// @(#)root/eve:$Id: TEveUtil.cxx 26367 2008-11-21 18:08:30Z matevz $
// Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TEveUtil.h"
#include "TEveElement.h"
#include "TEveManager.h"

#include "TError.h"
#include "TPad.h"
#include "TGeoManager.h"
#include "TClass.h"
#include "TMath.h"

#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TColor.h"

#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TInterpreter.h"
#include "TSystem.h"

#include "TGClient.h"
#include "TGMimeTypes.h"

#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

// TEveUtil

// Standard utility functions for Eve.


TObjArray* TEveUtil::fgDefaultColors = 0;

void TEveUtil::SetupEnvironment()
   // Setup Include and Macro paths.
   // Since inclusion into ROOT this does nothing but could
   // potentially be reactivated if some common macros are established
   // and shipped with binary ROOT (in macros/eve). For example, these
   // might be used to spawn specific GUI / GL configurations.

   static const TEveException eh("TEveUtil::SetupEnvironment");
   static Bool_t setupDone = kFALSE;

   if (setupDone) {
      Info(eh.Data(), "has already been run.");

   // Old initialization for ALICE.
   // Left as an example.
   // Check if REVESYS exists, try fallback to $ALICE_ROOT/EVE.
   if(gSystem->Getenv("REVESYS") == 0) {
      if(gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT") != 0) {
         Info(eh.Data(), "setting REVESYS from ALICE_ROOT.");
         gSystem->Setenv("REVESYS", Form("%s/EVE", gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")));
      } else {
         Error(eh.Data(), "REVESYS not defined, neither is ALICE_ROOT.");
   if(gSystem->AccessPathName(gSystem->Getenv("REVESYS")) == kTRUE) {
      Error(eh.Data(), "REVESYS '%s' does not exist.", gSystem->Getenv("REVESYS"));

   TString macPath(gROOT->GetMacroPath());
   macPath += Form(":%s/macros", gSystem->Getenv("REVESYS"));
   if(gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT") != 0) {
      macPath += Form(":%s/alice-macros", gSystem->Getenv("REVESYS"));
      gInterpreter->AddIncludePath(Form("%s/include", gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")));

void TEveUtil::SetupGUI()
   // Setup icon pictures and mime-types.

   TEveElement::fgRnrIcons[0] = gClient->GetPicture("eve_rnr00_t.xpm");
   TEveElement::fgRnrIcons[1] = gClient->GetPicture("eve_rnr01_t.xpm");
   TEveElement::fgRnrIcons[2] = gClient->GetPicture("eve_rnr10_t.xpm");
   TEveElement::fgRnrIcons[3] = gClient->GetPicture("eve_rnr11_t.xpm");

   TEveElement::fgListTreeIcons[0] = gClient->GetPicture("folder_t.xpm");
   TEveElement::fgListTreeIcons[1] = gClient->GetPicture("eve_viewer.xpm");
   TEveElement::fgListTreeIcons[2] = gClient->GetPicture("eve_scene.xpm");
   TEveElement::fgListTreeIcons[3] = gClient->GetPicture("eve_pointset.xpm");
   TEveElement::fgListTreeIcons[4] = gClient->GetPicture("eve_track.xpm");
   TEveElement::fgListTreeIcons[5] = gClient->GetPicture("eve_text.gif");
   TEveElement::fgListTreeIcons[6] = gClient->GetPicture("eve_axes.xpm");
   TEveElement::fgListTreeIcons[7] = gClient->GetPicture("ofolder_t.xpm");

   gClient->GetMimeTypeList()->AddType("root/tmacro", "TEveMacro",
                                       "tmacro_s.xpm", "tmacro_t.xpm", "");


void ChompTail(TString& s, char c='.')
   // Remove last part of string 's', starting from the last
   // occurrence of character 'c'.

   Ssiz_t p = s.Last(c);
   if (p != kNPOS)

Bool_t TEveUtil::CheckMacro(const Text_t* mac)
   // Checks if macro 'mac' is loaded.

   // Axel's advice; now sth seems slow, using old method below for test.
   // return gROOT->GetInterpreter()->IsLoaded(mac);

   // Previous version expected function with same name and used ROOT's
   // list of global functions.

   TString foo(mac); ChompTail(foo);
     if(recreate) {
     TCollection* logf = gROOT->GetListOfGlobalFunctions(kFALSE);
   if (gROOT->GetGlobalFunction(foo.Data(), 0, kFALSE) != 0)
      return kTRUE;
      return (gROOT->GetGlobalFunction(foo.Data(), 0, kTRUE) != 0);

void TEveUtil::AssertMacro(const Text_t* mac)
   // Load and execute macro 'mac' if it has not been loaded yet.

   if( CheckMacro(mac) == kFALSE) {

void TEveUtil::Macro(const Text_t* mac)
   // Execute macro 'mac'. Do not reload the macro.

   if (CheckMacro(mac) == kFALSE) {
   TString foo(mac); ChompTail(foo); foo += "()";

void TEveUtil::LoadMacro(const Text_t* mac)
   // Makes sure that macro 'mac' is loaded, but do not reload it.

   if (CheckMacro(mac) == kFALSE) {

// Color management

void TEveUtil::ColorFromIdx(Color_t ci, UChar_t col[4], Bool_t alpha)
   // Fill col with RGBA values corresponding to index ci. If alpha
   // is true, set alpha component of col to 255.
   // ROOT's indexed color palette does not support transparency.

   if (ci < 0) {
      // Set to magenta.
      col[0] = 255; col[1] = 0; col[2] = 255;
      if (alpha) col[3] = 255;
   TColor* c = gROOT->GetColor(ci);
   if (c) {
      col[0] = (UChar_t)(255*c->GetRed());
      col[1] = (UChar_t)(255*c->GetGreen());
      col[2] = (UChar_t)(255*c->GetBlue());
      if (alpha) col[3] = 255;

void TEveUtil::ColorFromIdx(Color_t ci, UChar_t col[4], UChar_t transparency)
   // Fill col with RGBA values corresponding to index ci and transparency.
   // ROOT's indexed color palette does not support transparency.

   UChar_t alpha = (255*(100 - transparency))/100;
   if (ci < 0) {
      // Set to magenta.
      col[0] = 255; col[1] = 0; col[2] = 255; col[3] = alpha;
   TColor* c = gROOT->GetColor(ci);
   if (c) {
      col[0] = (UChar_t)(255*c->GetRed());
      col[1] = (UChar_t)(255*c->GetGreen());
      col[2] = (UChar_t)(255*c->GetBlue());
      col[3] = alpha;

void TEveUtil::ColorFromIdx(Float_t f1, Color_t c1, Float_t f2, Color_t c2,
			    UChar_t col[4], Bool_t alpha)
   // Fill col with weighted RGBA values corresponding to
   // color-indices c1 and c2. If alpha is true, set alpha component
   // of col to 255.

   TColor* t1 = gROOT->GetColor(c1);
   TColor* t2 = gROOT->GetColor(c2);
   if(t1 && t2) {
      col[0] = (UChar_t)(255*(f1*t1->GetRed()   + f2*t2->GetRed()));
      col[1] = (UChar_t)(255*(f1*t1->GetGreen() + f2*t2->GetGreen()));
      col[2] = (UChar_t)(255*(f1*t1->GetBlue()  + f2*t2->GetBlue()));
      if (alpha) col[3] = 255;

Color_t* TEveUtil::FindColorVar(TObject* obj, const Text_t* varname)
   // Find address of Color_t data-member with name varname in object
   // obj.
   // This is used to access color information for TGListTreeItem
   // coloration from visualization macros that wrap TObjects into
   // TEveElementObjectPtr instances.

   static const TEveException eh("TEveUtil::FindColorVar");

   Int_t off = obj->IsA()->GetDataMemberOffset(varname);
   if(off == 0)
      throw(eh + "could not find member '" + varname + "' in class " + obj->IsA()->GetName() + ".");
   return (Color_t*) (((char*)obj) + off);

void TEveUtil::SetColorBrightness(Float_t value, Bool_t full_redraw)
   // Tweak all ROOT colors to become brighter (if value > 0) or
   // darker (value < 0). Reasonable values for the value argument are
   // from -0.5 to 0.5 (error will be printed otherwise).
   // If value is zero, the original colors are restored.
   // You should call TEveManager::FullRedraw3D() afterwards or set
   // the argument full_redraw to true (default is false).

   if (value < -0.5 || value > 0.5)
      Error("TEveUtil::SetColorBrightness", "value '%f' out of range [-0.5, 0.5].", value);

   TObjArray   *colors = (TObjArray*) gROOT->GetListOfColors();

   if (fgDefaultColors == 0)
      const Int_t n_col = colors->GetEntriesFast();
      fgDefaultColors = new TObjArray(n_col);
      for (Int_t i = 0; i < n_col; ++i)
         TColor* c = (TColor*) colors->At(i);
         if (c)
            fgDefaultColors->AddAt(new TColor(*c), i);

   const Int_t n_col = fgDefaultColors->GetEntriesFast();
   for (Int_t i = 0; i < n_col; ++i)
      TColor* cdef = (TColor*) fgDefaultColors->At(i);
      if (cdef)
         TColor* croot = (TColor*)  colors->At(i);
         if (croot == 0)
            croot = new TColor(*cdef);
            colors->AddAt(croot, i);
         Float_t r, g, b;
         croot->GetRGB(r, g, b);
         if (r < 0.01 && g < 0.01 && b < 0.01) continue; // skip black
         if (r > 0.99 && g > 0.99 && b > 0.99) continue; // skip white
         r = TMath::Min(r + value, 1.0f);
         g = TMath::Min(g + value, 1.0f);
         b = TMath::Min(b + value, 1.0f);
         croot->SetRGB(r, g, b);
         delete colors->RemoveAt(i);

   if (full_redraw && gEve != 0)

// Math utilities

Bool_t TEveUtil::IsU1IntervalContainedByMinMax(Float_t minM, Float_t maxM,
                                               Float_t minQ, Float_t maxQ)
   // Return true if interval Q is contained within interval M for U1 variables.
   // It is assumed that all values are within the [-2pi, 2pi] interval and
   // minM <= maxM & minQ <= maxQ.

   using namespace TMath;

   if (maxQ < minM)
      minQ += TwoPi(); maxQ += TwoPi();
   else if (minQ > maxM)
      minQ -= TwoPi(); maxQ -= TwoPi();
   return minQ >= minM && maxQ <= maxM;

Bool_t TEveUtil::IsU1IntervalOverlappingByMinMax(Float_t minM, Float_t maxM,
                                                 Float_t minQ, Float_t maxQ)
   // Return true if interval Q is overlapping within interval M for U1 variables.
   // It is assumed that all values are within the [-2pi, 2pi] interval and
   // minM <= maxM & minQ <= maxQ.

   using namespace TMath;

   if (maxQ < minM)
      minQ += TwoPi(); maxQ += TwoPi();
   else if (minQ > maxM)
      minQ -= TwoPi(); maxQ -= TwoPi();
   return maxQ >= minM && minQ <= maxM;

Float_t TEveUtil::GetFraction(Float_t minM, Float_t maxM, Float_t minQ, Float_t maxQ)
   // Get fraction of interval [minQ, maxQ] in [minM, maxM]

   if (minQ>=minM && maxQ<=maxM)
      return 1;

   else if (minQ<minM && maxQ>maxM)
      return (maxM-minM)/(maxQ-minQ);

   else if (minQ>=minM && maxQ>maxM)
      return (maxM-minQ)/(maxQ-minQ);

   else if (minQ<minM && maxQ<=maxM)
      return (maxQ-minM)/(maxQ-minQ);

   return 0;

// TEveException

// Exception class thrown by TEve classes and macros.


bool operator==(const TString& t, const std::string& s)
{ return (s == t.Data()); }

bool operator==(const std::string&  s, const TString& t)
{ return (s == t.Data()); }

// Exc

TEveException::TEveException(const std::string& s) : TString(s.c_str())
   // Constructor.

// Exc + ops

TEveException operator+(const TEveException &s1, const std::string &s2)
{ TEveException r(s1); r += s2; return r; }

TEveException operator+(const TEveException &s1, const TString &s2)
{ TEveException r(s1); r += s2; return r; }

TEveException operator+(const TEveException &s1,  const char *s2)
{ TEveException r(s1); r += s2; return r; }

// TEvePadHolder

// Exception safe wrapper for setting gPad.
// Optionally calls gPad->Modified()/Update() in destructor.


TEvePadHolder::TEvePadHolder(Bool_t modify_update_p, TVirtualPad* new_pad, Int_t subpad) :
   fOldPad        (gPad),
   fModifyUpdateP (modify_update_p)
   // Constructor.

   if (new_pad != 0)
      gPad = 0;

   // Destructor.

   if (fModifyUpdateP && gPad != 0) {
   gPad = fOldPad;

// TEveGeoManagerHolder

// Exception safe wrapper for setting gGeoManager.
// Functionality to lock-unlock via setting of a static lock in
// TGeoManager should be added (new feature of TGeoManager).


TEveGeoManagerHolder::TEveGeoManagerHolder(TGeoManager* new_gmgr, Int_t n_seg) :
   fManager   (gGeoManager),
   fNSegments (0)
   // Constructor.
   // If n_seg is specified and larger than 2, the new geo-manager's
   // NSegments is set to this value.

   gGeoManager = new_gmgr;
   if (gGeoManager && n_seg > 2)
      fNSegments = gGeoManager->GetNsegments();

   // Destructor.

   if (gGeoManager && fNSegments > 2)
   gGeoManager = fManager;

// TEveRefCnt

// Base-class for reference-counted objects.
// By default the object is destroyed when zero referece-count is reached.


// TEveRefBackPtr

// Base-class for reference-counted objects with reverse references to
// TEveElement objects.


TEveRefBackPtr::TEveRefBackPtr() :
   // Default constructor.

   // Destructor. Noop, should complain if back-ref list is not empty.

   // !!! Complain if list not empty.

TEveRefBackPtr::TEveRefBackPtr(const TEveRefBackPtr&) :
   // Copy constructor. New copy starts with zero reference count and
   // empty back-reference list.

TEveRefBackPtr& TEveRefBackPtr::operator=(const TEveRefBackPtr&)
   // Assignment operator. Reference count and back-reference
   // information is not assigned as these object hold pointers to a
   // specific object.

   return *this;


void TEveRefBackPtr::IncRefCount(TEveElement* re)
   // Increase reference cound and add re to the list of back-references.


void TEveRefBackPtr::DecRefCount(TEveElement* re)
   // Decrease reference cound and remove re from the list of back-references.

   static const TEveException eh("TEveRefBackPtr::DecRefCount ");

   std::list<TEveElement*>::iterator i =
      std::find(fBackRefs.begin(), fBackRefs.end(), re);
   if (i != fBackRefs.end()) {
   } else {
      Warning(eh, Form("render element '%s' not found in back-refs.",


void TEveRefBackPtr::StampBackPtrElements(UChar_t stamps)
   // Add givem stamps to elements in the list of reverse references.

   std::list<TEveElement*>::iterator i = fBackRefs.begin();
   while (i != fBackRefs.end())

Last change: Mon Nov 24 08:18:43 2008
Last generated: 2008-11-24 08:18

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