Describes photon. Consists of method for photon propagation, reflection, refraction. Rayleigh scattering.
ArichPhoton ()
| ArichPhoton |
The constructor.
~ArichPhoton ()
| ~ArichPhoton |
The destructor.
HepInt CherenkovPhotonEmission (Hep3Vector r,Hep3Vector dir,HepDouble beta)
| CherenkovPhotonEmission |
HepInt CalculatePhoton (HepDouble thc,HepDouble fic,Hep3Vector r,Hep3Vector dir, Hep3Vector &dirf,Hep3Vector &polf)
| CalculatePhoton |
HepDouble Track ()
| Track |
Hep3Vector R ()
| R |
Hep3Vector Dir ()
| Dir |
Hep3Vector Polarization ()
| Polarization |
HepDouble Energy ()
| Energy |
void SetR (Hep3Vector x)
| SetR |
void SetDirection (Hep3Vector x)
| SetDirection |
void SetPolarization (Hep3Vector x)
| SetPolarization |
void SetEnergy (HepDouble x)
| SetEnergy |
void DoPropagate (HepDouble x,HepInt kaj)
| DoPropagate |
Hep3Vector fDirection | fDirection |
Hep3Vector fPosition | fPosition |
Hep3Vector fPolarization | fPolarization |
HepDouble fEnergy | fEnergy |
HepInt fTracked | fTracked |
HepDouble sigma | sigma |
HepDouble weight | weight |
HepDouble fFic | fFic |
HepDouble fThc | fThc |
HepDouble fPath | fPath |
HepInt fProc | fProc |
friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, ArichPhoton& d)
| operator<< |
inline Hep3Vector R ()
| R |
inline Hep3Vector Dir ()
| Dir |
inline Hep3Vector Polarization ()
| Polarization |
inline HepDouble Energy ()
| Energy |
inline void SetR (Hep3Vector x)
| SetR |
inline void SetDirection (Hep3Vector x)
| SetDirection |
inline void SetPolarization (Hep3Vector x)
| SetPolarization |
inline void SetEnergy (HepDouble x)
| SetEnergy |
Generated by: rok on f9pc43.ijs.si on Wed Jun 18 12:02:34 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54. |