Not all the work can be done in international research centers. A lot can and has to be done in home laboratories, as for example the research and development of new particle detectors, that will be used in joint experiments. We put an effort in transferring the new technologies and techniques in other fields, notably medicine and environmental science. Past and current projects include:
- development, construction and fabrication of Diamond Beam Monitor
- development, construction and fabrication of Beam Conditions Monitor for ATLAS experiment using diamond detectors
- participation in the development, construction and fabrication of Semi Conductor Tracker for ATLAS experiment
- development of a proximity focusing RICH counter for the upgrade of the particle identitification system of the BELLE detector
- design, constuction and commissioning of the RICH detector for the HERA-B project at DESY * developement of silicon sensors, scintillators and read-out electronics for a Compton Prostate Probe as a part of Cameras for Imaging in Medical Applications (CIMA) collaboration.
- development of a high precision Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomograph (TOF-PET) based on the detection of Cherenkov radiation with ultra-fast low level light sensors (micro-channel plate PMTs, SiPMs)
- development of a Positron Emission Tomograph with DOI encoding and silicon photomultipliers as scintillation photon detectors
- development of a Si-aerogel Cherenkov counter for detection of radioactive Strontium in the environment
- digital mammography using silicon detectors
- participation in the Very Forward Tracker upgrade for the DELPHI experiment
- Photon Detectors Laboratory
Detector development is done within the framework of RD50 and RD48 collaboration