1. Processing Am data for GP7

    Processing Am data

    This is an updated version of this and this targeted towards Am data and their graphical display.

    Bash processing

    Start with preparing a calib file for pedestal-on-the-fly calculation:

        X /afs/f9.ijs.si/data/lab/studen/data/20150320/si

    And …

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  2. Processing calib data for GP7 (update)

    This is a slightly more automated version of this.

    Calibration run

    Script in


    generates the required calib files for pedestal processing. The above script takes two arguments: location of the pedestal data files and the config file. The default location is ./ and a …

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  3. Processing calib data for GP7

    Calibration run

    Prepare a suitable config.in file; look in


    for a sample.



    vmedaq pedestalDown.xml

    Prepare a pedestalConfig.in file; look in


    for a sample. Make sure …

    read more

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