// @(#)root/eve:$Id: text_test.C 26717 2008-12-07 22:07:55Z matevz $
// Author: Matevz Tadel

// Demonstrates usage of simple configuration via TEveParamList class.

// Must run in compiled mode for dynamic_cast to work properly.

#if defined(__CINT__) && !defined(__MAKECINT__)

#include "TEveManager.h"
#include "TEveParamList.h"
#include "TQObject.h"

class TParamFollower
      TQObject::Connect("TEveParamList", "ParamChanged(char*)",
                        "TParamFollower", this, "OnParamChanged(char*)");
   virtual ~TParamFollower()
      TQObject::Disconnect("TParamFollower", "ParamChanged(char*)",
                           this, "OnParamChanged(char*)");

   void OnParamChanged(const char* parameter)
      TEveParamList* pl = dynamic_cast<TEveParamList*>

      printf("Change in param-list '%s', parameter '%s'.\n",
             pl->GetElementName(), parameter);

   ClassDef(TParamFollower, 0);

void test_paramlist()

   TEveParamList* x = 0;

   x = new TEveParamList("Top config");
   gEve->AddToListTree(x, 0);

   x->AddParameter(TEveParamList::FloatConfig_t("Pepe", 20, 0, 110));
   x->AddParameter(TEveParamList::IntConfig_t("Dima", 100, 0, 110));
   x->AddParameter(TEveParamList::BoolConfig_t("Chris", 1));

   x = new TEveParamList("Another config");
   gEve->AddToListTree(x, 0);

   x->AddParameter(TEveParamList::FloatConfig_t("MagneticField", 4, -4, 4));
   x->AddParameter(TEveParamList::FloatConfig_t("Temperature", 16, -20, 40));

   new TParamFollower;


Last change: Wed Dec 17 10:56:29 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-17 10:56

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