Labkey Linux/Mac Install

Installation on Linux and Mac

Only manual install is available, sorted by components.


Download sources and unpackage them to /usr/share. This should create /usr/share/pgsql directory which we will rename to postgres:

$>sudo mv /usr/share/pgsql /usr/share/postgres

Now, create a user postgres with home set to directory just renamed:

$> sudo groupadd postgres
$> sudo useradd postgres -g postgres -d /usr/share/postgres
$> sudo passwd -l postgres

The second command 'locks' the account so it can only be accessed via sudo su postgres. Now, make postgres owner of the software:

$> sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /usr/share/postgres

Now we can become postgres to do more things.

$> sudo su postgres
$> cd

Create the database:

$> bin/initdb -D data

Database startup will be a common task, so a script was prepared to simplify the task. Copy it to the bin directory. Then we start the database:

$> cd bin
$> wget 
$> cd ..
$> chmod u+x bin/
$> mkdir log
$> bin/

The same should be done for the shutdown script.

$> cd bin
$> wget 
$> chmod u+x
$> cd ..


Although the system installation of Java RE could be used, we will provide an official one anyway. Get the binaries and unpack them at an arbitrary location (/usr/share/java or ~/java/ are OK). No further steps are needed. For a more recent version of the Java server RE go to the official page.


Similarly to postgres, Tomcat sources should be unpacked to /usr/share. Normally, directory apache-tomcat-N.X.Y is created where N.X.Y is the tomcat version. Move that directory to tomcatN where N is the version number and create a user at home at that directory. I'll use N=8, but change if other version is used. Make the account locked:

$>sudo mv /usr/share/tomcat-N.X.Y /usr/share/tomcat8
$> sudo groupadd tomcat8
$> sudo useradd tomcat8 -g tomcat8 -d /usr/share/tomcat8
$> sudo passwd -l tomcat8
$> sudo chown -R tomcat8:tomcat8 /usr/share/tomcat8
$> sudo su tomcat8
$> cd

Configure Tomcat to use your recently installed java by editing (and creating if not available) file bin/ and placing:

export JAvA_HOME=[path/to/installed/java/jdk/directory]
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/share/postgres/bin
export CATALINA_OPTS="-Duser.language.en -Duser.region=US"

into the file

Start tomcatN to check if things are running by:

$> bin/

and opening your favorite browser to http://localhost:8080. A page about Tomcat software should open. Since we have to add Labkey, stop the tomcat server by doing

$> bin/


Prepare environment:

sudo mkdir /usr/share/labkeyFiles
sudo chown tomcat8:tomcat8 /usr/share/labkeyFiles

Unpack Labkey to an arbitrary location. Copy installation script to $HOME/scripts and make it executable:

chmod u+x $HOME/scripts/

Edit the environmental variables in the script:

SRC_VER=X.Y # set to the one in the file name, typically LabkeyX.Y-
TOMCAT_DIR=/usr/share/tomcat8 #should be OK
LABKEY_BASE=/usr/share #OK

Run the script.

The only missing piece is the configuration file. Use configuration file and copy it to /usr/share/tomcat8/conf/Catalina/localhost/labkey.xml. More data on configuration can be found here

Then you should start the tomcat server again, and on http://localhost:8080/labkey a Labkey instance should appear.

Initial settings

At the first log-in the Labkey will ask you to create the administrator user by providing your email address and a password. After that you are the administrator of your labkey copy.

On Settings -> Site -> Admin Console under Admin Console Links/Configuration/File check location of your data files. It is probably something like /usr/share/labkey/files or something similar.

