// @(#)root/gl:$Id: TGLRnrCtx.cxx 26662 2008-12-04 20:25:08Z matevz $
// Author:  Matevz Tadel, Feb 2007

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2004, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

#include "TVirtualX.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TROOT.h"

#include "TGLRnrCtx.h"
#include "TGLSceneInfo.h"
#include "TGLSelectBuffer.h"
#include "TGLIncludes.h"
#include "TGLUtil.h"
#include "TGLFontManager.h"
#include "TGLContext.h"

#include <TError.h>
#include <TMathBase.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>

// TGLRnrCtx
// The TGLRnrCtx class aggregates data for a given redering context as
// needed by various parts of the ROOT's OpenGL infractructure. It
// serves as a connecting point between the steering part of the
// infrastructure (viewer, scene) and concrete rendering classes
// (logical, physical shape). It is just a data-holder, there is no
// functionality in it.
// Development notes:
// One RnrCtx is created by each viewer and it is just an extension of
// the viewer context that changes along the render
// descend. Separating this also has some abstract benefit of hiding
// viewer implementation from those that do not need to know it.
// Current scene / scene-info part is always initialized by viewer,
// scenes can assume they're ok.


TGLRnrCtx::TGLRnrCtx(TGLViewerBase* viewer) :
   fViewer    (viewer),
   fCamera    (0),
   fSceneInfo (0),

   fViewerLOD    (kLODUndef),
   fSceneLOD     (kLODUndef),
   fCombiLOD     (kLODUndef),
   fShapeLOD     (kLODUndef),

   fViewerStyle  (kStyleUndef),
   fSceneStyle   (kStyleUndef),

   fViewerClip   (0),
   fSceneClip    (0),
   fClip         (0),
   fDrawPass     (kPassUndef),

   fStopwatch    (),
   fIsRunning    (kFALSE),
   fHasTimedOut  (kFALSE),

   fHighlight    (kFALSE),  fHighlightOutline (kFALSE),
   fSelection    (kFALSE),  fSecSelection     (kFALSE),
   fPickRadius   (0),
   fSelectBuffer (0),

   fDLCaptureOpen (kFALSE),
   fGLCtxIdentity (0),
   fQuadric       (0),

   fGrabImage     (kFALSE),
   fGrabbedImage  (0)
   // Constructor.

   fSelectBuffer = new TGLSelectBuffer;
   fQuadric = gluNewQuadric();
   gluQuadricOrientation(fQuadric, (GLenum)GLU_OUTSIDE);
   gluQuadricNormals    (fQuadric, (GLenum)GLU_SMOOTH);

   if (fViewer == 0)
      // Assume external usage, initialize for highest quality.
      fViewerLOD = fSceneLOD = fCombiLOD = fShapeLOD = kLODHigh;
      fViewerStyle = fSceneStyle = kFill;
      fDrawPass = kPassFill;

   // Colors for different shape-selection-levels.
   fSSLColor[0][0] =   0; fSSLColor[0][1] =   0; fSSLColor[0][2] =   0; fSSLColor[0][3] =   0;
   fSSLColor[1][0] = 255; fSSLColor[1][1] = 255; fSSLColor[1][2] = 255; fSSLColor[1][3] = 255;
   fSSLColor[2][0] = 255; fSSLColor[2][1] = 255; fSSLColor[2][2] = 255; fSSLColor[2][3] = 255;
   fSSLColor[3][0] = 200; fSSLColor[3][1] = 200; fSSLColor[3][2] = 255; fSSLColor[3][3] = 255;
   fSSLColor[4][0] = 200; fSSLColor[4][1] = 200; fSSLColor[4][2] = 255; fSSLColor[4][3] = 255;

   // Destructor.

   delete fPickRectangle;
   delete fSelectBuffer;

TGLSceneBase * TGLRnrCtx::GetScene()
   // Return current scene (based on scene-info data).

   return  fSceneInfo->GetScene();

TGLSceneBase & TGLRnrCtx::RefScene()
   // Return current scene (based on scene-info data).

   return *fSceneInfo->GetScene();


Bool_t TGLRnrCtx::IsDrawPassFilled() const
   // Returns true if current render-pass uses filled polygon style.

   return fDrawPass == kPassFill || fDrawPass == kPassOutlineFill;

// Stopwatch

void TGLRnrCtx:: StartStopwatch()
   // Start the stopwatch.

   if (fIsRunning)

   fIsRunning   = kTRUE;
   fHasTimedOut = kFALSE;

void TGLRnrCtx:: StopStopwatch()
   // Stop the stopwatch.

   fHasTimedOut = fStopwatch.End() > fRenderTimeOut;
   fIsRunning = kFALSE;

Bool_t TGLRnrCtx::HasStopwatchTimedOut()
   // Check if the stopwatch went beyond the render time limit.

   if (fHasTimedOut) return kTRUE;
   if (fIsRunning && fStopwatch.Lap() > fRenderTimeOut)
      fHasTimedOut = kTRUE;
   return fHasTimedOut;

// Selection & picking

void TGLRnrCtx::BeginSelection(Int_t x, Int_t y, Int_t r)
   // Setup context for running selection.
   // x and y are in window coordinates.

   fSelection    = kTRUE;
   fSecSelection = kFALSE;
   fPickRadius   = r;
   if (!fPickRectangle) fPickRectangle = new TGLRect;
   fPickRectangle->Set(x, y, r, r);

   glSelectBuffer(fSelectBuffer->GetBufSize(), fSelectBuffer->GetBuf());

void TGLRnrCtx::EndSelection(Int_t glResult)
   // End selection.

   fSelection    = kFALSE;
   fSecSelection = kFALSE;
   fPickRadius   = 0;
   delete fPickRectangle; fPickRectangle = 0;

   if (glResult < 0)
      if (fSelectBuffer->CanGrow() && fSelectBuffer->GetBufSize() > 0x10000)
                 "Select buffer size (%d) insufficient, doubling it.",
                 "Select buffer size (%d) insufficient. This is maximum.",

TGLRect * TGLRnrCtx::GetPickRectangle()
   // Return current pick rectangle. This is *zero* when
   // selection is not set.

   return fPickRectangle;

Int_t TGLRnrCtx::GetPickRadius()
   // Return pick radius. If selection is not active it returns 0.

   return fPickRadius;

// Colors for Shape-Selection-Level

void TGLRnrCtx::SetSSLColor(Int_t level, UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b, UChar_t a)
   // Set highlight color for shape-selection-level level.

   fSSLColor[level][0] = r;
   fSSLColor[level][1] = g;
   fSSLColor[level][2] = b;
   fSSLColor[level][3] = a;

void TGLRnrCtx::SetSSLColor(Int_t level, UChar_t rgba[4])
   // Set highlight color for shape-selection-level level.

   fSSLColor[level][0] = rgba[0];
   fSSLColor[level][1] = rgba[1];
   fSSLColor[level][2] = rgba[2];
   fSSLColor[level][3] = rgba[3];

// Display-list state

void TGLRnrCtx::OpenDLCapture()
   // Start display-list capture.

   assert(fDLCaptureOpen == kFALSE);
   fDLCaptureOpen = kTRUE;

void TGLRnrCtx::CloseDLCapture()
   // End display list capture.

   assert(fDLCaptureOpen == kTRUE);
   fDLCaptureOpen = kFALSE;

// TGLFont interface

void TGLRnrCtx::RegisterFont(Int_t size, Int_t file, Int_t mode, TGLFont& out)
   // Get font in the GL rendering context.

   fGLCtxIdentity->GetFontManager()->RegisterFont(size, file, (TGLFont::EMode)mode, out);

void TGLRnrCtx::RegisterFont(Int_t size, const Text_t* name, Int_t mode, TGLFont& out)
   // Get font in the GL rendering context.

   fGLCtxIdentity->GetFontManager()->RegisterFont(size, name, (TGLFont::EMode)mode, out);
void TGLRnrCtx::ReleaseFont(TGLFont& font)
   // Release font in the GL rendering context.


// Static helpers

const char* TGLRnrCtx::StyleName(Short_t style)
   // Return string describing the style.

   switch (style)
      case TGLRnrCtx::kFill:       return "Filled Polys";
      case TGLRnrCtx::kWireFrame:  return "Wireframe";
      case TGLRnrCtx::kOutline:    return "Outline";
      default:                     return "Oogaa-dooga style";

Last change: Fri Dec 5 09:52:52 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-05 09:52

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