread_mutex_destroy error");
Int_t TPosixMutex::Lock()
return ERRNO(pthread_mutex_lock(&fMutex));
Int_t TPosixMutex::TryLock()
return ERRNO(pthread_mutex_trylock(&fMutex));
Int_t TPosixMutex::UnLock(void)
return ERRNO(pthread_mutex_unlock(&fMutex));
Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:50:51 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:50
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