LeCroy Research Systems - Older Data Sheets

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The following LeCroy data sheets are available for on-line viewing as GIF graphics files and for download as postscript files. All GIF files are relatively small (~30k); The postscript files are typically much larger (several hundred Kbytes)

These products are no longer available for sale.  For current products, see the current data sheets page.

Model # (with .ps link) Description HTML and GIF Link Date
1131 VME-SIB Interface 1131
1151 VME Scaler pg 1 2
1176 VME Multihit TDC 1176 7/97
1176/EXP2 VME Multihit TDC 1176exp 9/95

16-Input Time Stretcher


1403 NIM Bin pg 1 2
1440 system HV system pg 1 2 3 4 5 6
1450 VISyN High Voltage System

For more information about these products, please contact Universal Voltronics

1454 HV Mainframe: (max 48 PMT ch.) 5/98
1458 HV Mainframe: (max 192 PMT ch.) 5/98
1461 12 ch. PMT HV card 5/98
1471 8 ch. Independent HV card 5/98
1462 12 ch. PMT HV card 5/98
1468 12 ch. PMT HV card 5/98
1469 24 ch. chamber HV card 5/98

FASTBUS Cal. and Trig. Mod.

1810 9/95
1821 FASTBUS SM/I 1821 9/95
1821/ECL ECLine interface 1821/ECL 9/95
1881M FASTBUS Charge ADC 1881M
2050 CAMAC Dataway Display 2050 9/95
2132 CAMAC - HV Interface see HV4032Adata sheet
2228A CAMAC 50 psec TDC pg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

CAMAC High Precision TDC

Page includes 2229

2277 CAMAC 1 ns Multihit TDC pg 1 2 3 4
2262 CAMAC Waveform Recorder 2262 9/95
2277/EXP CAMAC Hit Expander 2277exp 9/95
2277/EXP2 CAMAC Hit Expander 2277exp 9/95

CAMAC qVt Interface


2313 CAMAC Discriminator pg 1 2 3 4
2323A Gate and Delay Generator 2323A
2365 ECLine Logic Matrix 2365 9/95
2366 Universal Logic Module 2366 9/95

ECLine Data Register

2371 9/95
2376A ECLine Data Register pg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2378 ECLine Arithmetic Logic Unit see 2376a above
2415 CAMAC HV Module 2415 9/95
2735DC Amplifier/Discriminator Card 2735 10/94
2735PC Amplifier/Discriminator Card 2735 10/94
2738 PCOS Controller 2738 9/95
2724 Preamplifier pg 1 2

PCOS III Delay Latch

2731A 9/95
2741-16H / 16Y PCOS4 Amp/Discr/Delay/Latch 2741-16H / 16Y 9/95
2748CAM / VME Readout Controller (CAMAC and VME) 2748CAM / VME 9/95
2749CAM / VME System Driver (CAMAC and VME) 2749CAM / VME 9/95
2891A (incl 1691A) CAMAC/FASTBUS Interface pg 1 2
3001 qVt Multichannel Analyzer 3001 9/95
3341 CAMAC Spectroscopy ADC 3341 12/95
3351 CAMAC Spectroscopy VADC 3351 12/95
3371 CAMAC Spectroscopy TDC 3371 12/95
3031 NIM-to-QVT MCA Interface 3031
3304 FERA System Manager pg 1 2 3
3420 Constant Fraction Discriminator 3420
4001 ECL Probe 4001 9/95
4003 CAMAC Extender 4003 9/95
4204 TDC see 2228A data sheet.
4208 TDC see 2228A data sheet.

CAMAC Gate and Delay Generator


4291b Time Digitizer pg 1 2 3
4299 Interface Buffer pg 1 2 3
4300B Fast Encoding & Readout ADC   4300B
4413 ECLine Discriminator pg 1 2 3 4 5 6
4415A ECLine Discriminator see 4413 above.
4300B, 4301 FERA System

4300B, 4301

4434 ECLine Latching Scaler   9/95

ECLine Coincidence Register


4504 ECLine Flash ADC 4504 9/95
4508 ECLine Logic Unit 4508 9/95
4516 ECLine Logic Unit 4516 9/95
4518 ECLine Delay/Fan-Out 4518 9/95
4532 ECLine Majority Logic Unit 4532 9/95
4564 ECLine Logic Unit 4564 9/95

NIM Discriminator



NIM Logic Unit


5211a Byte Serial Optical Link pg 1 2 3
5612 Fiber Optic Transmitter, Analog 5612
5613 Fiber Optic Receiver, Analog 5613
6103 Dual Amplifier/Trigger Gen. 6103 9/95
6128 Fan-Out and Level Adaptor pg 1 2
6810 CAMAC Waveform Recorder 6810 9/95
6310 CAMAC Memory expansion for 6810 6310 9/95
HQV800 Hybrid Preamplifier HQV800 5/96
MHV100 High Voltage Controller/Generator IC MHV100 5/97
MIQ401 4-Channel Charge Multiplexer - QMUX MIQ401 6/97
MM8104/5/6 TR8818A CAMAC Memories MM8104 / 05 / 06 1/97
MM8206A Dual Port Memory Module MM8206A 11/95
6840 CAMAC 2 ch. Waveform Digitizer 6840 9/95
6841 CAMAC 2 ch. Waveform Digitizer 6840 9/95
6930LW LabWindows Drivers 6930 9/95
8025 Rackmount Mainframe pg 1 2 3 4
8007 CAMAC Crate & Power Supply 8007.htm
HQV101 Preamplifier, Hybrid pg 1 2
HQV110 Preamplifier, Hybrid pg 1 2 3 4
HV4032A HV system pg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
HVL100 Low Level Discrim, Hybrid pg 1 2
HVL407 Quad Comparator, Hybrid pg 1 2
IP-2 Instapulser IP2.htm 9/95
MVL107S Single Channel Voltage Comparator


MVL108 Single Channel High Speed Comparator


MVL407 Comparator, Monolithic MVL407 9/95
MVL407S Comparator, Monolithic, SOIC MVL407 9/95
MVL408 Quad Channel High Speed Level Translator MVL408 1/97
PCOS4 Proportional Chamber Op. Sys. PCOS4 9/95
SIL761F 16-Channel NIM Shaping Amplifier SIL761F 2/98
STT100 Time Stetcher STT100 4/98
TRA402 / 402S Quad Amp, Monolithic TRA402 9/95
TR8818A CAMAC Modular Digitizer TR8818A 1/97
VT960 VIPA Multihit TDC with Data Suppression

