Chapter 13: Inheritance

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When programming in C, it is common to view problem solutions from a top-down approach: functions and actions of the program are defined in terms of sub-functions, which again are defined in sub-sub-functions, etc.. This yields a hierarchy of code: main() at the top, followed by a level of functions which are called from main(), etc..

In C++ the dependencies between code and data can also be defined in terms of classes which are related to other classes. This looks like composition (see section 6.4), where objects of a class contain objects of another class as their data. But the relation which is described here is of a different kind: a class can be defined by means of an older, pre-existing, class. This leads to a situation in which a new class has all the functionality of the older class, and additionally introduces its own specific functionality. Instead of composition, where a given class contains another class, we mean here derivation, where a given class is another class.

Another term for derivation is inheritance: the new class inherits the functionality of an existing class, while the existing class does not appear as a data member in the definition of the new class. When speaking of inheritance the existing class is called the base class, while the new class is called the derived class.

Derivation of classes is often used when the methodology of C++ program development is fully exploited. In this chapter we will first address the syntactical possibilities which C++ offers to derive classes from other classes. Then we will address some of the possibilities which are thus offered by C++.

As we have seen the object-oriented approach to problem solving in the introductory chapter (see section 2.4), classes are identified during the problem analysis, after which objects of the defined classes can be declared to represent entities of the problem at hand. The classes are placed in a hierarchy, where the top-level class contains the least functionality. Each new derivation (and hence descent in the class hierarchy) adds new functionality compared to yet existing classes.

In this chapter we shall use a simple vehicle classification system to build a hierarchy of classes. The first class is Vehicle, which implements as its functionality the possibility to set or retrieve the weight of a vehicle. The next level in the object hierarchy are land-, water- and air vehicles.

The initial object hierarchy is illustrated in figure 12.

figure 12 is shown here.
figure 12: Initial object hierarchy of vehicles.

13.1: Related types

The relationship between the proposed classes representing different kinds of vehicles is further illustrated here. The figure shows the object hierarchy in vertical direction: an Auto is a special case of a Land vehicle, which in turn is a special case of a Vehicle.

The class Vehicle is thus the ` greatest common denominator' in the classification system. For the sake of the example we implement in this class the functionality to store and retrieve the weight of a vehicle:

    class Vehicle
        unsigned d_weight;

            Vehicle(unsigned weight);

            unsigned getweight() const;
            void setweight(unsigned weight);
Using this class, the weight of a vehicle can be defined as soon as the corresponding object is created. At a later stage the weight can be re-defined or retrieved.

To represent vehicles which travel over land, a new class Land can be defined with the functionality of a Vehicle, while adding its own specific information and functionality. Assume that we are interested in the speed of land vehicles and in their weights. The relationship between Vehicles and Lands could of course be represented with composition, but that would be awkward: composition would suggest that a Land vehicle contains a vehicle, while the relationship should be that the Land vehicle is a special case of a vehicle.

A relationship in terms of composition would also introduce needless code. E.g., consider the following code fragment which shows a class Land using composition (only the setweight() functionality is shown):

    class Land
        Vehicle d_v;        // composed Vehicle
            void setweight(unsigned weight);

    void Land::setweight(unsigned weight)
Using composition, the setweight() function of the class Land only serves to pass its argument to Vehicle::setweight(). Thus, as far as weight handling is concerned, Land::setweight() introduces no extra functionality, just extra code. Clearly this code duplication is superfluous: a Land should be a Vehicle; it should not contain a Vehicle.

The intended relationship is better achieved using inheritance: Land is derived from Vehicle, in which Vehicle is the base class of the derivation. Here is how such inheritance is achieved:

    class Land: public Vehicle
        unsigned d_speed;
            Land(unsigned weight, unsigned speed);

            void setspeed(unsigned speed);
            unsigned getspeed() const;
By postfixing the class name Land in its definition by : public Vehicle the derivation is realized: the class Land now contains all the functionality of its base class Vehicle plus its own specific information and functionality. The extra functionality consists here of a constructor with two arguments and interface functions to access the speed data member. (The derivation in this example mentions the keyword public: public derivation. C++ also implements private derivation and protected derivation, both of which are not often used and which we will therefore leave to the reader to uncover.). To illustrate the use of the derived class Land consider the following example:
        veh(1200, 145);

    int main()
        cout << "Vehicle weighs " << veh.getweight() << endl
             << "Speed is " << veh.getspeed() << endl;
This example shows two features of derivation. First, getweight() is no direct member of a Land. Nevertheless it is used in veh.getweight(). This member function is an implicit part of the class, inherited from its ` parent' vehicle.

Second, although the derived class Land now contains the functionality of Vehicle, the private fields of Vehicle remain private in the sense that they can only be accessed by member functions of Vehicle itself. This means that the member functions of Land must use the interface functions (getweight(), setweight()) to address the weight field; just as any other code outside the Vehicle class. This restriction is necessary to enforce the principle of data hiding. The class Vehicle could, e.g., be recoded and recompiled, after which the program could be relinked. The class Land itself could remain unchanged.

Actually, the previous remark is not quite right: If the internal organization of Vehicle changes, then the internal organization of Land objects, containing the data of Vehicle, changes as well. This means that objects of the Land class, after changing Vehicle, might require more (or less) memory than before the modification. However, in such a situation we still don't have to worry about the use of member functions of the parent class Vehicle in the class Land. We might have to recompile the Land sources, though, as the relative locations of the data members within the Land objects will have changed due to the modification of the Vehicle class.

As a rule of thumb, classes which are derived from other classes must be fully recompiled (but don't have to be modified) after changing the data organization of their base classes. As adding new member functions to the base class doesn't alter the data organization, no recompilation is needed after adding new member functions. (A subtle point to note, however, is that adding a new member function that happens to be the first virtual member function of a class results in a hidden pointer to a table of pointers to virtual functions. This topic is discussed further in chapter 14).

In the following example we assume that the class Auto, representing automobiles, should contain the weight, speed and name of a car. This class is therefore derived from Land:

    class Auto: public Land
        char const *d_name;
            Auto(unsigned weight, unsigned speed, char const *name);
            Auto(Auto const &other);


            Auto const &operator=(Auto const &other);

            char const *getname() const;
            void setname(char const *name);
In the above class definition, Auto is derived from Land, which in turn is derived from Vehicle. This is called nested derivation: Land is called Auto's direct base class, while Vehicle is called the indirect base class.

Note the presence of a destructor, a copy constructor and an overloaded assignment operator in the class Auto. Since this class uses a pointer to reach dynamically allocated memory, these members should be part of the class interface.

13.2: The constructor of a derived class

As mentioned earlier, a derived class inherits the functionality from its base class. In this section we shall describe the effects of the inheritance on the constructor of a derived class.

As will be clear from the definition of the class Land, a constructor exists to set both the weight and the speed of an object. The poor-man's implementation of this constructor could be:

    Land::Land (unsigned weight, unsigned speed)
This implementation has the following disadvantage. The C++ compiler will generate code to call the default constructor of a base class from each constructor in the derived class, unless explicitly instructed otherwise. This can be compared to the situation which arises in composed objects (see section 6.4).

Consequently, in the above implementation the default constructor of Vehicle is called, which probably initializes the weight of the vehicle, only to be redefined immediately thereafter by the function setweight().

A better approach is of course directly to call the constructor of Vehicle that expects an unsigned weight argument. The syntax to achieve this is to mention the constructor to be called (supplied with an argument) immediately following the argument list of the constructor of the derived class itself. The use of such a base class initializer is shown below:

    Land::Land(unsigned weight, unsigned speed)

13.3: The destructor of a derived class

Destructors of classes are automatically called when an object is destroyed. This rule also holds true for objects of classes that are derived from other classes. Assume we have the following situation:
    class Base

    class Derived: public Base

    int main()
At the end of the main() function, the derived object ceases to exists. Hence, its destructor Derived::~Derived() is called. However, since derived is also a Base object, the Base::~Base() destructor is called as well.

It is this not necessary to call the Base::~Base() destructor explicitly from the Derived::~Derived() destructor.

Constructors and destructors are called in a stack-like fashion: when derived is constructed, the appropriate Base constructor is called first, then the appropriate Derived constructor is called. When derived is destroyed, the Derived destructor is called first, and then the Base destructor is called for that object. In general, a derived class destructor is called before a base class destructor is called.

13.4: Redefining member functions

The functionality of all members which are defined in a base class (and which are therefore also available in derived classes) can be redefined. This feature is illustrated in this section.

Let's assume that the vehicle classification system should be able to represent trucks, consisting of two parts: the front engine, which pulls a trailer. Both the front engine and the trailer have their own weights, but the getweight() function should return the combined weight.

The definition of a Truck therefore starts with the class definition, derived from Auto but it is then expanded to hold one more unsigned field representing the additional weight information. Here we choose to represent the weight of the front part of the truck in the Auto class and to store the weight of the trailer in an additional field:

    class Truck: public Auto
        unsigned d_trailer_weight;

            Truck(unsigned engine_wt, unsigned speed, char const *name,
                  unsigned trailer_wt);

            void setweight(unsigned engine_wt, unsigned trailer_wt);
            unsigned getweight() const;

    Truck::Truck(unsigned engine_wt, unsigned speed, char const *name,
                 unsigned trailer_wt)
        Auto(engine_wt, speed, name)
        d_trailer_weight = trailer_wt;
Note that the class Truck now contains two functions already present in the base class Auto: setweight() and getweight(). The next example shows the actual use of the member functions of the class Truck to display several weights:
    int main()
            veh(1200, 145);
            lorry(3000, 120, "Juggernaut", 2500);
        cout << endl << "Truck weighs " << 
            lorry.Vehicle::getweight() << endl <<
            "Truck + trailer weighs " << 
            lorry.getweight() << endl <<
            "Speed is " << lorry.getspeed() << endl <<
            "Name is " << lorry.getname() << endl;
Note the explicit call of Vehicle::setweight(4000): assuming setweight(unsigned engine_wt) is not part of the interface of the class Truck, it must be called explicitly, using the Vehicle:: scope resolution, as the single argument function setweight() is hidden from direct view in the class Truck.

The situation with Vehicle::getweight() and Truck::getweight() is a different one: here the function Truck::getweight() is a redefinition of Vehicle::getweight(), so in order to reach Vehicle::getweight() a scope resolution operation (Vehicle::) is required.

13.5: Multiple inheritance

Up to now, a class was always derived from one base class. C++ also allows supports multiple derivation, in which a class is derived from several base classes and hence inherits the functionality of multiple parent classes at the same time. In cases where multiple inheritance is considered, it should be defensible to consider the newly derived class an instantiation of both base classes. If that is not really the case, composition might be more appropriate. In general, linear derivation, in which only one base class is used, is seen much more frequently than multiple derivation. Most objects have a primary purpose, and that's it. But then, consider the prototype of an object for which multiple inheritance was used to its extreme: the Swiss army knife! This object is a knife, it is a pair of scissors, it is a can-operner, it is a corkscrew, it is ....

How can we construct a `Swiss army knife' in C++? First we need (at least) two base classes. For example, let's assume we are designing a toolkit for the layout of a cockpit instrument panel in an aircraft. We design all kinds of instruments, like an artifical horizon and an altimeter. One of the components that is often seen in aircraft is a nav-com set: a combination of a navigational beacon receiver (the `nav' part) and a radio communication unit (the `com'-part). To define the nav-com set, we first design the NavSet class. For the time being, its data members are omitted:

    class NavSet
            NavSet(Intercom &intercom, VHF_Dial &dial);
            unsigned getActiveFrequency() const;
            unsigned getStandByFrequency() const;

            void setStandByFrequency(unsigned freq);
            unsigned toggleActiveStandby();
            void setVolume(unsigned level);
            void identEmphasis(bool on_off);
In the class's contructor we assume the availability of the classes Intercom, which is used by the pilot to listen to the information that is transmitted through the navigational beacon, and a class VHF_Dial which is used to represent visually what the NavSet receives.

Next we construct the ComSet class. Again, omitting the data members:

    class ComSet
            ComSet(Intercom &intercom);
            unsigned getFrequency() const;
            unsigned getPassiveFrequency() const;

            void setPassiveFrequency(unsigned freq);
            unsigned toggleFrequencies();

            void setAudioLevel(unsigned level);
            void powerOn(bool on_off);
            void testState(bool on_off);
            void transmit(Message &message);
In this class we can receive messages, which are transmitted though the Intercom, but we can also transmit messages, using a Message object which is passed to the ComSet object using its transmit() member function.

Now we're ready to construct the NavCom set:

    class NavComSet: public ComSet, public NavSet
            NavComSet(Intercom &intercom, VHF_Dial &dial);
Done. Now we have defined a NavComSet which is both a NavSet and a ComSet: the possibilities of either base class are now available in the derived class, using multiple derivation.

With multiple derivation, please note the following:

Of course, while defining the base classes, we made life easy on ourselves by strictly using different member function names. So, there is a function setVolume() in the NavSet class and a function setAudioLevel() in the ComSet class. A bit cheating, since we could expect that bits units in fact use a composed object Amplifier, which deals with the volume setting. A revised class might then either use a Amplifier &getAmplifier() const member function, and leave it to the application to set up its own interface to the amplifier, or access functions for, e.g., the volume are made available through the NavSet and ComSet classes as, normally, member functions having the same names (e.g., setVolume()). In situations where two base classes use the same member function names, special provisions need to be made to prevent ambiguity:

13.6: Conversions between base classes and derived classes

When inheritance is used in the definition of classes, it can be said that an object of a derived class is at the same time an object of the base class. This has important consequences for the assignment of objects, and for the situation where pointers or references to such objects are used. Both situations will be discussed next.

13.6.1: Conversions in object assignments

Continuing our discussion of the NavCom class, introduced in section 13.5 We start by defining two objects, one of a base class and one of a derived class:
        navcom(intercom2, dial2);
The object navcom is constructed using an Intercom and a Dial object. However, a NavComSet is at the same time a ComSet, which makes the assignment from navcom (a derived class object) to com (a base class object) possible:
    com = navcom;
The effect of this assignment should be that the object com will now communicate with intercom2. As a ComSet does not have a VHF_Dial, the navcom's dial is ignored by the assignment: when assigning a base class object from a derived class object only the base class data members are assigned, other data members are ignored.

The assignment from a base class object to a derived class object, however, is problematic: In a statement like

    navcom = com;
it isn't clear how to reassign the NavComSet's VHF_Dial data member as they are missing in the ComSet object com. Such an assignment is therefore refused by the compiler.

The following general rule applies: in assignments in which base class objects and derived class objects are involved, assignments in which data are dropped is legal. However, assignments in which data would remain unspecified is not allowed. Of course, it is possible to redefine an overloaded assignment operator to allow the assignment of a derived class object by a base class object. E.g., to achieve compilability of a statement

    navcom = com;
the class NavComSet must have an overloaded assignment operator function accepting a ComSet object for its argument. It would be the programmer's responsibility to decide what to do with the missing data.

13.6.2: Conversions in pointer assignments

We return to our Vehicle classes, and define the following objects and pointer variable:
        land(1200, 130);
        auto(500, 75, "Daf");
        truck(2600, 120, "Mercedes", 6000);
Now we can assign the addresses of the three objects of the derived classes to the Vehicle pointer:
    vp = &land;
    vp = &auto;
    vp = &truck;
Each of these assignments is acceptable. However, an implicit conversion of the derived class to the base class Vehicle is used, since vp is defined as a pointer to a Vehicle. Hence, when using vp only the member functions which manipulate the weight can be called as this is the only functionality of a Vehicle, which is the object vp points to, as far as the compiler can tell.

The same reasoning holds true for references to Vehicles. If, e.g., a function is defined with a Vehicle reference parameter, the function may be passed an object of a class that is derived from Vehicle. Inside the function, the specific Vehicle members of the object of the derived class remain accessible. This analogy between pointers and references holds true in general. Remember that a reference is nothing but a pointer in disguise: it mimics a plain variable, but actually it is a pointer.

This restricted functionality furthermore has an important consequence for the class Truck. After the statement vp = &truck, vp points to a Truck object. So, vp->getweight() will return 2600 instead of 8600 (the combined weight of the cabin and of the trailer: 2600 + 6000), which would have been returned by t.getweight().

When a function is called via a pointer to an object, then the type of the pointer and not the type of the object itself determines which member functions are available and executed. In other words, C++ implicitly converts the type of an object reached via a pointer to the type of the pointer.

If the actual type of the object to which a pointer points is known, an explicit type cast can be used to access the full set of member functions that are available for the object:


    vp = &truck;        // vp now points to a truck object


    trp = reinterpret_cast<Truck *>(vp);
    cout << "Make: " << trp->getname() << endl;
Here, the second to last statement specifically casts a Vehicle * variable to a Truck *. As is usually the case with type casts, this code is not without risk: it will only work if vp really points to a Truck. Otherwise the program may behave unexpectedly.