Category: allocators |
Component type: function |
Destroy is an overloaded name; there are actually two destroy
template <class T> void destroy(T* pointer);
template <class ForwardIterator>
void destroy(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last);
In C++, the operator delete destroys an object by calling its
destructor, and then deallocates the memory where that object was
stored. Occasionally, however, it is useful to separate those two
operations. [1] Destroy calls an object's destructor without
deallocating the memory where the object was stored.
The first version of destroy
destroys the object pointed to by pointer by calling the
destructor T::~T(). The memory pointed to by pointer is not
deallocated, and can be reused for some other object.
The second version of destroy
destroys all of the objects in the range of elements [first, last).
It is equivalent to calling destroy(&*i) for each iterator i
in the range [first, last).
Defined in the standard header memory, and in the nonstandard
backward-compatibility header algo.h. The destroy algorithms
are no longer part of the C++ standard; they were present in early drafts,
and they are retained in this implementation for backward compatibility.
Requirements on types
For the first version of destroy:
T's destructor, ~T, is accessible.
For the second version of destroy:
ForwardIterator is a model of Forward Iterator.
ForwardIterator is mutable.
ForwardIterator's value type has an accessible destructor.
For the first version of destroy:
pointer points to a valid object of type T.
For the second version of destroy:
[first, last) is a valid range.
Each iterator i in [first, last) points to a valid object.
The run-time complexity of the second version is linear: it calls
the destructor exactly last - first times.
class Int {
Int(int x) : val(x) {}
int get() { return val; }
int val;
int main()
Int A[] = { Int(1), Int(2), Int(3), Int(4) };
destroy(A, A + 4);
construct(A, Int(10));
construct(A + 1, Int(11));
construct(A + 2, Int(12));
construct(A + 3, Int(13));
In particular, destroy, along with other low-level memory
allocation primitives, is used to implement container classes.
See also
Allocators, construct, uninitialized_copy,
uninitialized_fill, uninitialized_fill_n,
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