1. Labkey upgrade


    A backup of all data (database + files) (~/scripts/backup.sh):

    tar cvzf /mnt/disk/merlin/data0.tgz /data0 [92G]

    A backup of software: tomcat8, labkey, apache:

    tar cvzf /mnt/disk/merlin/tomcat8.tgz /usr/share/tomcat8 [21M]
    tar cvzf /mnt/disk/merlin/tomcat8_catalina.tgz /var/lib/tomcat8 [7.5M …
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  2. How to look at execPSF image

    Look at an image produced by execPSF

    root [0] .x loadLibs_rodMeasurement.C
    root [1] va_data va;
    root [2] va.parse("/data0/studen/data/imageRec/studies/general/match_harmonized/Fischer_final.cfg")
    root [] TH2D h2;
    root [] getImage(h2,va,0);

    The long way

    root [6] va.img.set_value<int>("dirlistnData",100000,0)
    root …
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  3. Installing observer at OSU

    Installing ROOT

    Most of the software is obtained through git. In most cases, I use the latest version, although switching to older is also possible. Building root takes a while.

    gamma@linux-nakn:~> cd /data/software/src/
    #install cmake if neccesary
    gamma@linux-nakn:/data/software/build/root> sudo zypper install cmake …
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  4. Setup of the hires PET PC

    Installing VMEDAQ (short version)

    Install dependencies

    gamma@linux-nakn:~> sudo zypper install kernel-devel git autoconf \
        libtool python-devel python3-devel zlib-devel gtk2-devel \
        python-gtk-devel gtk-doc libxml2-devel libglade2-devel mlocate
        make automake gcc pkg-config

    The SIS1100 driver:

    gamma@linux-nakn:~>cd /data/software/packages
    gamma@linux-nakn:/data/software/packages> wget http://www.struck.de/sis1100-2 …
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  5. Nordugrid ARC on merlin

    Installing grid interface software on Merlin

    Following instructions on Sling:

    apt-get install nordugrid-arc-client nordugrid-arc-plugins-globus

    Then update list of metapackets by updating /etc/apt/sources.list and get the certificates:

    wget -q -O - https://dist.eugridpma.info/distribution/igtf/current/GPG-KEY-EUGridPMA-RPM-3 | sudo apt-key add -

    Update the apt cache, including the new …

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  6. Genes


    What is a gene? It is supposed to be a unit of hereditary information. Hence, a gene for blue eyes. Now, everyone knows genes are packed into a deoxy-nucleotide acid (DNA for short), with the full assembly of my DNA packed into 23 (that is, if you are lucky …

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  7. Merlin log


    Merlin is the name of the PC that will run labkey. It can be accessed via:


    Contact me if you want to have a username, however a valid reason should be specified.

    The ownership status of merlin is somewhat mixed. It belongs to …

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  8. Notes on MC generation of umSetup data

    Generate config files for Gate script generation







    Generate Gate scripts




    For projects (uniform, edge) use:


    For phantom use

    generatePhantom.sh …
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  9. Dicom2ROOT

    Port Dicom files to ROOT

    I made a pluging that allows manipulation of images stored in the Dicom
    file format in ROOT. Basically, it is an IO (import/export) facility that reads and stores dicom images.

    The software is loadable via git:

    git clone http://www-f9.ijs.si/~studen/git …
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