ROOT Tutorials: PROOF tutorials
- 1. ProofEvent.C Example of TSelector implementation to do generic

- 2. ProofPythia.C The class definition in ProofPythia.h has been generated automatically

- 3. ProofSimple.C The class definition in ProofSimple.h has been generated automatically

- 4. ProofTests.C The class definition in ProofTests.h has been generated automatically

- 5. finalizeProof.C Macro to finalize queries run with the macro tutorials/runProof .

- 6. getProof.C This macro attaches to a PROOF session, possibly at the indicated URL.

- 7. runProof.C Macro to run examples of analysis on PROOF.

Last change: Wed Dec 17 10:56:32 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-17 10:56
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