// @(#)root/spectrum:$Id: TSpectrum2Transform.h 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $
// Author: Miroslav Morhac   25/09/06

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *
#ifndef ROOT_TSpectrum2Transform
#define ROOT_TSpectrum2Transform

//                                                                      //
// TSpectrum2Transform                                                  //
//                                                                      //
// Class to carry out transforms of 2D spectra, its filtering and       //
// enhancement. It allows to calculate classic Fourier, Cosine, Sin,    //
// Hartley, Walsh, Haar transforms as well as mixed transforms (Fourier-//
// Walsh, Fourier-Haar, Walsh-Haar, Cosine-Walsh, Cosine-Haar, Sin-Walsh//
// and Sin-Haar). All the transforms are fast.                          //
//                                                                      //

#ifndef ROOT_TNamed
#include "TNamed.h"

class TSpectrum2Transform : public TObject {
   Int_t     fSizeX;                      //x length of transformed data
   Int_t     fSizeY;                      //y length of transformed data   
   Int_t     fTransformType;              //type of transformation (Haar, Walsh, Cosine, Sine, Fourier, Hartley, Fourier-Walsh, Fourier-Haar, Walsh-Haar, Cosine-Walsh, Cosine-Haar, Sine-Walsh, Sine-Haar)
   Int_t     fDegree;                     //degree of mixed transform, applies only for Fourier-Walsh, Fourier-Haar, Walsh-Haar, Cosine-Walsh, Cosine-Haar, Sine-Walsh, Sine-Haar transforms
   Int_t     fDirection;                  //forward or inverse transform
   Int_t     fXmin;                       //first channel x of filtered or enhanced region
   Int_t     fXmax;                       //last channel x of filtered or enhanced region
   Int_t     fYmin;                       //first channel y of filtered or enhanced region
   Int_t     fYmax;                       //last channel y of filtered or enhanced region   
   Float_t   fFilterCoeff;                //value set in the filtered region
   Float_t   fEnhanceCoeff;               //multiplication coefficient applied in enhanced region;
   enum {
       kTransformHaar =0,
       kTransformWalsh =1,
       kTransformCos =2,
       kTransformSin =3,
       kTransformFourier =4,
       kTransformHartley =5,
       kTransformFourierWalsh =6,
       kTransformFourierHaar =7,
       kTransformWalshHaar =8,
       kTransformCosWalsh =9,
       kTransformCosHaar =10,
       kTransformSinWalsh =11,
       kTransformSinHaar =12,
       kTransformForward =0,
       kTransformInverse =1
   TSpectrum2Transform(Int_t sizeX, Int_t sizeY);
   virtual ~TSpectrum2Transform();
   void                BitReverse(Float_t *working_space,Int_t num);
   void                BitReverseHaar(Float_t *working_space,Int_t shift,Int_t num,Int_t start);
   void                FourCos2(Float_t **working_matrix,Float_t *working_vector,Int_t numx,Int_t numy,Int_t direction,Int_t type);   
   void                Fourier(Float_t *working_space,Int_t num,Int_t hartley,Int_t direction,Int_t zt_clear);
   void                General2(Float_t **working_matrix,Float_t *working_vector,Int_t numx,Int_t numy,Int_t direction,Int_t type,Int_t degree);   
   Int_t               GeneralExe(Float_t *working_space,Int_t zt_clear,Int_t num,Int_t degree,Int_t type);
   Int_t               GeneralInv(Float_t *working_space,Int_t num,Int_t degree,Int_t type);
   void                Haar(Float_t *working_space,Int_t num,Int_t direction);
   void                HaarWalsh2(Float_t **working_matrix,Float_t *working_vector,Int_t numx,Int_t numy,Int_t direction,Int_t type);
   void                Walsh(Float_t *working_space,Int_t num);   

   void                Enhance(const Float_t **fSource, Float_t **fDest);
   void                FilterZonal(const Float_t **fSource, Float_t **fDest);
   void                SetDirection(Int_t direction);
   void                SetEnhanceCoeff(Float_t enhanceCoeff);
   void                SetFilterCoeff(Float_t filterCoeff);
   void                SetRegion(Int_t xmin, Int_t xmax, Int_t ymin, Int_t ymax);
   void                SetTransformType(Int_t transType, Int_t degree);
   void                Transform(const Float_t **fSource, Float_t **fDest);

   ClassDef(TSpectrum2Transform,1)  //Spectrum2 Transformer, it calculates classic orthogonal 2D transforms


Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:53:15 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:53

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