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Replaces $Ca$ in bones and teeth. \end{itemize} {\color{red}\tick To block the inflow of $^{90}Sr$ into human a food (meat) quality assessment is needed.} \end{Slide} \begin{Slide}{$^{90}$Sr detection} The $^{90}Sr$ accumulates in bones. Detection in meat indirectly by measuring the activity in bones. {\color{red} Problem}:\ding{54} $^{90}Sr$ is a pure $\beta$ emitter: \centerline{\includegraphics*[height=3cm]{pic/razpad}\hskip 2cm \includegraphics*[height=3cm]{pic/srspekter}} \begin {itemize} %$^{90}Sr\to ^{90}Y + e^- (E_{max}=0.55~MeV)$ %$$\to ^{90}Zr + e^- (E_{max}=2.27~MeV)$$ \item Standard detection methods using $\gamma$- spectrometry are not possible. \item Chemical analysis: separation of $Sr$ is time consuming and has large error \end{itemize} {\color{red} Recent analyzes}: \begin {itemize} \item use Cherenkov radiation in aqueous solutions \item {\color{red} Problem}: Other $\beta$ radioactive components have max. $\beta$ energy around 1.5~MeV and below. \ding{54} Their Cherenkov photon yield interfere with photons produced by $\beta$ electrons from $^{90}Sr$. \end{itemize} {\color{red} Solution}: \begin{itemize} \item {\color{red} Important difference}: The energy of the $\beta$ electrons from $^{90}Sr$ is on average higher than energy of electrons from background elements. \item {\color{red}Idea}: employ Cherenkov radiation in aerogel and discriminate electrons with different energies. \end{itemize} \end{Slide} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{Slide}{Cherenkov radiation} Charged particles with a velocity greater than velocity of the light in the medium emit Cherenkov radiation \doublecolumn{0.50\linewidth} { \mysqbox{red}{red}{white}{Properties:} \begin{itemize} \item {Cherenkov angle:\hskip 0.3cm \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{$\cos\theta_c={ 1 \over \beta n(E)}$}} \item {Threshold: \hbox{$\cos\theta_C \le 1$ $\Rightarrow$ \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{$\beta > \beta_t={ 1 \over n}$}}} \item Number of emitted photons \\ per unit length and energy: \\ \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{${d^2N \over dl dE}={\alpha\over \hbar c}\sin^2\theta={\alpha\over \hbar c}\biggl( 1-{1\over (n\beta)^2}\biggl)$} $${\alpha\over \hbar c}=370 (eV\,cm)^{-1}$$ \item {\color{red} \v Cerenkov detectors } employ the properties of Cherenkov radiation. \end{itemize} } { \includegraphics[width=6cm]{pic/cerenkovo_sevanje}\\ %\ho{\tick kinemati\v cno obmo\v cje dolo\v ca sevalec} %\includegraphics[width=7cm]{aerogel_ndet_vs_p} } %Number of detected photons: %{\color{red} $ N_{det} = L { \alpha \over \hbar c} \int { T(E) \cdot {\epsilon}_{d}(E) \cdot \sin^2\theta \, dE}$} \hbox{\sqbox{blue}{Number of detected photons:} \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{ $ N_{det} = L { \alpha \over \hbar c} \int { T_{r}(E) \cdot {\epsilon}_{d}(E) \cdot \sin^2\theta_c \ dE}$ }} \vskip 1cm \hbox{ \hskip 0.15cm \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{\small Transmission} \psline[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=blue]{->}(0,0)(4.5,1.3) \hskip 0.5cm \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{\small Detection efficiency} \psline[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=blue]{->}(0,0)(2.2,1.3) \hskip 0.5cm \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{\small $\theta_c$} \psline[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=blue]{->}(0,0)(2.5,1.3) \hskip 0.5cm \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{\small Energy interval} \psline[linewidth=2pt,linecolor=blue]{->}(0,0)(+0.5,1.3) } \end{Slide} %************************************************************************** \begin{Slide}{Cherenkov Radiator} \small Requirements: \hfil \hbox{\mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{ $ N_{det} = L { \alpha \over \hbar c} \int { T_{r}(E) \cdot {\epsilon}_{d}(E) \cdot \sin^2\theta_c \ dE}$ }} \begin{itemize} %\item {$\Delta \theta_c \approx {1 \over n^2 \theta_c}\Delta\beta$} \item Maximize photon yield $\blacktriangleright$ \begin{itemize} \item {\red maximize refractive index $n$ } \item maximize photon collection area ${\epsilon}_{geo}(E)$ \item maximize photon detector sensitivity $Q.E.$ \end{itemize} \item Minimize photon yield for low energy electrons $\blacktriangleright$ {\red minimize refractive index $n$ } \end{itemize} \ding{74} With appropriate choice of refractive index $n$, the background is decreased. \includegraphics*[height=4cm]{pic/aerogel_thc_e} \includegraphics*[height=4cm]{pic/srspekter} \ding{74} \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{Silica aerogel radiator meets the requirements.} Fills the gap between solid and gas radiators. \begin{itemize} \color{blue} \item \color{blue} The aerogels with different refractive indexes can be produced \end{itemize} \end{Slide} \begin{Slide}{Aerogel Properties} \small \begin{itemize} \item Consists of grains of amorphous SiO$_2$ with sizes 1-10~nm linked together in a 3D structure filled by air \item As a result it is a highly porous material with different pore sizes (mean pore diameter 20~nm) . \item High surface area material (up to 1000~$m^2/g$) \item Produced by the supercritical extraction of the pore fluid \item variable density: $\rho=0.003- 0.55 g/cm^3$ (controlled by starting silicon compound concentration) \item \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{variable refractive index} ($n=1+0.21 \rho$): 1.0006 - 1.011 \item \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{Rayleigh scattering}: macro-pores act as scattering centers $T=Ae^{Ct\over \lambda^4}$ %\hskip -0.5cm \includegraphics[height=4cm]{aeroblock} \hskip 2cm \includegraphics[height=4cm]{pic/aerogel_structure} \ding{74} \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{Highly transparent aerogel tiles of thicknesses up to 5.5~cm were produced recently.} \item Primarily it is hydrophilic. \item Can be made hydrophobic: replace hydrophilic $-OH$ groups on the internal aerogel surface with hydrophobic ones (lower transparency) \end{itemize} \end{Slide} \begin{Slide}{Photon Detector choice} Requirements: \hfil \hbox{\mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{ $ N_{det} = L { \alpha \over \hbar c} \int { T_{r}(E) \cdot {\epsilon}_{d}(E) \cdot \sin^2\theta_c \ dE}$ }} \begin{itemize} \item high Q.E. \item position sensitive \item good single photon resolution \item stable \end{itemize} Based on experiences, we have chosen Hamamatsu R5900-M16 multi-anode PMT. \begin{itemize} \item bi-alkali photo-cathode: Q.E. - up to 25 \% at 400~nm \item segmented anode: active area 18~mm$\times$18~mm with 16 pads 4.5~mm$\times$4.5~mm each \item good single photon resolution \includegraphics[height=4cm]{pic/pulseheight}\includegraphics[height=4cm]{pic/2dscan} \end{itemize} \end{Slide} \begin{Slide}{Measurements} \small \mysqbox{red}{green}{blue}{Detection of $^{90}Sr$ in animal bones} \vskip 1cm \doublecolumn{0.30\linewidth} { \mysqbox{red}{red}{white}{The apparatus} \begin{itemize} \item light tight box \item source or sample \item multiwire proportional chamber \item Silica aerogel tile (n=1.05) 5.5$\times$5.5$\times$5~cm$^3$ \item reflective entrance and side walls (mylar) to collect photons on the detector \item Multi-anode PMT \item electronic readout: VME \end{itemize} } { \includegraphics[width=8cm]{pic/srsetup} } \mysqbox{red}{red}{white}{Data acquisition:} \begin{itemize} \item Trigger: Multi wire proportional chamber to lower the background of $\gamma$ emitters \item Data acquisition: TDC spectra of all electronic channels acquired by CAEN VME V673A TDC \end{itemize} \end{Slide} \begin{Slide}{Results:} \doublecolumn{0.50\linewidth} { \begin{itemize} \item the background rate less than 100/s for PMT and for MWPC leading to \item {\color{red} the coincidence background rate $<$ 2/hour} \item {\color{red} the detection efficiency $1.5\% $ for $^{90}Sr/^{90}Y$} %\item different radioactive sources were used to determine efficiency %\item by using larger photon detector higher efficiency is expected \item as a background to Sr-90,the elements Cs-137 and P-32 were used \item $\beta-\gamma$ cascade might trigger a coincidence: the low energy $\beta$ triggers the MWPC, $\gamma$ is converted in the PMT window, the resulting electron emits Cherenkov photons \end{itemize} \vskip 1cm \begin{itemize} \item contribution of different sources can be separated by $\to$ \item counting the number of photons produced by $\beta$ electron \end{itemize} } { \includegraphics*[width=7cm]{pic/srefficiency} \vskip -1.0cm \includegraphics*[width=7cm]{pic/5gelnhit_e} } \end{Slide} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{Slide}{Conclusions} \begin{itemize} \item $^{90}Sr$ is highly radio-toxic \item It enters human through the food chain \item By controlling the concentration of $^{90}Sr$ in animal bones one can block the inflow channel. \item Standard $\gamma$ spectroscopy impossible since it is a pure $\beta$ emitter \item It has relatively high energetic decaying products. \item Cherenkov radiation in silica aerogel can be used for low activity measurements \item {\color{red}\tick Method was tested and proven that works} \end{itemize} Foreseen activities: \begin{itemize} \item test on samples extracted from animal bones \item geometry optimization \item use of the photon detector (flat panel PMT) which covers larger area ( 49$\times$49 mm$^2$) to collect more photons \includegraphics*[width=4cm]{H8500.eps} \item aerogel optimization (use more transparent samples) \end{itemize} \end{Slide} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{document}