#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TColor.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TVirtualPad.h"
#include "TVirtualX.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TMathBase.h"
#include "TApplication.h"
#include <cmath>
Bool_t TColor::fgGrayscaleMode = kFALSE;
Bool_t TColor::fgInitDone = kFALSE;
TArrayI TColor::fgPalette(0);
TColor::TColor(): TNamed()
fNumber = -1;
fRed = fGreen = fBlue = fHue = fLight = fSaturation = -1;
fAlpha = 1;
TColor::TColor(Int_t color, Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b, const char *name,
Float_t a)
: TNamed(name,"")
TColor *col = gROOT->GetColor(color);
if (col) {
Warning("TColor", "color %d already defined", color);
fNumber = col->GetNumber();
fRed = col->GetRed();
fGreen = col->GetGreen();
fBlue = col->GetBlue();
fHue = col->GetHue();
fLight = col->GetLight();
fAlpha = col->GetAlpha();
fSaturation = col->GetSaturation();
fNumber = color;
char aname[32];
if (!name || !*name) {
sprintf(aname, "Color%d", color);
TObjArray *lcolors = (TObjArray*)gROOT->GetListOfColors();
lcolors->AddAtAndExpand(this, color);
SetRGB(r, g, b);
fAlpha = a;
if (gROOT->GetListOfColors()->GetEntries() == 0) {fgPalette.Set(0); fgPalette=0;}
TColor::TColor(const TColor &color) : TNamed(color)
void TColor::InitializeColors()
if (fgInitDone)
fgInitDone = kTRUE;
if (gROOT->GetListOfColors()->First() == 0) {
TColor *s0;
Float_t r, g, b, h, l, s;
Int_t i;
new TColor(kWhite,1,1,1,"background");
new TColor(kBlack,0,0,0,"black");
new TColor(2,1,0,0,"red");
new TColor(3,0,1,0,"green");
new TColor(4,0,0,1,"blue");
new TColor(5,1,1,0,"yellow");
new TColor(6,1,0,1,"magenta");
new TColor(7,0,1,1,"cyan");
new TColor(10,0.999,0.999,0.999,"white");
new TColor(11,0.754,0.715,0.676,"editcol");
TColor *c110 = gROOT->GetColor(110);
new TColor(20,0.8,0.78,0.67);
new TColor(31,0.54,0.66,0.63);
new TColor(41,0.83,0.81,0.53);
new TColor(30,0.52,0.76,0.64);
new TColor(32,0.51,0.62,0.55);
new TColor(24,0.70,0.65,0.59);
new TColor(21,0.8,0.78,0.67);
new TColor(47,0.67,0.56,0.58);
new TColor(35,0.46,0.54,0.57);
new TColor(33,0.68,0.74,0.78);
new TColor(39,0.5,0.5,0.61);
new TColor(37,0.43,0.48,0.52);
new TColor(38,0.49,0.6,0.82);
new TColor(36,0.41,0.51,0.59);
new TColor(49,0.58,0.41,0.44);
new TColor(43,0.74,0.62,0.51);
new TColor(22,0.76,0.75,0.66);
new TColor(45,0.75,0.51,0.47);
new TColor(44,0.78,0.6,0.49);
new TColor(26,0.68,0.6,0.55);
new TColor(28,0.53,0.4,0.34);
new TColor(25,0.72,0.64,0.61);
new TColor(27,0.61,0.56,0.51);
new TColor(23,0.73,0.71,0.64);
new TColor(42,0.87,0.73,0.53);
new TColor(46,0.81,0.37,0.38);
new TColor(48,0.65,0.47,0.48);
new TColor(34,0.48,0.56,0.6);
new TColor(40,0.67,0.65,0.75);
new TColor(29,0.69,0.81,0.78);
new TColor(8, 0.35,0.83,0.33);
new TColor(9, 0.35,0.33,0.85);
new TColor(12,.3,.3,.3,"grey12");
new TColor(13,.4,.4,.4,"grey13");
new TColor(14,.5,.5,.5,"grey14");
new TColor(15,.6,.6,.6,"grey15");
new TColor(16,.7,.7,.7,"grey16");
new TColor(17,.8,.8,.8,"grey17");
new TColor(18,.9,.9,.9,"grey18");
new TColor(19,.95,.95,.95,"grey19");
new TColor(50, 0.83,0.35,0.33);
Float_t saturation = 1;
Float_t lightness = 0.5;
Float_t maxHue = 280;
Float_t minHue = 0;
Int_t maxPretty = 50;
Float_t hue;
for (i=0 ; i<maxPretty ; i++) {
hue = maxHue-(i+1)*((maxHue-minHue)/maxPretty);
TColor::HLStoRGB(hue, lightness, saturation, r, g, b);
new TColor(i+51, r, g, b);
for (i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
s0 = gROOT->GetColor(i);
if (i == 1) { r = 0.6; g = 0.6; b = 0.6; }
if (r == 1) r = 0.9; if (r == 0) r = 0.1;
if (g == 1) g = 0.9; if (g == 0) g = 0.1;
if (b == 1) b = 0.9; if (b == 0) b = 0.1;
new TColor(200+4*i-3,r,g,b);
new TColor(200+4*i-2,r,g,b);
new TColor(200+4*i-1,r,g,b);
new TColor(200+4*i ,r,g,b);
if (!fgPalette.fN) SetPalette(0,0);
const char *TColor::AsHexString() const
static TString tempbuf;
Int_t r, g, b, a;
r = Int_t(GetRed() * 255);
g = Int_t(GetGreen() * 255);
b = Int_t(GetBlue() * 255);
a = Int_t(fAlpha * 255);
if (a != 255) {
tempbuf.Form("#%02x%02x%02x%02x", a, r, g, b);
} else {
tempbuf.Form("#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b);
return tempbuf;
void TColor::Copy(TObject &obj) const
((TColor&)obj).fRed = fRed;
((TColor&)obj).fGreen = fGreen;
((TColor&)obj).fBlue = fBlue;
((TColor&)obj).fHue = fHue;
((TColor&)obj).fLight = fLight;
((TColor&)obj).fAlpha = fAlpha;
((TColor&)obj).fSaturation = fSaturation;
((TColor&)obj).fNumber = fNumber;
void TColor::CreateColorsGray()
if (gROOT->GetColor(kGray)) return;
TColor *gray = new TColor(kGray,204./255.,204./255.,204./255.);
TColor *gray1 = new TColor(kGray+1,153./255.,153./255.,153./255.);
TColor *gray2 = new TColor(kGray+2,102./255.,102./255.,102./255.);
TColor *gray3 = new TColor(kGray+3, 51./255., 51./255., 51./255.);
gray ->SetName("kGray");
void TColor::CreateColorsCircle(Int_t offset, const char *name, UChar_t *rgb)
TString colorname;
for (Int_t n=0;n<15;n++) {
Int_t colorn = offset+n-10;
TColor *color = gROOT->GetColor(colorn);
if (!color) {
color = new TColor(colorn,rgb[3*n]/255.,rgb[3*n+1]/255.,rgb[3*n+2]/255.);
if (n>10) colorname.Form("%s+%d",name,n-10);
else if (n<10) colorname.Form("%s-%d",name,10-n);
else colorname.Form("%s",name);
void TColor::CreateColorsRectangle(Int_t offset, const char *name, UChar_t *rgb)
TString colorname;
for (Int_t n=0;n<20;n++) {
Int_t colorn = offset+n-9;
TColor *color = gROOT->GetColor(colorn);
if (!color) {
color = new TColor(colorn,rgb[3*n]/255.,rgb[3*n+1]/255.,rgb[3*n+2]/255.);
if (n>9) colorname.Form("%s+%d",name,n-9);
else if (n<9) colorname.Form("%s-%d",name,9-n);
else colorname.Form("%s",name);
void TColor::CreateColorWheel()
UChar_t magenta[46]= {255,204,255
,255,153,255, 204,153,204
,255,102,255, 204,102,204, 153,102,153
,255, 51,255, 204, 51,204, 153, 51,153, 102, 51,102
,255, 0,255, 204, 0,204, 153, 0,153, 102, 0,102, 51, 0, 51};
UChar_t red[46] = {255,204,204
,255,153,153, 204,153,153
,255,102,102, 204,102,102, 153,102,102
,255, 51, 51, 204, 51, 51, 153, 51, 51, 102, 51, 51
,255, 0, 0, 204, 0, 0, 153, 0, 0, 102, 0, 0, 51, 0, 0};
UChar_t yellow[46] = {255,255,204
,255,255,153, 204,204,153
,255,255,102, 204,204,102, 153,153,102
,255,255, 51, 204,204, 51, 153,153, 51, 102,102, 51
,255,255, 0, 204,204, 0, 153,153, 0, 102,102, 0, 51, 51, 0};
UChar_t green[46] = {204,255,204
,153,255,153, 153,204,153
,102,255,102, 102,204,102, 102,153,102
, 51,255, 51, 51,204, 51, 51,153, 51, 51,102, 51
, 0,255, 0, 0,204, 0, 0,153, 0, 0,102, 0, 0, 51, 0};
UChar_t cyan[46] = {204,255,255
,153,255,255, 153,204,204
,102,255,255, 102,204,204, 102,153,153
, 51,255,255, 51,204,204, 51,153,153, 51,102,102
, 0,255,255, 0,204,204, 0,153,153, 0,102,102, 0, 51, 51};
UChar_t blue[46] = {204,204,255
,153,153,255, 153,153,204
,102,102,255, 102,102,204, 102,102,153
, 51, 51,255, 51, 51,204, 51, 51,153, 51, 51,102
, 0, 0,255, 0, 0,204, 0, 0,153, 0, 0,102, 0, 0, 51};
UChar_t pink[60] = {255, 51,153, 204, 0,102, 102, 0, 51, 153, 0, 51, 204, 51,102
,255,102,153, 255, 0,102, 255, 51,102, 204, 0, 51, 255, 0, 51
,255,153,204, 204,102,153, 153, 51,102, 153, 0,102, 204, 51,153
,255,102,204, 255, 0,153, 204, 0,153, 255, 51,204, 255, 0,153};
UChar_t orange[60]={255,204,153, 204,153,102, 153,102, 51, 153,102, 0, 204,153, 51
,255,204,102, 255,153, 0, 255,204, 51, 204,153, 0, 255,204, 0
,255,153, 51, 204,102, 0, 102, 51, 0, 153, 51, 0, 204,102, 51
,255,153,102, 255,102, 0, 255,102, 51, 204, 51, 0, 255, 51, 0};
UChar_t spring[60]={153,255, 51, 102,204, 0, 51,102, 0, 51,153, 0, 102,204, 51
,153,255,102, 102,255, 0, 102,255, 51, 51,204, 0, 51,255, 0
,204,255,153, 153,204,102, 102,153, 51, 102,153, 0, 153,204, 51
,204,255,102, 153,255, 0, 204,255, 51, 153,204, 0, 204,255, 0};
UChar_t teal[60] = {153,255,204, 102,204,153, 51,153,102, 0,153,102, 51,204,153
,102,255,204, 0,255,102, 51,255,204, 0,204,153, 0,255,204
, 51,255,153, 0,204,102, 0,102, 51, 0,153, 51, 51,204,102
,102,255,153, 0,255,153, 51,255,102, 0,204, 51, 0,255, 51};
UChar_t azure[60] ={153,204,255, 102,153,204, 51,102,153, 0, 51,153, 51,102,204
,102,153,255, 0,102,255, 51,102,255, 0, 51,204, 0, 51,255
, 51,153,255, 0,102,204, 0, 51,102, 0,102,153, 51,153,204
,102,204,255, 0,153,255, 51,204,255, 0,153,204, 0,204,255};
UChar_t violet[60]={204,153,255, 153,102,204, 102, 51,153, 102, 0,153, 153, 51,204
,204,102,255, 153, 0,255, 204, 51,255, 153, 0,204, 204, 0,255
,153, 51,255, 102, 0,204, 51, 0,102, 51, 0,153, 102, 51,204
,153,102,255, 102, 0,255, 102, 51,255, 51, 0,204, 51, 0,255};
TColor::CreateColorsCircle(kRed, "kRed", red);
TColor::CreateColorsCircle(kYellow, "kYellow", yellow);
TColor::CreateColorsCircle(kGreen, "kGreen", green);
TColor::CreateColorsCircle(kCyan, "kCyan", cyan);
TColor::CreateColorsCircle(kBlue, "kBlue", blue);
TColor::CreateColorsRectangle(kPink, "kPink", pink);
TColor::CreateColorsRectangle(kTeal, "kTeal", teal);
TColor::CreateColorsRectangle(kAzure, "kAzure", azure);
Int_t TColor::GetColorPalette(Int_t i)
Int_t ncolors = fgPalette.fN;
if (ncolors == 0) return 0;
Int_t icol = i%ncolors;
if (icol < 0) icol = 0;
return fgPalette.fArray[icol];
Int_t TColor::GetNumberOfColors()
return fgPalette.fN;
ULong_t TColor::GetPixel() const
if (gVirtualX && !gROOT->IsBatch()) {
if (gApplication) {
return gVirtualX->GetPixel(fNumber);
return 0;
void TColor::HLS2RGB(Float_t hue, Float_t light, Float_t satur,
Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b)
Float_t rh, rl, rs, rm1, rm2;
rh = rl = rs = 0;
if (hue > 0) rh = hue; if (rh > 360) rh = 360;
if (light > 0) rl = light; if (rl > 1) rl = 1;
if (satur > 0) rs = satur; if (rs > 1) rs = 1;
if (rl <= 0.5)
rm2 = rl*(1.0 + rs);
rm2 = rl + rs - rl*rs;
rm1 = 2.0*rl - rm2;
if (!rs) { r = rl; g = rl; b = rl; return; }
r = HLStoRGB1(rm1, rm2, rh+120);
g = HLStoRGB1(rm1, rm2, rh);
b = HLStoRGB1(rm1, rm2, rh-120);
Float_t TColor::HLStoRGB1(Float_t rn1, Float_t rn2, Float_t huei)
Float_t hue = huei;
if (hue > 360) hue = hue - 360;
if (hue < 0) hue = hue + 360;
if (hue < 60 ) return rn1 + (rn2-rn1)*hue/60;
if (hue < 180) return rn2;
if (hue < 240) return rn1 + (rn2-rn1)*(240-hue)/60;
return rn1;
void TColor::HLS2RGB(Int_t h, Int_t l, Int_t s, Int_t &r, Int_t &g, Int_t &b)
Float_t hh, ll, ss, rr, gg, bb;
hh = Float_t(h) * 360 / 255;
ll = Float_t(l) / 255;
ss = Float_t(s) / 255;
TColor::HLStoRGB(hh, ll, ss, rr, gg, bb);
r = (Int_t) (rr * 255);
g = (Int_t) (gg * 255);
b = (Int_t) (bb * 255);
void TColor::HSV2RGB(Float_t hue, Float_t satur, Float_t value,
Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b)
Int_t i;
Float_t f, p, q, t;
if (satur==0) {
r = g = b = value;
hue /= 60;
i = (Int_t)floor(hue);
f = hue-i;
p = value*(1-satur);
q = value*(1-satur*f );
t = value*(1-satur*(1-f));
switch (i) {
case 0:
r = value;
g = t;
b = p;
case 1:
r = q;
g = value;
b = p;
case 2:
r = p;
g = value;
b = t;
case 3:
r = p;
g = q;
b = value;
case 4:
r = t;
g = p;
b = value;
r = value;
g = p;
b = q;
void TColor::ls(Option_t *) const
printf("Color:%d Red=%f Green=%f Blue=%f Name=%s\n",
fNumber, fRed, fGreen, fBlue, GetName());
void TColor::Print(Option_t *) const
void TColor::RGB2HLS(Float_t rr, Float_t gg, Float_t bb,
Float_t &hue, Float_t &light, Float_t &satur)
Float_t rnorm, gnorm, bnorm, minval, maxval, msum, mdiff, r, g, b;
minval = maxval =0 ;
r = g = b = 0;
if (rr > 0) r = rr; if (r > 1) r = 1;
if (gg > 0) g = gg; if (g > 1) g = 1;
if (bb > 0) b = bb; if (b > 1) b = 1;
minval = r;
if (g < minval) minval = g;
if (b < minval) minval = b;
maxval = r;
if (g > maxval) maxval = g;
if (b > maxval) maxval = b;
rnorm = gnorm = bnorm = 0;
mdiff = maxval - minval;
msum = maxval + minval;
light = 0.5 * msum;
if (maxval != minval) {
rnorm = (maxval - r)/mdiff;
gnorm = (maxval - g)/mdiff;
bnorm = (maxval - b)/mdiff;
} else {
satur = hue = 0;
if (light < 0.5)
satur = mdiff/msum;
satur = mdiff/(2.0 - msum);
if (r == maxval)
hue = 60.0 * (6.0 + bnorm - gnorm);
else if (g == maxval)
hue = 60.0 * (2.0 + rnorm - bnorm);
hue = 60.0 * (4.0 + gnorm - rnorm);
if (hue > 360)
hue = hue - 360;
void TColor::RGB2HSV(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b,
Float_t &hue, Float_t &satur, Float_t &value)
Float_t min, max, delta;
min = TMath::Min(TMath::Min(r, g), b);
max = TMath::Max(TMath::Max(r, g), b);
value = max;
delta = max - min;
if (max != 0) {
satur = delta/max;
} else {
satur = 0;
hue = -1;
if (r == max) {
hue = (g-b)/delta;
} else if (g == max) {
hue = 2+(b-r)/delta;
} else {
hue = 4+(r-g)/delta;
hue *= 60;
if (hue < 0) hue += 360;
void TColor::RGB2HLS(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b, Int_t &h, Int_t &l, Int_t &s)
Float_t rr, gg, bb, hue, light, satur;
rr = Float_t(r) / 255;
gg = Float_t(g) / 255;
bb = Float_t(b) / 255;
TColor::RGBtoHLS(rr, gg, bb, hue, light, satur);
h = (Int_t) (hue/360 * 255);
l = (Int_t) (light * 255);
s = (Int_t) (satur * 255);
void TColor::SetRGB(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
fRed = r;
fGreen = g;
fBlue = b;
if (fRed < 0) return;
RGBtoHLS(r, g, b, fHue, fLight, fSaturation);
Int_t nplanes = 16;
if (gVirtualX) gVirtualX->GetPlanes(nplanes);
if (nplanes == 0) nplanes = 16;
#ifndef R__WIN32
if (nplanes < 15)
if (fNumber > 50) return;
Float_t dr, dg, db, lr, lg, lb;
HLStoRGB(fHue, 0.7*fLight, fSaturation, dr, dg, db);
TColor *dark = gROOT->GetColor(100+fNumber);
if (dark) {
if (nplanes > 8) dark->SetRGB(dr, dg, db);
else dark->SetRGB(0.3,0.3,0.3);
HLStoRGB(fHue, 1.2*fLight, fSaturation, lr, lg, lb);
TColor *light = gROOT->GetColor(150+fNumber);
if (light) {
if (nplanes > 8) light->SetRGB(lr, lg, lb);
else light->SetRGB(0.8,0.8,0.8);
void TColor::Allocate()
if (gVirtualX && !gROOT->IsBatch())
gVirtualX->SetRGB(fNumber, GetRed(), GetGreen(), GetBlue());
Int_t TColor::GetColor(const char *hexcolor)
if (hexcolor && *hexcolor == '#') {
Int_t r, g, b;
if (sscanf(hexcolor+1, "%02x%02x%02x", &r, &g, &b) == 3)
return GetColor(r, g, b);
::Error("TColor::GetColor(const char*)", "incorrect color string");
return 0;
Int_t TColor::GetColor(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
Int_t rr, gg, bb;
rr = Int_t(r * 255);
gg = Int_t(g * 255);
bb = Int_t(b * 255);
return GetColor(rr, gg, bb);
Int_t TColor::GetColor(ULong_t pixel)
Int_t r, g, b;
Pixel2RGB(pixel, r, g, b);
return GetColor(r, g, b);
Int_t TColor::GetColor(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b)
if (r < 0) r = 0;
if (g < 0) g = 0;
if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 255) r = 255;
if (g > 255) g = 255;
if (b > 255) b = 255;
TObjArray *colors = (TObjArray*) gROOT->GetListOfColors();
TColor *color = 0;
if ((color = (TColor*)colors->FindObject(Form("#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b))))
return color->GetNumber();
Float_t rr, gg, bb;
rr = Float_t(r)/255.;
gg = Float_t(g)/255.;
bb = Float_t(b)/255.;
TIter next(colors);
Int_t nplanes = 16;
Float_t thres = 1.0/31.0;
if (gVirtualX) gVirtualX->GetPlanes(nplanes);
if (nplanes >= 24)
thres = 1.0/255.0;
while ((color = (TColor*)next())) {
if (TMath::Abs(color->GetRed() - rr) > thres)
if (TMath::Abs(color->GetGreen() - gg) > thres)
if (TMath::Abs(color->GetBlue() - bb) > thres)
return color->GetNumber();
color = new TColor(colors->GetLast()+1, rr, gg, bb,
Form("#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b));
return color->GetNumber();
Int_t TColor::GetColorBright(Int_t n)
if (n < 0) return -1;
TObjArray *colors = (TObjArray*) gROOT->GetListOfColors();
Int_t ncolors = colors->GetSize();
TColor *color = 0;
if (n < ncolors) color = (TColor*)colors->At(n);
if (!color) return -1;
Float_t r,g,b;
HLStoRGB(color->GetHue(), 1.2*color->GetLight(), color->GetSaturation(), r, g, b);
Int_t nb = n+150;
TColor *colorb = 0;
if (nb < ncolors) colorb = (TColor*)colors->At(nb);
if (colorb) return nb;
colorb = new TColor(nb,r,g,b);
return nb;
Int_t TColor::GetColorDark(Int_t n)
if (n < 0) return -1;
TObjArray *colors = (TObjArray*) gROOT->GetListOfColors();
Int_t ncolors = colors->GetSize();
TColor *color = 0;
if (n < ncolors) color = (TColor*)colors->At(n);
if (!color) return -1;
Float_t r,g,b;
HLStoRGB(color->GetHue(), 0.7*color->GetLight(), color->GetSaturation(), r, g, b);
Int_t nd = n+100;
TColor *colord = 0;
if (nd < ncolors) colord = (TColor*)colors->At(nd);
if (colord) return nd;
colord = new TColor(nd,r,g,b);
return nd;
ULong_t TColor::Number2Pixel(Int_t ci)
TColor *color = gROOT->GetColor(ci);
if (color)
return color->GetPixel();
::Warning("TColor::Number2Pixel", "color with index %d not defined", ci);
return 0;
ULong_t TColor::RGB2Pixel(Float_t r, Float_t g, Float_t b)
if (r < 0) r = 0;
if (g < 0) g = 0;
if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 1) r = 1;
if (g > 1) g = 1;
if (b > 1) b = 1;
ColorStruct_t color;
color.fRed = UShort_t(r * 65535);
color.fGreen = UShort_t(g * 65535);
color.fBlue = UShort_t(b * 65535);
color.fMask = kDoRed | kDoGreen | kDoBlue;
gVirtualX->AllocColor(gVirtualX->GetColormap(), color);
return color.fPixel;
ULong_t TColor::RGB2Pixel(Int_t r, Int_t g, Int_t b)
if (r < 0) r = 0;
if (g < 0) g = 0;
if (b < 0) b = 0;
if (r > 255) r = 255;
if (g > 255) g = 255;
if (b > 255) b = 255;
ColorStruct_t color;
color.fRed = UShort_t(r * 257);
color.fGreen = UShort_t(g * 257);
color.fBlue = UShort_t(b * 257);
color.fMask = kDoRed | kDoGreen | kDoBlue;
gVirtualX->AllocColor(gVirtualX->GetColormap(), color);
return color.fPixel;
void TColor::Pixel2RGB(ULong_t pixel, Float_t &r, Float_t &g, Float_t &b)
ColorStruct_t color;
color.fPixel = pixel;
gVirtualX->QueryColor(gVirtualX->GetColormap(), color);
r = (Float_t)color.fRed / 65535;
g = (Float_t)color.fGreen / 65535;
b = (Float_t)color.fBlue / 65535;
void TColor::Pixel2RGB(ULong_t pixel, Int_t &r, Int_t &g, Int_t &b)
ColorStruct_t color;
color.fPixel = pixel;
gVirtualX->QueryColor(gVirtualX->GetColormap(), color);
r = color.fRed / 257;
g = color.fGreen / 257;
b = color.fBlue / 257;
const char *TColor::PixelAsHexString(ULong_t pixel)
static TString tempbuf;
Int_t r, g, b;
Pixel2RGB(pixel, r, g, b);
tempbuf.Form("#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b);
return tempbuf;
void TColor::SaveColor(ostream &out, Int_t ci)
char quote = '"';
ULong_t pixel = Number2Pixel(ci);
const char *cname = TColor::PixelAsHexString(pixel);
if (gROOT->ClassSaved(TColor::Class())) {
out << endl;
} else {
out << endl;
out << " Int_t ci; // for color index setting" << endl;
out<<" ci = TColor::GetColor("<<quote<<cname<<quote<<");"<<endl;
Bool_t TColor::IsGrayscale()
return fgGrayscaleMode;
void TColor::SetGrayscale(Bool_t set )
if (fgGrayscaleMode == set) return;
fgGrayscaleMode = set;
if (!gVirtualX || gROOT->IsBatch()) return;
TIter iColor(gROOT->GetListOfColors());
TColor* color = 0;
while ((color = (TColor*) iColor()))
Int_t TColor::CreateGradientColorTable(UInt_t Number, Double_t* Length,
Double_t* Red, Double_t* Green,
Double_t* Blue, UInt_t NColors)
UInt_t g, c;
UInt_t nPalette = 0;
Int_t *palette = new Int_t[NColors+1];
UInt_t nColorsGradient;
TColor *color;
Int_t highestIndex = 0;
for (c = 0; c < Number; c++) {
if (Red[c] < 0 || Red[c] > 1.0 ||
Green[c] < 0 || Green[c] > 1.0 ||
Blue[c] < 0 || Blue[c] > 1.0 ||
Length[c] < 0 || Length[c] > 1.0) {
delete [] palette;
return -1;
if (c >= 1) {
if (Length[c-1] > Length[c]) {
delete [] palette;
return -1;
TSeqCollection *colorTable = gROOT->GetListOfColors();
if ((color = (TColor *) colorTable->Last()) != 0) {
if (color->GetNumber() > highestIndex) {
highestIndex = color->GetNumber();
while ((color = (TColor *) (colorTable->Before(color))) != 0) {
if (color->GetNumber() > highestIndex) {
highestIndex = color->GetNumber();
for (g = 1; g < Number; g++) {
nColorsGradient = (Int_t) (floor(NColors*Length[g]) - floor(NColors*Length[g-1]));
for (c = 0; c < nColorsGradient; c++) {
color = new TColor(highestIndex,
Red[g-1] + c * (Red[g] - Red[g-1])/ nColorsGradient,
Green[g-1] + c * (Green[g] - Green[g-1])/ nColorsGradient,
Blue[g-1] + c * (Blue[g] - Blue[g-1])/ nColorsGradient,
" ");
palette[nPalette] = highestIndex;
TColor::SetPalette(nPalette, palette);
delete [] palette;
return highestIndex - NColors;
void TColor::SetPalette(Int_t ncolors, Int_t *colors)
Int_t i;
static Int_t paletteType = 0;
Int_t palette[50] = {19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,20,
21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30, 8,
31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40, 9,
41,42,43,44,45,47,48,49,46,50, 2,
7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1};
if (ncolors <= 0) {
ncolors = 50;
for (i=0;i<ncolors;i++) fgPalette.fArray[i] = palette[i];
paletteType = 1;
if (ncolors == 1 && colors == 0) {
ncolors = 50;
for (i=0;i<ncolors;i++) fgPalette.fArray[i] = 51+i;
paletteType = 2;
if (ncolors > 50 && colors == 0) {
if (ncolors == fgPalette.fN && paletteType == 3) return;
const Int_t nRGBs = 5;
Double_t stops[nRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.34, 0.61, 0.84, 1.00 };
Double_t red[nRGBs] = { 0.00, 0.09, 0.18, 0.09, 0.00 };
Double_t green[nRGBs] = { 0.01, 0.02, 0.39, 0.68, 0.97 };
Double_t blue[nRGBs] = { 0.17, 0.39, 0.62, 0.79, 0.97 };
TColor::CreateGradientColorTable(nRGBs, stops, red, green, blue, ncolors);
paletteType = 3;
if (colors) for (i=0;i<ncolors;i++) fgPalette.fArray[i] = colors[i];
else for (i=0;i<ncolors;i++) fgPalette.fArray[i] = palette[i];
paletteType = 4;
Last change: Fri Jul 18 17:30:39 2008
Last generated: 2008-07-18 17:30
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