Thesis: Electron track reconstruction in the ATLAS experiment
- Download: the whole
thing thing (~3.1M), or by parts (all g-zipped postscript):
Intro stuff:
front matter, abstract, table of contents and preface
Context: description of the ATLAS
experiment and role of electrons in ATLAS physics
Test beam of a prototype SCT module
equipped with an analogue read out chip SCTA128
Electron track
reconstruction: a detailed study of bremsstrahlung properties in
the ATLAS detector followed by a description of the reconstruction
algorithm and its benchmarks for single electrons, for rejection
against pions and in the presence of b-jets and high-luminosity
Applications of the algorithm:
benchmarks of the algorithm with respect to B->J/Psi->2e, Z->ee and
H->4e processes
Also available:
A5 sized booklet,
a bookmark (best printed on a colour
paper) and
the cover page (POV-Ray render).
Lund talk
An alternate electron reconstruction and indentification:
g-zipped ps,