Running slicer scripts on server

Running slicer scripts on headless server

You'll need:

Access to the server

Ask to setup access. You'll get a username and a password, which should be distinct from your key password and labkey access password. You log in to your account using ssh:


Merlin is a headless server meaning that X11 based graphical interfaces are not available. All management is done through terminal based instructions. Get acquianted with BASH to help you along. As an editor I find VI/VIM priceless, but it does take a while to get used to it. To edit a file, start VIM with:

vi file


Download software from git. To simplfy path setting, partially done in code, you should place your code in ~/software/src directory, and rename data-pre-processing to DORA:

mkdir -p software/src
cd software/src
git clone
git clone
mv data-pre-processing DORA

Access to LabKey

Since you'll perform silent login to the LabKey site, your credentials must be available to the code. Do that by placing a setup file in your ~/.labkey directory (creating it if neccesary) and adjusting the variables. The file will contain your personal data (passwords for certificate and LabKey), so protect it by allowing read-only user access once finished:

chmod a-w ~/.labkey/networkConfig.json
chmod a-r ~/.labkey/networkConfig.json
chmod u+r ~/.labkey/networkConfig.json
cd ~/.labkey
ln -s networkConfig.json Remote.json

You'll also need a separate key/certificate file. To get those from p12, do:

openssl pkcs12 -in astuden.p12 -nocerts -out astuden.key
openssl pkcs12 -in astuden.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out astuden.crt

You should also download the CA certificate.

Setup and test the software

You should set the settings in ~/software/src/SlicerLabkeyExtension/slicerScripts/ There is a template. Since you'll be running identical binary, the only change is to set DISPLAYID, which should be unique by user. Consult to get a good number. To set the number:

cd ~/software/src/SlicerLabkeyExtension/slicerScripts
#edit DISPLAYID to the selected value

The standard way to run a script is:

~/software/src/SlicerLabkeyExtension/slicerScripts/ ~/software/src/DORA/slicerScripts/

The command exits, as Slicer runs in background xpra virtual server, mimicking graphic functionality. The output of the code is logged to ~/logs/runSlicer.log, so direct output can be tracked by:

tail -f ~/logs/runSlicer.log

Once you see a Done output, the script is done.

Running analysis scripts

The standard way to run a script is:

~/software/src/SlicerLabkeyExtension/slicerScripts/ ~/software/src/DORA/slicerScripts/
tail -f ~/logs/runSlicer.log

Matlab script

By default, a matlab script runLibra.m is run. Variables LIBRA, INPUTFILE and OUTDIR are set by commands prior to runLibra execution start. If you need to run other command, you can update runLibra.m script in ~/software/src/DORA/matlab directory.

