// @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLLogicalShape.cxx 26251 2008-11-17 21:03:03Z matevz $ // Author: Richard Maunder 25/05/2005 #include "TGLLogicalShape.h" #include "TGLPhysicalShape.h" #include "TGLRnrCtx.h" #include "TGLScene.h" #include "TGLSelectRecord.h" #include "TGLContext.h" #include "TGLIncludes.h" #include "TBuffer3D.h" #include "TAtt3D.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TContextMenu.h" //============================================================================== // TGLLogicalShape //============================================================================== //______________________________________________________________________________ // // Abstract logical shape - a GL 'drawable' - base for all shapes - // faceset sphere etc. Logical shapes are a unique piece of geometry, // described in it's local frame - e.g if we have three spheres in : // Sphere A - Radius r1, center v1 // Sphere B - Radius r2, center v2 // Sphere C - Radius r1, center v3 // // Spheres A and C can share a common logical sphere of radius r1 - and // place them with two physicals with translations of v1 & v2. Sphere B // requires a different logical (radius r2), placed with physical with // translation v2. // // Physical shapes know about and can share logicals. Logicals do not // about (aside from reference counting) physicals or share them. // // This sharing of logical shapes greatly reduces memory consumption and // scene (re)build times in typical detector geometries which have many // repeated objects placements. // // TGLLogicalShapes have reference counting, performed by the client // physical shapes which are using it. // // Display list information is also stored here, possibly per LOD // level. Most classes does not support LOD (only sphere and tube) and // therefore reasonable defaults are encoded in the following virtual // functions: // // * ELODAxes SupportedLODAxes() { return kLODAxesNone; } // * Int_t DLCacheSize() { return 1; } // * UInt_t DLOffset(lod); // Transform lod into DL offset. // * Short_t QuantizeShapeLOD(); // Quantize lod. // // Classes that have per-LOD display-lists than override these functions. // 'UShort_t fDLValid' is used as a bit-field determining validity of // each quantized LOD-level; hopefully one will not have more than 16 // LOD levels per class. // See also: TGLPhysicalShape::CalculateShapeLOD() where LOD is calculated. // // See base/src/TVirtualViewer3D for description of common external 3D // viewer architecture and how external viewer clients use it. // ClassImp(TGLLogicalShape); //______________________________________________________________________________ TGLLogicalShape::TGLLogicalShape() : fRef (0), fFirstPhysical (0), fExternalObj (0), fScene (0), fDLBase (0), fDLSize (1), fDLValid (0), fDLCache (kTRUE), fRefStrong (kFALSE), fOwnExtObj (kFALSE) { // Constructor. } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGLLogicalShape::TGLLogicalShape(TObject* obj) : fRef (0), fFirstPhysical (0), fExternalObj (obj), fScene (0), fDLBase (0), fDLSize (1), fDLValid (0), fDLCache (kTRUE), fRefStrong (kFALSE), fOwnExtObj (kFALSE) { // Constructor with external object. } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGLLogicalShape::TGLLogicalShape(const TBuffer3D & buffer) : fRef (0), fFirstPhysical (0), fExternalObj (buffer.fID), fScene (0), fDLBase (0), fDLSize (1), fDLValid (0), fDLCache (kTRUE), fRefStrong (kFALSE), fOwnExtObj (kFALSE) { // Constructor from TBuffer3D. // Use the bounding box in buffer if valid if (buffer.SectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kBoundingBox)) { fBoundingBox.Set(buffer.fBBVertex); } else if (buffer.SectionsValid(TBuffer3D::kRaw)) { // otherwise use the raw points to generate one fBoundingBox.SetAligned(buffer.NbPnts(), buffer.fPnts); } // If the logical is created without an external object reference, // we create a generic here and delete it during the destruction. if (fExternalObj == 0) { fExternalObj = new TNamed("Generic object", "Internal object created for bookkeeping."); fOwnExtObj = kTRUE; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ TGLLogicalShape::~TGLLogicalShape() { // Destroy logical shape. // Physicals should have been cleared elsewhere as they are managed // by the scene. But this could change. if (fRef > 0) { Warning("TGLLogicalShape::Destroy", "some physicals still lurking around."); DestroyPhysicals(); } DLCachePurge(); if (fOwnExtObj) { delete fExternalObj; } } /**************************************************************************/ // Physical shape ref-counting, replica management /**************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::AddRef(TGLPhysicalShape* phys) const { // Add reference to given physical shape. phys->fNextPhysical = fFirstPhysical; fFirstPhysical = phys; ++fRef; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::SubRef(TGLPhysicalShape* phys) const { // Remove reference to given physical shape, potentially deleting // *this* object when hitting zero ref-count (if fRefStrong is // true). assert(phys != 0); Bool_t found = kFALSE; if (fFirstPhysical == phys) { fFirstPhysical = phys->fNextPhysical; found = kTRUE; } else { TGLPhysicalShape *shp1 = fFirstPhysical, *shp2; while ((shp2 = shp1->fNextPhysical) != 0) { if (shp2 == phys) { shp1->fNextPhysical = shp2->fNextPhysical; found = kTRUE; break; } shp1 = shp2; } } if (found == kFALSE) { Error("TGLLogicalShape::SubRef", "Attempt to un-ref an unregistered physical."); return; } if (--fRef == 0 && fRefStrong) delete this; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::DestroyPhysicals() { // Destroy all physicals attached to this logical. TGLPhysicalShape *curr = fFirstPhysical, *next; while (curr) { next = curr->fNextPhysical; curr->fLogicalShape = 0; --fRef; delete curr; curr = next; } assert (fRef == 0); } //______________________________________________________________________________ UInt_t TGLLogicalShape::UnrefFirstPhysical() { // Unreference first physical in the list, returning its id and // making it fit for destruction somewhere else. // Returns 0 if there are no replicas attached. if (fFirstPhysical == 0) return 0; TGLPhysicalShape *phys = fFirstPhysical; UInt_t phid = phys->ID(); fFirstPhysical = phys->fNextPhysical; phys->fLogicalShape = 0; --fRef; return phid; } /**************************************************************************/ // Bounding-boxes /**************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::UpdateBoundingBoxesOfPhysicals() { // Update bounding-boxed of all dependent physicals. TGLPhysicalShape* pshp = fFirstPhysical; while (pshp) { pshp->UpdateBoundingBox(); pshp = pshp->fNextPhysical; } } /**************************************************************************/ // Display-list cache /**************************************************************************/ //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLLogicalShape::SetDLCache(Bool_t cache) { // Modify capture of draws into display list cache kTRUE - capture, // kFALSE direct draw. Return kTRUE is state changed, kFALSE if not. if (cache == fDLCache) return kFALSE; if (fDLCache) DLCachePurge(); fDLCache = cache; return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t TGLLogicalShape::ShouldDLCache(const TGLRnrCtx & rnrCtx) const { // Returns kTRUE if draws should be display list cached // kFALSE otherwise. // // Here we check that: // a) fScene is set (Scene manages link to GL-context); // b) secondary selection is not in progress as different // render-path is usually taken in this case. // // Otherwise we return internal bool. // // Override this in sub-class if different behaviour is required. if (!fDLCache || !fScene || (rnrCtx.SecSelection() && SupportsSecondarySelect())) { return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::DLCacheClear() { // Clear all entries for all LODs for this drawable from the // display list cache but keeping the reserved ids from GL context. fDLValid = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::DLCacheDrop() { // Drop all entries for all LODs for this drawable from the display // list cache, WITHOUT returning the reserved ids to GL context. // // This is called by scene if it realized that the GL context was // destroyed. fDLBase = 0; fDLValid = 0; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::DLCachePurge() { // Purge all entries for all LODs for this drawable from the // display list cache, returning the reserved ids to GL context. // // If you override this function: // 1. call the base-class version from it; // 2. call it from the destructor of the derived class! if (fDLBase != 0) { PurgeDLRange(fDLBase, fDLSize); fDLBase = 0; fDLValid = 0; } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::PurgeDLRange(UInt_t base, Int_t size) const { // Purge given display-list range. // Utility function. if (fScene) { fScene->GetGLCtxIdentity()->RegisterDLNameRangeToWipe(base, size); } else { Warning("TGLLogicalShape::PurgeDLRange", "Scene unknown, attempting direct deletion."); glDeleteLists(base, size); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ Short_t TGLLogicalShape::QuantizeShapeLOD(Short_t shapeLOD, Short_t /*combiLOD*/) const { // Logical shapes usually support only discreet LOD values, // especially in view of display-list caching. // This function should be overriden to perform the desired quantization. // See TGLSphere. return shapeLOD; } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::Draw(TGLRnrCtx & rnrCtx) const { // Draw the GL drawable, using draw flags. If DL caching is enabled // (see SetDLCache) then attempt to draw from the cache, if not found // attempt to capture the draw - done by DirectDraw() - into a new cache entry. // If not cached just call DirectDraw() for normal non DL cached drawing. // Debug tracing if (gDebug > 4) { Info("TGLLogicalShape::Draw", "this %d (class %s) LOD %d", this, IsA()->GetName(), rnrCtx.ShapeLOD()); } entry_point: // If shape is not cached, or a capture to cache is already in // progress perform a direct draw DL can be nested, but not created // in nested fashion. As we only build DL on draw demands have to // protected against this here. // MT: I can't see how this could happen right now ... with // rendering from a flat drawable-list. if (!ShouldDLCache(rnrCtx) || rnrCtx.IsDLCaptureOpen()) { DirectDraw(rnrCtx); return; } if (fDLBase == 0) { fDLBase = glGenLists(fDLSize); if (fDLBase == 0) { Warning("TGLLogicalShape::Draw", "display-list registration failed."); fDLCache = kFALSE; goto entry_point; } } Short_t lod = rnrCtx.ShapeLOD(); UInt_t off = DLOffset(lod); if ((1<<off) & fDLValid) { glCallList(fDLBase + off); } else { rnrCtx.OpenDLCapture(); glNewList(fDLBase + off, GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE); DirectDraw(rnrCtx); glEndList(); rnrCtx.CloseDLCapture(); fDLValid |= (1<<off); } } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::ProcessSelection(TGLRnrCtx & /*rnrCtx*/, TGLSelectRecord & rec) { // Virtual method called-back after a secondary selection hit // is recorded (see TGLViewer::HandleButton(), Ctrl-Button1). // The ptr argument holds the GL pick-record of the closest hit. // // This base-class implementation simply prints out the result. printf("TGLLogicalShape::ProcessSelection %d names on the stack (z1=%g, z2=%g).\n", rec.GetN(), rec.GetMinZ(), rec.GetMaxZ()); printf(" Names: "); for (Int_t j=0; j<rec.GetN(); ++j) printf ("%u ", rec.GetItem(j)); printf("\n"); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void TGLLogicalShape::InvokeContextMenu(TContextMenu & menu, UInt_t x, UInt_t y) const { // Invoke popup menu or our bound external TObject (if any), using passed // 'menu' object, at location 'x' 'y' if (fExternalObj) { menu.Popup(x, y, fExternalObj); } }