Other articles

  1. SQL

    Useful sql commands

    Start a new database instance:

    pg_ctl init -d TEST 
    pg_ctl -D TEST -o "-p 5433" start

    Connect to the new database instance

    psql -p 5433

    Check username and current database:

    select current_user;
    select current_database();

    Create and connect to a database:

    create database test;
    \c test;

    Create the …

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  2. Slicer/Labkey integration


    Slicer can be downloaded from the official site. The following was done using the stable release, that uses Python 2.7.X

    Labkey extension

    Labkey extension is available on gitlab. For using git, see tutorial at medfiz Owncloud site. I assume you downloaded labkeySlicerPythonAPI somewhere on your computer using …

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