Processing calib data for GP7

Calibration run

Prepare a suitable file; look in


for a sample.



vmedaq pedestalDown.xml

Prepare a file; look in


for a sample. Make sure all paths in are correct

Run observer:

/bin/execute /path/to/pedestal/Config/


The same; is called


This is in file scripts_processTwoChannelDataToRatio.C which requires processTwoChannelDataToRatio.config file. There is a copy in


and pedestalUp and pedestalDown should point to existing files.

Load the root script;

dataCont dc;
make_pedestal_file(dc, file_down, file_up);

where file_down and file_up is something sensible.

Update config file with pedestal file

In, there are tags for pedestal file where file_down and file_up can be inserted.

Process real calibration run

The config file for observer run is Updating it should be clear.

ROOT part

The config file is processCalib.config and processCalib.C+ should be loaded. Then:

root[] dataQACalib dq
root[] dq.init("/path/to/processCalib.config")
root[] dataQA dd;
root[] processCalibVA(dq,&dd);

Some nice plots are

dd.hSignalVA[0] \\down 
dd.hSignalVA[1] \\up
dd.hNoiseVA[0]  \\variation of the injection, down
dd.hNoiseVA[1]  \\variation of the injection,up
dd.hBaseNoiseVA[0] \\variation of the baseline, down
dd.hBaseNoiseVA[1]  \\variation of the baseline, up

Am run analysis

Assume use of pedestals from previous run; if not, repeat steps above to obtain new valid pedestals.

Am observer part

Configuration in a; check


I reused from 20150305 calibration run! In 20150305 are also the then recorded calibration files.

One should make the out directory;

mkdir /path/to/data/out;


mkdir /afs/

Default is not to use pedestals; that is specified in, doPedestal=0.

Am analysis part (for non-pedestal processed files)

Use dataCont infrastructure to match pedestals from 20150305 run and processed data from 20150309. So, use processTwoChannelDataToRatio.config where pedestal files (H2 dumps) from 20150305 are used together with just processed 20150309 data.

Then load

root [] .L scripts_processTwoChannelDataToRatio.C+
root [] dataCont dc
root [] dc.init("/path/to/processTwoChannelDataToRatio.config")
root [] set_pedestal(dc,1)
root [] TH2D hdw,hup;
root [] processSettings ps
root [] processAm(dc,hdw,hup,ps)

and hdw (down) and hup (up) hold processed and pedestal subtracted data.

Am alginment

For data alignment, use processGainAm (loaded by default). We'll need:

root[] processData pd;

Insert our processed data;

root[] hdw.Copy(pd.aH)

and calculate gain

root[] processGainAm(pd,ps);

(in ps, you can adjust ranges of fits, fitting parameters, etc.)

Extracting aligned Am histogram

To use alignments; rerun processAm from scripts_processTwoChannelDataToRatio.C

root [] ps.maxE=120;
root [] ps.nBinsE=240;
root [] processAm(dc,hdw,hup,ps,&pd,1) //for up 
root [] processAm(dc,hdw,hup,ps,&pd,0) //for down

For 1D spectra; do

root [] hdw.ProjectionY("py",2,512)->Draw();

Am analysis with on-the-fly pedestals

One option is to let the routine calculate pedestal from adjacent channels. In 20150309/si there is a which points to in 20150309/si which is tuned for pedestal calculation. Note that eADCPed output field was added.

To add a default do

    X /afs/

where X is the target run. Then process the data


Am analysis (for pedestal processed files)


root[] processSettings ps;
root[] processData pd;

Adjust treeMode. For data processed to indivudal ADCs, treeMode=0. If combined setting is used, ie. if is used in place of in, then the variable treeMode should be set to 1.

root[] ps.treeMode=1;

The processing is done via a single shot:

root[] processRun_tb(

The final aligned histogram is obtained by:

root[] pd.hS.ProjectionY("py",1,128)->Draw();

and standard tools (like Fit Panel) can be used to extract resolution.

Am spectrum

