Marko Miku_, prof.dr.                                                     _______________________________________________________________________(klikni  tukaj za slovensko stran)


Personal data:

·_ born April 11, 1959 in  Ljubljana , Slovenia

·_ with my partner _pela we have two daughters: Ur_a and Ne_a

·_ living in  Ro_na dolina Cesta IX/35, Ljubljana, Slovenia



·_ 1981 - diploma (B.Sc.) in Physics at the University of Ljubljana

·_ 1984 - masters degree (M.Sc.) in Nuclear and Particle Physics at the University of Ljubljana

·_ 1988 - doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Physics at the University of Ljubljana


Research field:

Experimental particle physics


in collaboration with Particle Physics Dept. of the Jo_ef Stefan Institute.

·_ Measurement of CP, T and CPT violation in the netral kaon system  with the CPLEAR spectrometer at the LEAR ring at CERN in Geneva.

·_ Construction of the ATLAS  detector at the Large Hadron Collider  LHC  at CERN  -  local  home page

·_ Development of position sensitive silicon detectors

·_ Study of radiation damage in silicon - also as member of  ROSE  (CERN RD-48) and RD-50

·_ Study of cryogenic operation of silicon detectors - also as member of CERN RD-39

·_ Development of a Compton camera for medical imaging

·_ Study of application of silicon detectors to  digital mammography

Talks – mainly public

·     Hunting for the Higgs Boson, Elko’s 80, Institut Jožef Stefan, Spetember 13th, 2012



Biography (CV)


surface mail:

Jo_ef Stefan Institute
Jamova 39, P.O.B. 3000
SI-1001 Ljubljana


