cernstaff.C: Playing with a Tree containing variables of type character | Trees I/O, Queries, Graphics | clonesA_Event.C: Example to write & read a Tree built with a complex class inheritance tree. |
// Example of a circular Tree // Circular Trees are interesting in online real time environments // to store the results of the last maxEntries events. // for more info, see TTree::SetCircular // Author: Rene Brun void circular() { gROOT->cd(); //make sure that the Tree is memory resident TTree *T = new TTree("T","test circular buffers"); TRandom r; Float_t px,py,pz; Double_t random; UShort_t i; T->Branch("px",&px,"px/F"); T->Branch("py",&py,"px/F"); T->Branch("pz",&pz,"px/F"); T->Branch("random",&random,"random/D"); T->Branch("i",&i,"i/s"); T->SetCircular(20000); //keep a maximum of 20000 entries in memory for (i = 0; i < 65000; i++) { r.Rannor(px,py); pz = px*px + py*py; random = r.Rndm(); T->Fill(); } T->Print(); } |