class ROOT::Fit::FitResult

   class containg the result of the fit and all the related information
   (fitted parameter values, error, covariance matrix and minimizer result information)
   Contains a pointer also to the fitted (model) function, modified with the fit parameter values.
   When the fit is valid, it is constructed from a  Minimizer and a model function pointer

   @ingroup FitMain

Function Members (Methods)

doubleChi2() const
doubleCorrelation(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
doubleCovMatrix(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
doubleEdm() const
doubleError(unsigned int i) const
const vector<double>&Errors() const
ROOT::Fit::FitResultFitResult(const ROOT::Fit::FitResult&)
ROOT::Fit::FitResultFitResult(ROOT::Math::Minimizer& min, const ROOT::Fit::FitConfig& fconfig, const ROOT::Fit::FitResult::IModelFunction* f, bool isValid, unsigned int sizeOfData = 0, bool binFit = true, const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction* chi2func = 0, bool minosErr = false, unsigned int ncalls = 0)
const ROOT::Fit::FitResult::IModelFunction*FittedFunction() const
voidGetConfidenceIntervals(const ROOT::Fit::BinData& data, double* ci, double cl = 0.95) const
voidGetConfidenceIntervals(unsigned int n, unsigned int stride1, unsigned int stride2, const double* x, double* ci, double cl = 0.95) const
stringGetParameterName(unsigned int ipar) const
doubleGlobalCC(unsigned int i) const
intIndex(const string& name) const
boolIsEmpty() const
boolIsParameterBound(unsigned int ipar) const
boolIsParameterFixed(unsigned int ipar) const
boolIsValid() const
doubleLowerError(unsigned int i) const
doubleMinFcnValue() const
const string&MinimizerType() const
unsigned intNCalls() const
unsigned intNdf() const
unsigned intNFreeParameters() const
unsigned intNTotalParameters() const
ROOT::Fit::FitResult&operator=(const ROOT::Fit::FitResult& rhs)
const vector<double>&Parameters() const
voidPrint(ostream& os, bool covmat = false) const
voidPrintCovMatrix(ostream& os) const
doubleProb() const
intStatus() const
doubleUpperError(unsigned int i) const
doubleValue(unsigned int i) const
voidSetModelFunction(ROOT::Fit::FitResult::IModelFunction* func)

Data Members

vector<unsigned int>fBoundParamslist of limited parameters
doublefChi2fit chi2 value (different than fval in case of chi2 fits)
vector<double>fCovMatrixcovariance matrix (size is npar*(npar+1)/2) where npar is total parameters
doublefEdmexpected distance from mimimum
ROOT::Fit::FitResult::IModelFunction*fFitFuncmodel function resulting from the fit. It is given by Fitter but it is managed by FitResult
vector<unsigned int>fFixedParamslist of fixed parameters
vector<double>fGlobalCCglobal Correlation coefficient
stringfMinimTypestring indicating type of minimizer
vector<std::pair<double,double> >fMinosErrorsvector contains the two Minos errors
unsigned intfNCallsnumber of function calls
unsigned intfNFreenumber of fit free parameters (total parameters are in size of parameter vector)
unsigned intfNdfnumber of degree of freedom
boolfNormalizedflag for indicating is errors are normalized
vector<std::string>fParNamesparameter names (only with FCN only fites, when fFitFunc=0)
vector<double>fParamsparameter values. Size is total number of parameters
intfStatusminimizer status code
doublefValminimum function value
boolfValidflag for indicating valid fit

Class Charts

Inheritance Inherited Members Includes Libraries
Class Charts

Function documentation

      Default constructor for an empty (non valid) fit result

FitResult(ROOT::Math::Minimizer& min, const ROOT::Fit::FitConfig& fconfig, const ROOT::Fit::FitResult::IModelFunction* f, bool isValid, unsigned int sizeOfData = 0, bool binFit = true, const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction* chi2func = 0, bool minosErr = false, unsigned int ncalls = 0)
      Construct from a Minimizer instance

FitResult(const ROOT::Fit::FitResult& )
      Copy constructor.


const std::string & MinimizerType() const
 minimization quantities 
 minimizer type
{ return fMinimType; }
bool IsValid() const
 True if fit successful, otherwise false.
{ return fValid; }
bool IsEmpty() const
 True if a fit result does not exist (even invalid) with parameter values
{ return (fParams.size() == 0); }
double MinFcnValue() const
 Return value of the objective function (chi2 or likelihood) used in the fit
{ return fVal; }
unsigned int NCalls() const
Number of function calls to find minimum
{ return fNCalls; }
double Edm() const
Expected distance from minimum
{ return fEdm; }
unsigned int NTotalParameters() const
   get total number of parameters
{ return fParams.size(); }
unsigned int NFreeParameters() const
 get total number of free parameters
{ return fNFree; }
int Status() const
 minimizer status code
{ return fStatus; }
const IModelFunction * FittedFunction() const
 fitting quantities 
 Return pointer to model (fit) function with fitted parameter values.
{ return fFitFunc; }
double Chi2() const
 Chi2 fit value
 in case of likelihood must be computed ?
{ return fChi2; }
unsigned int Ndf() const
 Number of degree of freedom
{ return fNdf; }
double Prob() const
 p value of the fit (chi2 probability)
const std::vector<double> & Errors() const
 parameter errors
{ return fErrors; }
const std::vector<double> & Parameters() const
 parameter values
{ return fParams; }
double Value(unsigned int i) const
 parameter value by index
{ return fParams[i]; }
double Error(unsigned int i) const
 parameter error by index
double LowerError(unsigned int i) const
    /// Minos  Errors
    const std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > MinosErrors() const;
 lower Minos error
double UpperError(unsigned int i) const
 upper Minos error
double GlobalCC(unsigned int i) const
 parameter global correlation coefficient
double CovMatrix(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
 retrieve covariance matrix element
double Correlation(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
 retrieve correlation elements
void GetConfidenceIntervals(unsigned int n, unsigned int stride1, unsigned int stride2, const double* x, double* ci, double cl = 0.95) const
      get confidence intervals for an array of n points x.
      stride1 indicates the stride in the coordinate space while stride2 the stride in dimension space.
      For 1-dim points : stride1=1, stride2=1
      for multi-dim points arranged as (x0,x1,...,xN,y0,....yN)          stride1=1      stride2=n
      for multi-dim points arraged  as (x0,y0,..,x1,y1,...,xN,yN,..)     stride1=ndim,  stride2=1

      the confidence interval are returned in the array ci
      cl is the desired confidedence interval value

void GetConfidenceIntervals(const ROOT::Fit::BinData& data, double* ci, double cl = 0.95) const
      evaluate confidence interval for the point specified in the passed data sets
      the confidence interval are returned in the array ci
      cl is the desired confidence interval value

int Index(const string& name) const
 get index for parameter name (return -1 if not found)
void NormalizeErrors()
normalize errors using chi2/ndf for chi2 fits
bool NormalizedErrors()
 flag to chek if errors are normalized
{ return fNormalized; }
void Print(ostream& os, bool covmat = false) const
 get confidence level given an array of x data points
 print the result and optionaly covariance matrix and correlations
void PrintCovMatrix(ostream& os) const
print error matrix and correlations
bool IsParameterBound(unsigned int ipar) const
 query if a parameter is bound
bool IsParameterFixed(unsigned int ipar) const
 query if a parameter is fixed
std::string GetParameterName(unsigned int ipar) const
 get name of parameter
void SetModelFunction(ROOT::Fit::FitResult::IModelFunction* func)
{ fFitFunc = func; }

Author: L. Moneta Wed Aug 30 11:05:34 2006
Last change: root/mathcore:$Id: FitResult.h 26866 2008-12-12 10:50:07Z moneta $
Last generated: 2008-12-12 12:11
Copyright (c) 2006 LCG ROOT Math Team, CERN/PH-SFT *

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