Tracking system for particles in test beam setups (J1-0433)
Duration: 1.2.2008 - 30.01.2011
Project type: ARRS research project
We are proposing to develop a tracking system for reconstruction of charged particle tracks in test beam environment. Such a tracking system is essential for evaluation of novel detectors in environments as close as possible to the final experiment. To determine the detector response to particle crossing its active volume we need to know exact particle trajectory, which can be determined with a tracking system.
Tracking system will consist of modules of which each will consist of four detector planes of standard silicon micro-strip detectors, a standard in particle physics. The planes will be oriented perpendicular to each other so that they will measure horizontal and vertical coordinates. There will be one module on each side of a detector under test which will allow for reconstruction of four space points along the charged particle trajectory. We are aiming to the track resolution of about micrometer.