// @(#)root/base:$Id: TProofDataSetManagerFile.cxx 25903 2008-10-21 08:46:36Z ganis $
// Author: Jan Fiete Grosse-Oetringhaus, 04.06.07

 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers.               *
 * All rights reserved.                                                  *
 *                                                                       *
 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE.                         *
 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS.             *

//                                                                      //
// TProofDataSetManagerFile                                             //
//                                                                      //
// Implementation of TProofDataSetManager handling datasets from root   //
// files under a specific directory path                                //
//                                                                      //

#include "TProofDataSetManagerFile.h"

#include "Riostream.h"
#include "TEnv.h"
#include "TFileCollection.h"
#include "TFileInfo.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TFileStager.h"
#include "TLockFile.h"
#include "TMap.h"
#include "TRegexp.h"
#include "TMD5.h"
#include "TMessage.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TError.h"
#include "TPRegexp.h"
#include "TVirtualMonitoring.h"
#include "TObjArray.h"
#include "THashList.h"
#include "TKey.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TParameter.h"


TProofDataSetManagerFile::TProofDataSetManagerFile(const char *group,
                                                   const char *user,
                                                   const char *ins)
                         : TProofDataSetManager(group, user, ins)
   // Main constructor

   // Parse options

   if (!fUser.IsNull() && !fGroup.IsNull() && !fDataSetDir.IsNull()) {

      // Make sure that the dataset dir exists
      TString dir(Form("%s/%s/%s", fDataSetDir.Data(), fGroup.Data(), fUser.Data()));
      if (gSystem->AccessPathName(dir)) {
         if (gSystem->mkdir(dir, kTRUE) != 0) {
            Error("TProofDataSetManagerFile", "could not create the dataset dir");

      // If not in sandbox, construct the base URI using session defaults
      // (group, user) (syntax: /group/user/dsname[#[subdir/]objname])
      if (!TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kIsSandbox))
         fBase.SetUri(TString(Form("/%s/%s/", fGroup.Data(), fUser.Data())));

      // Fill locking path
      fDataSetLockFile = Form("%s-dataset-lock", fDataSetDir.Data());
      fDataSetLockFile.Insert(0, Form("%s/", gSystem->TempDirectory()));

      // Limit in seconds after a lock automatically expires
      fLockFileTimeLimit = 120;

   // If the MSS url was not given, check if one is defined via env
   if (fMSSUrl.IsNull())
      fMSSUrl = gEnv->GetValue("ProofDataSet.MSSUrl", "");

void TProofDataSetManagerFile::ParseInitOpts(const char *ins)
   // Parse the input string and set the init bits accordingly
   // Format is
   //    dir:<datasetdir> [mss:<mss-url>] [opt:<base-options>]
   // The <datasetdir> is mandatory.
   // See TProofDataSetManager::ParseInitOpts for the available
   // base options.
   // The base options are laready initialized by the base constructor


   // Needs something in
   if (!ins || strlen(ins) <= 0) return;

   // Extract elements
   Int_t from = 0;
   TString s(ins), tok;
   while (s.Tokenize(tok, from, " ")) {
      if (tok.BeginsWith("dir:"))
         fDataSetDir = tok(4, tok.Length());
      if (tok.BeginsWith("mss:"))
         fMSSUrl = tok(4, tok.Length());

   // The directory is mandatory
   if (fDataSetDir.IsNull()) return;

   // Object is valid

const char *TProofDataSetManagerFile::GetDataSetPath(const char *group,
                                                     const char *user,
                                                     const char *dsName)
   // Returns path of the indicated dataset
   // Contains a static TString for result. Copy result before using twice.

   if (fgCommonDataSetTag == group)
     group = fCommonGroup;

   if (fgCommonDataSetTag == user)
     user = fCommonUser;

   static TString result;
   result.Form("%s/%s/%s/%s.root", fDataSetDir.Data(), group, user, dsName);
   if (gDebug > 0)
      Info("GetDataSetPath","path: %s", result.Data());
   return result;

Bool_t TProofDataSetManagerFile::BrowseDataSets(const char *group,
                                                const char *user,
                                                UInt_t option, TObject *target)
   // Adds the dataset in the folder of group, user to the list in target
   // The unsigned int 'option' is forwarded to GetDataSet and BrowseDataSet.
   // Available options (to be .or.ed):
   //    kPrint          print the dataset content
   //    kQuotaUpdate    update quotas
   //    kExport         use export naming
   // NB1: options "kPrint", "kQuoatUpdate" and "kExport" are mutually exclusive
   // NB2: for options "kPrint" and "kQuotaUpdate" return is null.

   TString userDirPath;
   userDirPath.Form("%s/%s/%s", fDataSetDir.Data(), group, user);
   void *userDir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(userDirPath);
   if (!userDir)
     return kFALSE;

   // Options
   Bool_t printing = (option & kPrint) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   Bool_t exporting = (option & kExport) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   Bool_t updating = (option & kQuotaUpdate) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   // If printing is required add kReadShort to the options
   if (printing || updating)
      option |= kReadShort;

   // The last three options are mutually exclusive
   if (((Int_t)printing + (Int_t)exporting + (Int_t)updating) > 1) {
            "only one of kPrint, kQuotaUpdate or kExport can be specified at once");
      return kFALSE;
   Bool_t fillmap = (!exporting && !printing && !updating) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   // Output object
   TMap *outmap = (fillmap || exporting) ? (TMap *)target : (TMap *)0;
   TList *outlist = (printing) ? (TList *)target : (TList *)0;

   TRegexp rg("^[^./][^/]*.root$");  //check that it is a root file, not starting with "."

   TMap *userMap = 0, *datasetMap = 0;
   // loop over datasets
   const char *dsEnt = 0;
   while ((dsEnt = gSystem->GetDirEntry(userDir))) {
      TString datasetFile(dsEnt);
      if (datasetFile.Index(rg) != kNPOS) {
         TString datasetName(datasetFile(0, datasetFile.Length()-5));

         if (gDebug > 0)
            Info("GetDataSets", "found dataset %s of user %s in group %s",
                                 datasetName.Data(), user, group);

         TFileCollection *fileList = GetDataSet(group, user, datasetName, option);
         if (!fileList) {
            Error("GetDataSets", "dataset %s (user %s, group %s) could not be opened",
                                 datasetName.Data(), user, group);
         if (gDebug > 0)

         // We found a dataset, now add it to the map

         // COMMON dataset transition
         const char *mapGroup = group;
         if (fCommonGroup == mapGroup)
            mapGroup = fgCommonDataSetTag.Data();
         const char *mapUser = user;
         if (fCommonUser == mapUser)
            mapUser = fgCommonDataSetTag.Data();

         if (fillmap && outmap) {
            if (!(userMap = dynamic_cast<TMap*> (outmap->GetValue(mapGroup)))) {
               userMap = new TMap;
               outmap->Add(new TObjString(mapGroup), userMap);

            if (!(datasetMap = dynamic_cast<TMap*> (userMap->GetValue(mapUser)))) {
               datasetMap = new TMap;
               userMap->Add(new TObjString(mapUser), datasetMap);

         // Action depends on option
         if (exporting) {

            // Just format the dataset name with group and user
            TString dsNameFormatted(Form("/%s/%s/%s", mapGroup,
                                                      mapUser, datasetName.Data()));
            if (outmap)
               outmap->Add(new TObjString(dsNameFormatted), fileList);

         } else if (updating) {

            // Update quotas
            GetQuota(mapGroup, mapUser, datasetName.Data(), fileList);

         } else if (printing) {

            // Prepare the output list
            if (outlist) {
               TString dsNameFormatted(Form("/%s/%s/%s", mapGroup,
                                                         mapUser, datasetName.Data()));
               // Magic number?
               if (dsNameFormatted.Length() < 42)

               // Done
         } else {
            if (fillmap && datasetMap)
               datasetMap->Add(new TObjString(datasetName), fileList);

   return kTRUE;

TMap *TProofDataSetManagerFile::GetDataSets(const char *group, const char *user,
                                            UInt_t option)
   // General purpose call to go through the existing datasets.
   // If <user> is 0 or "*", act on all datasets for the given <group>.
   // If <group> is 0 or "*", act on all datasets.
   // Action depends on option; available options:
   //    kExport         Return a TMap object containing all the information about
   //                    datasets in the form:
   //                    { <group>, <map of users> }
   //                                     |
   //                             { <map of datasets>, <dataset>}
   //                    (<dataset> are TFileCollection objects)
   //    kShowDefault    as kExport with in addition a default selection including
   //                    the datasets from the current user, the ones from the group
   //                    and the common ones
   //    kPrint          print the dataset content; no output is returned
   //    kQuotaUpdate    update {group, user} quotas; no output is returned
   // NB1: options "kPrint", "kQuoatUpdate" and "kExport" are mutually exclusive
   // NB2: for options "kPrint" and "kQuoatUpdate" return is null.

   if (group && fgCommonDataSetTag == group)
     group = fCommonGroup;

   if (user && fgCommonDataSetTag == user)
     user = fCommonUser;

   // convert * to "nothing"
   if (group && (strcmp(group, "*") == 0 || strlen(group) == 0))
      group = 0;
   if (user && (strcmp(user, "*") == 0 || strlen(user) == 0))
      user = 0;

   Bool_t printing = (option & kPrint) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   Bool_t exporting = (option & kExport) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   Bool_t updating = (option & kQuotaUpdate) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   // The last three options are mutually exclusive
   if (((Int_t)printing + (Int_t)exporting + (Int_t)updating) > 1) {
      Error("GetDataSets", "only one of '?P', '?Q' or '?E' can be specified at once");
      return 0;

   TObject *result = 0;
   if (printing) {
      // The output is a list of strings
      TList *ol = new TList();
      result = ol;
   } else if (exporting || !updating) {
      TMap *om = new TMap;
      result = om;

   if (gDebug > 0)
      Info("GetDataSets", "opening dir %s", fDataSetDir.Data());

   if (option & kShowDefault) {
      // add the common ones
      BrowseDataSets(fCommonGroup, fCommonUser, option, result);
      user = 0;

   // group, user defined, no looping needed
   if (user && group) {
      BrowseDataSets(group, user, option, result);
      return (TMap *)result;

   void *dataSetDir = 0;
   if ((dataSetDir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(fDataSetDir))) {
      // loop over groups
      const char *currentGroup = 0;
      while ((currentGroup = gSystem->GetDirEntry(dataSetDir))) {

         if (strcmp(currentGroup, ".") == 0 || strcmp(currentGroup, "..") == 0)

         if (group && strcmp(group, currentGroup))

         TString groupDirPath;
         groupDirPath.Form("%s/%s", fDataSetDir.Data(), currentGroup);

         void *groupDir = gSystem->OpenDirectory(groupDirPath);
         if (!groupDir)

         // loop over users
         const char *currentUser = 0;
         while ((currentUser = gSystem->GetDirEntry(groupDir))) {

            if (strcmp(currentUser, ".") == 0 || strcmp(currentUser, "..") == 0)

            if (user && strcmp(user, currentUser))

            BrowseDataSets(currentGroup, currentUser, option, result);

   // Print the result, if required
   if (printing) {
      TList *output = (TList *)result;
      Printf("Dataset URI                               | # Files | Default tree | # Events |   Disk   | Staged");
      TIter iter4(output);
      TObjString* formattedLine = 0;
      while ((formattedLine = dynamic_cast<TObjString*> (iter4())))
         Printf("%s", formattedLine->String().Data());
      // Cleanup
      result = 0;

   return (TMap *)result;

TFileCollection *TProofDataSetManagerFile::GetDataSet(const char *group,
                                                      const char *user,
                                                      const char *dsName,
                                                      UInt_t option,
                                                      TMD5 **checksum)
   // Returns the dataset <dsName> of user <user> in group <group> .
   // If checksum is non-zero, it will contain the pointer to a TMD5 sum object
   // with the checksum of the file, has to be deleted by the user.
   // If option has the bi kReadShort set, the shortobject is read, that does not
   // contain the list of files. This is much faster.

   TLockFile lock(fDataSetLockFile, fLockFileTimeLimit);

   TString path(GetDataSetPath(group, user, dsName));

   if (gSystem->AccessPathName(path) != kFALSE) {
      Info("GetDataSet", "dataset %s does not exist", path.Data());
      return 0;

   TMD5 *retrievedChecksum = 0;
   if (checksum) {
      // save md5 sum
      retrievedChecksum = TMD5::FileChecksum(path);
      if (!retrievedChecksum) {
          Error("GetDataSet", "could not get checksum of %s", path.Data());
         return 0;

   TFile *f = TFile::Open(path.Data());
   if (!f) {
      Error("GetDataSet", "Could not open file %s", path.Data());
      if (retrievedChecksum)
         delete retrievedChecksum;
      return 0;

   TFileCollection *fileList = 0;
   if (option & kReadShort)
     fileList = dynamic_cast<TFileCollection*> (f->Get("dataset_short"));

   if (!fileList)
     fileList = dynamic_cast<TFileCollection*> (f->Get("dataset"));

   delete f;

   if (checksum)
      *checksum = retrievedChecksum;
   return fileList;

Int_t TProofDataSetManagerFile::WriteDataSet(const char *group, const char *user,
                                         const char *dsName, TFileCollection *dataset,
                                         UInt_t option, TMD5 *checksum)
   // Writes indicated dataset.
   // If option has the bit kFileMustExist set, the file must still exist,
   // otherwise the new dataset is not written (returns 3 in this case).
   // If checksum is non-zero the files current checksum is checked against it,
   // if it does not match the file is not written (the function returns 2 in this
   // case, if the file has disappeared it is also not written (i.e. checksum
   // implies the bit kFileMustExist set in option).
   // Returns != 0 for success, 0 for error

   TLockFile lock(fDataSetLockFile, fLockFileTimeLimit);

   Bool_t checkIfExists = ((option & kFileMustExist) || checksum) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   TString path(GetDataSetPath(group, user, dsName));

   if (checkIfExists) {
      // check if file still exists, otherwise it was deleted in the meanwhile and is not written here
      Long_t tmp;
      if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(path, 0, (Long_t*) 0, 0, &tmp) != 0) {
         if (gDebug > 0)
            Info("WriteDataSet", "Dataset disappeared. Discarding update.");
         return 3;

   if (checksum) {
      // verify md5 sum, otherwise the file was changed in the meanwhile and is not overwritten here
      TMD5 *checksum2 = TMD5::FileChecksum(path);
      if (!checksum2) {
         Error("WriteDataSet", "Could not get checksum of %s", path.Data());
         return 0;

      Bool_t checksumAgrees = (*checksum == *checksum2);
      delete checksum2;

      if (!checksumAgrees) {
         if (gDebug > 0)
            Info("WriteDataSet", "Dataset changed. Discarding update.");
         return 2;

   // write first in ".<file>" then rename to recover from crash during writing
   TString tempFile(path);
   Int_t index = -1;
   while (tempFile.Index("/", index+1) >= 0)
      index = tempFile.Index("/", index+1);

   tempFile.Insert(index+1, ".");

   TFile *f = TFile::Open(tempFile, "RECREATE");
   if (!f) {
      Error("WriteDataSet", "Could not open dataset for writing %s", tempFile.Data());
      return 0;

   // write full TFileCollection
   dataset->Write("dataset", TObject::kSingleKey);

   // write only metadata
   THashList *list = dataset->GetList();
   dataset->Write("dataset_short", TObject::kSingleKey);

   delete f;


   // file is written, rename to real filename
   if (gSystem->Rename(tempFile, path) != 0) {
      Error("WriteDataSet", "Renaming %s to %s failed. Dataset might be corrupted.",
                            tempFile.Data(), path.Data());
      return 0;

   return 1;

Bool_t TProofDataSetManagerFile::RemoveDataSet(const char *group, const char *user,
                                               const char *dsName)
   // Removes the indicated dataset

   TLockFile lock(fDataSetLockFile, fLockFileTimeLimit);

   TString path(GetDataSetPath(group, user, dsName));

   return (gSystem->Unlink(path) == 0);

Bool_t TProofDataSetManagerFile::ExistsDataSet(const char *group, const char *user,
                                               const char *dsName)
   // Checks if the indicated dataset exits

   TLockFile lock(fDataSetLockFile, fLockFileTimeLimit);

   TString path(GetDataSetPath(group, user, dsName));

   return (gSystem->AccessPathName(path) == kFALSE);

Int_t TProofDataSetManagerFile::RegisterDataSet(const char *uri,
                                                TFileCollection *dataSet,
                                                const char *opts)
   // Register a dataset, perfoming quota checkings and verification, if required.
   // Fails if a dataset with the same name already exists, unless 'opts'
   // contains 'O', in which case the old dataset is overwritten.
   // If 'opts' contains 'V' the dataset files are also verified.
   // By default the dataset is not verified.
   // Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure

   if (!TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kAllowRegister))
      return -1;

   // Get the dataset name
   TString dsName;
   if (ParseUri(uri, 0, 0, &dsName, 0, kTRUE) == kFALSE) {
      Error("RegisterDataSet", "problem parsing uri: %s", uri);
      return -1;

   // Check option
   TString opt(opts);
   if (!opt.Contains("O", TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
      // Fail if it exists already
      if (ExistsDataSet(fGroup, fUser, dsName)) {
         //Dataset name does exist
         return -1;

   // We will save a sorted list

   // A temporary list to hold the unique members (i.e. the very set)
   TList *uniqueFileList = new TList();
   TIter nextFile(dataSet->GetList());
   TFileInfo *prevFile = (TFileInfo*)nextFile();
   while (TFileInfo *obj = (TFileInfo*)nextFile()) {
      // Add entities only once to the temporary list
      if (prevFile->Compare(obj)) {
         prevFile = obj;

   // Clear dataSet and add contents of uniqueFileList needed otherwise
   // THashList deletes the objects even when nodelete is set
   delete uniqueFileList;

   // Enforce certain settings

   // Verify the dataset if required
   if (opt.Contains("V", TString::kIgnoreCase)) {
      if (ScanDataSet(dataSet, (UInt_t)(kReopen | kDebug)) < 0) {
         Error("RegisterDataSet", "problems verifying the dataset");
         return -1;

   // Update accumulated information

   if (TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kCheckQuota)) {
      if (dataSet->GetTotalSize() <= 0) {
         Error("RegisterDataSet", "datasets without size information are not accepted:");
         if (fAvgFileSize < 0) {
            Error("RegisterDataSet", "you may want to define an average"
                                     " file size to get an estimated dataset size");
         return -1;
      // now check the quota
      Long64_t used = GetGroupUsed(fGroup) + dataSet->GetTotalSize();

      Info("RegisterDataSet", "your group %s uses %.1f GB + %.1f GB for the new dataset; "
                              "the available quota is %.1f GB", fGroup.Data(),
                              (Float_t) GetGroupUsed(fGroup)    / 1073741824,
                              (Float_t) dataSet->GetTotalSize() / 1073741824,
                              (Float_t) GetGroupQuota(fGroup)   / 1073741824);
      if (used > GetGroupQuota(fGroup)) {
         Error("RegisterDataSet", "quota exceeded");
         return -1;

   Bool_t success = WriteDataSet(fGroup, fUser, dsName, dataSet);
   if (!success)
      Error("RegisterDataSet", "could not write dataset: %s", dsName.Data());

   // Done
   return ((success) ? 0 : -1);
Int_t TProofDataSetManagerFile::ScanDataSet(const char *uri, UInt_t)
   // Scans the dataset indicated by <uri> and returns the number of missing files.
   // Returns -1 if any failure occurs.
   // For more details, see documentation of
   // ScanDataSet(TFileCollection *dataset, const char *option)

   TString dsName;
   if (TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kAllowVerify)) {
      if (ParseUri(uri, 0, 0, &dsName, 0, kTRUE)) {
         if (ScanDataSet(fGroup, fUser, dsName, (UInt_t)(kReopen | kDebug)) > 0)
            return GetNDisapparedFiles();
   return -1;

Int_t TProofDataSetManagerFile::ScanDataSet(const char *group, const char *user,
                                            const char *dsName, UInt_t option)
   // See documentation of ScanDataSet(TFileCollection *dataset, UInt_t option)

   if (!TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kAllowVerify))
      return -1;

   TFileCollection *dataset = GetDataSet(group, user, dsName);
   if (!dataset)
      return -1;

   Int_t result = ScanDataSet(dataset, option);

   if (result == 2)
      if (WriteDataSet(group, user, dsName, dataset) == 0)
         return -2;

   delete dataset;

   return result;

Int_t TProofDataSetManagerFile::ScanDataSet(TFileCollection *dataset,
                                            UInt_t option, Int_t filesmax)
   // Updates the information in a dataset by opening all files that are not yet
   // marked staged creates metadata for each tree in the opened file
   // Available options (to be .or.ed)
   //   kMaxFiles      process a maximum of 'filesmax' files
   //   kReopen        opens also files that are marked staged
   //   kTouch         opens and touches files that are marked staged; implies kReopen
   // Return code
   //   negative in case of error
   //     -1 dataset not found
   //     -2 could not write dataset after verification
   //   positive in case of success
   //     1 dataset was not changed
   //     2 dataset was changed
   // The number of opened, touched, disappeared files can be retrieved by
   // GetNTouchedFiles(), GetNOpenedFiles(), GetNDisapparedFiles()

   if (!TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kAllowVerify))
      return -1;

   // Parse options
   Bool_t notify = (gDebug > 0 || (option & kDebug)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   // Max number of files
   Int_t maxFiles = ((option & kMaxFiles) && (filesmax > -1)) ? filesmax : -1;
   if (maxFiles > -1 && notify)
      Info("ScanDataSet", "processing a maximum of %d files", maxFiles);
   // Reopen
   Bool_t reopen = ((option & kReopen) || (option & kTouch)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;
   // Touch
   Bool_t touch = ((option & kTouch)) ? kTRUE : kFALSE;

   fNTouchedFiles = 0;
   fNOpenedFiles = 0;
   fNDisappearedFiles = 0;

   Bool_t changed = kFALSE;

   TFileStager *stager = (!fMSSUrl.IsNull()) ? TFileStager::Open(fMSSUrl) : 0;
   Bool_t createStager = (stager) ? kFALSE : kTRUE;

   // Check which files have been staged, this can be replaced by a bulk command,
   // once it exists in the xrdclient
   TList newStagedFiles;
   TIter iter2(dataset->GetList());
   TFileInfo *fileInfo = 0;
   while ((fileInfo = dynamic_cast<TFileInfo*> (iter2.Next()))) {

      if (!fileInfo->GetCurrentUrl()) {
         Error("ScanDataSet", "GetCurrentUrl() is 0 for %s",

      if (fileInfo->TestBit(TFileInfo::kStaged)) {

         // Skip files flagged as corrupted
         if (fileInfo->TestBit(TFileInfo::kCorrupted)) continue;

         // Skip if we are not asked to re-open the staged files
         if (!reopen) continue;

         // Set the URL removing the anchor (e.g. #AliESDs.root) because IsStaged()
         // and TFile::Open() with filetype=raw do not accept anchors
         TUrl url(*(fileInfo->GetCurrentUrl()));

         // Notify
         if (notify && (fNTouchedFiles+fNDisappearedFiles) % 100 == 0)
                 "opening %d. file: %s", fNTouchedFiles+fNDisappearedFiles,

         // Check if file is still available, if touch is set actually read from the file
         TFile *file = TFile::Open(Form("%s?filetype=raw&mxredir=2", url.GetUrl()));
         if (file) {
            if (touch) {
               // Actually access the file
               char tmpChar = 0;
               file->ReadBuffer(&tmpChar, 1);
            delete file;
         } else {
            // File could not be opened, reset staged bit
            if (notify)
               Info("ScanDataSet", "file %s disappeared", url.GetUrl());
            changed = kTRUE;

            // Remove invalid URL, if other one left...
            if (fileInfo->GetNUrls() > 1)
         // Go to next

      // Staging must be allowed
      if (!TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kAllowStaging)) continue;

      // Only open maximum number of 'new' files
      if (maxFiles > 0 && newStagedFiles.GetEntries() >= maxFiles)

      // Set the URL removing the anchor (e.g. #AliESDs.root) because IsStaged()
      // and TFile::Open() with filetype=raw do not accept anchors
      TUrl url(*(fileInfo->GetCurrentUrl()));

      // Get the stager (either the global one or from the URL)
      stager = createStager ? TFileStager::Open(url.GetUrl()) : stager;

      Bool_t result = kFALSE;
      if (stager) {
         result = stager->IsStaged(url.GetUrl());
         if (notify && gDebug > 0)
            Info("ScanDataSet", "IsStaged: %s: %d", url.GetUrl(), result);
         if (createStager)
      } else {
                 "could not get stager instance for '%s'", url.GetUrl());

      // Go to next in case of failure
      if (!result) continue;

      // Register the newly staged file

   // loop over now staged files
   if (notify && newStagedFiles.GetEntries() > 0)
           "opening %d files that appear to be newly staged.",

   // Prevent blocking of TFile::Open, if the file disappeared in the last nanoseconds
   Bool_t oldStatus = TFile::GetOnlyStaged();

   Int_t count = 0;
   TIter iter3(&newStagedFiles);
   while ((fileInfo = dynamic_cast<TFileInfo*> (iter3.Next()))) {

      if (notify && count++ % 100 == 0)
         Info("ScanDataSet", "processing %d.'new' file: %s",
                             count, fileInfo->GetCurrentUrl()->GetUrl());

      TUrl *url = fileInfo->GetCurrentUrl();

      TFile *file = 0;

      // To determine the size we have to open the file without the anchor
      // (otherwise we get the size of the contained file - in case of a zip archive)
      // We open in raw mode which makes sure that the opening succeeds, even if
      // the file is corrupted
      TUrl urlNoAnchor(*url);
      if (!(file = TFile::Open(urlNoAnchor.GetUrl())))

      // OK, set the relevant flags
      changed = kTRUE;

      // Add url of the disk server in front of the list
      TUrl urlDiskServer(*url);
      fileInfo->AddUrl(urlDiskServer.GetUrl(), kTRUE);
      if (notify)
        Info("ScanDataSet", "added URL %s", urlDiskServer.GetUrl());

      if (file->GetSize() > 0)
      delete file;

      if (!(file = TFile::Open(url->GetUrl()))) {
         // If the file could be opened before, but fails now it is corrupt...
         if (notify)
            Info("ScanDataSet", "marking %s as corrupt", url->GetUrl());

      // disable warnings when reading a tree without loading the corresponding library
      Int_t oldLevel = gErrorIgnoreLevel;
      gErrorIgnoreLevel = kError+1;

      // loop over all entries and create/update corresponding metadata
      // this code only used the objects in the basedir, should be extended to cover directories also
      // It only processes TTrees
      if (file->GetListOfKeys()) {
         TIter keyIter(file->GetListOfKeys());
         TKey *key = 0;
         while ((key = dynamic_cast<TKey*> (keyIter.Next()))) {
            if (strcmp(key->GetClassName(), "TTree"))

            TString keyStr;
            keyStr.Form("/%s", key->GetName());

            TFileInfoMeta *metaData = fileInfo->GetMetaData(keyStr);
            if (!metaData) {
               // create it
               metaData = new TFileInfoMeta(keyStr, key->GetClassName());

               if (notify)
                  Info("ScanDataSet", "created meta data for tree %s", keyStr.Data());

            // fill values
            // TODO if we cannot read the tree, is the file corrupted also?
            TTree *tree = dynamic_cast<TTree*> (file->Get(key->GetName()));
            if (tree) {
               if (tree->GetEntries() > 0)
               if (tree->GetTotBytes() > 0)
               if (tree->GetZipBytes() > 0)

      // set back old warning level
      gErrorIgnoreLevel = oldLevel;

      delete file;




   Int_t result = (changed) ? 2 : 1;
   if (result > 0 && notify)
      Info("ScanDataSet", "%d files 'new'; %d files touched; %d files disappeared",
                          GetNOpenedFiles(), GetNTouchedFiles(), GetNDisapparedFiles());

   return result;

TMap *TProofDataSetManagerFile::GetDataSets(const char *uri, UInt_t option)
   // Returns all datasets for the <group> and <user> specified by <uri>.
   // If <user> is 0, it returns all datasets for the given <group>.
   // If <group> is 0, it returns all datasets.
   // The returned TMap contains:
   //    <group> --> <map of users> --> <map of datasets> --> <dataset> (TFileCollection)
   // The unsigned int 'option' is forwarded to GetDataSet and BrowseDataSet.
   // Available options (to be .or.ed):
   //    kShowDefault    a default selection is shown that include the ones from
   //                    the current user, the ones from the group and the common ones
   //    kPrint          print the dataset content
   //    kQuotaUpdate    update quotas
   //    kExport         use export naming
   // NB1: options "kPrint", "kQuoatUpdate" and "kExport" are mutually exclusive
   // NB2: for options "kPrint" and "kQuoatUpdate" return is null.

   TString dsUser, dsGroup;

   if (((option & kPrint) || (option & kExport)) && strlen(uri) <= 0)
      option |= kShowDefault;

   if (ParseUri(uri, &dsGroup, &dsUser, 0, 0, kFALSE, kTRUE))
      return GetDataSets(dsGroup, dsUser, option);
   return (TMap *)0;

TFileCollection *TProofDataSetManagerFile::GetDataSet(const char *uri)
   // Utility function used in various methods for user dataset upload.

   TString dsUser, dsGroup, dsName;
   if (ParseUri(uri, &dsGroup, &dsUser, &dsName))
      return GetDataSet(dsGroup, dsUser, dsName);
   return (TFileCollection *)0;

Bool_t TProofDataSetManagerFile::RemoveDataSet(const char *uri)
   // Removes the indicated dataset

   TString dsName;

   if (TestBit(TProofDataSetManager::kAllowRegister)) {
      if (ParseUri(uri, 0, 0, &dsName, 0, kTRUE)) {
         Bool_t rc = RemoveDataSet(fGroup, fUser, dsName);
         if (rc) return kTRUE;
         Error("RemoveDataSet", "error removing dataset %s", dsName.Data());
   return kFALSE;

Bool_t TProofDataSetManagerFile::ExistsDataSet(const char *uri)
   // Checks if the indicated dataset exits

   TString dsUser, dsGroup, dsName;

   if (ParseUri(uri, &dsGroup, &dsUser, &dsName))
      return ExistsDataSet(dsGroup, dsUser, dsName);
   return kFALSE;

void TProofDataSetManagerFile::UpdateUsedSpace()
   // updates the used space maps

   // Clear used space entries

   // Scan the existing datasets
   GetDataSets(0, 0, (UInt_t)kQuotaUpdate);

Last change: Wed Oct 22 12:04:02 2008
Last generated: 2008-10-22 12:04

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