1. Process phantom

    How to process phantom data

    Make dir list:

    ls -d /data0/studen/data/Gate/umSetup/umSetup2_rod*_1 | 
    > /data0/studen/data/Gate/umSetup/umSetup2_1_phantom.dirlist

    Apply gate2um:

    cd ~/software/build/gate_tools/
    ./scripts/processList.sh /data0/studen/data/Gate/umSetup/umSetup2_1_phantom.dirlist |

    The last …

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  2. Sinogram parameters for a shifted ring

    How to estimate parameters of a sinogram for a shifted PET ring

    Unshifted PET

    Normally, sinogram parameters p and $\varphi$ in a normal ring with crystals spaced $\Delta\varphi$ appart depend solely on crystal indices $i$ and $j$. Assuming the crystals are labelled from 0 to N-1 circumferrentially, ignoring for …

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  3. Setup of UM simulation in Gate

    Gate probe details

    To get a consistent picture, it is best to allow singles to contain all hits down to level 4 (that is, crystal level). Then, adding a block size smoothing of 0.8375 matches the response of the measured BGO-BGO data to the response of the simulated data …

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  4. Cloning a GIT repository in Windows

    Cloning a GIT repository in Windows

    GIT is a linux native. Therefore, all basic commands are command prompt oriented. However, windows explorer bindings are available in windows, and cloning becomes a simple task.

    Installing GIT

    GIT must be installed. If not, go to:


    and download the latest version. Follow …

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  5. ACR Phantom Evaluation

    Evaluation of ACR phantom using UW code

    This brief experience description is intended to serve as an introduction to the code written by Tyler and colleagues at UW that evaluates scans of ACR phantom with intention to harmonize different scanners.

    Collecting data from the phantom

    This is described in the …

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  6. PETMR Issues

    PET MR compatibility references

    From 2014 PET/MR conference, a nice review of potential difficulties in PET/MR interference


    More precisely, the PET detectors ideally have to be unaffected by the strong static magnetic B0 and gradient fields as well as the electromagnetic (EM) radio-frequency (RF) field (B1) of …

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  7. Image harmonization

    The WHY

    Shankar, 2006

    The precise mechanism by which alterations in these cellular processes with cancer treatment lead to changes in 18F-FDG uptake is incompletely understood and may be different for different tumor types and different treatments.

    Visual assessment, the easiest method, is subjective and not suitable for clinical trials …

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  8. Rough PMT test

    Checking BGO blocks

    Connected 4 channels to LeCroy WaveRunner 6200 A, use LL as the trigger, sum of 4 channels. Histogram Level@X on the SUM(F3), store histograms. The following is the table of pairs of PMT blocks and associated spectra stored on the scope.

    PMT R01 F4spectrum00003.txt …

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  9. Installing VMEDAQ (Mint)

    Some notes on installing VMEDAQ.


    Didn't like to be installed anywhere but /usr area.


    A way to tell configure where to search for python is by using python-config.

    Check if python-config is around if not, install it as part of python-dev


    g_module_symbol is often missing in vmedaq …

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  10. PET probe manifesto

    PET probe manifesto

    List of hardware components required to assemble the PET probe setup as used at University of Michigan 2008-2013.


    • 2 Silicon 1 mm detectors and hybrids (NC)
    • 8-16 Flat 50 0.5 mm spaced cables (NC)
    • 4-8 Daughter cards B770H, schematic (NC)
    • 4-8 Enrico's VATAIB boards (NC …
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