testUnfold1.C: Test program for the class TUnfold | Math tutorials | testrandom.C: Performance test of all the ROOT random generator (TRandom, TRandom1, TRandom2 and TRandom3) |
// Test program for the class MyUnfold, derived from TUnfold // Author: Stefan Schmitt // DESY, 14.10.2008 // Version 6a, fix problem with dynamic array allocation under windows // // History: // Version 6, re-include class MyUnfold in the example // Version 5, move class MyUnfold to seperate files // Version 4, with bug-fix in TUnfold.C // Version 3, with bug-fix in TUnfold.C // Version 2, with changed ScanLcurve() arguments // Version 1, remove L curve analysis, use ScanLcurve() method instead // Version 0, L curve analysis included here #include <TMath.h> #include <TCanvas.h> #include <TRandom3.h> #include <TFitter.h> #include <TF1.h> #include <TStyle.h> #include <TVector.h> #include <TGraph.h> #include "TUnfold.h" using namespace std; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Test program for the class MyUnfold, derived from TUnfold // // (1) Generate Monte Carlo and Data events // The events consist of // signal // background // // The signal is a resonance. It is generated with a Breit-Wigner, // smeared by a Gaussian // // (2) Unfold the data. The result is: // The background level // The shape of the resonance, corrected for detector effects // // The regularisation is done on the curvature, excluding the bins // near the peak. // // (3) fit the unfolded distribution, including the correlation matrix // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Example of a class derived from TUnfold // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MyUnfold : public TUnfold { public: MyUnfold(TH2 const *hist_A, EHistMap histmap, ERegMode regmode = kRegModeSize); // constructor, in parallel to original constructor virtual Double_t DoUnfold(Double_t const &tau); // derived method, to store the result of the unfolding for a given parameter tau using TUnfold::DoUnfold; // otherwise TUnfold methods will be hidden void TauAnalysis(void); // method for the alternative analysis void ResetUser(Int_t const *binMap); // reset alternative analysis inline Double_t GetTauUser(void) const { return fTauBest; } // query result of alternative analysis protected: Int_t const *fBinMap; // bin mapping to extract the global correlation Double_t fTauBest; // tau with the smallest correlation Double_t fRhoMin; // smallest correlation ClassDef(MyUnfold,0); }; //ClassImp(MyUnfold) MyUnfold::MyUnfold(TH2 const *hist_A, EHistMap histmap,ERegMode regmode) : TUnfold(hist_A,histmap,regmode) { // The arguments are passed to the parent class constructor // Then the local variables are initialized // reset members of this class ResetUser(0); }; Double_t MyUnfold::DoUnfold(Double_t const &tau) { // The argument is passed to the corresponding method of the parent class // Then the new analysis code is called // this calls the original unfolding Double_t r=TUnfold::DoUnfold(tau); // here do our private analysis to find the best choice of tau TauAnalysis(); return r; }; void MyUnfold::ResetUser(Int_t const *binMap) { // Reset the local variables // Arguments: // binMap: the bin mapping for determining the correlation // See documentation of TUnfold: Bin averaging of the output fBinMap=binMap; fTauBest=0; fRhoMin=1.0; } void MyUnfold::TauAnalysis(void) { // User analysis: extract tau with smallest correlation // This is a very simple analysis: the tau value with the smallest // globla correlation is stored if(GetRhoAvg()<fRhoMin) { fRhoMin=GetRhoAvg(); fTauBest=fTau; } } TRandom *rnd=0; TH2D *gHistInvEMatrix; TVirtualFitter *gFitter=0; void chisquare_corr(Int_t &npar, Double_t * /*gin */, Double_t &f, Double_t *u, Int_t /* flag */) { // Minimization function for H1s using a Chisquare method // only one-dim ensional histograms are supported // Corelated errors are taken from an external inverse covariance matrix // stored in a 2-dimensional histogram Double_t x; TH1 *hfit = (TH1*)gFitter->GetObjectFit(); TF1 *f1 = (TF1*)gFitter->GetUserFunc(); f1->InitArgs(&x,u); npar = f1->GetNpar(); f = 0; Int_t npfit = 0; Int_t nPoints=hfit->GetNbinsX(); Double_t *df=new Double_t[nPoints]; for (Int_t i=0;i<nPoints;i++) { x = hfit->GetBinCenter(i+1); TF1::RejectPoint(kFALSE); df[i] = f1->EvalPar(&x,u)-hfit->GetBinContent(i+1); if (TF1::RejectedPoint()) df[i]=0.0; else npfit++; } for (Int_t i=0;i<nPoints;i++) { for (Int_t j=0;j<nPoints;j++) { f += df[i]*df[j]*gHistInvEMatrix->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1); } } delete[] df; f1->SetNumberFitPoints(npfit); } Double_t bw_func(Double_t *x,Double_t *par) { Double_t dm=x[0]-par[1]; return par[0]/(dm*dm+par[2]*par[2]); } // generate an event // output: // negative mass: background event // positive mass: signal event Double_t GenerateEvent(Double_t const &bgr, // relative fraction of background Double_t const &mass, // peak position Double_t const &gamma) // peak width { Double_t t; if(rnd->Rndm()>bgr) { // generate signal event // with positive mass do { do { t=rnd->Rndm(); } while(t>=1.0); t=TMath::Tan((t-0.5)*TMath::Pi())*gamma+mass; } while(t<=0.0); return t; } else { // generate background event // generate events following a power-law distribution // f(E) = K * TMath::power((E0+E),N0) static Double_t const E0=2.4; static Double_t const N0=2.9; do { do { t=rnd->Rndm(); } while(t>=1.0); // the mass is returned negative // In our example a convenient way to indicate it is a background event. t= -(TMath::Power(1.-t,1./(1.-N0))-1.0)*E0; } while(t>=0.0); return t; } } // smear the event to detector level // input: // mass on generator level (mTrue>0 !) // output: // mass on detector level Double_t DetectorEvent(Double_t const &mTrue) { // smear by double-gaussian static Double_t frac=0.1; static Double_t wideBias=0.03; static Double_t wideSigma=0.5; static Double_t smallBias=0.0; static Double_t smallSigma=0.1; if(rnd->Rndm()>frac) { return rnd->Gaus(mTrue+smallBias,smallSigma); } else { return rnd->Gaus(mTrue+wideBias,wideSigma); } } //int main(int argc, char *argv[]) int testUnfold2() { // switch on histogram errors TH1::SetDefaultSumw2(); // show fit result gStyle->SetOptFit(1111); // random generator rnd=new TRandom3(); // data and MC luminosity, cross-section Double_t const luminosityData=10000; Double_t const luminosityMC=1000000; Double_t const crossSection=1.0; Int_t const nDet=250; Int_t const nGen=100; Double_t const xminDet=0.0; Double_t const xmaxDet=10.0; Double_t const xminGen=0.0; Double_t const xmaxGen=10.0; //============================================ // generate MC distribution // TH1D *histMgenMC=new TH1D("MgenMC",";mass(gen)",nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen); TH1D *histMdetMC=new TH1D("MdetMC",";mass(det)",nDet,xminDet,xmaxDet); TH2D *histMdetGenMC=new TH2D("MdetgenMC",";mass(det);mass(gen)",nDet,xminDet,xmaxDet, nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen); Int_t neventMC=rnd->Poisson(luminosityMC*crossSection); for(Int_t i=0;i<neventMC;i++) { Double_t mGen=GenerateEvent(0.3, // relative fraction of background 4.0, // peak position in MC 0.2); // peak width in MC Double_t mDet=DetectorEvent(TMath::Abs(mGen)); // the generated mass is negative for background // and positive for signal // so it will be filled in the underflow bin // this is very convenient for the unfolding: // the unfolded result will contain the number of background // events in the underflow bin // generated MC distribution (for comparison only) histMgenMC->Fill(mGen,luminosityData/luminosityMC); // reconstructed MC distribution (for comparison only) histMdetMC->Fill(mDet,luminosityData/luminosityMC); // matrix describing how the generator input migrates to the // reconstructed level. Unfolding input. // NOTE on underflow/overflow bins: // (1) the detector level under/overflow bins are used for // normalisation ("efficiency" correction) // in our toy example, these bins are populated from tails // of the initial MC distribution. // (2) the generator level underflow/overflow bins are // unfolded. In this example: // underflow bin: background events reconstructed in the detector // overflow bin: signal events generated at masses > xmaxDet // for the unfolded result these bins will be filled // -> the background normalisation will be contained in the underflow bin histMdetGenMC->Fill(mDet,mGen,luminosityData/luminosityMC); } //============================================ // generate data distribution // TH1D *histMgenData=new TH1D("MgenData",";mass(gen)",nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen); TH1D *histMdetData=new TH1D("MdetData",";mass(det)",nDet,xminDet,xmaxDet); Int_t neventData=rnd->Poisson(luminosityData*crossSection); for(Int_t i=0;i<neventData;i++) { Double_t mGen=GenerateEvent(0.4, // relative fraction of background 3.8, // peak position 0.15); // peak width Double_t mDet=DetectorEvent(TMath::Abs(mGen)); // generated data mass for comparison plots // for real data, we do not have this histogram histMgenData->Fill(mGen); // reconstructed mass, unfolding input histMdetData->Fill(mDet); } //========================================================================= // set up the unfolding MyUnfold unfold(histMdetGenMC,TUnfold::kHistMapOutputVert, TUnfold::kRegModeNone); // regularisation //---------------- // exclude the bins near the peak, because the curvature at the peak // is high (and the regularisation will enforce a small curvature everywhere) // // in real life, these parameters will have to be optimized, depending on // the data peak position Double_t estimatedPeakPosition=3.8; Int_t nPeek=3; TUnfold::ERegMode regMode=TUnfold::kRegModeCurvature; Int_t iPeek=(Int_t)(nGen*(estimatedPeakPosition-xminGen)/(xmaxGen-xminGen) // offset 1.5 // accounts for start bin 1 // and rounding errors +0.5 +1.5); // regularize output bins 1..iPeek-nPeek unfold.RegularizeBins(1,1,iPeek-nPeek,regMode); // regularize output bins iPeek+nPeek..nGen unfold.RegularizeBins(iPeek+nPeek,1,nGen-(iPeek+nPeek),regMode); // set up bin map, excluding underflow and overflow bins Int_t *binMap=new Int_t[nGen+2]; for(Int_t i=1;i<=nGen;i++) binMap[i]=i; binMap[0]=-1; binMap[nGen+1]=-1; // unfolding //----------- // set input distribution and bias scale (=0) unfold.SetInput(histMdetData,0.0); // reset user scan and define bin map unfold.ResetUser(binMap); Int_t nScan=30; Double_t tauMin=1.E-8; Double_t tauMax=10.; Int_t iBest; TSpline *logTauX,*logTauY; TGraph *lCurve; // this method scans the parameter tau and finds the kink in the L curve // finally, the unfolding is done for the best choice of tau iBest=unfold.ScanLcurve(nScan,tauMin,tauMax,&lCurve,&logTauX,&logTauY); std::cout<<"tau="<<unfold.GetTau()<<"\n"; Double_t t[1],x[1],y[1]; logTauX->GetKnot(iBest,t[0],x[0]); logTauY->GetKnot(iBest,t[0],y[0]); TGraph *bestLcurve=new TGraph(1,x,y); TGraph *bestLogTauX=new TGraph(1,t,x); // save point with smallest correlation as a graph Double_t logTau=TMath::Log10(unfold.GetTauUser()); x[0]=logTauX->Eval(logTau); y[0]=lCurve->Eval(x[0]); TGraph *lCurveUser=new TGraph(1,x,y); TGraph *logTauXuser=new TGraph(1,&logTau,x); TH1D *histMunfold=new TH1D("Unfolded",";mass(gen)",nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen); unfold.GetOutput(histMunfold,binMap); TH1D *histMdetFold=unfold.GetFoldedOutput("FoldedBack","mass(det)", xminDet,xmaxDet); TH2D *histRhoij=new TH2D("rho_ij",";mass(gen);mass(gen)", nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen,nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen); unfold.GetRhoIJ(histRhoij,binMap); // store global correlation coefficients with underflow/overflow bins removed TH1D *histRhoi=new TH1D("rho_I","mass",nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen); // store inverse of error matrix with underflow/overflow bins removed // this is needed for the fit below gHistInvEMatrix=new TH2D("invEmat",";mass(gen);mass(gen)", nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen,nGen,xminGen,xmaxGen); unfold.GetRhoI(histRhoi,gHistInvEMatrix,binMap); delete[] binMap; binMap=0; //====================================================================== // fit Breit-Wigner shape to unfolded data, using the full error matrix // here we use a "user" chi**2 function to take into account // the full covariance matrix gFitter=TVirtualFitter::Fitter(histMunfold); gFitter->SetFCN(chisquare_corr); TF1 *bw=new TF1("bw",bw_func,xminGen,xmaxGen,3); bw->SetParameter(0,1000.); bw->SetParameter(1,3.8); bw->SetParameter(2,0.2); // for (wrong!) fitting without correlations, drop the option "U" histMunfold->Fit(bw,"UE"); //===================================================================== // plot some histograms TCanvas output; // produce some plots output.Divide(3,2); // Show the matrix which connects input and output // There are overflow bins at the bottom, not shown in the plot // These contain the background shape. // The overflow bins to the left and right contain // events which are not reconstructed. These are necessary for proper MC // normalisation output.cd(1); histMdetGenMC->Draw("BOX"); // draw generator-level distribution: // data (red) [for real data this is not available] // MC input (black) [with completely wrong peak position and shape] // unfolded data (blue) output.cd(2); histMunfold->SetLineColor(kBlue); histMunfold->Draw(); histMgenData->SetLineColor(kRed); histMgenData->Draw("SAME"); histMgenMC->Draw("SAME HIST"); // show detector level distributions // data (red) // MC (black) // unfolded data (blue) output.cd(3); histMdetFold->SetLineColor(kBlue); histMdetFold->Draw(); histMdetData->SetLineColor(kRed); histMdetData->Draw("SAME"); histMdetMC->Draw("SAME HIST"); // show correlation coefficients // all bins outside the peak are found to be highly correlated // But they are compatible with zero anyway // If the peak shape is fitted, // these correlations have to be taken into account, see example output.cd(4); histRhoi->Draw("BOX"); // show rhoi_max(tau) distribution output.cd(5); logTauX->Draw(); bestLogTauX->SetMarkerColor(kRed); bestLogTauX->Draw("*"); logTauXuser->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); logTauXuser->Draw("*"); output.cd(6); lCurve->Draw("AL"); bestLcurve->SetMarkerColor(kRed); lCurveUser->SetMarkerColor(kBlue); bestLcurve->Draw("*"); lCurveUser->Draw("*"); output.SaveAs("c1.ps"); return 0; } |