1. Statistical properties of MLEM

    What about counts

    How does non-uniformity, or plain image noise, or SNR relate to N, number of collected counts? It depends.

    For example, it is a well known fact that if one uses filtered back projection (FBP), the relation is approximately: $$SNR\propto\sqrt{N}$$ see Watson for example. However …

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  2. How to get SNR convergence plots

    SNR convergence

    Go to coinc/root_scripts directory. Most of the libraries are loaded by default once root is run.

    By hand, add:

    root [] .L estimatePSF.C+
    root [] .L scripts_buildTradeOffFromIterationData.C

    Then, load the data headers.

    root [] tagCollection tg
    root [] tg.parseFile("/data0/studen/data/imageRec/layout/setup2/tagMapSi.txt")

    I …

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  3. AUTOCONF explained


    Autoconf is a nice set of tools which should in principle help in compiling the software by finding appropriate libraries. In many years of usage of autoconf tools I can only say that I never quite saw its appeal. Not because of autotools itself, but because there is always …

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  4. Installing Amide

    Amide compilation

    Amide is a nice visualization tool, and also free. However, this means one has to put some effort in installing it. First, to get the source, you need to have Mercurial version control software installed, because amide is maintained using it. Then go to your software directory, and …

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  5. Processing Am data for GP7

    Processing Am data

    This is an updated version of this and this targeted towards Am data and their graphical display.

    Bash processing

    Start with preparing a calib file for pedestal-on-the-fly calculation:

        X /afs/f9.ijs.si/data/lab/studen/data/20150320/si

    And …

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  6. Processing calib data for GP7 (update)

    This is a slightly more automated version of this.

    Calibration run

    Script in


    generates the required calib files for pedestal processing. The above script takes two arguments: location of the pedestal data files and the config file. The default location is ./ and a …

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  7. Report on the 20150409 run

    ** Report on the 20150409 Am run **

    The run 20150409 was a long run, collecting 20M events over eight days of continuous running. I did an analysis on a file-by-file basis, each file roughly encompassing a single running day, collecting 2.5M events per file.

    I was mostly interested in how …

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  8. Processing calib data for GP7

    Calibration run

    Prepare a suitable config.in file; look in


    for a sample.



    vmedaq pedestalDown.xml

    Prepare a pedestalConfig.in file; look in


    for a sample. Make sure …

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