P.Baillon: Cherenkov ring search using a maximum likelihood technique, Nucl. Instr. And Meth. A238 (1985) p.341-346
Author: Rok Pestotnik
Date: 30.5.2003
Source Code:17th June 2003: arichlkh.r00_alpha.tar.gz
Programming Language: C++
Compiler: gcc 2.95.2
Libraries used: CLHEP-1.8.0
Automatically created documentation: doc
Full documentation: under development.
Reference machine:
cpu : AMD Athlon(tm) XP processor 2100+ ( 1733.470 MHz)
cache size: 256 KB, RAM : 512MB
OS: RedHatLinux 8.0 kernel Linux release 2.4.18
Current Benchmark:
CPU usage for 10000 events:
Total |
12.12 s |
Particle Tracking |
0.3 s |
Photon Emission |
1.5 s |
Photon Tracking |
1.0 s |
Digitization |
0.03 s |
ParticleID |
9.2 s |
Track parameters: position, momentum and MonteCarlo identity
Likelihood probabilities for each of the particle hypotheses for each track.
Percent finished |
Comment |
Interface to track data structures |
0,00% |
Input needed |
Cherenkov photon generation and propagation to the detector plane |
100,00% |
Simple digitization |
100,00% |
Cherenkov Angle Reconstruction |
100,00% |
Likelihood Calculation |
100,00% |
Debug phase |
Track Propagation in the magnetic field |
100,00% |
Documentation |
0,00% |
Will include likelihood method description |
Fast Particle ID |
95,00% |
Overall : 95% finished
Full Simulation:
Full simulation includes the simulation of the following physical processes:
particle tracking in the homegenius magnetic field ( will be finally replaced by the common routine)
Cerenkov photon emission in the aerogel
Photon Tracking to the photon detector (reflection / refraction processes on the aerogel surface + Rayleigh scattering in the aerogel tile)
Additional background photons generation on the detector plane
Photon detection
Digitization of the hits
Hit Reconstruction
Cerenkov angle reconstruction
Fast Simulation:
Instead of full simulation of the detector response, cerenkov angle distribution is generated randomly using expected value for the cherenkov angle and expected values for number of signal and background photons.
Construction of the extended likelihood function:
same for full and fast simulation
cerenkov angle distribution,
expected numbers of detected signal photons for different particle hypotheses (e, mu, pi, K, p)
expected numbers of detected background photons
particle probabilities for different particle hypotheses
#include "PID_Arich.hh"
PID_Arich *pid_arich= new PID_Arich(); // initialization
// mode : 0 full simulation; 1:fast simulation
pid_arich->init(debug=0,mode=0); // before first event
for (int ieve=0; ieve< n; ieve++) pid_arich->Run(); // executed for each event
pid_arich->End(); // after last event
Calculated efficiencies for fast simulation method:
Efficiency = N(K->K) / N(K->anything)
Purity = N(K->K) / ( N(K->K)+N(pi->K) )
fake=1% efficiency=0.858888 +- 0.00714513 purity=0.965893 +- 0.0213905
fake=2% efficiency=0.916596 +- 0.00567467 purity=0.939957 +- 0.0201502
fake=5% efficiency=0.96588 +- 0.00372583 purity=0.869549 +- 0.018159
fake=10% efficiency=0.984415 +- 0.00254219 purity=0.775382 +- 0.0160393
fake=20% efficiency=0.996209 +- 0.0012613 purity=0.644414 +- 0.013251
1Efficiency for identifying kaons as kaons as a function of particle
momentum for a fixed fake rate 5%