#ifndef ROOT_TQMimeTypes
#define ROOT_TQMimeTypes
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TString.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
# include "qglobal.h"
class QFileIconProvider;
class TOrdCollection;
class TRegexp;
class QFileInfo;
class QPixmap;
#if (QT_VERSION > 0x39999)
class QIcon;
#else /* QT_VERSION */
class QIconSet;
#endif /* QT_VERSION */
class TSystemFile;
class TQMime : public TObject {
friend class TQMimeTypes;
TString fType;
TString fPattern;
TString fAction;
#if (QT_VERSION > 0x39999)
QIcon *fIcon;
#else /* QT_VERSION */
QIconSet *fIcon;
#endif /* QT_VERSION */
TRegexp *fReg;
class TQMimeTypes : public TObject {
void operator=(const TQMimeTypes&);
TQMimeTypes(const TQMimeTypes&);
TString fIconPath;
TString fFilename;
Bool_t fChanged;
TOrdCollection *fList;
static QFileIconProvider *fgDefaultProvider;
TQMime *Find(const char *filename) const;
#if (QT_VERSION > 0x39999)
const QIcon *AddType(const TSystemFile *filename);
static QIcon IconProvider(const QFileInfo &);
#else /* QT_VERSION */
const QIconSet *AddType(const TSystemFile *filename);
static const QPixmap &IconProvider(const QFileInfo &);
#endif /* QT_VERSION */
TQMimeTypes(const char *iconPath, const char *file);
virtual ~TQMimeTypes();
void SaveMimes();
Bool_t HasChanged() const { return fChanged; }
void AddType(const char *type, const char *pat, const char *icon, const char *sicon, const char *action);
void Print(Option_t *option="") const;
Bool_t GetAction(const char *filename, char *action) const;
Bool_t GetType(const char *filename, char *type) const;
#if (QT_VERSION > 0x39999)
const QIcon *GetIcon(const char *filename) const;
const QIcon *GetIcon(const TSystemFile *filename);
#else /* QT_VERSION */
const QIconSet *GetIcon(const char *filename) const;
const QIconSet *GetIcon(const TSystemFile *filename);
#endif /* QT_VERSION */
#ifndef Q_MOC_RUN
Last change: Fri Nov 28 17:01:24 2008
Last generated: 2008-11-28 17:01
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