#ifndef ROOT_TPySelector
#define ROOT_TPySelector
#ifndef ROOT_TSelector
#include "TSelector.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TTree
#include "TTree.h"
struct _object;
typedef _object PyObject;
class TPySelector : public TSelector {
TTree* fChain;
TPySelector( TTree* = 0, PyObject* self = 0 );
virtual ~TPySelector();
virtual Int_t Version() const;
virtual Int_t GetEntry( Long64_t entry, Int_t getall = 0 );
virtual Bool_t Notify();
virtual void Init( TTree* tree );
virtual void Begin( TTree* tree = 0 );
virtual void SlaveBegin( TTree* tree );
virtual Bool_t Process( Long64_t entry );
virtual void SlaveTerminate();
virtual void Terminate();
virtual void Abort( const char* why, EAbort what = kAbortProcess );
ClassDef( TPySelector, 1 );
void SetupPySelf();
PyObject* CallSelf( const char* method, PyObject* pyobject = 0 );
PyObject* fPySelf;
Last change: Fri Dec 12 09:06:31 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-12 09:06
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