Compton Camera with Position Sensitive Silicon Detectors (J1-3327)
Duration: 1.7.2001 - 30.06.2004
Project type: ARRS research project
The project is devoted to basic research into application of position sensitive silicon detectors as first detectors of a Compton camera, a novel device to be used for imaging in SPECT or PET. This approach should offer improved sensitivity as compared to standard techniquies as Anger cameras or scintillator based PET apparata. Modest resolution 1.4x1.4 mm2 pad detectors are proposed as SPECT detectors. Smaller pad sizes of 0.4x0.4 mm2 or alternatively a double sided strip detector are considered to achieve spatial resolution in PET imaging three times better than current state of the art. The required substrate thickness of up to 1.5 mm, the ultra-low noise levels demanded and severe timing constraints, together with set-up optimization and prototype construction call for an extenstion of knowledge in operation of slilicon detectors.