Processing calib data for GP7 (update)

This is a slightly more automated version of this.

Calibration run

Script in


generates the required calib files for pedestal processing. The above script takes two arguments: location of the pedestal data files and the config file. The default location is ./ and a default configuration file is stored in configFiles of the ~/software/build/observer directory.

The next step is to process pedestal for all/some of the files generated by

Calibration : Analog output

Then we can generate configuration files for actual calibration runs. Script is:


which generates a configuration file for every recorded scurve data file. Then you have to run created config files

cd ~/software/build/observer
./bin/execute configFile

Calibration : S-curves

We generate configuration files for discriminator tests:


which generates an scurve configuration file for every recorded scurve data file. Then you have to run created config files

cd ~/software/build/observer
./bin/execute configFile

ROOT part : configuration

For processing in root both pedestals and data have to be merged. This is performed via

~/software/build/observer_tools/parse_si/scripts/ path nthr thrMin thrMax

where path is the data directory and nthr, thrMin and thrMax give scurve settings. This generated a calib_ID.config file for every possible combination of pedestal down, pedestal up and calibration data file.

ROOT processing

root[] .L processCalib.C+
root[] dataQACalib dq;
root[] dq.init(calib_ID.config);
root[] dataQA da
root[] processVACalib(dq,&da);

