Table of Contents

1.0Using POV-Ray for Unix
     1.1     Introduction
          1.1.1          What is POV-Ray™?
          1.1.2          What is POV-Ray for Unix?
                    ... And What Is It Not?
          1.1.3          Who Can Use POV-Ray for Unix?
          1.1.4          Spelling
          1.1.5          Reporting Bugs
          1.1.6          Trademarks
     1.2     New Features
          1.2.1          I/O Restrictions
          1.2.2          Display Options
     1.3     Getting Started
          1.3.1          Starting a Render Job
          1.3.2          Tutorials
     1.4     I/O Restrictions
          1.4.1          High-Level Configuration
                    Overall Options
                              No Restrictions
                              Restrict Write but Allow Read
                              Restrict Read/Write
                    Restrictions Affect all Core File I/O
                    Additional Options
                              Permit Read/Write in Current Directory
                              Disable Starting other Programs
          1.4.2          Low-Level Configuration
                    Overall Concept
                    Adding or Changing Allowed Directories
     1.5     Understanding File Types
          1.5.1          POV Files
          1.5.2          INI Files
                    INI File Sections
     1.6     Understanding POV-Ray Options
          1.6.1          Special Command-Line Options
     1.7     Bug Reports
          1.7.1          Feature Requests are not bugs
          1.7.2          Known Bugs
          1.7.3          Spelling
          1.7.4          Bug Reporting via Email
          1.7.5          Bug Reporting via our News Server
     1.8     Speed Considerations
          1.8.1          Render Priority
          1.8.2          Render Window
          1.8.3          Memory
          1.8.4          Scene Features
          1.8.5          Render Quality
     1.9     POV-Ray Accessories
          1.9.1          The IRTC CDROM's
          1.9.2          The IRTC CDROM (Year Three)
          1.9.3          The IRTC CDROM (Year Two)
          1.9.4          The IRTC CDROM (Year One)
2.0Introduction to POV-Ray
     2.1     Program Description
     2.2     What is Ray-Tracing?
     2.3     What is POV-Ray?
          2.3.1          Features
          2.3.2          The Early History of POV-Ray
                    The Original Creation Message
                    The Name
                    A Historic 'Version History'
     2.4     How Do I Begin?
     2.5     Notation and Basic Assumptions
     2.6     What's New in POV-Ray 3.5?
          2.6.1          Noise Changes
          2.6.2          Photons, Dispersion and Improved Radiosity
          2.6.3          New Light Source Types and Light Groups
          2.6.4          Isosurface and Parametric Objects
          2.6.5          Sphere Sweep Object
          2.6.6          New More Compact Mesh Object & Solid Mesh
          2.6.7          UV Mapping
          2.6.8          Improved Textures
          2.6.9          Improved and Faster Media
          2.6.10          New Patterns
          2.6.11          New Functions
          2.6.12          Additional New Features
          2.6.13          Bug Fixes and Enhancements
          2.6.14          Changed features that may 'break' old scenes
          2.6.15          New Keywords
3.0Beginning Tutorial
     3.1     Our First Image
          3.1.1          Understanding POV-Ray's Coordinate System
          3.1.2          Adding Standard Include Files
          3.1.3          Adding a Camera
          3.1.4          Describing an Object
          3.1.5          Adding Texture to an Object
          3.1.6          Defining a Light Source
     3.2     Basic Shapes
          3.2.1          Box Object
          3.2.2          Cone Object
          3.2.3          Cylinder Object
          3.2.4          Plane Object
          3.2.5          Torus Object
     3.3     CSG Objects
          3.3.1          What is CSG?
          3.3.2          CSG Union
          3.3.3          CSG Intersection
          3.3.4          CSG Difference
          3.3.5          CSG Merge
          3.3.6          CSG Pitfalls
                    Co-incident Surfaces
     3.4     Spline Based Shapes
          3.4.1          Lathe Object
                    Understanding The Concept of Splines
          3.4.2          Surface of Revolution Object
          3.4.3          Prism Object
                    Teaching An Old Spline New Tricks
                    Smooth Transitions
                    Multiple Sub-Shapes
                    Conic Sweeps And The Tapering Effect
          3.4.4          Sphere Sweep Object
          3.4.5          Bicubic Patch Object
          3.4.6          Text Object
     3.5     Polygon Based Shapes
          3.5.1          Mesh Object
          3.5.2          Mesh2 Object
                    Smooth triangles and mesh2
                    UV mapping and mesh2
                    A separate texture per triangle
          3.5.3          Polygon Object
     3.6     Other Shapes
          3.6.1          Blob Object
                    Component Types and Other New Features
                    Complex Blob Constructs and Negative Strength
          3.6.2          Height Field Object
          3.6.3          Isosurface Object
                    simple functions
                    several surfaces
                    non-linear functions
                    internal functions
                    Combining isosurface functions
                    noise and pigment functions
                    accuracy, max_gradient, etc.
          3.6.4          Poly Object
                    Creating the polynomial function
                    Writing the polynomial vector
          3.6.5          Superquadric Ellipsoid Object
     3.7     The Light Source
          3.7.1          The Pointlight Source
          3.7.2          The Spotlight Source
          3.7.3          The Cylindrical Light Source
          3.7.4          The Area Light Source
          3.7.5          The Ambient Light Source
          3.7.6          Light Source Specials
                    Using Shadowless Lights
                    Assigning an Object to a Light Source
                    Using Light Fading
     3.8     Simple Texture Options
          3.8.1          Surface Finishes
          3.8.2          Adding Bumpiness
          3.8.3          Creating Color Patterns
          3.8.4          Pre-defined Textures
     3.9     Advanced Texture Options
          3.9.1          Pigments
                    Using Color List Pigments
                    Using Pigment and Patterns
                    Using Pattern Modifiers
                    Using Transparent Pigments and Layered Textures
                    Using Pigment Maps
          3.9.2          Normals
                    Using Basic Normal Modifiers
                    Blending Normals
          3.9.3          Finishes
                    Using Ambient
                    Using Surface Highlights
                    Using Reflection, Metallic and Metallic
                    Using Iridescence
          3.9.4          Working With Pigment Maps
          3.9.5          Working With Normal Maps
          3.9.6          Working With Texture Maps
          3.9.7          Working With List Textures
          3.9.8          What About Tiles?
          3.9.9          Average Function
          3.9.10          Working With Layered Textures
                    Declaring Layered Textures
                    Another Layered Textures Example
          3.9.11          When All Else Fails: Material Maps
          3.9.12          Limitations Of Special Textures
     3.10     Using the Camera
          3.10.1          Using Focal Blur
     3.11     Using Atmospheric Effects
          3.11.1          The Background
          3.11.2          The Sky Sphere
                    Creating a Sky with a Color Gradient
                    Adding the Sun
                    Adding Some Clouds
          3.11.3          The Fog
                    A Constant Fog
                    Setting a Minimum Translucency
                    Creating a Filtering Fog
                    Adding Some Turbulence to the Fog
                    Using Ground Fog
                    Using Multiple Layers of Fog
                    Fog and Hollow Objects
          3.11.4          The Rainbow
                    Starting With a Simple Rainbow
                    Increasing the Rainbow's Translucency
                    Using a Rainbow Arc
     3.12     Making Animations
          3.12.1          The Clock Variable: Key To It All
          3.12.2          Clock Dependant Variables And Multi-Stage Animations
          3.12.3          The Phase Keyword
          3.12.4          Do Not Use Jitter Or Crand
          3.12.5          INI File Settings
4.0Advanced Tutorial
     4.1     Radiosity Tutorial
          4.1.1          Introduction
          4.1.2          Radiosity with conventional lighting
          4.1.3          Radiosity without conventional lighting
          4.1.4          Normals and Radiosity
          4.1.5          Performance considerations
     4.2     POV-Ray SDL tutorial: A raytracer
          4.2.1          Introduction
          4.2.2          The idea and the code
          4.2.3          Short introduction to raytracing
          4.2.4          Global settings
          4.2.5          Scene definition
          4.2.6          Initializing the raytracer
          4.2.7          Ray-sphere intersection
                    Inner workings of a #macro
                    The ray-sphere intersection macro
          4.2.8          The Trace macro
                    Calculating the closest intersection
                    If the ray doesn't hit anything
                    Calculating the color of the pixel
                              Initializing color calculations
                              Going through the light sources
                              Shadow test
                              Diffuse lighting
                              Specular lighting
                              Reflection Calculation
          4.2.9          Calculating the image
          4.2.10          Creating the colored mesh
                    The structure of the mesh
                    Creating the mesh
                              Creating the vertex points
                              Creating the textures
                              Creating the triangles
          4.2.11          The Camera-setup
5.0POV-Ray Options
     5.1     Setting POV-Ray Options
          5.1.1          Command Line Switches
          5.1.2          Using INI Files
          5.1.3          Using the POVINI Environment Variable
     5.2     Options Reference
          5.2.1          Animation Options
                    External Animation Loop
                    Internal Animation Loop
                    Subsets of Animation Frames
                    Cyclic Animation
                    Field Rendering
          5.2.2          Output Options
                    General Output Options
                              Height and Width of Output
                              Partial Output Options
                              Interrupting Options
                              Resuming Options
                    Display Output Options
                              Display Hardware Settings
                              Setting your Display Gamma
                              Display Related Settings
                              Mosaic Preview
                    File Output Options
                              Output File Type
                              Output File Name
                              Output File Buffer
                    CPU Utilization Histogram
                              File Type
                              File Name
                              Grid Size
          5.2.3          Scene Parsing Options
                    Input File Name
                    Include File Name
                    Library Paths
                    Language Version
          5.2.4          Shell-out to Operating System
                    String Substitution in Shell Commands
                    Shell Command Sequencing
                    Shell Command Return Actions
          5.2.5          Text Output
                    Text Streams
                    Console Text Output
                    Directing Text Streams to Files
                    Warning Level
                    Help Screen Switches
          5.2.6          Tracing Options
                    Quality Settings
                    Automatic Bounding Control
                    Removing User Bounding
                    Anti-Aliasing Options
6.0Scene Description Language
     6.1     Language Basics
          6.1.1          Identifiers and Keywords
          6.1.3          Float Expressions
                    Float Literals
                    Float Identifiers
                    Float Operators
                    Built-in Float Identifiers
                              Constant Identifiers
                              Clock Identifiers
                              Image Size Identifiers
                              Version Identifier
                    Boolean Keywords
                    Float Functions
          6.1.4          Vector Expressions
                    Vector Literals
                    Vector Identifiers
                    Vector Operators
                    Operator Promotion
                    Built-in Vector Identifiers
                    Vector Functions
          6.1.5          Specifying Colors
                    Color Vectors
                    Color Keywords
                    Color Identifiers
                    Color Operators
                    Common Color Pitfalls
          6.1.6          User-Defined Functions
                    Sum and Product functions
                    Functions and Macros
                    Declaring User-Defined Float Functions
                    Declaring User-Defined Vector Functions
                    Declaring User-Defined Color Functions
                    Internal Pre-Defined Functions
          6.1.7          Strings
                    String Literals
                    String Identifiers
                    String Functions
          6.1.8          Array Identifiers
                    Declaring Arrays
                    Array Initializers
          6.1.9          Spline Identifiers
                    Splines and Macros
     6.2     Language Directives
          6.2.1          Include Files and the #include Directive.
          6.2.2          The #declare and #local Directives
                    Declaring identifiers
                    #declare vs. #local
                    Identifier Name Collisions
                    Destroying Identifiers with #undef
          6.2.3          File I/O Directives
                    The #fopen Directive
                    The #fclose Directive
                    The #read Directive
                    The #write Directive
          6.2.4          The #default Directive
          6.2.5          The #version Directive
          6.2.6          Conditional Directives
                    The #if...#else...#end Directives
                    The #ifdef and #ifndef Directives
                    The #switch, #case, #range and #break Directives
                    The #while...#end Directive
          6.2.7          User Message Directives
                    Text Message Streams
                    Text Formatting
          6.2.8          User Defined Macros
                    The #macro Directive
                    Invoking Macros
                    Are POV-Ray Macros a Function or a Macro?
                    Returning a Value Like a Function
                    Returning Values Via Parameters
     6.3     POV-Ray Coordinate System
          6.3.1          Transformations
                    Matrix Keyword
          6.3.2          Transformation Order
          6.3.3          Inverse Transform
          6.3.4          Transform Identifiers
          6.3.5          Transforming Textures and Objects
     6.4     Camera
          6.4.1          Placing the Camera
                    Location and Look_At
                    The Sky Vector
                    The Direction Vector
                    Up and Right Vectors
                              Aspect Ratio
                    Transforming the Camera
          6.4.2          Types of Projection
                    Perspective projection
                    Orthographic projection
                    Fisheye projection
                    Ultra wide angle projection
                    Omnimax projection
                    Panoramic projection
                    Cylindrical projection
                    Spherical projection
          6.4.3          Focal Blur
          6.4.4          Camera Ray Perturbation
          6.4.5          Camera Identifiers
     6.5     Objects
          6.5.1          Finite Solid Primitives
                    Height Field
                    Julia Fractal
                    Superquadric Ellipsoid
                    Surface of Revolution
          6.5.2          Finite Patch Primitives
                    Bicubic Patch
                              Solid Mesh
                              Smooth and Flat triangles in the same mesh
                              Mesh Triangle Textures
                    Triangle and Smooth Triangle
          6.5.3          Infinite Solid Primitives
                    Poly, Cubic and Quartic
          6.5.4          Isosurface Object
                    Isosurface Syntax
                    Functions in Isosurface
                    Transformations on Functions
                              Functions, Scale
                              Scale Infinitely
                              Functions, Translate
                              Functions, Shear
                              Functions, Rotate
                              Functions, Flip
                              Functions, Twist
                    Combining Functions
                              Functions, Merge
                              Functions, Intersection
                              Functions, Difference
                              Functions, Blob
                              Functions, Negative Blob
                              Functions, Blend
                    Improving Isosurface Speed
                              Using Accuracy
                              Maximum Gradient
          6.5.5          Parametric Object
          6.5.6          Constructive Solid Geometry
                    Inside and Outside
          6.5.7          Light Sources
                    Point Lights
                    Cylindrical Lights
                    Parallel Lights
                    Area Lights
                    Shadowless Lights
                    Light Fading
                    Atmospheric Media Interaction
                    Atmospheric Attenuation
          6.5.8          Light Groups
          6.5.9          Object Modifiers
                    No_Image, No_Reflection
     6.6     Interior
          6.6.1          Why are Interior and Media Necessary?
          6.6.2          Empty and Solid Objects
          6.6.3          Scaling objects with an interior.
          6.6.4          Refraction
          6.6.5          Dispersion
          6.6.6          Attenuation
          6.6.7          Faked Caustics
          6.6.8          Object-Media
     6.7     Textures
          6.7.1          Pigment
                    Solid Color Pigments
                    Color List Pigments
                    Color Maps
                    Pigment Maps and Pigment Lists
                    Image Maps
                              Specifying an Image Map
                              The Filter and Transmit Bitmap Modifiers
                              Using the Alpha Channel
                    Quick Color
          6.7.2          Normal
                    Slope Maps
                              Normals, Accuracy
                    Normal Maps and Normal Lists
                    Bump Maps
                              Specifying a Bump Map
                              Use_Index and Use_Color
                    Scaling normals
          6.7.3          Finish
                    Diffuse Reflection Items
                              Crand Graininess
                              Phong Highlights
                              Specular Highlight
                              Metallic Highlight Modifier
                    Specular Reflection
                    Conserve Energy for Reflection
          6.7.4          Halo
          6.7.5          Patterned Textures
                    Texture Maps
                    Material Maps
                              Specifying a Material Map
          6.7.6          Layered Textures
          6.7.7          UV Mapping
                    Supported Objects
                    UV Vectors
          6.7.8          Triangle Texture Interpolation
          6.7.9          Interior Texture
          6.7.10          Cutaway Textures
          6.7.11          Patterns
                    Crackle Patterns
                    Fractal Patterns
                    Function as pattern
                              What can be used
                    Function Image
                    Image Pattern
                    Pigment Pattern
          6.7.12          Pattern Modifiers
                    Transforming Patterns
                    Frequency and Phase
                    Noise Generators
                              Black Hole Warp
                              Repeat Warp
                              Turbulence versus Turbulence Warp
                              Turbulence Warp
                              Mapping using warps
                    Bitmap Modifiers
                              The once Option
                              The map_type Option
                              The interpolate Option
     6.8     Media
          6.8.1          Media Types
          6.8.2          Sampling Parameters & Methods
          6.8.3          Density
                    General Density Modifiers
                    Density with color_map
                    Density Maps and Density Lists
                    Multiple Density vs. Multiple Media
     6.9     Atmospheric Effects
          6.9.1          Atmospheric Media
          6.9.2          Background
          6.9.3          Fog
          6.9.4          Sky Sphere
          6.9.5          Rainbow
     6.10     Photons
          6.10.1          Overview
          6.10.2          Using Photon Mapping in Your Scene
                    Photon Global Settings
                    Shooting Photons at an Object
                    Photons and Light Sources
                    Photons and Media
          6.10.3          Photons FAQ
          6.10.4          Photon Tips
          6.10.5          Advanced Techniques
                    Adaptive Search Radius
                    Photons and Dispersion
                    Saving and Loading Photon Maps
     6.11     Global Settings
          6.11.1          ADC_Bailout
          6.11.2          Ambient_Light
          6.11.3          Assumed_Gamma
                    Monitor Gamma
                    Image File Gamma
                    Scene File Gamma
          6.11.4          HF_Gray_16
          6.11.5          Irid_Wavelength
          6.11.6          Charset
          6.11.7          Max_Trace_Level
          6.11.8          Max_Intersections
          6.11.9          Number_Of_Waves
          6.11.10          Noise_generator
          6.11.11          Radiosity
                    How Radiosity Works
                    Adjusting Radiosity
                              radiosity adc_bailout
                              Media and Radiosity
                              Normal and Radiosity
                              Save and load radiosity data
                    Tips on Radiosity
7.0Standard Include Files
          7.3.1 - Predefined colors
          7.3.2 - Color macros
          7.4.1 - Vector constants
          7.4.2 - Map type constants
          7.4.3 - Interpolation type constants
          7.4.4 - Fog type constants
          7.4.5 - Focal blur hexgrid constants
          7.4.6 - IORs
          7.4.7 - Disperion amounts
          7.4.8 - Scattering media type constants
          7.7.1 - Common Parameters
                    Field Strength
                    Field Limit
                    SOR Switch
                    SOR Offset
                    SOR Angle
                    Invert Isosurface
          7.7.2 - Internal Functions
          7.7.3 - Pre defined functions
                    Pattern functions
          7.8.1 - Glass colors (with transparency)
          7.8.2 - Glass colors (without transparency, for fade_color)
          7.8.3 - Glass finishes
          7.8.4 - Glass interiors:
          7.8.5 - Glass interior macros
          7.9.1 - Glass finishes
          7.9.2 - Glass textures
          7.10.1 - Float functions and macros
          7.10.2 - Vector functions and macros
          7.10.3 - Vector Analysis
          7.12.1 - Flat Distributions
          7.12.2 - Other Distributions
                    Continuous Symmetric Distributions
                    Continuous Skewed Distributions
                     Discrete Distributions
                    The HF Macros
          7.18.1 - Stones
          7.18.2 - Skies
          7.18.3 - Woods
          7.18.4 - Glass
          7.18.5 - Metals
          7.18.6 - Special textures
          7.18.7 - Texture and pattern macros
     7.21     Other files
          7.21.7          font files (*.ttf)
          7.21.8          color_map files (*.map)
          7.21.9          image files (*.png, *.pot, *.df3)
     8.1     POV-Ray Legal Document
     8.2     The POV-Team
          8.2.1          Contacting the Authors
          8.2.2          The TAG
          8.2.3          POV-Ray 3.5 Development
     8.3     What to do if you don't have POV-Ray
          8.3.1          Which Version of POV-Ray should you use?
                    Microsoft Windows 9x/NT/2000
                    Linux for Intel x86
                    Apple Macintosh
                    Generic Unix
                    All Versions
          8.3.2          Where to Find POV-Ray Files
                    World Wide Website
                    Books, Magazines and CD-ROMs
     8.4     Suggested Reading
9.0POV-Ray Questions and Tips
     9.1     Language
          9.1.1          Tips and tricks to achieve useful things
                    How do I make a visible light source?
                    How do I make bright objects?
                    How do I move the camera in a circular path?
                    How do I use an image to texture my object?
                    How can I generate a spline?
                    How can I simulate motion blur?
                    How can I find the size of a text object?
                    How do I make extruded text?
                    How do I make an object hollow?
                    How can I fill a glass with water or other objects?
                    How can I bend a object?
                    Can I get non-grainy focal blur?
          9.1.2          Things that don't work as one expects
                    Using several transparent objects makes them black?
                    I'm getting color banding in the image.
                    Rotation behaves very strangely.
                    The image gets distorted when rendering a square image.
                    Why are there strange dark pixels or noise on my CSG object?
                    Why won't the textures in work with my sky_sphere?
                    When I use filter or transmit with my .tga image map nothing happens.
                    Isosurface not rendering properly?
          9.1.3          Other related things
                    How do I turn animation on?
                    Can POV-Ray use multiple processors?
                    Can I get a wireframe render of my scene?
                    Can I specify variable IOR for an object?
                    What is Photon Mapping?
     9.2     File Formats
          9.2.1          Saving the image to disk.
          9.2.2          Can I convert my POV-Ray scenes to another format?
          9.2.3          How can I convert my scenes from format X to POV-Ray format?
          9.2.4          How do I import all of my textures I created in 3DS Max into POV-Ray?
          9.2.5          How can I avoid artifacts and still get good JPEG compression?
          9.2.6          Why are there no converters from POV to other formats?
          9.2.7          Why are triangle meshes in ASCII format?
     9.3     Utilities, models, etc.
          9.3.1          What is the best animation program available?
          9.3.2          Creating/viewing MPEG-files.
          9.3.3          Where can I find models/textures?
          9.3.4          What are the best modellers for POV-Ray?
          9.3.5          Any POV-Ray modellers for Mac?
          9.3.6          Is there any user gallery of POV-Ray images?
          9.3.7          Any good heightfield modellers?
          9.3.8          Any easy way of creating trees?
     9.4     Rendering speed
          9.4.1          Will POV-Ray render faster with a 3D card?
          9.4.2          How do I increase rendering speed?
          9.4.3          CSG speed.
          9.4.4          Does POV-Ray support 3DNow?
     9.5     Miscellaneous questions
          9.5.1          Suggesting new features.
          9.5.2          I'm getting a "Illegal grid value in dda_traversal()".
          9.5.3          No beep when finished?
          9.5.4          POV-Ray viruses?
          9.5.5          GUI for Unix POV-Ray?
     9.6     Moray questions.
          9.6.1          Changing handedness?
          9.6.2          Moray objects get mirrored in POV-Ray.
          9.6.3          Importing POV-Ray files.
          9.6.4          How do Moray UDOs work?
     9.7     While-loop tutorial
          9.7.1          What a while-loop is and what it is not
          9.7.2          How does a single while-loop work?
          9.7.3          How do I make a while-loop?
          9.7.4          What is a condition and how do I make one?
          9.7.5          What about loop types other than simple for-loops?
          9.7.6          What about nested loops?
          9.7.7          Mixed-type nested loops
          9.7.8          Other things to note
     9.8     The shadow line artifact
          9.8.1          What is the problem?
          9.8.2          What causes the problem?
          9.8.3          Can this problem be solved?
          9.8.4          Possible solutions?
     9.9     Smooth triangle artifact
          9.9.1          What is the problem?
          9.9.2          What causes the problem?
          9.9.3          Can this problem be solved?
10.0Quick References
     10.1     SDL Quick Reference
          10.1.1          Quick Reference Contents
          10.1.2          The Scene
          10.1.3          Language Basics
                    User defined Functions
          10.1.4          Language Directives
                    File Inclusion
                    Identifier Declaration
                    File Input/Output
                    Default Texture
                    Version Identfier
                    Conditional Directives
                    Message Streams
                    Embedded Directives
          10.1.5          Transformations
          10.1.6          Camera
          10.1.7          Lights
          10.1.8          Objects
                    Finite Solid Objects
                    Finite Patch Objects
                    Infinite Solid Objects
          10.1.9          Object Modifiers
                    UV Mapping
                    Interior Texture
          10.1.10          Texture
                    Plain Texture
                    Layered Texture
                    Patterned Texture
                    Pattern Modifiers
          10.1.11          Media
          10.1.12          Atmospheric Effects
                    Sky Sphere
          10.1.13          Global Settings
11.0POV-Ray CDROM's and Accessories
     11.1     The POV-Ray 10th Anniversary Commemorative Keyring
     11.2     The IRTC CDROM's
          11.2.1          The IRTC CDROM (Year Four)
          11.2.2          The IRTC CDROM (Year Three)
          11.2.3          The IRTC CDROM (Year Two)
          11.2.4          The IRTC CDROM (Year One)