// @(#)root/tree:$Id: TEntryListFromFile.cxx 20882 2007-11-19 11:31:26Z rdm $
// Author: Anna Kreshuk 17/03/2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

// TEntryListFromFile
// Manages entry lists from different files, when they are not loaded
// in memory at the same time. 
// This entry list should only be used when processing a TChain (see
// TChain::SetEntryList() function). File naming convention:
// - by default, filename_elist.root is used, where filename is the
//   name of the chain element.
// - xxx$xxx.root - $ sign is replaced by the name of the chain element
// If the list name is not specified (by passing filename_elist.root/listname to
// the TChain::SetEntryList() function, the first object of class TEntryList
// in the file is taken.
// It is assumed that there are as many lists, as there are chain elements,
// and they are in the same order.
// If one of the list files can't be opened, or there is an error reading a list
// from the file, this list is skipped and the entry loop continues on the next
// list.

#include "TEntryListFromFile.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TKey.h"


// default c-tor

   fListFileName ="";
   fNFiles = 0;
   fFile = 0;

TEntryListFromFile::TEntryListFromFile(const char *filename, const char *listname, Int_t nfiles):TEntryList()
// File naming convention:
// - by default, filename_elist.root is used, where filename is the
//   name of the chain element
// - xxx$xxx.root - $ sign is replaced by the name of the chain element
// The TObjArray of chain elements is set by the TEntryListFromFile::SetFileNames()
// function.
// If the list name is not specified, the first object of class TEntryList
// in the file is taken.  
// nfiles is the total number of files to process

   fListFileName = filename;
   fListName = listname;
   fNFiles = nfiles;
   fListOffset = new Long64_t[fNFiles+1];
   for (Int_t i=1; i<fNFiles+1; i++){
   fN = kBigNumber;
   fFile = 0;

// d-tor

   delete [] fListOffset;
   fListOffset = 0;
   delete fFile;
   fFile = 0;


Long64_t TEntryListFromFile::GetEntry(Int_t index)
   //returns entry #index
   //See also Next() for a faster alternative
   if (index<0) return -1;

   if (index > fListOffset[fNFiles] && fListOffset[fNFiles]!=kBigNumber){
      Error("GetEntry", "Index value is too large\n");
      return -1;

   if (index==fLastIndexQueried+1)
      return Next();
   Int_t itree =0;
   while (!fCurrent && itree<fNFiles){
   if (itree == fNFiles){
      Error("GetEntry", "All lists are empty\n");
      return -1;

   if (index < fListOffset[fTreeNumber]) {
      //this entry is in one of previously opened lists
      for (itree=0; itree<fTreeNumber; itree++){
         if (index >= fListOffset[itree] && fListOffset[itree]!=fListOffset[itree+1])
   else if (index >= fListOffset[fTreeNumber+1]){
      //this entry is in one of following lists
      itree = fTreeNumber;
      while (itree < fNFiles){
         if (fListOffset[itree+1]==kBigNumber){
            //this list hasn't been loaded yet
         if (index < fListOffset[itree+1]){
            //the entry is in this list
      if (fTreeNumber == fNFiles){
         Error("GetEntry", "Entry number is too big\n");
         return -1;
      if (fTreeNumber!=itree)
   //now the entry is in the currently opened list
   Long64_t localentry = index - fListOffset[fTreeNumber];
   Long64_t retentry = fCurrent->GetEntry(localentry);
   fLastIndexQueried = index;
   fLastIndexReturned = retentry;
   return retentry;

Long64_t TEntryListFromFile::GetEntryAndTree(Int_t index, Int_t &treenum)
   //return the entry corresponding to the index parameter and the
   //number of the tree, where this entry is

   Long64_t result = GetEntry(index);
   treenum = fTreeNumber;
   return result;

Long64_t TEntryListFromFile::GetEntries()
   //Returns the total number of entries in the list.
   //If some lists have not been loaded, loads them.

   if (fN==kBigNumber){
      for (Int_t i=0; i<fNFiles; i++){
         if (fListOffset[i+1]==kBigNumber){
   fN = fListOffset[fNFiles];
   fLastIndexQueried = -3;
   return fN;

Long64_t TEntryListFromFile::Next()
   //Returns the next entry in the list.
   //Faster than GetEntry()   

   Int_t itree =0;
   while (!fCurrent && itree<fNFiles){
   if (itree == fNFiles){
      Error("Next", "All lists are empty\n");
      return -1;

   Long64_t retentry = fCurrent->Next();
   if (retentry<0){
      if (fLastIndexQueried == fListOffset[fTreeNumber+1]-1){
         //requested entry is in the next list
         if (fTreeNumber == fNFiles -1){
            // Error("Next", "No more entries, last list\n");
            return -1;
            //load the next non-empty list. fTreeNumber is changed by LoadList()
         } while (fListOffset[fTreeNumber+1]==fListOffset[fTreeNumber] && fTreeNumber<fNFiles-1);
         if (fTreeNumber == fNFiles -1 && fListOffset[fTreeNumber+1]==fListOffset[fTreeNumber]){
            //no more lists
            return -1;
         retentry = fCurrent->Next();
      } else {
         Error("Next", "Something wrong with reading the current list, even though thefile #%d and the list exist\n", fTreeNumber);
         return -1;

   fLastIndexReturned = retentry;
   return retentry;

Int_t TEntryListFromFile::LoadList(Int_t listnumber)
   //Loads the list #listnumber
   //This is the only function that can modify fCurrent and fFile data members

   //first close the current list
   if (fCurrent){
      if (fFile) {
         delete fFile;
         fFile = 0;
         fCurrent = 0;
   //find the right name
   //get the name of the corresponding chain element (with the treenumber=listnumber)
   TNamed *nametitle = (TNamed*)fFileNames->At(listnumber);
   TString filename_short = nametitle->GetTitle();
   if (filename_short.Contains(".root")){
      filename_short.Remove(filename_short.Length()-5, 5);
   if (!strcmp(fListFileName.Data(), "")){
      //no name supplied, use the one of the chain file
      //printf("filename: %s\n", filename_short.Data());
      fFile = TFile::Open(filename_short.Data());
   } else {
      TString filename = fListFileName;
      filename.ReplaceAll("$", filename_short);
      //printf("filename: %s\n", filename.Data());
      fFile = TFile::Open(filename.Data());

   if (!fFile || fFile->IsZombie()){
      if (fFile) {
         delete fFile;
         fFile = 0;
      fCurrent = 0;
      return -1;

   if (!strcmp(fListName.Data(), "")){
      TKey *key;
      TIter nextkey(fFile->GetListOfKeys());
      while ((key=(TKey*)nextkey())){
         if (strcmp("TEntryList", key->GetClassName())==0){
            //found an object of class TEntryList
            fCurrent = (TEntryList*)key->ReadObj();
   } else {
      fCurrent = (TEntryList*)fFile->Get(fListName.Data());

   if (!fCurrent){
      Error("LoadList", "List %s not found in the file\n", fListName.Data());
      fCurrent = 0;
      return -1;
   fTreeNumber = listnumber;
   Long64_t nentries = fCurrent->GetN();
   if (fListOffset[fTreeNumber+1] != (fListOffset[fTreeNumber] + nentries)) {
      fListOffset[fTreeNumber+1] = fListOffset[fTreeNumber] + nentries;
      fN = fListOffset[fNFiles];
   return 1;

void TEntryListFromFile::Print(const Option_t* option) const
   //Print info about this list  
   printf("total number of files: %d\n", fNFiles);
   TFile *f;
   TEntryList *el=0;
   for (Int_t listnumber=0; listnumber<fNFiles; listnumber++){
      TNamed *nametitle = (TNamed*)fFileNames->At(listnumber);
      TString filename_short = nametitle->GetTitle();
      if (filename_short.Contains(".root")){
         filename_short.Remove(filename_short.Length()-5, 5);
      if (!strcmp(fListFileName.Data(), "")){
      //no name supplied, use the one of the chain file
         //printf("filename: %s\n", filename_short.Data());
         f = TFile::Open(filename_short.Data());
      } else {
         TString filename = fListFileName;
         filename.ReplaceAll("$", filename_short);
         //printf("filename: %s\n", filename.Data());
         f = TFile::Open(filename.Data());
      if (f && !f->IsZombie()){
         if (!strcmp(fListName.Data(), "")){
            TKey *key;
            TIter nextkey(f->GetListOfKeys());
            while ((key=(TKey*)nextkey())){
               if (strcmp("TEntryList", key->GetClassName())==0){
                  //found an object of class TEntryList
                  el = (TEntryList*)key->ReadObj();
         } else {
            el = (TEntryList*)f->Get(fListName.Data());
         if (el) 


Last change: Wed Jun 25 08:36:25 2008
Last generated: 2008-06-25 08:36

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