Logo Experimental Particle Physics Department (F9)

Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, P.O.B. 3000 SI - 1001 Ljubljana Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 477 3742 Fax: +386 1 425 7074


HERA-B Collaboration Week

Ljubljana, 14-17 September 2003

Local information

1 General

Ljubljana (270,000 people), capital of Slovenia (2 million), language Slovene, currency tolar (SIT), exchange rate SIT 235 = EUR 1, major credit cards accepted almost everywhere, however don't count on EC cash machines. Most people speak or at least understand English, followed by either Italian in western parts and German in the North-East.

dober dan = good morning/good afternoon
nasvidenje = bye
prosim = please
hvala = thank you

The only means of public transport in Ljubljana are city buses, see timetable and map of lines. The fare is the same for all journeys, SIT 230, and can be paid in cash to the driver (no change given!) or bought in advance as a small plastic token (žeton) sold at most newspaper stands (if you have to change the bus, this counts for two journeys!!!). Weekly or monthly tickets are not available, so if you intend to use buses we advise you to stock up on žetons.

The good alternative to the public transport are taxis which will cost you nearly the same as the bus when driveng four people in the taxi.

2 Arriving to Ljubljana and finding your hotel

By car
Use the map which is located on the bottom of the page.

By plane
Most participants will be arriving by plane to Brnik Airport, which is located about 30 km from Ljubljana. From there you can either take a bus (Adria bus leaves every hour, however not for late-evening flights), which will take you to the main coach station (for further instructions from there see below), or a taxi, which should cost between 3.500 and 5.000 SIT. Try to arrange a fixed price beforehand.

By train/coach The main railway and coach station (železniška/avtobusna postaja or kolodvor) is located near the centre of Ljubljana.

To get to Hotel Park: if travelling light you can try walking (10-15 minutes, see map below), or take a taxi, there is no direct (or indirect) way of getting there by public transport.

To get to Hotel M, you'll have to walk to the next bus stop at Bavarski dvor (5 min) and take bus 7,15 or 16, get off at Kino Šiška, cross the Celovška street using the subway and there it is.

For the people staying at Hotel Bit - the direction to take is Štepanjsko naselje, buses 5, 9, 13 and 22. We're not sure exactly how many bus stops there are, see map or ask the bus driver.

3 Finding the collaboration meeting site (Jozef Stefan Institute)

The collaboration meeting will be held in the Big Lecture Hall on the Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39.

By taxi
The taxi ride from any of the hotels or from the coach station to the institute will cost you around 1000 SIT, not much more than the price of one bus ride for 3 people.

By bus

From the railway/coach station:
To get to the collaboration meeting site (Jozef Stefan Institute) take bus nr. 9 towards Trnovo - the bus station is next to the main coach station - and get off at Konzorcij (2 stops), There you take bus nr. 1 (direction Mestni Log) and get off on the 5th bus stop at Jadranska . The bus stop is located in front of the side entrance of the institute.

From Hotel M:
Take the bus No.1(direction Mestni Log) at the bus stop Kino Šiška and get off on the 9th bus stop at Jadranska. The bus stop is located in front of the side entrance of the institute.

From Park Hotel:
Walk to the Prešernov trg located at Tromostovje ( the Three Bridges across the river Ljubljanica) and from there follow the pedestrian street Copova to the main road Slovenska. On the bus stop Konzorcij take the bus No.1(direction Mestni Log) get off on the 9th bus stop at Jadranska. The bus stop is located in front of the side entrance of the institute.

See also the map with signed bus route.

From the bus stop at Jadranska to the registration desk and lecture hall ( see the Aerial view of the institite ):
The bus stop at Jadranska is located just in front of the Side entrance of the J.Stefan Institute, which is however closed on Sundays. To get to the registration desk and meeting room location, enter the institute through the Main Entrance (green dots on the photo). To reach it, go back to the crossing Jadranska-Jamova and turn left. You will find the Main Entrace after 100 m walk on the left. The signs will be there as well.

By car
Use the map which is located on the bottom of the page. Parking area inside the institute is fully occupied already early in the morning so it is wise to park near the Main Entrance.

4 Exchanging money

You can exchange money at all usual locations (airport, railway station, banks, exchange offices etc.), differences and commissions are small so no special care is needed.

5 Some useful numbers and links

  • Slovenian country code +386
  • Ljubljana area code (0)1
  • Airport Ljubljana information +386 4 20 61 981
  • taxi 9700
  • emergency medical care    112
  • Institute Jozef Stefan Visitors information
  • Ljubljana Tourist Information Portal
  • Slovenian Tourist board
  • M hotel, Derčeva 4,Tel.: + 386 (0)1 513 7000
  • Park Hotel, Tabor 9, Tel.: +386 (0)1 433 13 06

    6 Maps

    The main orientation point in Ljubljana is the castle, the part of town between the castle hill and the Ljubljanica river is the historical centre. The main square is Prešernov trg located at the Three Bridges across the river, the main road through the centre is called Slovenska.

    Jozef Stefan Institute, Aerial view

    Page created 28-8-2003.