#ifndef ROOT_TGeoPhysicalNode
#define ROOT_TGeoPhysicalNode
#ifndef ROOT_TNamed
#include "TNamed.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TObjArray
#include "TObjArray.h"
#ifndef ROOT_TAttLine
#include "TAttLine.h"
class TGeoHMatrix;
class TGeoMatrix;
class TGeoVolume;
class TGeoNode;
class TGeoShape;
class TGeoPhysicalNode : public TNamed,
public TAttLine
Int_t fLevel;
TObjArray *fMatrices;
TObjArray *fNodes;
TGeoHMatrix *fMatrixOrig;
TGeoPhysicalNode(const TGeoPhysicalNode&);
TGeoPhysicalNode& operator=(const TGeoPhysicalNode&);
void SetAligned(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) {TObject::SetBit(kGeoPNodeAligned,flag);}
Bool_t SetPath(const char *path);
void SetBranchAsState();
enum {
kGeoPNodeFull = BIT(10),
kGeoPNodeVisible = BIT(11),
kGeoPNodeVolAtt = BIT(12),
kGeoPNodeAligned = BIT(13)
TGeoPhysicalNode(const char *path);
virtual ~TGeoPhysicalNode();
void Align(TGeoMatrix *newmat=0, TGeoShape *newshape=0, Bool_t check=kFALSE, Double_t ovlp=0.001);
void cd() const;
void Draw(Option_t *option="");
Int_t GetLevel() const {return fLevel;}
TGeoHMatrix *GetMatrix(Int_t level=-1) const;
TGeoHMatrix *GetOriginalMatrix() const {return fMatrixOrig;}
TGeoNode *GetMother(Int_t levup=1) const;
TGeoNode *GetNode(Int_t level=-1) const;
TGeoShape *GetShape(Int_t level=-1) const;
TGeoVolume *GetVolume(Int_t level=-1) const;
Bool_t IsAligned() const {return TObject::TestBit(kGeoPNodeAligned);}
Bool_t IsVolAttributes() const {return TObject::TestBit(kGeoPNodeVolAtt);}
Bool_t IsVisible() const {return TObject::TestBit(kGeoPNodeVisible);}
Bool_t IsVisibleFull() const {return TObject::TestBit(kGeoPNodeFull);}
virtual void Print(Option_t *option="") const;
void Refresh();
void SetMatrixOrig(const TGeoMatrix *local);
void SetIsVolAtt(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) {TObject::SetBit(kGeoPNodeVolAtt,flag);}
void SetVisibility(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) {TObject::SetBit(kGeoPNodeVisible,flag);}
void SetVisibleFull(Bool_t flag=kTRUE) {TObject::SetBit(kGeoPNodeFull,flag);}
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option = "");
ClassDef(TGeoPhysicalNode, 1)
class TGeoPNEntry : public TNamed
enum EPNEntryFlags {
kPNEntryOwnMatrix = BIT(14)
TGeoPhysicalNode *fNode;
const TGeoHMatrix *fMatrix;
TGeoHMatrix *fGlobalOrig;
TGeoPNEntry(const TGeoPNEntry& pne)
: TNamed(pne), fNode(pne.fNode), fMatrix(NULL), fGlobalOrig(NULL) { }
TGeoPNEntry& operator=(const TGeoPNEntry& pne)
{if(this!=&pne) {TNamed::operator=(pne); fNode=pne.fNode; fMatrix=pne.fMatrix;}
return *this;}
TGeoPNEntry(const char *unique_name, const char *path);
virtual ~TGeoPNEntry();
inline const char *GetPath() const {return GetTitle();}
const TGeoHMatrix *GetMatrix() const {return fMatrix;}
TGeoHMatrix *GetMatrixOrig() const {if (fNode) return fNode->GetOriginalMatrix(); else return NULL;};
TGeoHMatrix *GetGlobalOrig() const {return fGlobalOrig;}
TGeoPhysicalNode *GetPhysicalNode() const {return fNode;}
void SetMatrix(const TGeoHMatrix *matrix);
void SetPhysicalNode(TGeoPhysicalNode *node);
ClassDef(TGeoPNEntry, 4)
Last change: Fri Sep 5 10:08:00 2008
Last generated: 2008-09-05 10:08
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